[Ord. No. 183, 6-18-1979]
No building in any zoning district shall be erected, converted, enlarged, reconstructed or structurally altered except as permitted by this Article regarding the maximum height, minimum yard dimension, minimum lot area, minimum lot width, minimum lot depth, maximum lot coverage or any other specific dimensional limitation or requirement.
It should be understood that these requirements are based on absolute minimums or maximums for normal development and do not necessarily represent ideals.
[Ord. No. 183, 6-18-1979]
Maximum lot coverage shall include the total area of all principal and accessory buildings as measured along the outside wall at ground level or above as viewed from above and includes all projections other than open porches, fire escapes, canopies or the first three (3) feet of a roof over-hang, as well as interior streets, access or service roads, driveways and parking lots or areas.
Where the depth of yard is controlled by the height of the building, said height shall be computed for each building side abutting the yard to be controlled. The height shall be the mean height along said controlling building side. In the case of an irregular building wall, the Zoning Administrator shall use the height of building as defined in Section 405.070 or the height the lot line along the subject yard, whichever is greater.
[Ord. No. 183, 6-18-1979]
The Table of Height, Area, Bulk And Dimensional Requirements is included as an attachment to this Chapter.
[Ord. No. 183, 6-18-1979]
The regulations and requirements as to height of buildings shall be subject to the following exceptions:
Public or semi-public buildings, such as hospitals, churches, or schools, either public or private, where permitted, may be erected to a height not exceeding seventy-five (75) feet, provided, that such buildings shall be set back one additional foot on all sides for each additional foot that such buildings exceed the specified height limit as established by the regulations of the district in which such buildings are situated.
Parapet walls and false mansards shall not extend more than six (6) feet above the height limit. Flagpoles, chimneys, cooling towers, electric display signs, elevator bulkheads, pent houses, finials, gas tanks, grain elevators, stacks, silos, storage towers, radio towers, ornamental towers, monuments, cupolas, domes, spires, standpipes, and necessary mechanical appurtenances may be erected as to height in accordance with existing or hereafter adopted ordinances except that in districts R-A, R-1, and R-2, no radio aerial or television antenna support shall be erected more than five (5) feet above the height limitations of such districts and in no event shall exceed more than twenty-five (25) feet above the ridge of a roof.
No building or structure shall be erected in the vicinity of an airport in any area included in any approach, transition or turning zone, as defined by the federal agency delegated with the powers or authority to control or regulate aviation, the height of which exceeds the limits permitted or recommended by such Federal agency.
[Ord. No. 183, 6-18-1979]
The regulations and requirements as to height of buildings shall be subject to the following exceptions:
In any district, the ordinary projection of skylights parapets, window sills, belt courses, cornices, chimneys and chimney foundations, buttresses, eaves and other architectural or ornamental features may extend not more than two (2) feet into any required yard. In addition, steps to the principal entrance, walks, fences, walls, balustrades, landscape or garden ornaments shall be permitted subject to any other controls affecting such features. Also, fire escapes may extend into such required yard by no more than thirty percent (30%) of the required yard dimension. (Porches and balconies shall be considered as part of the structure and shall not be permitted to extend into the required yard area.)
For any building used jointly for business and dwelling purposes or industry and dwelling purposes, the number of dwelling units permitted by the lot area requirements per dwelling unit shall be reduced in the same proportion as the floor area devoted to business or industry bears to the entire floor area of the building, provided that floor area below the first floor of such building shall not be included in any calculation under this provision.
For any building providing jointly for hotel and apartment house uses, the number of dwelling units permitted in apartments by the lot area requirements per dwelling unit shall be reduced in the same proportion as the total floor area devoted to hotel or non-housekeeping rooms bears to the total floor area devoted to both uses.
In R-1, R-2 districts, any accessory building not exceeding twelve (12) feet or one (1) story in height may occupy not more than fifteen percent (15%) of the rear yard.
No rear yard shall be required in industrial districts on any lot the rear line of which adjoins a railway right-of-way or which has a rear railway track connection as long as sufficient access for firefighting equipment is available. Access is to be approved by the Fire Chief prior to issuance to any permit.
Front and side yard requirements are subject to the provisions of any setback building lines adopted by the governing body, before or after the adoption of this Chapter, and in the event of conflict, the greater setback requirement shall control.