[CC 2012 § 20.010; Ord. No. 198]
The Board of Aldermen shall have power to create, open and improve any public square, public park, street, avenue, alley or other highway, old or new, and also to vacate or discontinue the same whenever deemed necessary or expedient; provided, that all damages sustained by the citizens of the City or the owners of the property therein shall be ascertained as prescribed in other cases of condemnation of private property for public use; and provided that whenever any private square, street, avenue, or alley, or other highway shall be vacated, the same shall revert to the owners of the adjacent lots in proportion as it was taken from them; and when the grade of any street or alley shall have been once established by ordinance, it shall not be lawful to change such grade without making compensation to all persons owning real estate on such square, street, avenue, alley or other highway, who may be damaged by such change of grade, to be determined and governed in all respects, with reference to benefit and damages, as is provided by the laws of Missouri with reference to condemnation of private property for public use.
[CC 2012 § 20.020; Ord. No. 179]
Before the Board of Aldermen shall make any contract for building bridges, culverts or sewers, or for paving, macadamizing, curbing, guttering or grading any street, avenue, alley or other highway, an estimate of the cost thereof shall be made by the City Engineer or other person designated by the Board of Aldermen, and submitted to said Board, and no contract shall be entered into for any such work or improvement for a price exceeding such estimate; provided, that no such estimate shall be required for the making of any local or special repairs.
[Ord. No. 575, 4-10-2017]
All repairs to the City of Sweet Springs Streets shall adhere to the attached requirements. See "Attachment A, Asphalt Street Cut Repair Detail."[1]
Editor's Note: Attachment A, Asphalt Street Cut Repair Detail, is included as an attachment to this Chapter.