[Adopted as Ch. 24, Part 5, of the 1995 Code of Ordinances]
A longtime owner-occupant of property within the Borough of Oakdale shall be exempt from the payment of property tax to the Borough of Oakdale for that portion of an increase in assessed valuation which is attributed to an increase in the market value of a property which exceeds 5% from the previously established market value as a result of the refurbishing or renovating of other residences or the construction of new residences in the Borough of Oakdale. An increase in assessed valuation as a result of the physical improvement of the subject property shall be excluded from consideration for an exemption hereunder.
The temporary exemption from payment of an increase in real property taxes granted pursuant to this article shall be limited to real property which meets all of the following conditions:
The property is owned and occupied by a longtime owner-occupant.
The property is the principal residence and domicile of the longtime owner-occupant.
A "longtime owner-occupant" is any person who, for at least 10 continuous years, has owned and has occupied the same dwelling place as a principal residence and domicile.
A "principal residence" is the dwelling place of a person, including the principal house and lot and such lots as are used in connection therewith which contribute to its enjoyment, comfort and convenience. For purposes of this article, the term may also include a building with a maximum of one commercial establishment and a maximum of three residential units of which one residential unit must be the principal residence of the longtime owner-occupant.
A person is any natural person, excluding a corporation, partnership, condominium association or cooperative.
The owner-occupant has made application to and been granted tax gentrification approval by the County of Allegheny.
Any person seeking an exemption hereunder shall submit to the Borough of Oakdale Real Estate Tax Collector, within 30 days after receiving tax gentrification approval by the County of Allegheny, but in no event after April 30 of the year in which the exemption is sought, the tax gentrification approval form as issued by the Board of Assessment of the County of Allegheny. For the calendar year commencing January 1, 1995, the tax gentrification form must be filed by April 30 and April 30 then of each year thereafter.
The term of the exemption shall be for one tax year and subsequent years; however, if the market value is increased by more than 5% in subsequent years, the property owner will be required to reapply.
The Real Estate Tax Collector shall promptly process the application and shall notify the applicant of his or her decision. The Real Estate Tax Collector may also require the applicant to supply such other documentation as may be required to properly consider the application.
Definitions. As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
ACT 77
The Act of December 22, 1993, P.L. 529, No. 77, codified as the Allegheny Regional Asset District Law, Pa. Stat. Ann. tit. 16, Section 6101-B et seq.[1]
See the definition of "Act 77" above.
The fair market value of property as determined by the Board of Property Assessment, Appeals and Review.
Allegheny County.
The Department of Property Assessment, Appeals, Review and Registry of Allegheny County.
A longtime owner/occupant of a principal residence in Allegheny County who is:
A single person aged 65 or older during a calendar year in which county real property taxes are due and assessed.
Married persons if either spouse is 65 or older during a calendar year in which county real property taxes are due and assessed.
All income received by an eligible taxpayer while residing in his or her principal residence during a calendar year.
All income from whatever source derived, including, but not limited to, salaries, wages, bonuses, commissions, income from self-employment, alimony, support money, cash public assistance and relief, the gross amount of any pensions or annuities, including railroad retirement benefits, all benefits received under the Federal Social Security Act[2] (except Medicare benefits), all benefits received under state unemployment insurance laws and veterans' disability payments, all interest received from the federal or any state government or any instrumentality or political subdivision hereof, realized capital gains, rentals, workmens' compensation and the gross amount of loss time insurance benefits, life insurance benefits and proceeds (except the first $5,000 of the total of death benefit payments) and gifts of cash or property (other than transfers by gift between members of a household) in excess of a total value of $300, but shall not include surplus food or other relief in kind supplied by a governmental agency or property tax or rent rebate or inflation dividend.
Any person who for at least 10 continuous years has owned or has occupied the same dwelling place as a principal residence and domicile or any person who for at least five years has owned and occupied the same dwelling as a principal residence and domicile if that person received assistance in the acquisition of the property as part of a government or nonprofit housing program.
A natural person.
The dwelling place of a person, including the principal house and lot, and such lots as are used in connection therewith which contribute to its enjoyment, comfort and convenience, or a building with a maximum of one commercial establishment and a maximum of three residential units, of which one residential unit must be a principal residence of the longtime owner/occupant.
The Act of March 11, 1971, P.L. 104, No. 3, as amended, codified at Pa. Stat. Ann. tit. 72, Section 4751-1 et seq.[3]
Editor's Note: See 16 P.S. § 6101-B et seq.
Editor's Note: See 42 U.S.C. § 301 et seq.
Editor's Note: 72 P.S. § 4751-1 et seq. was repealed 6-27-2006 by P.L. 1873, No. 1. See now 53 P.S. § 6926.1310 et seq.
Limitations of assessment for eligible taxpayers. All eligible taxpayers in the Borough of Oakdale who are longtime owner/occupants shall be entitled to have the assessment on their principal residence maintained at or limited to the amount determined by the Department of Property Assessment for the calendar year 1993 if the eligible taxpayer meets the household income limits for qualification for any amount of property tax rebate under the Senior Citizens Rebate and Assistance Act.[4]
Editor's Note: See now 53 P.S. § 6926.1303 et seq.
Participation in limitation of tax assessment program. Any person paying property taxes in the county may apply to the Department of Property Assessment for certification as a participant in the assessment limitation program authorized under this article. In order to be eligible to participate in the program, the person must meet the following conditions:
The person must be a single person aged 65 or older or be married persons with either spouse being 65 years of age or older.
The person must be a longtime owner/occupant.
The property owned by the person must be the principal residence and domicile of the resident.
The person's household income must qualify him or her to receive any amount of property tax rebate under the Senior Citizens Rebate and Assistance Act.
Rules and regulations. The Department of Property Assessment shall have the authority to issue rules and regulations with respect to the administration of the limitation of tax assessment program established under this article. Such rules and regulations shall include, but not be limited to, reasonable proof of household income, proof of residence, proof of qualification for or receipt of a property tax rebate under the Senior Citizens Rebate and Assistance Act and any other reasonable requirements and conditions as may be necessary to operate the tax assessment limitation program.