[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Meeting of the Town of Milton as Ch. 16 of the 3-10-1934 General Bylaws. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The purpose of this bylaw is to make reasonable accommodations to all citizens of the Town of Milton by improving access to Town government programs and services.
All public meetings held under the authority of the Town of Milton, its boards, committees, commissions, departments, offices or other bodies, shall be held in locations which are wheelchair accessible to the public.
In any proceeding before a board, committee, commission, department, office or other body of the Town of Milton, involving a hearing-impaired person, such body shall appoint a qualified interpreter to interpret the proceedings, unless such hearing impaired person knowingly, voluntarily and intelligently waives in writing the appointment of such interpreter. In no event shall the failure of a deaf or hearing-impaired person to request the appointment of an interpreter constitute a waiver of such appointment.
Upon written request, the Town of Milton shall provide access to written material produced by any Town of Milton board, committee, commission, department, office or other body including without limitation the annual reports, for the purpose of recording by a representative of the person making the request on audio-cassette tape for the visually impaired, at the expense of the person making the request.
All Town boards, committees, commissions, departments, offices or other Town bodies shall make a good faith effort to submit to radio and print media notice of municipal events such as recreational activities, public meetings, public health, school programs and employment opportunities for publication as public service announcements at no cost to the Town.
Failure to follow the procedure set forth in this bylaw shall not invalidate any action taken at any such public meeting.