[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Meeting of the Town of Milton as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted as Ch. 20 of the 3-10-1934 General Bylaws; amended in its entirety 10-26-2015 FTM by Art. 1]
Upon the occurrence of a vacancy in the office of police chief, the Town Administrator shall appoint a committee of six persons to be called the "Police Chief Screening Committee" (hereinafter the Committee) which shall be comprised of: (a) one member of the Select Board, designated by the Select Board; (b) a member of the Personnel Board; (c) a current sworn member of the Milton Police Department; and (d) three residents of the Town not in a paid service of the Town, either elected, appointed or hired, at least one of whom shall have had substantial experience in law enforcement or a related field. The Town Administrator shall fill vacancies on the Committee as they may occur. The Committee shall make all decisions by majority vote, including the election of the Committee chair. No person appointed to the Committee shall be eligible for appointment to the then current vacancy in the office of police chief. The Committee shall be dissolved upon the swearing in of the newly chosen police chief.
Upon their appointment, and except in the situation described in Subsection B, the Committee shall review applications for the office of police chief only from persons who satisfy the following requirements on the date of application for the position of police chief:
Having at least eight years of experience in law enforcement work; and
Currently serving as a sworn member of the Milton Police Department in the permanent rank of sergeant or lieutenant with at least one year of prior service in either rank.
In the event the Committee shall receive by a publicly-announced first application deadline, fewer than six applications from persons fulfilling both requirements (1) and (2) as set forth in Subsection A, then the Committee shall review such applications already received from permanent sergeants and/or lieutenants of the Milton Police Department, together with applications from any other currently serving sworn members of the Milton Police Department (whether in the permanent rank of patrolman, sergeant, or lieutenant) having at least eight years of experience in law enforcement work and who submit applications for the position of police chief by a publicly-announced second application deadline.
The Committee may, at their discretion, and subject to appropriation, employ the services of professional search consultants.
In examining the qualifications of applicants, the Committee shall apply the following criteria (in addition to other reasonable criteria deemed appropriate by the Committee):
The results of a written examination or other assessment of leadership ability and management skills administered by a qualified testing agency or company recommended by the Committee and selected by the Town Administrator;
Educational credentials;
Experience in law enforcement and related fields; and
Familiarity with problems of law enforcement in the Town of Milton.
The Committee may interview as many of such applicants as the Committee deem necessary to form reasoned judgments.
Upon completion of the process required under §§ 54-2 and 54-3, the Committee shall select three qualified finalists, prepare a written analysis of each, and forward a list of such qualified finalists to the Town Administrator. In the event one or more of said qualified finalists withdraws from consideration at any time prior to the swearing in of the newly chosen police chief, the Committee shall upon a request of the Town Administrator, select and forward as recommended additional qualified finalists, equal in number to those finalists having withdrawn, to be added to the list of recommended finalists. In seeking additional qualified finalists, the Committee may reconsider applications already submitted and may set additional deadlines for late applications to be considered. All said additional qualified finalists must meet the requirements of § 54-2.
The Town Administrator shall investigate the qualified finalists recommended by the Committee and shall choose the police chief from the list of qualified finalists recommended by the Committee. The Committee and the Town Administrator shall conduct this selection process in an expeditious manner.
[Adopted 5-2-2017 ATM by Art. 16 (Ch. 24 of the 3-10-1934 General Bylaws)]
The Town Administrator shall appoint a Chief Procurement Officer (CPO) for the Town.
If not certified at the time of appointment, such CPO shall obtain Massachusetts Inspector General's Office certification as a Massachusetts Certified Public Purchasing Official (MCPPO), or its equivalency, within three years of appointment as CPO and shall maintain such certification while serving as CPO.
The CPO shall serve as head of the Town's Purchasing Department. No Town employee, Department, Board or Committee shall expend $5,000 or more of Town funds, whether appropriated, grant money or otherwise, for the purchase of goods or services, except pursuant to a purchase order issued with the approval of the CPO. The CPO's review and approval of purchase orders shall be limited to compliance with procurement laws and regulations, and whether there are opportunities for cost savings, and shall not include whether the proposed purchase is needed. The Town Accountant shall not approve for payment any bill or invoice, in the amount of $5,000 or more, for the purchase of goods or services, in the absence of an approved purchase order.
The CPO shall serve as a resource and advisor to all Town employees, Departments, Boards and Committees with regard to all procurement matters. Such employees, Departments, Boards and Committees shall provide the CPO with such information as the CPO shall request as to anticipated needs and purchases, so as to promote consolidated purchases. No Town employee, Department, Board or Committee shall issue any Invitation for Bid (IFB) or Request for Proposal (RFP), without the prior review and approval of the same by the CPO.
The CPO shall be responsible for maintaining all documents and records necessary to demonstrate the Town's compliance with all applicable procurement laws and regulations. Town employees, Departments, Boards and Committees shall provide the CPO with all documents and records the CPO shall request relating to Town purchases.
If any Town employee, Department, Board or Committee, other than the School Committee, School Department and Select Board, is dissatisfied with the decision of the CPO not to approve a proposed purchase order, IFB or RFP, such employee, Department, Board or Committee may appeal such decision to the Town Administrator, whose decision shall be final. If any employee of the School Department is dissatisfied with the decision of the CPO not to approve a purchase order, IFB or RFP, such employee may appeal such decision to the Superintendent of Schools, whose decision shall be final. The Select Board and the School Committee shall submit proposed purchase orders, IFB and RFP to the CPO for review and comment, but such Board and Committee may override the disapproval of the CPO.