[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Meeting of the Town of Milton as Ch. 6, § 37, of the 3-10-1934 General Bylaws. Amendments noted where applicable.]
No yard, garage, porch, or barn sale shall be held on any property in the Town of Milton without the property owner or occupant of said property first obtaining a permit from the Select Board. Not more than two yard, garage, porch, or barn sales shall be held by any property owner or occupant of said property within a one-year period, but the Select Board may grant more than two permits per year to a religious, educational or other charitable organization.
Only articles and items owned by the property owner or occupant shall be sold at the yard, garage, porch, or barn sale, unless in the judgment of the Board the sole intent of the sale is to benefit a charitable organization located in the Town of Milton.
Each permit granted by the Select Board shall not be for more than two consecutive days of sale.
Signs will be permitted only on private property. No signs will be permitted on Town streets, on poles, trees or sidewalks. Signs may be erected no more than two days prior to the sale and must be removed no later than the day following the sale.