[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Meeting of the Town of Milton as Ch. 9 of the 3-10-1934 General Bylaws. Amendments noted where applicable.]
No person or corporation shall erect or maintain a billboard sign or other outdoor advertising device, except as provided in Section 32 of Chapter 93 of General Laws, on any location within 300 feet of any public park or playground of Metropolitan Park or Parkway, if within public view from any portion of such parks, playgrounds, or parkways; or within 300 feet of any other public way and within public view from any portion of the same, if such billboard, sign or device exceeds five feet in height or eight feet in length, and no billboard, sign or device placed within 300 feet of any such public way and within public view shall be nearer than 50 feet to any other such billboard, sign or device; or at the corner of any public ways and within the radius of 150 feet from the point where the center lines of such ways intersect; or in any place unless the lowest portion of such billboard, sign or device is at least three feet from the ground, and the entire structure, including its braces and supports, is maintained in good repair, painted, and free from accumulation of rubbish and filth and from the pupae, eggs and caterpillars of gypsy and brown-tail moths and other tree and shrub destroying pests; provided that this section shall not apply to signs or other devices which advertise or indicate either the person occupying the premises in question or the business transacted thereon, or advertise the property itself or any part thereof if for sale or to let.