[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Meeting of the Town of Milton as Ch. 5 of the 3-10-1934 General Bylaws. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The sole care, superintendence, management and control of the Cemetery shall be intrusted to a Board of five Trustees to serve for the period of five years; one of said Board shall retire and a new member be elected at each annual meeting of the Town.
Citizens of Milton who are heads of families and have been residents of the Town not less than five years shall be entitled to lots in the Cemetery, allowing one lot to a family subject to these bylaws and the regulations of the Trustees, upon payment of the charges for putting the lot in order; but by unanimous consent of the Trustees the five years' residence requirement may be waived.
The Trustees may sell lots, when and at such rates as they may deem advisable; provided that the rate shall not be less than $2 a square foot, and the purchasers shall in some way be connected with Milton people.
The proprietor of each lot shall cause to be erected, at his own expense, cornerstones, and a step with his name and the number of the lot inscribed on the same, and shall cause his lot to be kept in proper order; and if the proprietor shall omit for 30 days' after notice to erect such landmarks and to keep the lot in order, the Trustees shall have authority to have the same done at the expense of said proprietor.
No lot shall be used for any other purpose than as a place of burial for the dead, and no proprietor shall suffer the remains of any person to be deposited within the bounds of his lot for hire; nor shall any proprietor sell or transfer the whole or any part of his lot without the consent of the Trustees.
If in the judgment of the Trustees any trees or shrubs in any lot shall become detrimental to the adjacent lots or avenues, or dangerous or inconvenient, it shall be the duty of the Trustees to enter upon said lot and to remove said trees and shrubs, or such parts thereof as are thus detrimental, dangerous or inconvenient.
There shall be no structure or inscription placed in, upon, or around any lot which the Trustees shall deem offensive or improper; and it shall be the duty of the Trustees to remove all offensive or improper objects.
The Trustees shall have the authority to purchase any tomb in the Cemetery offered for sale, paying the same such sums as, in their judgment, may be fair and reasonable. They shall also have authority to give for any tomb a lot to be constructed on the land occupied by the tomb, or to be selected at some other point in the Cemetery grounds, as they may agree with the proprietor of the tomb. Should there be no living proprietors, or legal representatives of deceased proprietors, the Trustees may take possession of such Tomb, carefully remove its contents to a lot prepared for the purpose and erect over the remains a suitable memorial stone.
The following regulations shall be posted within the Cemetery:
All persons are prohibited from driving on the borders.
No horse shall be left upon the grounds without a keeper, unless fastened to posts provided for the purpose.
All persons prohibited from discharging firearms within the grounds of the Cemetery, except in connection with military memorial services.
All persons are prohibited from writing upon or otherwise defacing any sign, monument, fence, or other structure.
All persons are prohibited from gathering flowers, or breaking any tree, plant or shrub.
Dogs are not allowed within the Cemetery grounds.