[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Meeting of the Town of Milton as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted as Ch. 6, § 40, of the 3-10-1934 General Bylaws]
This Bylaw is adopted by the Town of Milton under its home rule powers and its police powers to protect public health and welfare and the authorization conferred by the Massachusetts General Laws, including without limitation G.L. c. 40, S.21 and 21D.
The purpose of this Bylaw is to protect, preserve, and maintain the public health, safety and welfare whenever there is in force a state of water supply emergency by providing for enforcement of any duly imposed provisions, restrictions, requirements, or conditions imposed by the Town of Milton or by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection and included in the Town's plan approved by the Department of Environmental Protection to abate the emergency.
This Bylaw shall apply to all users of water supplied by the Town of Milton.
For the purpose of this Bylaw:
The Milton Select Board or its designee, or any other Board or department having responsibility for the operation and maintenance of the Town's water supply, or its designee, the Milton Police Department, Milton Special Police, or any other board, commission or department of the Town of Milton which has police powers.
A state of water supply emergency declared by the Department of Environmental Protection pursuant to G.L. c. 21G, G.L. c. 111, S. 160, or by the Governor.
Following notification by the Town of Milton of the existence of a state of water supply emergency, no person or entity shall violate any provision, restriction, condition or requirement included in a plan approved by the Department of Environmental Protection which has as its purpose the abatement of a water supply emergency.
Any person or entity who violates this By-Law shall receive a warning for the first violation and shall be liable to the Town of Milton in the amount of $50 for the second violation and in the amount of $100 for each subsequent violation, which money shall inure to the Town of Milton for such uses as the Select Board may direct. Fines shall be recovered by indictment or on complaint before the District Court or by noncriminal disposition in accordance with MGL c. 40 S. 21D. Each separate instance of noncompliance following the issuance of any warning or citation pursuant to this section shall constitute a separate violation.
The invalidity of any portion or provisions of this Bylaw shall not invalidate any other portion, provision or section.
[Adopted as Ch. 12 of the 3-10-1934 General Bylaws]
The Board of Water Commissioners may from time to time, on such conditions as may be determined by the Board, receive from prospective developers of lands in the Town, respectively, sums of money sufficient, in the opinion of the Board, to cover the estimated expense to the Town, as certified by the Planning Board or such part thereof as is to be incurred by the Town, of constructing water mains with all appurtenances necessary or proper in private ways approved by the Planning Board under the provisions of General Laws (Ter. Ed.), Chapter 41, as amended by St. 1936, C211, or as otherwise amended such sums to be paid to the Town Treasurer to the Credit of the Town, each such sum to be held as a special fund marked with the name of the depositor and the way or ways to which the same is applicable, and subject to retention and appropriation by the Town for the purpose of reimbursing the Town for moneys expended in constructing water mains and appurtenances in the respective ways designated for the respective funds and for the return to the depositor of any unexpended balance as certified by the Board of Water Commissioners after completion of such water mains and appurtenances. If such deposit of estimated expense in any case is not sufficient for the work, the developer shall make deposit of a sufficient additional amount.
This bylaw shall be additional to and not in limitation of the powers otherwise vested in said Board of Water Commissioners.