[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Holley as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 8-11-2015 by L.L. No. 3-2015]
The Prohibited Yard Parking Program is intended to protect neighborhood property values, to prevent damage to the Village of Holley's underground infrastructure, and to stop the degradation of the aesthetic appearance of residential areas.
It shall be prohibited for any person owning or having control of a motor vehicle, watercraft, nonmotorized camper or any trailer designed to either be pulled by a motor vehicle or to carry a watercraft, camper or motor vehicle to park it or allow it to be parked at any time in the front yard (between a line drawn parallel to the street from the point of the front line of the structure that is closest to the street and the improved road surface) other than on an approved driveway or approved parking pad that is a minimum of 10 feet in width. Improved parking and driveway areas shall be maintained in a safe and sanitary condition and shall not contribute to soil erosion or tree damage. Improved parking and driveway area shall be installed so as to avoid creating standing water conditions, diverting runoff onto neighboring property or adversely impacting stormwater quality.
Parking spaces and driveways must also be built with a hard, all-weather surface such as asphalt, concrete, or brick.
Grass and dirt areas will not be acceptable for parking spaces and driveways.
Any violation of this article shall subject the violator to a penalty of $250 for each such violation, and a separate violation shall be deemed committed each day that a violation occurs or is committed. The municipality may take any appropriate action or proceeding in addition to the aforesaid remedy, including proceeding with any available remedy to cure such violation. In addition to the above-described penalty, the Superintendent may recover all damages incurred by the Village of Holley from any persons or users who violate any provisions of this article.