[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town of Rye as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted by Town Meeting 3-8-1975 by Art. 13 (Ord. No. 6)]
The use of alcoholic beverages on the beaches and in or upon any and all parking lots or areas easterly of Ocean Boulevard in the Town of Rye and in the recreation area off Locke Road and in Parsons Park, so called, is hereby prohibited.
For the purposes of this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
That area from the southerly end of Odiorne State Park to the North Hampton Town line including Town beaches, state beaches, and the sand below mean high tide on other beaches and includes swimming beaches as well as rocky beaches or outcrops.
[Amended 3-10-2020 by Art. 28]
Any area easterly of Ocean Boulevard in the Town of Rye which is adjacent to any beach as herein defined which allows for or is commonly used for the parking of motor vehicles whether the same be a recognized, regulated parking area or not.
The Rye Police Department is hereby authorized and directed to enforce this regulation by issuance of summons to the Rye Municipal Court for violations hereof.
Persons found guilty of violations hereof shall be subject to the same penalties set forth for violations of Town ordinances.[1]
Note: On March 10, 1970, Art. 25, it was voted to increase the fines levied for violation of any Town ordinance from $10 to $50 as provided in RSA 31:39.
[Amended 3-10-2020 by Art. 28]
The Director of Public Works is hereby directed to post sufficient notices at appropriate places in order that the public may be apprised of this regulation.
[Adopted by Town Meeting 3-13-1982 by Art. 23 (Ord. No. 11)]
No person shall consume any liquor or beverage or possess any open container thereof, as defined by RSA 175:1, while in any vehicle upon a public highway, or while upon any public highway, sidewalk or common within the limits of the Town of Rye.[1]
Note: On March 10, 1970, Art. 25, it was voted to increase the fines levied for violation of any Town ordinance from $10 to $50 as provided in RSA 31:39.