[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Rye as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 9-11-2017]
RSA 31:93 indicates that: "Every town shall provide for the use of its town clerk an official seal, bearing the name of the town and the date of its incorporation, and of such general design as may be approved by the selectmen thereof. Papers issued from the office of the town clerk may be attested therewith."
The Town of Rye has produced a Seal which graphically represents the municipality and is inclusive of the name of the Town of Rye and the information that Rye was settled in 1623, became a parish in 1726 and was incorporated in 1785. The Rye Board of Selectmen officially adopted this Seal as the Town Seal on November 13, 2013.
As part of it statutory responsibility, the Town has an embossing Seal which is used on certain official documents. This embossing Seal is in possession of the Town Clerk as required by RSA 31:93.
Beyond this embossing Seal, the Board of Selectmen has authorized the Town Seal to be used for a number of official municipal purposes. These uses include, but may not be limited to:
Letterhead and envelopes for various Town officials, boards and commissions.
Business cards for various Town officials.
Checks issued by the Town of Rye.
Publication of the Annual Report of the Town of Rye.
Publication of various regulations and ordinances of the Town of Rye.
Within the logos of the Town departments such as Police, Fire and Department of Public Works.
As seals appearing on vehicles owned by the Town of Rye, such as fire trucks and police cruisers.
As an identifier on the official Town of Rye website.
On the official ballot used for Town of Rye and Rye School District elections.
On the Town newsletter and other mailers published for the first and second sessions of the Rye Town Meeting and Rye School District Meeting.
Identifying clothing that is worn by Town of Rye officials or personnel.
The Town flag.
The Seal of the Town of Rye is intended to only be used for official business of the Town of Rye, its officials, departments, boards and commissions.
The design, arrangement, presentation and layout of this Seal is the property of Town of Rye, New Hampshire, and may be used only for official use by the Town of Rye as outlined in this policy.
No other use of the Town Seal is permitted without prior written permission from the Rye, New Hampshire, Board of Selectmen.
The Town reserves the right to take appropriate legal action to remedy any unauthorized use of the Town of Rye Seal, including but not limited to seeking injunctive relief, costs and attorney's fees in the Superior Court.