[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Meeting of the Town of Rye 3-8-2011 by Art. 21 (Ord. No. 32).[1] Amendments noted where applicable.]
Editor's Note: Prior to adoption by Town Meeting, this ordinance was adopted by the Board of Selectmen 8-23-2010, effective 9-24-2010.
It is hereby found and declared that the preservation and promotion of public safety and the preservation of community peace and quiet require that the Town of Rye (hereinafter referred to as "Rye" or "Town") act to assure that blasting within the Town is conducted in a safe, responsible and proper manner.
This chapter is adopted pursuant to the authority of state law currently codified as New Hampshire RSA 31:39, I(e) and (n), RSA 154:18, RSA 154:19, RSA 153:5 and RSA 158:9.
This chapter shall be known as and may be cited as the "Rye Blasting Ordinance."
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
The detonation of an explosive device as defined by NFPA Standard 495 titled "Explosive Materials Code."
The Chief of the Rye Fire Department or the Department member designated by the Chief to enforce this chapter.
The Rye Fire Department.
The Chief of the Rye Police Department or the member designated by the Chief.
The Rye Police Department.
The Rye Board of Selectmen.
The Fire Department, by its Fire Chief, shall administer this chapter, issue the necessary permits, conduct proper oversight of all blasting and, in cooperation with other officials, departments and agencies, enforce the provisions of this chapter.
No blasting shall be conducted within the Town unless a permit has first been obtained for that purpose. Each permit shall identify the permit holder and designate the date(s) and time(s) when and location(s) where blasting may be conducted and shall be valid for no more than 30 days.
Application for a permit to conduct blasting operations shall be made to Fire Department headquarters during normal business hours, on a form prescribed by the Fire Department. A current and valid State of New Hampshire blaster's license and certificate of insurance shall be submitted as part of the application. An application shall be submitted no less than five calendar days prior to the first date for which the permit is being requested.
[Amended 3-10-2020 by Art. 28]
No permit shall be issued unless and until a fee of $75 has been paid. A check in this amount must accompany the permit application.
Permit applications shall be received, reviewed and the information contained therein verified as necessary by the Fire Chief. Prior to issuing any permit the Chief may consult with such federal, state and/or Town agencies, officials and employees whose area(s) of responsibility is or may be affected by the proposed blasting operation. Upon review and verification, the Chief shall approve the application and issue the permit with any condition(s) necessary to meet the purpose of this chapter or deny the application. Any denial, along with the reason(s) for the denial, shall be provided in writing to the applicant.
Upon issuance of the permit, the Chief shall notify by electronic mail the offices of the Building Inspector, Town Administrator, Police Chief, Public Works Director and the Board of Selectmen of the permit issuance citing dates and times of the blasting operation.
[Amended 3-10-2020 by Art. 28]
Prior to any blasting, the permit holder shall conduct a pre-blast inspection. This inspection shall include all structures within a minimum distance of 500 feet, or such extended distance as may be specified on the permit, from the site of the proposed blast. A written report describing this inspection shall be completed and signed by the permit holder and be available for review by the Fire Department. All blasting shall be conducted in compliance with NFPA 1, Fire Code, NFPA 495, Explosive Materials Code, and the State of New Hampshire Code of Administrative Rules Chapter Saf-C 1600 (State Police Regulations). Except as previously approved by the Chief, all blasting within 1,000 feet of any structure shall be covered by a blasting mat(s). The Fire Department shall be notified at least 24 hours prior to any blasting within a project and both the Fire and Police Departments shall be notified at least one hour prior to any shot.
No blasting shall be conducted without a valid permit having first been obtained. Permit holders shall only conduct blasting operations between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. No blasting shall be conducted on weekends or on national or state holidays. No blasting shall be conducted after an order to cease blasting has been issued by the Chief and communicated to the permit holder. No drilling shall take place within 50 feet of any loaded hole(s).
A pre-blast survey shall be conducted by the permit applicant or a party designated by the permit applicant for an area within 500 feet of the proposed blasting site. The cost of the pre-blast survey shall be borne by the blasting company. Any reports, measurements and/or videotapes shall be made available upon request by any or all abutters within the pre-blast survey.
All abutters within 500 feet of the blasting site shall receive notification by certified mail three full business days (excluding Saturday, Sunday and holidays) in advance of the blasting. The office of the Rye Building Inspector, the Board of Selectmen, and both the Fire and Police Departments shall also receive by certified mail copies of the abutter notification.
Prior to visiting any properties for the purpose of conducting a pre-blast inspection, the permit applicant or his/her designated agent(s) shall obtain from the Rye Police Chief official credentials in the form of identification cards to be displayed on their person for the purpose of showing that the reason for their visit is known to and approved by the Town of Rye.
The Chief may revoke any permit upon a showing that the permit holder has violated any provision of this chapter or any requirement or condition of that permit. In addition, any permit may be suspended or revoked upon a showing that a condition or conditions exist which warrant such revocation or suspension. The Chief may restore any permit that has been revoked upon a showing that the condition(s) leading to the revocation has (have) been corrected.
Any permit denial, suspension or revocation may be appealed within 10 working days and not thereafter to the Board of Selectmen. Any such appeal shall be in writing and shall clearly specify the facts and circumstances warranting issue or reinstatement of the permit. The BOS shall order such issuance or reinstatement only on the appellant's showing that the denial, suspension or revocation complained of was erroneous. The BOS may also order that appropriate conditions be attached to any permit that it finds should be issued or reinstated.
[Amended 3-10-2020 by Art. 28]
Any person found to have violated any provision of this chapter shall be guilty of a violation and shall be punished by a maximum fine or penalty as provided by applicable state law, which is currently $1,000. Each violation and/or each day of violation shall be regarded as a separate offense.
In situations that pose an imminent danger to public safety, the Chief may, for a limited time, waive such provisions of this chapter as may be necessary to avoid and/or lessen that danger. The details of any waiver granted under the authority of this section shall, as soon as practicable, be reported to the Town Administrator or Board of Selectmen.
This chapter is intended to complement and supplement and not conflict with federal and state regulation of blasting operations and explosives and shall be interpreted in accordance with that intent. To that end, should the requirements of this chapter differ from any requirement or regulation prescribed by any law, statute, ordinance, rule or other regulation governing blasting operations and explosives, the provision that imposes the higher standard shall govern.
Should any part of this chapter be held invalid or unconstitutional by a court, such holding shall not affect, impair or invalidate any other provision of this chapter, and, to such end, all articles, sections and provisions of this chapter are declared to be severable.