[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town of Rye as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted by Town Meeting 3-11-1978 by Art. 22 (Ord. No. 3); amended 3-12-2013 by Art. 14;[1] 3-12-2019 by Art. 29]
Editor's Note: Prior to adoption by Town Meeting in 2013, this ordinance was adopted by the Board of Selectmen 5-29-2012.
The use of skateboards on all public highways, sidewalks and commons within the Town of Rye is prohibited; provided, however, that the Chief of Police, with advice and consent of the Selectmen, may designate certain streets, roads and ways upon which the use of skateboards may be permitted.
Any person propelling a bicycle on any public highway shall ride single file and shall ride as near to the right side of the road as practical.
Any person running, jogging or walking on the traveled way of any public two-way highway shall run, jog or walk single file and shall do so as near to the left side of the roadway as practical.
Any person roller-blading/in-line skating on the traveled way of any public two-way highway shall do so single file and as near to the left side of the roadway as practical.
Violation of this regulation shall subject the person convicted to the maximum penalty provided for violation of a Town ordinance, provided that person is over the age of 17 years.[1] For the first violation of this regulation by any child 17 years of age or under, the parents or guardian of such child shall be notified. Upon any subsequent violation, the parents or guardian of such child shall be guilty of a violation as defined by the New Hampshire Revised Statutes Annotated.
Note: On March 10, 1970, Art. 25, it was voted to increase the fines levied for violation of any Town ordinance from $10 to $50 as provided in RSA 31:39.
This article, as amended, is promulgated under the provisions of RSA 41:11 and shall take effect upon its adoption by the Board of Selectmen.
[Adopted by Town Meeting 3-14-1987 by Art. 21 (Ord. No. 14)]
No person shall put or place or cause to be put or placed any snow or ice upon the right-of-way or traveled portion of any Town highway or state-maintained highway within the Town of Rye for any purpose. Any person shall be guilty of a violation if a natural person, or guilty of a misdemeanor if any other person.