Maximum Number of Guest Bedrooms
Minimum Lot Size
(square feet)
Minimum Required Off-Street Parking Spaces
Accessory home occupation
2 in addition to spaces required for the residential
use, except that there shall be 4 for each doctor or dentist in addition
to spaces required for the residential use
Artist live/work space
1 space for each dwelling unit, plus 1/4 space for each bedroom,
plus 1/2 space for each live/work space containing retail area
Assisted living facility
0.5 for each resident
Athletic field
1 for each 10 seats
Banking use
10 plus 5 additional spaces for each person
in excess of 2 acting as tellers, including waiting spaces for drive-up
Bed-and-breakfast establishment
1 space for each guest sleeping room, plus 2 spaces for the
dwelling unit, plus 1 space for each nonresident employee
Bowling alley or other center of public recreation
or amusement
5 for each bowling lane; all others: 1 per 100
square feet of floor space used for public recreation or amusement
Car washing establishment
10 stacking spaces per washing bay or 1 per
500 square feet of gross floor area, whichever is greater
Church, library, place of worship, theater,
auditorium or other place of assembly
1 for each 4 seats or pew spaces or, in places
without seats, 1 for each 50 square feet of floor space used for public
Dwellings, one- and two-family
2 for each dwelling unit
Dwelling, multifamily
2 for each dwelling unit plus 0.5 for each bedroom
more than 2 bedrooms
Funeral home
1 per 50 square feet of gross floor space in
assembly rooms or 1 for each 4 chapel seats, whichever is greater
Golf courses and other country clubs
1 for each 3 memberships
1 for each 2 patient beds and 1 for each day
shift employee, including medical and service staff
Hotel, motel, tourist home or rooming house
1 for each guest sleeping room, plus 1 for each
employee, plus 1 for each permanent resident, plus additional spaces
for any accessory restaurant, public assembly space, retail or office
uses, etc., based upon the standards contained herein for such uses
Manufacturing or industrial use
1 per 600 square feet of gross floor area
Medical or dental office or clinic (other than
accessory to residential use)
4 per doctor and dentist plus 1 additional for
each technician and employee or 1 per 225 square feet of gross floor
area, whichever is greater
Motor vehicle sales
1 per 175 square feet of gross floor area
Motor vehicle service and/or repair
3 per service bay or 10, plus 1 space per 150
square feet of garage gross floor area, plus 1 per employee, whichever
is greater; plus stacking spaces for any gasoline pumps and additional
spaces for any accessory convenience retail use based upon the standards
contained herein for such use
Municipal firehouse
1 space per 200 square feet of gross floor area
Nursing home, sanatorium, convalescent home
or home for the aged, philanthropic or eleemosynary institution
1 for each 3 patient beds and 1 for each employee,
including medical and service staff
Office for business or professional use (other
than accessory to residential use)
1 per 300 square feet of gross floor area
Research or development laboratory
1 per 400 square feet of gross floor area
Restaurant, tavern and/or bar
1 for each 3 seats or 1 for each 75 square feet
of gross floor area, whichever is greater
Restaurant, fast-food
1 per 35 square feet of gross floor area plus
5 stacking spaces per drive-up window
Retail or service business
1 per 200 square feet of gross floor area
Schools, primary and secondary
1 per 3 to 5 assembly seats or 1 per employee
plus 1 per 5 students in 11th grade or above, whichever is greater
Veterinary office
1 per employee plus 1 per 50 square feet of
gross floor area
Warehouse, wholesale, storage, utility or other
similar commercial use
1 per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area
plus 1 per commercial vehicle