[Adopted 10-4-2018 by Ord. No. 2174-18]
The City of Passaic may designate an on-street curbside valet parking zone for specified days and hours upon the request of any business or businesses operating as a bona fide restaurant as defined in § 317-10 of the City Code of the City of Passaic, based upon its review that such valet parking zone is necessary and justified by traffic conditions.
In making that determination, the City shall consider the existing parking regulations and controls at the proposed location, the existing property uses at the location, the presence of other valet parking zones in the area, and such other factors as the City determines are relevant to the necessity and justification for the valet parking zone.
No person or business shall offer to provide the service of valet parking unless the person or business has obtained a valet parking operator's permit from the City Clerk under this article. The application fee for a valet parking operator's permit shall be $100. The permit may be renewed annually upon payment of an annual renewal fee of $100.
The application shall be accompanied by:
Proof of insurance in an amount determined by the City in the following areas:
Liability insurance;
Theft and property insurance; and
Workers' compensation insurance.
A signed statement that the operator shall hold harmless, indemnify and defend the City of Passaic, its officers and employees and the parking authority, their officers and employees for any claims for damages to property or injury to persons which may be occasioned by any activity carried on under the terms of the license.
The valet parking permit fee shall be $100 for each 20 feet of curb space.