[HISTORY: Derived from Ch. 2, Art. VII, of the 1971 Code. Amendments noted where applicable.]
As used in this section:
Any unusual incident or condition caused by civil disturbance which endangers or imperils the public safety and which is or may become too large in scope or unusual in type to be handled in its entirety by municipal personnel acting during the hours of their ordinary duty.
Whenever the Mayor, or in the event or his unavailability or inability to act, the person assuming the duties of the office of the Mayor, shall determine that a public emergency exists, or will exist, he shall have the power and authority to issue a proclamation declaring the existence of a public emergency.
The proclamation of public emergency shall become effective upon its issuance and dissemination to the public.
Any proclamation of public emergency and the emergency measures proclaimed therein shall remain in full force and effect for a period not to exceed 24 hours or until earlier amended or terminated by proclamation; provided that any proclamation of public emergency can be extended, by proclamation, either in its original form or in an amended form, for additional successive periods not to exceed 24 hours each.
During the period when a proclamation of public emergency is in effect pursuant to § 26-2:
The sale, offer to sell, purchase, lease or loan of any ammunition, guns and other firearms of any size or description is prohibited.
The display by or in any store or shop of any ammunition, guns or other firearms of any size or description is prohibited.
During the period when a proclamation is in effect pursuant to § 26-3, the Mayor, or in the event of his unavailability to act, the person assuming the duties of the office of the Mayor, is authorized and empowered to institute by proclamation any or all of the following emergency measures for the entire Township, or for such portion or portions thereof as may be designated therein, and for such time or times as may be designated therein:
The prohibition of the use of all vehicular and pedestrian traffic except for the provision of essential services, including, but not limited to, fire, police and hospital services, including the transportation of patients thereof, utility emergency repairs and emergency calls by physicians.
The establishment of curfew.
The prohibition of the sale of any alcoholic beverages as defined by or pursuant to Title 33 of the New Jersey Statutes or its successor. This power is in addition to the powers conferred by the State Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control.
The closing of theatres and other places normally used for public entertainment and recreation.
The powers granted by this section shall be in addition to and supplemental to the authority given to the Municipal Disaster Control Officer pursuant to App.A:9-40.5 of the New Jersey Statues and to any other emergency authority granted by statute.