[HISTORY: Adopted by Ord. No. 1767-03. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The Township Council wishes to ensure that the Township is providing the safest possible recreational programs for its youths, recently enacted State Law, N.J.S.A. 125A:3A-1 et seq., permits the Township to request that the Attorney General's Office conduct a criminal history record background check on each prospective and current person with unsupervised direct access to minors participating in any Township sponsored or co-sponsored program in connection with the Lawrence Township Recreation Department. The Superintendent of Recreation recommends that all such current and prospective persons with unsupervised direct access to minors involved with such youth programs be required to submit to such criminal history record background checks. The Township desires that all youth recreation programs using Township facilities and/or which are funded by the Township in whole or in part, such as Little League, Youth Football, Youth Basketball, Soccer, and the like, be required to perform criminal background checks on any person with unsupervised direct access to minors, as a condition of using the Township facilities.
Criminal history background checks of persons with unsupervised direct access to minors of youth serving recreation organization are required.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Township provision of funding or facilities, including maintenance of facilities.
A determination of whether a person has a criminal record by cross-referencing that person's name and fingerprints with those on file with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Identification Division and the State Bureau of Identification in the Division of State Police.
The Lawrence Township Police Division.
A three member Committee consisting of the Superintendent of Recreation, Chief of Police and the Municipal Manager or his/her designee. The Committee shall be charged with the review of all appeals by any employee or volunteer whose criminal history background check reveals a disqualifying criminal conviction.
Recreation run directly by the Lawrence Township Recreation Department, including oversight, control and/or fiscal contribution.
To have the direction and oversight of the performance of others.
Not supervised or under constant observation.
Any person involved with a Lawrence Township sponsored or co-sponsored sports program or league who has regular unsupervised direct access to minors as a result of their involvement with the organization.
A corporation, association or other organization, including those with nonprofit status and which provides recreational related activities or services for persons younger than 18 years of age, in connection with Lawrence Township sponsored or co-sponsored sports programs or leagues.
The Township of Lawrence requires that all employees and volunteers of a youth serving recreation organization request through the Lawrence Township Police Division that the State Bureau of Identification in the Division of State Police conduct a criminal history record background check on each prospective and current employee or volunteer of the organization. There shall be a thirty-day grace period for each new employee or volunteer of the youth serving organization to make application for this criminal history record background check. All coaches must have their fingerprinting and applications completed by the end of the thirty-day grace period.
The Township shall conduct a criminal history record background check only upon receipt of the written consent for the check from the prospective or current person with direct unsupervised access to minors.
The organization shall bear the costs associated with conducting a criminal history background check in accordance with the fees established by the State Bureau of Identification in the Division of State Police and in accordance with N.J.S.A. 15A:3A-2d.
The Division of State Police shall inform the Lawrence Township Police Division whether the person's criminal history record background check reveals a conviction of a disqualifying crime or offense specified in § 95-5. Any information received by the Lawrence Township Police Division shall be confidential.
Any person who, by virtue of their occupation, is required by statute to undergo a federal and state criminal history record background check similar in nature to the requirements contained herein, and who can provide proof of the results of such background check, is exempt from the requirement hereunder until three years has elapsed since the most current background check.
A person may be disqualified from serving as an employee or volunteer of a youth serving recreation organization if that person's criminal history record background check reveals a record of conviction of any of the following crimes and offenses:
In New Jersey, any crime of disorderly persons offense:
Involving danger to the person, meaning those crimes and disorderly persons offenses as set forth in N.J.S.A. 2C:11-1 et seq., such as criminal homicide; N.J.S.A. 2C:12-1 et seq., such as assault, reckless endangerment, threats, stalking; N.J.S.A. 2C:13-1 et seq., such as kidnapping; N.J.S.A. 2C:14-1 et seq., such as sexual assault; or N.J.S.A. 2C:15-1 et seq., such as robbery;
Against the family, children or incompetents, meaning those crimes and disorderly persons offenses set forth in N.J.S.A. 2C:24-1 et seq., such as endangering the welfare of a child;
Involving theft as set forth in Chapter 20 of Title 2C of the New Jersey Statutes;
Involving any controlled dangerous substance or controlled substance analog as set forth in Chapter 25 of Title 2C of the New Jersey Statutes except Subdivision (a)(4) of N.J.S.A. 2C:35-10.
In any other state or jurisdiction, conduct which, if committed in New Jersey, would constitute any of the crimes or disorderly persons offenses described in this section.
Prospective or current employees or volunteers of youth serving recreation organizations shall submit their names, address, fingerprints and written consent to the organization for the criminal history record background check to be performed. The organization shall submit this documentation to the Police Division through the Chief of Police who shall coordinate the background check and refer the information to the State Police and FBI for the initial check. Thereafter, all subsequent background checks shall be submitted to the Lawrence Township Chief of Police, who shall coordinate a background check every three years after the date of the initial check.
The Lawrence Township Police Division shall act as a clearinghouse for the collection and dissemination of information obtained as a result of conducting criminal history record background checks pursuant to this chapter.
Access to criminal history record information for non-criminal justice purposes, including licensing and employment, is restricted to the members of the Review Committee, as authorized by federal or state statute, rule or regulation executive order, administrative code, local ordinance or resolution regarding obtaining and disseminating of criminal history record information obtained under this section.
The Review Committee shall limit their use of criminal history record information solely to the authorized person for which it was obtained and criminal history record information furnished shall not be disseminated to persons or organizations not authorized to receive the records for authorized purposes. Use of this record shall be limited solely to the authorized purpose for which it was given and it shall not be disseminated to any unauthorized persons. Any person violating federal or state regulations governing access to criminal history record information may be subject to criminal and/or civil penalties.
If a criminal history record may disqualify an employee or volunteer for any purpose, the Review Committee's determination shall be provided to the employee or volunteer with an opportunity to complete and challenge the accuracy of the information contained in the criminal history record. The employee or volunteer shall be afforded a reasonable period of time to correct and complete this record. A person is not presumed guilty of any charges or arrests for which there are no final dispositions indicated on the record. The New Jersey State Police shall make the initial recommendation, based solely on the New Jersey State Statutes, to the Police Department who shall provide the information to the Review Committee. They shall advise the Review Committee whether or not the volunteer is being recommended. The Review Committee will receive a pre-printed form on each individual submitted to the State Police for a background check. One form will be for recommendation and the other will be for rejection. If there is a rejection, the Review Committee may still allow the employee or volunteer to participate. The New Jersey State Police will make a recommendation based on the record only. It is within the Review Committee's discretion to overturn the decision of New Jersey State Police recommendation.
The Review Committee shall promptly notify a prospective or current employee or volunteer whose criminal history background check reveals a disqualifying conviction. The person shall have 30 days from the receipt of that notice to petition the Review Committee for a review and cite reasons substantiating the review.
Notwithstanding the provision of § 95-5, no person shall be disqualified from serving as an employee or volunteer of a nonprofit youth serving organization on the basis of any conviction disclosed by a criminal history record background check, if the person can affirmatively demonstrate rehabilitation to the Review Committee. In determining whether a person has affirmatively demonstrated rehabilitation, the Review Committee shall consider the following factors:
The nature and responsibility of the position which the convicted person would hold or has held, as the case may be;
The nature and seriousness of the offense;
The circumstances under which the offense occurred;
The date of the offense;
The age of the person when the offense was committed;
Whether the offense was an isolated or repeated incident;
Any social conditions which may have contributed to the offense; and
Any evidence of rehabilitation, including good conduct in prison or the community, counseling or psychiatric treatment received, acquisition of additional academic or vocational schooling, successful participation in correctional work-release programs, or the recommendation of those who have had the person under their supervision.
The Review Committee shall promptly advise the organization, in writing, if a current or prospective employee or volunteer whose criminal history record background check reveals a disqualifying offense has affirmatively demonstrated rehabilitation under this section.
This section shall not apply to persons who have been convicted, adjudicated delinquent or acquitted by reason of insanity of aggravated sexual assault; sexual assault; aggravated criminal sexual contact; kidnapping pursuant to Subdivision C(2) of N.J.S.A. 2C:13-1; endangering the welfare of a child by engaging in sexual conduct which would impair or debauch the morals of the child pursuant to Subdivision (a) of N.J.S.A. 2C:24-4; endangering the welfare of a child pursuant to Subdivision (b)(4) of N.J.S.A. 2C:24-4; luring or enticing pursuant to section 1 of P.L. 1993, c. 291 (N.J.S.A. 2C:13-6); criminal sexual contact pursuant to N.J.S.A. 2C:14-3b, if the victim is a minor; kidnapping pursuant to N.J.S.A. 2C:13-2, or false imprisonment pursuant to N.J.S.A. 2C:13-3 if the victim is a minor and the offender is not the parent of the victim; knowingly promoting prostitution of a child pursuant to Subdivision (b)(3) and (b)(4) of N.J.S.A. 2C:34-1; or an attempt to commit any of these enumerated offenses.
When the Review Committee received written notification from the Police Division stating whether the criminal history record background check of a current or prospective employee or volunteer performed pursuant to the provision of N.J.S.A. 15A:3A-4 reveals a disqualifying offense or stating that the person has affirmatively demonstrated rehabilitation under this act, the organization or Review Committee may file that written notification with the Police Division.
The Police Division shall keep the written notification on file for three years from the date it was issued.
The Review Committee may request the Police Division to review its files to determine if there is written notification on file stating whether a criminal history record background check of a current or prospective employee or volunteer revealed a disqualifying offense or stating that the person has affirmatively demonstrated rehabilitation under this act. A current or prospective employee or volunteer shall not be required to submit to another criminal history record background check if such written notification was issued within the past three years.
No person or entity shall be held liable in any civil or criminal action brought by any party based on any written notification on file with the Police Division pursuant to the provisions of this section.
Failure to comply with this section may result in the Township withholding funding for the program or league, prohibiting the use of facilities, and/or prohibiting the use of facility maintenance.