[Added 5-6-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-23[1]]
Editor's Note: This ordinance also redesignated former Art. III as Art. IV.
The Township Clerk, or the Clerk's designee, shall prepare a list of addresses of those premises where the owner and/or occupant has notified the Clerk that peddling, soliciting, canvassing, itinerant vending and door-to-door sales enterprising as set forth in this chapter are not permitted on the premises (hereinafter referred to as the "Do Not Solicit list").
The notification shall be by completion of a form available at the Township Clerk's office during normal business hours. The form shall clearly identify those types of organizations that are exempt from following the Do Not Solicit list.
The Clerk shall provide a notice to residents and homeowners of the opportunity to be placed on the Do Not Solicit list through periodic notices by means deemed appropriate by the Clerk to provide a reasonable opportunity for residents and homeowners to be placed on the list.
The list shall be dated as of the time it is prepared and updated from time to time but not less than once every year. Names shall remain on the list for three years. Those names that are on the list shall be notified of the need to indicate their desire to remain on the list. Those persons who do not indicate that they wish to remain on the list shall be purged from the Do Not Solicit list.
Upon each update, the Clerk shall provide a copy of the current Do Not Solicit list to the Police Department for it to possess in the event of a complaint pursuant to this chapter.
The Township shall provide every property on the Do Not Solicit list with a sign to be placed at, on or near the primary entrance providing further confirmation to the solicitor that the property is a participant in the Do Not Solicit list.
All solicitors shall carry on their person at all times:
The license issued by the Township;
A copy of the Do Not Solicit list;
Identification and contact information of the person or organization conducting the solicitation; and
Personal identification.
Each of these items that are required to be carried shall upon request be exhibited to the person or persons being solicited and/or to any Township official or law enforcement officer.
In addition to any penalty imposed in § 113-25, any canvasser, peddler, solicitor, itinerant vendor or owner or employee of a door-to-door sales enterprise who violates any provision of this article shall be:
Subject to a one-year revocation of any license issued pursuant to this chapter; and
Ineligible to receive a new license, pursuant to this chapter, for a period of one year, coinciding with the term of the one-year revocation noted in this chapter.