Street numbers shall be provided for each dwelling and each business, industrial and other building in the Town by the owner of such structures within 90 days after approval by the state attorney general in accordance with the following:
The numbers shall be made of permanent weatherproof materials, shall be at least three inches in height and shall be clearly visible from the street or roadway upon which the dwelling or building fronts;
The numbers shall be placed on each structure or on a suitable support near the main entrance to the structure so as to be visible;
The numbers shall be those assigned to each structure in accordance with the street numbering survey completed by the board of assessors on file in the office of the assessors;
The owner of any property seeking a building permit for a new building or structure shall apply for and receive a building number designation from the building official and no building permit shall be issued without designation of such building number;
It shall be the responsibility of each property owner in Town to obtain a number assigned to his affected structure or structures within three months of the effective date of the bylaw from which this section was derived;
This section shall be enforced by the board of selectmen either directly or through an inspector to be appointed by the board. Failure to comply with this section shall subject the offending property owner to a fine not exceeding $10.
Any person who intends to erect, repair or take down any building on land abutting on any way which this Town is obliged to keep in repair and desires to make use of any portion of such way for the purpose of placing thereon building materials or rubbish, shall give notice thereof to the selectmen. Thereupon, the selectmen may grant a permit to occupy such a portion of such way to be used for such purpose as in their judgment the necessity of the case demands and the security of the public allows. Such permit shall in no case be in force longer than 90 days and shall be on such conditions as the selectmen may require. In every case, from sunset in the evening to sunrise the following morning, lighted lanterns or other lamps shall be placed so effectually to secure all travelers from liability to come in contact with such building material or rubbish.