Special permit applications in districts other than Rural and Residential require site plan review by the Planning Board;
In all districts, no building permit shall be issued for any of the following uses, unless a site plan has been reviewed by the Planning Board:
The construction of any structure that requires more than five parking spaces under § 265-6.1 Parking Requirements or includes a drive-through facility;
The alteration of any structure which triggers a change (increase, decrease, re-location, etc.) to parking under Parking Requirements § 265-6.1 or to internal circulation; however, the Planning Board may waive site plan review for external enlargements of less than 15% of the existing floor area; and
A change in use, except a change to single family residential use.
Multifamily residential developments.
[Added 11-18-2019 STM by Art. 1]
Existing non-residential parking areas of more than five spaces shall not be modified unless a site plan has been reviewed by the Planning Board.
Applicants for a building permit which requires a site plan review shall submit three copies of the site plan and other required information to the Building Inspector. The Building Inspector shall immediately forward two copies of the site plan and supporting information to the Planning Board to review and make such recommendations as they deem appropriate and shall send a copy thereof to the Building Inspector. Failure of the Planning Board to make recommendations within 21 days of receipt of a petition shall be deemed lack of opposition thereto.
Special Permit Applications - Applicants for a special permit that requires site plan review shall forward two copies of the site plan and supporting information to the Planning Board and to other Boards as deemed appropriate by the Zoning Board of Appeals for review and comment. The Planning Board shall review and send a copy thereof to the Board of Appeals. Failure of the Planning Board to make recommendations within 21 days of receipt of a petition shall be deemed lack of opposition thereto. If a special permit does not incorporate the requirements of such report, or is issued contrary to its recommendations, the Zoning Board of Appeals shall in its decision state in writing the reasons for not following the Planning Board's recommendations.
Each application that requires a site plan shall be accompanied by a plan, prepared by a Massachusetts registered architect, professional engineer or surveyor. Said plan shall be drawn at a suitable scale on sheets no larger than 24 inches by 36 inches. When more than one sheet is required a key sheet shall be provided. The following information shall be provided by the applicant when a site plan review is required:
Locus plan;
Location of structures within 100 feet of property lines;
Existing and proposed buildings, showing setbacks from property lines;
Building elevations;
Existing and proposed contour elevations in two-foot increments;
Parking areas, driveways, and facilities for pedestrian movement;
Drainage system - storm drains, culverts and related installations, including catch basins, gutters and manholes, shall be installed as necessary to provided adequate disposals of surface water from all points within 30,000 square foot sites and computed at a 25-year storm using the "TR 55 formula".
Utilities and lighting;
Proposed screening, surface treatments, exterior storage, lighting and landscaping, including fencing, walls, planting areas, and signs;
Loading and unloading facilities;
Provisions for refuse removal;
Existing and projected traffic volumes from the site and effect on the local road network;
Existing and proposed easements, if any;
Existing and proposed waterways, if any;
Location of approved percolation test and reserve area;
Other information as may be necessary to determine compliance with the provisions of this bylaw.
Planning Standards - In addition to the design standards specified for a particular use, the Planning Board shall examine the following additional concerns in reviewing the site plans of the proposed developments.
That proposed use(s) will not have a detrimental effect on the abutting neighborhoods or natural environments;
Safe access to the development, minimizing the number and width of curb cuts;
Acceptable design and layout of ways, streets, sidewalks, walkways and parking areas;
That the projected traffic increase to the local road(s) is within the capacity of the existing network for both the daily and peak hour volumes;
Proper lighting design for parking areas;
Proper drainage of the impervious surface areas of the property.
A wall of solid appearance or a tight evergreen hedge not less than six feet in height is required to be erected within the required side yard or rear yard in Business B district, wherever any such lot directly abuts residentially zoned land, but such wall or hedge shall not obstruct visibility of any adjoining Business B district premises, as above provided.
No lights, vibrations, noise, glare, radiation's, dust, odors or smoke shall be propagated, generated or permitted to occur on any lot in Business B districts except so that no effect of any of them shall be visible, audible or perceptible beyond the boundaries of the subject lot. Nevertheless, Business B premises and parking lots may be wholly or partly floodlighted provided no lighting filament, lamp, bulb or tube is directly visible from any point outside the lot boundary of premises so illuminated.