Strict compliance with the requirements of these Rules and Regulations may be waived when, in the judgement of the Board, such action is in the public interest and not inconsistent with the Subdivision Control Law.
For matters not covered be these Rules and Regulations, reference is made to Sections 81-K to 81-GG, inclusive, of Chapter 41 of the General Laws, and acts in amendment thereof, in addition thereto or in substitution thereof.
Not more than one building designed or available for use for dwelling purposes shall be erected or placed or converted to use as such on any lot in a subdivision or elsewhere in the Town of Swansea, without the consent of the Planning Board.
Road construction shall be completed within two years of the approval of the definitive plan. The Planning Board may grant extensions to this time limit if in the opinion of the Planning Board it would be in the best interest of the public to do so.
No road shall be accepted by the Town until the procedures outlines in MGL c. 82, §§ 21, 22 and 23 have been completed.
If any section, paragraph, sentence, clause, or provision of these Rules and Regulations shall be adjudged to be not valid, the adjudication shall only apply to the material so adjudged and the remainder of these Rules and Regulations shall be deemed to be valid and effective.
All roads shall be named and such names shall be subject to the approval of the Board of Selectmen. Names shall be sufficiently different in sound and spelling from other road names in the Town so as not to cause confusion. A road which is a continuation of another road shall bear the same name.
In general, street names shall conform to the following classifications:
Street, Avenue, or Road - Major or Collector Street.
Drive or Lane - Local Residential Street (except as follows).
Court or Place - Dead-end Street (permanent).
Circle - A street, both ends of which intersect another street at different locations.