Resident family/non-resident taxpayer shellfish permit: $50.
Fourteen day non resident family shellfish permit: $50.
Senior citizen resident shellfish permit: $10.
Shellfish fisherman's license: $500.
Junior shellfish fisherman's license: $50.
Non-resident shellfish permit: $150.
Duplicate license: $5.
For all classes of licenses and permits, it shall be the burden of the applicant, to the satisfaction of the issuing authority, the Board or their agent, to prove place of residence. For all classes of permits, it shall also be the burden of the applicant, to the satisfaction of the issuing authority, the Board or their agent, to prove family membership for each individual to be listed on the permit. Instruments of such proof may consist of a current real estate tax receipt, inclusion in the rolls of a current assessor's list, inclusion in the rolls of a current census list, children's enrollment in a school system, a valid driver's license, a valid automobile registration, current rent receipts and/or current utility bill receipts showing address and/or any other instrument deemed expedient or necessary by the issuing authority.
Fourteen Day Citizen's Family Shellfish Permit. Shall be issued to any non-alien citizen of the United States who, being head of family and neither a resident nor non-resident, is temporarily housed and vacationing in the Town. Applicants shall bear the burden of proof of temporary housing by means of any one, or combination, of the instruments listed in the first paragraph under § 300-3.
Non-Resident Family Permit. Shall be issued to any non-resident who is head of the family. The head of family shall provide the names of all family members entitled to use said permit.
Recreational/Resident-Taxpayer Family Permit. Shall be issued to any resident who is head of the family. The head of family shall provide the names of all family members entitled to use said permit. "Temporary Physically Incapable Persons" as referred below shall be considered a subset of this classification. "Taxpayer" shall be any non-resident who pays more than $500 per annum in taxes to the Town of Swansea.
Fisherman's License. Shall be issued to any resident who has in their possession a valid Commercial Fisherman Permit, or who submits positive evidence that a Commercial Fisherman Permit has been applied for.
Senior Citizen Permit. Shall be issued to any resident of the Town who has attained the age of 65 at the time he or she purchases the permit. There shall be only one senior citizen permit per household and shall be shared between spouses/domestic partners.
Junior/Special Shellfish Fisherman's License. Shall be issued to any resident who has not yet attained the age of 18 when said resident files in the Office of the Town Clerk a written statement of the parent, parents, or legal guardian granting permission for the applicant to receive said license. Applicants must possess a valid Commercial Fisherman permit or submit positive evidence that a Commercial Fisherman Permit has been applied for.
Temporary Physically Incapable Persons. Recreational permit holders who are, by a Medical Doctors opinion determined to be incapable of harvesting shellfish, may designate another person to harvest their shellfish. All rules and regulations regarding Recreational permit holders shall apply.
Duplicate. Shall be issued for any class of license or permit as a replacement for loss or, by mistake or accident, destroyed. Duplicates shall be issued to amend any class of permit when the family status or eligibility of a permittee to use a permit changes.