The power of the municipality to adopt ordinances concerning traffic and parking is contained in N.J.S.A. 39:4-197. Various statutory provisions throughout Title 39 control the manner in which municipalities may regulate parking and traffic.
[Ord. 1969-11]
Any words or phrases used in this chapter shall have the same meanings as those given to them in Subtitle 1 of Title 39 of the Revised Statutes of New Jersey.
[Ord. 1969-11]
The chief of police or, in his absence, the ranking police officer of the Borough of Point Pleasant Beach is authorized to declare an emergency and direct the posting of EMERGENCY NO PARKING signs when weather conditions, fires, parades, public gatherings and similar occurrences require the avoidance of conditions which are hazardous or which interfere with the unimpeded flow of traffic.
[Ord. 1969-11]
Upon the declaration of an emergency there shall be no parking upon streets or parts of streets where EMERGENCY NO PARKING signs are displayed.
[Ord. 1969-11]
Notification that EMERGENCY NO PARKING signs are being or will be posted shall be given to the owner or operator of any vehicle which has been parked prior to the posting of the signs.
[Ord. 1969-11]
Whenever snow falls and accumulates to such an extent that it covers the roadway, no vehicle shall be parked upon the streets or parts of streets described in Schedule I, attached to and made part of this chapter. This prohibition upon parking shall remain in effect until snow removal operations have reached the point where parking will not interfere with snow removal or the normal flow of traffic. This subsection is in addition to and not in limitation of the power to declare an emergency granted by Subsection 9-2.1.
[Ord. 1969-11]
Any unoccupied vehicle parked or standing in violation of this section is declared to be an obstruction to traffic, a menace to the safety of persons and other vehicles, and a nuisance. Any police officer may remove such a vehicle or cause it to be moved and the owner shall pay all expenses of removal and storage before regaining possession of the vehicle. Removal and storage charges shall be in addition to any penalty imposed for a violation of this section.
[Ord. 1969-11]
The effectiveness of this section is contingent upon signs being erected as provided by law.
[Ord. 1969-11]
The provisions of this chapter imposing a time limit on parking shall not relieve any person of the duty to observe other and more restrictive provisions prohibiting or limiting the stopping, standing or parking of vehicles contained in N.J.S.A. 39:4-138 or any other New Jersey Statute or as set forth in any other provision of this revision.
[Ord. #1969-11; Ord. #1982-6, § 1; Ord. #1982-19, § 1; Ord. #1983-1, § 2; Ord. #1983-17, § 1; Ord. #1983-18, § 1; Ord. #1984-17, § 1; Ord. #1984-22, § 1; Ord. #1984-24, § 1; Ord. 1984-25, § 1; Ord. 1985-25, § 2; Ord. #1990-20, § 1; Ord. #1992-2, § 1; Ord. #1992-16, § 1; Ord. #1995-3, § 1; Ord. #1999-21, § 1; Ord. #2000-10, § 1; Ord. #2003-01, § 1; Ord. #2005-29, § 1; Ord. #2005-38, § 1; Ord. #2008-01, § 1; Ord. #2009-11, § III; Ord. #2009-16, § I; Ord. #2011-18]
No person shall park a vehicle at any time on any of the streets or parts of streets described in Schedule II attached to and made part of this chapter.
[Ord. 1969-11; Ord. #2003-01, § 2]
No person shall park a vehicle at any time between May 1 and September 30 on any of the streets or parts of streets described in Schedule III attached to and made part of this chapter.
[Ord. 1969-11; Ord. #1984-22, § 2; Ord. #1993-13, § 1; Ord. #1994-11, § 1; Ord. #1997-5, § 1; Ord. #1998-4, § 1; Ord. #2004-10, § 1; Ord. #2004-28, § 1; Ord. #2006-37, § 3; Ord. #2009-11, § I; Ord. No. 2015-10]
No person shall park a vehicle during the hours and on the days listed on any of the streets or parts of streets described in Schedule IV attached to and made part of this chapter.
[Ord. 1969-11; Ord. #1995-8, § 2; Ord. # 2003-19, § 1; Ord. #2013-20, § 2]
The streets or parts of streets described in Schedule V are hereby designated as "Permit Parking Only" streets.
No vehicle, with the exception of emergency vehicles, shall be parked on the streets or parts of streets described in Schedule V during the hours and days designated in the Schedule, unless:
The vehicle is owned or operated on a regular basis by a resident of that street, and
The vehicle has displayed on the vehicle's dashboard, driver's side, in such a manner so that the endorsement sticker can be closely examined by an officer, a current residential parking permit.
Application for parking permits pursuant to this section shall be made in writing on the forms provided by the Borough of Point Pleasant Beach Police Department. Permits issued by the police shall be granted upon the showing of proof of residency in a permit parking area and payment of the application fee of one ($1.00) dollar.
Only two parking permits per each tax lot and block shall be issued in the permit-only parking areas.
[Ord. 1989-19, § 1; Ord. #2000-07, § 1; Ord. #2003-19, § 2; Ord. #2004-28, § 2; Ord. No. 2015-22]
No person shall park their vehicle during the hours and on the days listed on any of the streets or parts of streets described in Schedule VA attached to and made part of this chapter.
[Ord. 1969-11; Ord. #1975-6, § 2; Ord. #1981-16, § 1; Ord. #1990-20, § 2; Ord. #1997-20, § 1; Ord. #1998-1, § 1; Ord. #2007-28, § 1; Ord. #2009-11, § II; Ord. #2010-11; Ord. #2012-31; Ord. No. 2015-04; additional amendments noted where applicable in Schedule VI]
No person shall park a vehicle for longer than the time limit specified at any time between the hours listed upon any of the streets or parts of streets described in Schedule VI attached to and made a part of this chapter.
[Ord. #1969-11, § 2; Ord. #1974-5, § 2; Ord. #1984-35, § 1; Ord. #1988-18, § 1; Ord. #1988-22, § 1]
No person shall park a vehicle for longer than the time limit specified at any time between the hours listed, between May 1 and September 30 of any year upon any of the streets or parts of streets described in Schedule VII attached to and made part of this chapter.
[Ord. #1969-11; Ord. #1979-3, § 2; Ord. #1999-02, § 1; Ord. #2002-06, § 1]
No person shall stop or stand a vehicle at any time on the streets or parts of streets described in Schedule VIII attached to and made a part of this chapter.
[Ord. #1969-11]
Any unoccupied vehicle parked or standing in violation of this section shall be deemed a nuisance and a menace to the safety and proper regulation of traffic and any police or peace officer may provide for the removal of the vehicle. The owner shall pay the reasonable costs of the removal and storage which may result from such removal, before regaining possession of the vehicle.
[Ord. #1982-12, § 1]
No person shall park or cause to be parked any vehicle, truck, tractor, trailer, tractor-trailer, construction vehicle or construction equipment, or any vehicle of any description which weighs over 8,000 pounds gross weight on any street in a residential zone of the Borough for more than one hour. This prohibition shall not apply to any vehicle being used to provide services or delivery to any residence, or any public utility vehicle then servicing a residence or residences, except that these vehicles shall be removed as soon as such services or deliveries are completed.
Only one vehicle used in connection with a business and having a name display or advertising matter intended to note or promote the interest of any business shall be parked or stored on a residential lot and same shall not weigh in excess of 8,000 pounds.
No construction vehicle or equipment, such as bulldozers, tractors, cement mixers, or any such construction item shall be parked on any residential lot except for immediate and continued use for construction purposes on that lot, and must be removed as soon as construction is completed or terminated thereon.
No person shall park a vehicle in the front, side, or rear yard of any residential property other than where clearly delineated as a driveway or legal parking space, or within any preapproved accessory structure to house a vehicle (e.g., detached garage). Parking may be permitted in the yard area of residential properties under certain conditions as approved by the Borough Administrator. Said conditions shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following:
[Added 2-16-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-09]
The size, shape and location of the property for which the permit is requested;
Availability and proximity of alternative parking; or
Other matters affecting the health and safety of the residents of Point Pleasant Beach.
No property found in violation of any of the ordinances of the Borough of Point Pleasant Beach within the year immediately preceding the application to the Borough Administrator shall be granted a permit.
[Ord. #1996-14, § 1]
No person shall stop or stand a vehicle during certain hours on the streets or parts of streets described in Schedule XXII attached to and made a part of this chapter.
[Ord. #2000-03, § 1; Ord. #2008-24, § 1]
A commercial loading and unloading zone shall be permitted at any time upon the streets or parts of streets as described in Schedule XXIII attached to and made part of this chapter.
[Ord. #2008-24, § 2]
Parking shall be permitted on streets and avenues only where so designated by outlined parking spaces and as herein specifically indicated:
Name of Street
Maryland Avenue
Along the entire cul-de-sac
From the west end of the cul-de-sac adjacent to Maryland Avenue
[Ord. No. 2014-04 § 1; Ord. No. 2015-06]
Definitions and Word Usage:
Any words or phrases used in this subsection shall have the same meanings as those given to them in Subtitle 1 of Title 39 of the Revised Statutes of the State of New Jersey, the New Jersey Administrative Code, specifically N.J.A.C. 5:21 (2013), and the Borough § 9-1, and the Borough Code Subsection 14-3.5.
A defined paved or unpaved surface providing vehicular access to a street. A driveway is not a road, street, boulevard, highway, or parkway. In order to be considered a driveway containing off-street parking spaces for the purposes of this subsection the driveway must be separated from the yard adjacent thereto by a permanent unmovable marker satisfactory to the official that does the inspection for the rental Certificate of Occupancy.
A storage area for a motor vehicle that is directly accessible to an access aisle and that is not located within a dedicated street right-of-way.
The standing or waiting on a street, road or highway of a vehicle not actually engaged in receiving or discharging passengers or merchandise, unless in obedience to traffic regulations or traffic signs or signals.
Any property required to obtain a Seasonal Certificate of Occupancy by the Ordinances of the Borough of Point Pleasant Beach.
No person shall park a vehicle in the front, side, or rear yard of any seasonal rental property. Vehicles may only be parked in an off-street parking space of a seasonal rental property delineated a legal parking space and/or delineated as a driveway on the drawing required by the Code of the Borough of Point Pleasant Beach to be supplied with all applications for a Seasonal Certificate of Occupancy.
The Borough of Point Pleasant Beach Police Department is hereby authorized to issue summonses to the registered owner(s) of any and all vehicles in violation of this subsection and to affix same to the driver side windshield of any and all vehicles.
Any person who violates any one or more subsections of this chapter shall be subject to the penalties imposed by § 3-15 of Chapter 3.
[Amended 8-7-2018 by Ord. No. 2018-11]
Parking may be permitted in the yard area of seasonal rental properties under certain conditions as approved by the Borough Administrator. Said conditions shall include, but shall not be limited to the following:
The size, shape and location of the property for which the permit is requested;
Availability and proximity of alternative parking; or
Other matters affecting the health and safety of the residents of Point Pleasant Beach.
No property found in violation of any of the Ordinances of the Borough of Point Pleasant Beach within the year immediately preceding the application to the Borough Administrator shall be granted a permit.
The Governing Body of the Borough of Point Pleasant Beach shall have the authority to review the determination of the Borough Administrator. A determination to deny a permit may be reviewed upon application by the property owner to the Municipal Clerk. The Governing Body may, in its sole discretion, review any determination to grant a permit.
The applicant shall be heard at one of the next two (2) regularly scheduled meetings of the Governing Body after delivery of the review application to the Municipal Clerk, or the announcement of the Governing Body that it will review the decision to grant the permit.
Upon the granting of permission by the Governing Body, the resident(s) shall be issued a parking decal for their parking placard. The placard must be displayed decal side up on the driver's side dashboard.
The permit shall be good for a four (4) month period and shall require renewal thereafter upon the submission of an additional request to the governing body.
Any person who has received a permit pursuant to this section immediately forfeits that permit when charged with an offense under this chapter unless and until the charge is resolved in the favor of the permittee.
[Ord. 1985-24, § 1]
It shall be unlawful to park more than one vehicle of any description at any location in the Borough of Point Pleasant Beach where a parking meter has been installed or a designated parking space has been outlined; that is to say, one vehicle shall be parked for each meter installation for each designated parking space and no combination of vehicles such as motorcycles, motor bikes, miniature vehicles, wagons or any other self-propelled vehicle or vehicles shall be permitted except one such vehicle for each parking meter or designated parking space.
[Ord. 1985-24, § 1; amended 9-5-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-14]
It shall be unlawful for the owner or operator of any vehicle to park such vehicle upon portions of, including but not limited to, municipal parking lots, streets or avenues designated by lined parking spaces unless said vehicle is placed within the lines designating each parking space.
[Ord. #2012-35]
The term "fleet vehicles" shall be defined as a group or collection of commercial vehicles, whether or not of the same make and model, utilized by a commercial operator or business entity to carry out commercial activities.
There shall not be more than two (2) fleet vehicles parked on any public street, highway, or road in the Borough of Point Pleasant Beach between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. of the following morning.
During the prohibited hours provided by paragraph b above, fleet vehicles may only be parked in front of the property to which the vehicle is registered in the Borough.
[Ord. #1970-18; Ord. #1975-6, § 3; Ord. #77-14; Ord. #1984-17, § 2; Ord. #1986-15, § 2; Ord. #1986-25, §§ 1, 2; Ord. #1992-3, § 1; Ord. #2009-09, § I; Ord. #2010-27; additional amendments noted where applicable in Schedule IX]
The streets or parts of streets described in Schedule IX attached to and made part of this chapter are designated as one way streets in the direction indicated.
[Ord. #1970-18; Ord. #1979-3, § 3; Ord. #1983-17, § 2; Ord. #1983-24, § 1; Ord. #1988-18, § 2; Ord. #1997-13, § 2; Ord. #1997-17, § 1; Ord. #1998-10, § 1; Ord. #2002-25, § 1; Ord. #2004-25, § 1; Ord. #2004-35, § 1; Ord. #2005-06, § I; Ord. #2011-16, §§ 1, 2; Ord. #2013-46]
Pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 39:4-140, the intersections described in Schedule X attached to and made part of this chapter are designated as stop intersections. STOP signs shall be installed as provided in the schedule.
[Ord. #1969-11; Ord. #1997-13, § 1; Ord. #2011-16, § 3]
Pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 39:4-140, the streets described in Schedule XI attached to and made part of this chapter are designated as through streets. STOP signs shall be installed on the near right side of each street intersecting the through street.
[Ord. #1969-11; Ord. #1975-6, § 4; Ord. #1981-19, § 1; Ord. #1987-1, §§ 1, 2; Ord. #2002-35, § 1; Ord. #2010-53; Ord. #2012-14]
Commercial motor vehicles over four tons gross weight shall not be operated upon the streets or parts of streets described in Schedule XII attached to and made part of this chapter.
[Ord. #1969-11; Ord. #2010-53]
Subsection 9-6.1 shall not apply to the following:
Commercial vehicles picking up or delivering materials on the described streets or parts of streets.
Commercial vehicles operated by a public utility company engaged in installing, maintaining or repairing the facilities or equipment of that company located upon the described streets or parts of streets.
[Added 2-16-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-04]
Loading, unloading, opening or otherwise handling boxes, crates, containers, garbage cans, garbage dumpsters, and/or making deliveries between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. shall be prohibited, except in commercial loading and unloading zones as described in Schedule XXIII.[1]
Editor's Note: See § 9A-23.
[Ord. #1969-11; Ord. #1992-12, § 1; Ord. #2007-07, § 1]
No vehicle shall make a left turn at any of the locations described in Schedule XIII attached to and made part of this chapter.
[Ord. #1969-11]
NO LEFT TURN signs shall be installed at the locations described in Schedule XIII as required by the Director of Motor Vehicles.
[Ord. #1969-11; Ord. #2002-27, § 1]
The streets or parts of streets described in Schedule XIV attached to and made part of this chapter shall have the speed limits designated in that schedule.
[Ord. #1969-11]
Regulatory and warning signs shall be erected and maintained on the streets described in Schedule XIV as required by the Director of Motor Vehicles and as specified in the letter and authorization dated January 25, 1967, from the Traffic Safety Service Division of Motor Vehicles.
[Ord. #1969-11; Ord. #1972-8, §§ 1 & 2; Ord. #1983-21, § 1; Ord. #2008-44, S 3; Ord. #2012-01]
The locations described in Schedule XV attached to and made part of this chapter shall be designated as bus stops in the Borough of Point Pleasant Beach.
[Ord. #1971-23; Ord. #1972-8, §§ 3 & 4; Ord. #1981-11, § 1; Ord. #1994-23, § 1; Ord. #1995-9, § 1]
The locations described in Schedule XVI attached to and made a part of this chapter shall be designated as unmetered parking lot time limits.
In accordance with the provisions of § 9-9A above and with regard only in the eastern portion of the Valentine Lot (that lot located in the center of the block bounded by Arnold Avenue to the north, Trenton Avenue to the south, Cramer Avenue to the west and Bay Avenue to the east). All such locations permitting the parking of commercial vehicles with passes shall be marked in Orange. The Borough shall allow a commercial parking pass to be issued pursuant to the following:
Any business owner or operator of a business that is located within the Borough will be entitled to purchase commercial parking passes for use in the Arnold Avenue North lot only. Each business owner or business operator may claim a commercial parking pass by providing the following documentation:
Business license evidencing the Borough as the proper address of the business establishment for which the commercial parking pass is claimed;
One of the following identification cards to be presented by the business owner or operator:
Current New Jersey driver or non-driver license; or
Current New Jersey boat license; or
Valid U.S. military photo identification; and
Vehicle registration card for each commercial vehicle for which a commercial parking pass is claimed;
Vehicle insurance card for each commercial vehicle for which a commercial parking pass is claimed.
An owner or operator of a business establishment registered within the Borough may claim up to five commercial parking passes per business establishment. Each commercial parking pass shall be issued for a fee of five hundred ($500.00) dollars per registered commercial vehicle. The commercial parking pass shall not be transferable between business entities nor between vehicles.
The Borough Administrator is hereby authorized to issue to owners and operators of businesses licensed within the Borough providing proofs as set forth above in paragraph a, up to five commercial parking passes for the parking of commercial vehicles in the Arnold Avenue North lot.
The applicant shall complete a form provided by the Borough Administrator detailing the name of the business, the location of the business, the business license number, the applicant's name and address, the insurance information, and the registration number of the commercial vehicle for which the business owner or operator desires a parking pass.
Each business establishment is limited to receive five commercial parking passes, and each commercial parking pass shall apply to only one registered commercial vehicle.
The Borough Administrator will issue a placard which shall be displayed on the vehicle's dashboard, driver's side, in such a manner so that the endorsement sticker can be closely examined by an officer and which shall identify the license plate number of the commercial vehicle for which the commercial parking pass is registered.
Said pass shall be issued on a yearly basis valid from January 1 to December 31 of the year issued. There shall be no proration if less than the full relevant period remains at the time an application for a pass is issued. There shall be no refunds for any unexpired pass that is returned to the Borough Administrator.
Parking permission is subject to the following:
The commercial parking pass shall be and remain in effect until the end of the year unless surrendered or revoked prior thereto;
No amount paid on account of any commercial parking pass fee shall be refunded;
The issuance of a commercial parking pass shall not obligate the Borough to furnish parking facilities to the holder of said commercial parking pass; and
No commercial parking pass shall be issued for a vehicle with a gross weight exceeding 35,000 pounds.
Permission to park may be revoked for any of the following:
Falsely representing the address of the business establishment;
Using a commercial parking pass insignia on a vehicle other than that for which the commercial parking pass was granted;
The commission by the operator of any vehicle which holds a commercial parking pass of any unlawful act prohibited by the laws of the state of New Jersey or for any act in violation of the provisions of this or contrary to any regulation of the Borough pertaining to the use and occupation of any parking area while entering, parking or leaving such parking area as set forth in this section;
Furnishing false information or fraudulent documents in connection with an application for a commercial parking pass.
Reproduction of any commercial parking pass is prohibited. No person shall:
Copy, reproduce, or otherwise create a commercial parking pass authorized pursuant to this section;
Create a facsimile or counterfeit commercial parking pass;
Display or use a commercial parking pass knowing same to have been copied, reproduced or otherwise crafted in violation of this section;
Any person found violating the provisions of this section is punishable by a fine not to exceed two thousand ($2,000.00) dollars and/or imprisonment for not more than 30 days and forfeits the right to receive or use a commercial parking pass under this section for a period of three years;
No commercial parking pass may be issued to a business establishment with three or more outstanding summonses by its commercial vehicle operators for violations of this section or any related parking section.
In addition to the imposition of the above or any other penalty that may be imposed by law for the violation of any of the provisions of this section, the Borough may provide for the removal of any vehicle which is allowed to stand or be parked in any parking area pursuant to this section. The business owner or operator shall bear the reasonable cost of removal and storage that may result from such removal before regaining possession of the vehicle.
Any violations under this section that are disputed by the owner or operator of a business establishment to which the parking pass was issued, will be adjudicated before a hearing officer.
Notwithstanding the restriction of parking above provided, any business owner or operator who has received a parking pass as defined in this section shall be entitled to park in the spaces designated in the Arnold Avenue North lot pursuant to the following restrictions:
Parking will be limited to 48 hours in any spot; any vehicle left over that time will be ticketed as being parked over the time limit allowed (overtime parking); provided, however, that for any vehicle parked Friday beginning at 3:00 p.m. through Sunday at 12:00 p.m., there shall be a 72 hour limit in any one spot.
Any business establishment with four or more tickets issued against its name for parking beyond the 48 hour time period shall have its privileges revoked pursuant to this section by the Borough Administrator for the remainder of the calendar year, as well as for the following year.
The parking pass may only be utilized in the Arnold Avenue North lot.
The Borough Administrator shall serve as the hearing officer for any such suspension of this privilege. Should such suspension occur, the business owner or operator so affected may, within ten days from receipt of the notice of suspension, appeal the decision and seek a hearing before the administrator. The administrator's action after hearing shall be deemed the Borough's final action.
No person shall park a truck, a bus or a trailer between the hours of 9:00 p.m. in the evening, and 6:00 a.m. in the forenoon, of the following morning, on any street, highway or road in the Borough of Point Pleasant Beach.
No truck, bus, tank-truck, tractor trailer, tractor, trailer or any other vehicle weighing more than 8,000 pounds shall be parked in any designated municipal parking lot or parking area at any time.
The locations described in Schedule XVII attached to and made a part of this chapter are hereby designated as taxi stands in the Borough of Point Pleasant Beach.
No motorized vehicle of any type may be used or operated upon any portion of the beaches in the Borough east of any building, structure, boardwalk or other unit, except for the health, welfare and safety of the public, such as maintenance, repair, life-saving and similar purposes.
Pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 39:4-140, the intersections described in Schedule XVIII attached to and made a part of this chapter are hereby designated as yield intersections. YIELD signs shall be installed as provided therein.
The locations described in Schedule XIX attached hereto and made a part of this chapter shall be designated as mid-block crosswalks.
Editor's Note: Former § 9-9G, Parking Limited Within the Railroad Plaza Parking Lot, previously codified herein, was repealed in its entirety by Ordinance No. 2007-08.
There is hereby established a two-hour parking limit at all times of the year within and upon the parking area of Gull Island Park operated by the County of Ocean and lying north of Broadway within the Borough of Point Pleasant Beach.
Proper signs shall be placed at the entrance to the parking facilities located within Gull Island Park setting forth the within two-hour parking limitation. These signs shall be printed plainly and conspicuously posted at the entrances to said parking facilities and shall be so placed as to be easily read by pedestrians or operators of motor vehicles.
Any person violating this section shall be subject to a fine not to exceed fifty ($50.00) dollars for each separate offense and/or confinement in the Ocean County Jail for a period of not more than 15 days.
There is hereby established a handicapped student drop-off and pickup location as hereinafter set forth in Schedule XX.
There is hereby established Commercial Vehicle Standing Zones as set forth in Schedule XXV.
There is hereby established a handicapped parking space as hereinafter set forth in Schedule XXI.
There is hereby established a Bus and Taxi Loading and Unloading Zone on Ocean Avenue, as set forth in Schedule XXIV. The loading and unloading zone shall be used exclusively for buses during the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. each day. Taxis shall be permitted to use the zone only after 6:00 p.m. and before 6:00 a.m. Only two buses shall be permitted to park in the designated zone at any one time. Buses shall remain parked in the designated zone area only when actively loading or unloading or for a duration of five minutes, whichever is shorter. Immediately upon completion of loading or unloading, buses shall exit the designated zone area.
There is hereby established a Loading and Unloading Zone on Baltimore Avenue, as set forth in Schedule XXVI which shall be for the exclusive use of the property owner adjacent to the designated area.
Application of Statute. Whereas a written request has been received from the owners, persons or entity pursuant to N.J.S.A. 39:5A-1; the provisions of Title 39 are hereby made applicable to the properties listed in Schedule XXVII to be created and to be attached to and made a part of this chapter.
Filing of Requests and Plot Plans. Specific regulations of request and plot plans are on file with the Borough Clerk and are made a part of this chapter.
The Borough of Point Pleasant Beach.
Any lot that is subject to the agreement between the parking authority and the Borough of Point Pleasant Beach for the division of fees and services for various parking facilities. For purposes of this section, the lots covered under this section are identified as such lots in Schedule A of Chapter X entitled "Parking Meters" of the Borough Ordinances.
Any person who resides within the Borough for at least nine months of the year and who claims a Borough residence as their legal permanent address on his/her state-issued driver's license, insurance card and vehicle registration card. Each resident must provide proof of residence pursuant to Subsection 9-14.2 below.
Any person who owns a residential property within the Borough.
Each resident may claim a parking pass by establishing proof of residency by providing the following documentation:
One of the following identification cards:
Current New Jersey driver or non-driver license; or
Current New Jersey boat license; or
Valid U.S. military photo identification; and
Vehicle registration card evidencing the Borough as the proper address;
Vehicle insurance card evidencing the Borough as the proper address.
[Ord. #2006-11, § III; Ord. #2006-49, §§ 1, 2; Ord. #2012-06, § II; Ord. #2012-19; Ord. #2013-20, § 1; Ord. No. 2017-10]
Two (2) parking passes per residential unit within the Borough shall be issued for a fee of ten ($10.00) dollars each for a specified registered vehicle. Each pass shall contain the license number of the vehicle authorized to use the parking pass. The parking pass shall authorize parking in metered Borough municipal parking areas or lots as indicated in this section. Only two (2) parking passes may be issued per each residential unit.
The Borough Administrator is hereby authorized to issue parking passes for the parking of registered and insured motor vehicles in metered Borough municipal parking areas or municipal lots to persons providing proof of residency as set forth above in Subsection 9-14.2 or to persons providing proof that they are a residential taxpayer pursuant to this section.
The applicant shall complete a form provided by the Borough administrator detailing the applicant's name and address, insurance, and the registration number of the motor vehicle for which the applicant desires a parking pass.
Each residential dwelling unit is limited to two (2) parking passes.
The Borough Administrator will issue non-transferable parking passes, which shall be displayed on the vehicle's dashboard, driver's side, in such a manner so that the endorsement sticker may be easily examined by a Police Officer.
Said passes shall be issued on a yearly basis valid from January 1 to December 31 of the year issued. There shall be no proration if less than the full relevant period remains at the time an application for a pass is issued. There shall be no refunds for any unexpired pass that is returned to the Borough Administrator.
Parking permission is subject to:
The parking pass shall be and remain in effect until the end of the year unless surrendered or revoked prior thereto;
No amount paid on account of any parking pass fee shall be refunded;
The issuance of a parking pass shall not obligate the Borough to furnish parking facilities to the holder of said parking pass.
Permission to park may be revoked for any of the following:
Falsely representing the ownership of a vehicle or the residence of the owner;
Using a parking pass insignia on a vehicle other than that for which such parking pass was granted;
The commission by the holder of a parking pass of any unlawful act prohibited by the law of the State of New Jersey or for any act in violation of the provisions of this or contrary to any regulation of the Borough pertaining to the use and occupation of any parking area while entering, parking or leaving such parking area as set forth in this section.
Reproduction of any parking pass is prohibited:
No person shall:
Copy, reproduce, or otherwise create a resident parking pass authorized pursuant to this section;
Create a facsimile or counterfeit resident parking pass;
Display or use a resident parking pass knowing same to have been copied, reproduced or otherwise crafted in violation of this section;
No person shall furnish false information or fraudulent documents in connection with an application for a resident parking pass;
Any person found violating the provisions of this section is punishable by a fine not to exceed two thousand ($2,000.00) dollars and/or imprisonment for not more than ten days and forfeits the right to receive or use a parking pass under this section for a period of three years;
No pass authorized may be issued to a person with three or more outstanding summonses for violations of this section or any related parking section.
In addition to the imposition of the above or any other penalty that may be imposed by law for the violation of any of the provisions of this section, the Borough may provide for the removal of any vehicle, which is allowed to stand or be parked in any parking area pursuant to this section. The owner shall bear the reasonable cost of removal and storage that may result from such removal before regaining possession of the vehicle.
Any violations under this section that are disputed by the resident to whom the parking pass was issued, will be adjudicated before a hearing officer.
Notwithstanding the restriction of parking above provided, any person who has received a parking pass as defined in this section shall be entitled to park in metered Borough municipal parking areas or municipal lots pursuant to the following restrictions:
Parking will be limited to two hours in one spot; any vehicle left over that time will be ticketed as being parked at an expired meter;
Any person with two or more tickets for parking beyond the two hour limit shall have their and their residential unit's privileges revoked pursuant to this section by the Borough Administrator for the remainder of the calendar year, as well as for the following year.
The parking pass may not be utilized to park at the following municipal parking lots at any time:
Silver Lake Parking Lot
Railroad Station Parking Lot
The former Risden's South End Lot, located at the southeast corner of Ocean and New Jersey Avenues.
The Borough Administrator shall serve as the hearing officer for any such suspension of this privilege. Should such suspension occur, the person so affected may, within ten days from receipt of the notice of suspension, appeal the decision and seek a hearing before the administrator. The administrator's action after hearing shall be deemed the Borough's final action.
[Added 3-17-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-03]
The Borough shall allow a downtown employee parking pass to be issued pursuant to the following:
Any employee of a business that is located within the Borough will be entitled to apply for an employee parking pass. Each employee may apply for an employee parking pass by providing the following documentation:
Proof of employment by a business located in the Borough.
One of the following identification cards:
Current New Jersey driver's license; or
Valid U.S. military photo identification; and
Vehicle registration card for the vehicle for which an employee parking pass is sought; and
Vehicle insurance card for the vehicle for which an employee parking pass is sought.
The employee parking pass will permit the employee to park his identified vehicle in one of the spots in the Railroad Parking Lot beginning May 1, 2020.
Employee parking passes will be issued in the order requested, and the number of employee parking passes is limited to 120.
The employee parking pass shall not be transferrable between employees and/or vehicles. The pass shall be returned to the Borough when the employment ends.
The applicant shall complete a form provided by the Administrator detailing the business the applicant is employed by, the location of the business, the business license number, the applicant's name and address, vehicle insurance information and the license plate number of the vehicle for which the parking pass is sought.
The Borough Administrator will issue a placard which will be displayed on the vehicle's dashboard, driver's side, in such a manner so that it can be easily examined by a police officer and which will identify the license plate number of the vehicle to which the employee parking pass is registered.
The employee parking pass will be issued on a yearly basis valid beginning January 1 and will expire on December 31 of the year issued or the cessation of employment, whichever comes first.
Parking permission is subject to the following:
The employee parking pass may be surrendered or revoked prior to the end of the year in which it is issued.
The issuance of an employee parking pass shall not obligate the Borough to furnish parking facilities to the holder of such parking pass.
Permission to park may be revoked for any of the following:
Falsely representing the address of the employer;
Using an employee parking pass in a vehicle other than that for which the employee parking pass is issued.
The commission by the holder of an employee parking pass of any act prohibited by the laws of the State of New Jersey or for any act in violation of this or any other regulation of the Borough pertaining to the use and occupation of the Railroad Parking Lot.
Furnishing false information or fraudulent documents in connection with an application for an employee parking pass.
Reproduction of any employee parking pass is prohibited. No person shall:
Copy, reproduce or otherwise create an employee parking pass authorized pursuant to this section;
Create a facsimile or counterfeit employee parking pass;
Display or use an employee parking pass knowing same to have been copied, reproduced or otherwise crafted in violation of this section.
Any person found violating the provisions of this section is punishable by a fine not to exceed $2,000 and/or imprisonment for not more than 30 days and forfeits the right to receive or use an employee parking pass under this section for a period of three years.
Any violations under this section that are disputed by the holder of the employee parking pass which are not the subject of proceedings in the municipal court will be adjudicated before a hearing officer.
The Borough Administrator shall serve as the hearing officer for disputed suspensions of this privilege which are not the subject of proceedings in the municipal court. Should such a suspension occur, the holder of the employee parking pass so affected may, within 10 days of receipt of the notice of suspension, appeal the decision and seek a hearing before the Borough Administrator. The Borough Administrator's action after the hearing shall be deemed the Borough's final action.
Parking within the Borough on private property without the owner's or the lawful occupant's consent shall be a violation of this section.
For violation of any provision of this section, the fine shall not exceed five hundred ($500.00) dollars nor be less than one hundred ($100.00) dollars.
Where a summons is issued to an individual for violating this section, the issuing officer may, at the issuing officer's discretion and at the time the summons is issued, classify the summons as a payable offense. Should the issuing officer designate the summons as a payable offense, no mandatory court appearance shall be required for the violator.
In designating the violation of this section as a payable offense, the municipal court is hereby authorized to include a violation of this section on the "Local Supplemental Violations Bureau Schedule" pursuant to R. 7:12-4(c) of the New Jersey Court Rules.
[Ord. #2006-17, § 1; Ord. #2009-01, § I]
Any person may purchase a commuter parking pass for use within the Borough for an annual fee of two hundred sixty-four ($264.00) dollars per vehicle; except that the annual fee for a resident as defined in Subsection 9-14.1 shall be ten ($10.00) dollars per vehicle.
The commuter parking pass shall authorize parking in the Railroad Station Parking Lot only and shall not be valid for parking in any other parking area in the Borough.
The applicant shall complete a form provided by the Borough Administrator detailing the applicant's name, address, insurance information and the registration and license plate number of the motor vehicle(s) for which the applicant desires a parking pass. Proof of residency in the Borough shall not be required as a condition for issuance of a commuter parking pass under this section.
Upon payment of the fee and proper completion of the application, the administrator shall issue a placard to serve as the parking pass, which shall be displayed on the vehicle's dashboard, driver's side, in such a manner so that the endorsement sticker may be easily examined by a police officer.
Said pass shall be issued on a yearly basis valid from January 1 to December 31 of the year issued. The fee set for forth in paragraph a above shall be prorated if purchased during the course of the year, based on a cost of twenty-two ($22.00) dollars per month for each remaining full or partial month at the time of purchase except that a resident fee shall not be prorated. There shall be no refunds for any unexpired pass that is returned to the Borough Administrator.
Except as set forth herein, the commuter parking pass and persons issued such a pass shall be subject to the same terms, conditions and penalties as set forth for holders of resident parking passes in § 9-14 to the extent that the same are not inconsistent with the provisions of this section.
[Ord. No. 2013-26; Ord. #2013-29; Ord. No. 2015-20 § 1]
The Borough of Point Pleasant Beach.
A taxpayer or tenant of a taxpayer of the Borough, whether an individual or business entity, possessing a mercantile license to operate a business in the Borough.
That area of the Borough bordered on the north by the south side of Broadway, on the west by the New Jersey Transit Railroad Tracks until the south side of Arnold, then the west border shall be the west side of St. Louis Avenue, on the south by the south side of Forman Avenue and on the east by the Atlantic Ocean, with the exception that no portion of Arnold or Ocean Avenues shall be subject to this section.
As set forth in Subsection 9-14.1 of the Borough Code.
[Ord. No. 2013-26; Ord. No. 2015-20 § 1; Ord. No. 2016-04]
Every resident and residential taxpayer in the covered area shall be provided five (5) placards by the Administrator to serve as the parking pass, which shall be displayed conspicuously on the driver's side dashboard in a form to be approved by the Chief of Police and confirmed yearly by resolution of the Governing Body. The placards shall be numbered such that each placard may be associated with the taxpayer to whom it was issued. The placards shall be mailed by the Administrator to the address so registered with the Borough's Tax Collector. Whether or not there is more than one taxpayer associated with a real property in the Covered Area, no more than five (5) placards shall be issued for each property.
Every resident and residential taxpayer of the Borough who is not entitled to five (5) placards as described in Subsection 9-17.2a1 above and anyone holding a valid Saltwater Recreational Registry Program Certificate issued by the State of New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Division of Fish and Wildlife — Marine Fisheries Division may apply for a placard under this Subsection 19-17.2a2 by completing a form to be provided by the Borough Administrator detailing the applicant's name and address, and for those holding the above described Certificate, the Certificate Registration Number.
Any placard issued under this section to a Certificate holder shall only be valid while engaged in recreational fishing activities.
All placards issued under this section shall be displayed conspicuously on the driver's side dashboard. The placards shall be numbered such that each placard may be associated with the individual to whom it was issued.
[Ord. No. 2016-04]
The owner, or authorized representative, of a commercial entity located within the Borough may apply to the Borough Administrator for resident parking placards to be issued to employees of the commercial entity.
The owner, or authorized representative, of a commercial entity located in the Borough, who desires parking placards for the employees of the commercial entity to enable employees to park a vehicle in non-metered spaces in the Covered Area during the restricted period, may apply for a placard under this subsection by completing and certifying a form to be provided by the Borough Administrator detailing the commercial entity's name and address, the names of the employees to whom the parking placard would be issued, the employee's driver's license number, the employee's vehicle license number, and the employee's home address.
Each employee of a commercial entity is limited to one parking placard displayed conspicuously on the driver's side dashboard in a form to be approved by the Chief of Police and confirmed yearly by resolution of the Governing Body.
The employees of a commercial entity who are issued a parking placard are subject to all the privileges, restrictions, and penalties of Chapter IX of the Code of the Borough of Point Pleasant Beach, § 9-17, except that parking placards issued to employees of commercial entities shall not be transferable. Parking placards issued to employees of commercial entities shall be numbered and shall bear the name of the commercial entity.
[Ord. No. 2013-26; Ord. No. 2015-20 § 1]
Parking in the Covered Area in non-metered spaces shall be restricted to those licensed, registered and insured vehicles displaying a valid parking placard between the hours of 12:30 a.m. and 4:00 a.m. beginning May 15th of the calendar year and terminating September 15th of that same calendar year.
[Ord. No. 2013-26; Ord. No. 2015-20 § 1]
Any resident, residential taxpayer, or commercial entity, of the Borough, who desires parking placards to enable guests to park vehicles in non-metered spaces in the Covered Area during the restricted period for a specific day or day(s) not to exceed three (3) days, may apply for limited duration parking placards under this section by completing a form to be provided by the Borough Administrator detailing the applicant's name and address, the reason for the request, and the number of passes requested.
No such request shall be considered unless the request is received by the Administrator no less than seventy-two (72) hours, not counting Saturday, Sunday and holiday hours, before the day the placard is to be effective.
Those who are issued a Limited Duration parking placard are subject to all the privileges, restrictions, and penalties of Chapter 9 of the Code of the Borough of Point Pleasant Beach, § 9-17.
[Ord. No. 2013-26; Ord. No. 2015-20 § 1]
Signs posted to indicate the requirements imposed by this section shall be placed in accordance with existing rules and regulations of the State of New Jersey.
[Ord. No. 2013-26; Ord. No. 2015-20 § 1]
Each parking placard, except Limited Duration Placards issued pursuant to Subsection 9-17.4 above, shall be issued on a yearly basis no later than May 10th of each year.
Parking permission is subject to:
The parking placard, except Limited Duration Placards issued pursuant to Subsection 9-17.4 above, shall be and remain in effect beginning May 15th of the calendar year and lasting until September 15th of the calendar year issued unless surrendered or revoked prior thereto;
The issuance of a parking placard shall not obligate the Borough to furnish parking facilities to the holder of said parking placard.
Permission to park may be revoked for any of the following:
Falsely representing the ownership of a vehicle or the residence of the owner;
The commission by the holder of a parking placard of any unlawful act prohibited by the law of the State of New Jersey or for any act in violation of the provisions of this or contrary to any regulation of the Borough pertaining to the use and occupation of any parking area while entering, parking or leaving such parking area as set forth in this section.
Reproduction of any parking placard is prohibited:
No person shall:
Copy, reproduce, or otherwise create a parking placard authorized pursuant to this section;
Create a facsimile or counterfeit parking placard;
Display or use a parking placard knowing same to have been copied, reproduced or otherwise crafted in violation of this section;
No person shall furnish false information or fraudulent documents in connection with an application for a parking placard;
Any person found violating the provisions of this section is punishable by a fine not to exceed two thousand ($2,000.00) dollars and/or imprisonment for not more than ten (10) days and forfeits the right to receive or use a parking placard under this section for a period of three (3) years;
No parking placard authorized may be issued to a person with three (3) or more outstanding summonses for violations of this section or any related parking section.
In addition to the imposition of the above or any other penalty that may be imposed by law for the violation of any of the provisions of this section, the Borough may provide for the removal of any vehicle, which is allowed to stand or be parked in any parking area pursuant to this section. The owner shall bear the reasonable cost of removal and storage that may result from such removal before regaining possession of the vehicle.
Any violations under this section that are disputed by the resident to whom the parking pass was issued will be adjudicated before a hearing officer.
[Ord. No. 2013-26; Ord. No. 2015-20 § 1]
The Borough Administrator shall serve as the hearing officer to adjudicate any dispute by a resident relating to the issuance or failure to issue a parking placard.
The Borough Administrator shall use his or her discretion to issue more parking placards to an applicant where there are multiple dwelling units located on a property in the Covered Area, and for which there is only one tax bill issued to that property.
All disputes or requests relating to the issuance or failure to issue a parking placard shall be made in writing to the Borough Administrator who may schedule a hearing on the dispute in his or her discretion. The Borough Administrator shall render a determination within fourteen (14) business days of receipt of any dispute or request.
The determination of the Borough Administrator on any dispute or request shall be considered the final adjudication of the matter so raised.
[Ord. No. 2013-26; Ord. No. 2015-20 § 1; amended by 8-7-2018 by Ord. No. 2018-11]
Unless provided otherwise by this chapter, any person who violates any one or more subsections of this chapter shall be subject to the penalties imposed by § 3-15 of Chapter 3.
[Ord. #2012-14; Ord. No. 2015-20 § 1]
Commercial motor vehicles over the gross weight (GVW) are hereby excluded from streets or parts of streets described except for the pick up and delivery of materials on such streets. (See also § 9-6)
Name of Street
Laurel Avenue
Between Richmond Avenue and Bay Avenue (CR#75)
[Ord. #1969-11; Ord. #1995-16, § 1; Ord. #2006-14, § 1; Ord. #2006-23, § 1; Ord. 2008-44, § 2; Ord. #2012-14; Ord. #2013-26]
Unless another penalty is expressly provided by New Jersey Statutes, every person convicted of a violation of the provisions of this chapter or any supplement thereto shall be subject to the penalties imposed by § 3-15 of Chapter 3 of this revision.