Note: Ordinance history includes Ord. Nos. 1984-6; 1984-32; 1986-2; 1994-21; 1997-11; 2008-53; Ord. No. 2017-15 deleted and replaced the entire chapter. Amendments noted where applicable.
[Amended 8-4-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-12; 6-1-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-26]
[Amended 6-1-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-26]
Unless determined otherwise by a resolution of the Borough Council, the general operating season shall commence on May 1 and continue through October 15. During the operating season all persons using the beaches and the ocean waters adjacent thereto during operating hours shall obtain and display an appropriate beach badge as required by the owner of the beach.
[Amended 6-1-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-26]
Hours. Daily operating hours at the oceanfront during the operating season shall be as follows, except during inclement weather:
Saturday, Sunday and holidays: 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Surfers, fishermen, and those using self-contained underwater breathing apparatus (SCUBA) equipment may access the beach, at their own risk, to surf, fish, or dive after the beach closes, but may not remain on the beach when not surfing, fishing or diving.
Exercising east of the mean high-water mark is permitted at all times. Exercise classes may be held on the beach at any time with the permission of the owner.
Special events may be held on the beach after 7:00 p.m. Any and all required state, county, and/or local permits for any such events must be obtained. Any and all provisions of this section, including, but not limited, to Subsection b1, applicable during ordinary daytime operations shall be applicable to all such special events.
No one who operates a beach and charges a fee shall allow any employee under the age of 18 to inspect patrons or their possessions for alcohol and/or illegal or controlled substances.
Oceanfront bathing is permitted only when lifeguards are on duty regardless of operating hours. No person shall enter the bay or ocean when lifeguards are not on duty, except with a surfboard, paddleboard or the like, or while using self-contained underwater breathing apparatus. Any such entry when lifeguards are not on duty is at the entrant's own risk.
[Amended 6-1-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-26]
All persons are restricted from remaining on the beaches after 7:00 p.m., except with special permission of the owner. Special events as referenced in Subsection 21-1.2a5 above shall constitute such special permission. Surfers, fishermen, and those using self-contained underwater breathing apparatus or exercising as described in Subsection 21-1.2a3 and 4 above may access the beach, at their own risk, to surf, fish, dive, or exercise after the beach closes, but may not remain on the beach when not surfing, fishing, diving or exercising.
[Amended 6-1-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-26]
No person shall do any of the following things at or upon the boardwalk and/or beaches or the ocean waters located in the Borough:
Throw, drop, discard, dump, or leave any wastepaper, garbage, or other refuse, or in any way litter, make unsightly, damage, destroy or disfigure said beach, dune, water, or any public or private property.
Sell, peddle or hawk any food, drink or confections, with the exception of those licensed to do so by the Borough.
Make any loud noise, sound or music to the annoyance of any other person, or use loud, profane or indecent language.
Play ball, or ride or operate a surfboard, or engage in any other activity which will endanger another person or interfere with the enjoyment of the quiet use of the beach.
Take any intoxicating liquor upon the beach, or any glass containers or bottles.
Take or permit a dog to be or go upon the beach without a leash or after 7:30 a.m. from May 15 to September 15; permit a dog to be on or upon the boardwalk.
Go into the water, or remain in the water:
When it is unsafe to do so;
When directed by a public lifeguard to come out of the water;
When intoxicated;
Farther than directed by a lifeguard; or
In violation of a reasonable order of a lifeguard when the safety of the bather is or may be endangered by going into the water.
Molest or disturb any person in the peaceful enjoyment of said beach, or bathing facilities.
Refuse or neglect to obey the orders and directions of a lifeguard as to time, place and distance for bathing, or resting on the sand, or otherwise for social distancing, or interfere with or obstruct a police officer or lifeguard in the performance of his or her duty.
Operate a privately owned beach buggy or other motor vehicle on the beach at any time, except with the permission of the owner of the beach.
Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:48-1 and N.J.S.A. 40:48-2, smoke or burn a lighted cigar, cigarette or pipe, including any handheld electronic device which vaporizes a liquid (e.g., e-cigarettes, e-cigs, electronic nicotine delivery systems, electronic nonnicotine delivery systems, personal vaporizers, PVs), or any other matter or substance which contains tobacco on any property owned by the federal, state, county or local government east of the entrance to the boardwalk or on the beach;
Bring any of the following onto a beach:
Coolers larger than 13 inches in width, or length, or height and/or has a capacity greater than nine quarts.
Serving trays, warming trays, pots, pans, devices, equipment or utensils utilized for the preparation or storage of food.
Canopy-style sun shades bigger than seven feet by seven feet and any size canopy-style sun shade with side walls, including tents and tent clusters. Except that during daylight hours for sanctioned athletic events and special events only, a tent may be as much as 10 feet by 10 feet with the express permission of those in charge of operating the beach.
Devices designed or used to shade infants and small children, also known as "baby tents," larger than 36 inches high by 36 inches wide by 36 inches deep.
Umbrellas with a collapsible circular shade greater than eight feet in diameter or radiating from a center pole greater than eight feet in height or with grounding lines, ropes, or sides.
Umbrellas, baby tents and canopies anchoring lines, tethers, or the like that extend beyond the perimeter of the umbrella, the baby tent or canopy.
Tables or stands or boards or other devices positioned to function as a table.
Cook on the beach.
Bring a drone onto or operate a drone on the beach without the permission of the owner.
[Amended 6-1-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-26]
The police in the municipality shall police the beaches, boardwalk, and waterfront located in the Borough.
A municipal beach is hereby established for the public health, recreation, bathing and entertainment.
The area lying to the east of the street ends known as Maryland Avenue and Delaware Avenue and being commonly designated as the "Plaza" area and having an approximate depth of 110 feet by an ocean frontage of 450 feet.
The municipality shall arrange for the acquisition, use, and maintenance of such safeguards, equipment and facilities as the Borough shall deem necessary for the proper establishment and maintenance of said place or resort for public health, recreation, bathing, and entertainment.
The Borough shall arrange for lifeguards as the Borough shall deem necessary for the proper maintenance of said municipal beach. The hours of lifeguards shall be as set by Resolution of the Governing Body.
The Police in the municipality shall police said beach.
In order to provide funds to improve, maintain and police the municipal beach and to protect the same from erosion, encroachment, damage by the sea, or otherwise, and to provide facilities and safeguards for public bathing and recreation, including the employment of lifeguards, reasonable fees shall be charged the person using said lands and bathing facilities for access to the beaches and bathing and recreational facilities from May 1 to October 15. These fees shall be set by Resolution of the Governing Body.
No person shall do any of the following things at or upon the municipal beach:
Throw, drop, discard, dump, or leave any wastepaper, garbage, or other refuse, or in any way litter, make unsightly, damage, destroy or disfigure said beach, dune, water, or any public or private property.
Sell, peddle or hawk any food, drink or confections.
Make any loud noise, sound or music to the annoyance of any other person, or use loud, profane or indecent language.
Play ball, or ride or operate a surfboard, or engage in any other activity which will endanger another person or interfere with the enjoyment of the quiet use of the beach.
Take any intoxicating liquor upon the beach, or any glass containers or bottles.
Take or permit his or her dog to be or go upon the beach or in the water at any public bathing beach; except that any dog under the control of a leash may utilize the municipal beach, and the approaches for access only, between October 1st and April 30th, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. of each year.
Go into the water, or remain in the water:
When it is unsafe to do so;
When directed by a public lifeguard to come out of the water;
When Intoxicated;
Farther than directed by a public lifeguard; or
In violation of a reasonable order of a public lifeguard when the safety of the bather is or may be endangered by going into the water.
Molest or disturb any person in the peaceful enjoyment of said beach, or bathing facilities.
Refuse or neglect to obey the orders and directions of a public lifeguard as to time, place and distance for bathing, or interfere with or obstruct a Police Officer or lifeguard in the performance of his or her duty.
Operate a privately owned beach buggy or other motor vehicle on the beach at any time.
Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:48-1 and N.J.S.A. 40:48-2, smoke or burn a lighted cigar, cigarette or pipe, including any handheld electronic device which vaporizes a liquid (e.g., e-cigarettes, e-cigs, electronic nicotine delivery systems, electronic non-nicotine delivery systems, personal vaporizers, PVs), or any other matter or substance which contains tobacco on any property owned by the Federal, State, County or local government east of the entrance to the Beach;
Bring any of the following onto the Beach:
Coolers larger than 24 inches in width, or length, or height and/or has a capacity greater than thirty-six (36) quarts.
Serving trays, warming trays, pots, pans, devices, equipment or utensils utilized for the preparation or storage of food.
Canopy style sun shades bigger than 10' x 10' and any size canopy style sun shade with side walls including tents and tent clusters.
Devices designed or used to shade infants and small children, also known as "baby tents," larger than 36 inches high by 36 inches wide by 36 inches deep.
Umbrellas with a collapsible circular shade greater than eight feet diameter or radiating from a center pole greater than 7 feet 6 inches in height, or with grounding lines, ropes, or sides.
Umbrellas, baby tents and canopies anchoring lines, tethers, or the like that extend beyond the perimeter of the umbrella, the baby tent or canopy.
Tables or stands or boards or other devices positioned to function as a table.
Cook on the Beach.
Bring a drone onto or operate a drone on the Beach.
Although there may be no long term defense for fixed oceanfront structures against a constantly rising ocean level, effective protection of the oceanfront and adjacent coastal areas in the intermediate term against high tides and flooding and against damage by the ocean under storm conditions requires sufficient elevation and breadth in the beach and dune areas, hereinafter defined, to dissipate the force of the waves. The dunes should provide an uninterrupted barrier and a source of sand to mitigate the effect of storm waves for the benefit of the entire Borough - interior lands as well as oceanfront premises - and a beach for the recreational purposes of all. Accordingly, the Borough has a vital interest in the continued maintenance and protection of the beach and dune areas and in the right to cause their restoration in the event of damage or destruction.
Dune areas are vulnerable to erosion by wind, water, the absence of good husbandry by those responsible for their maintenance and preservation, and by indiscriminate trespass, construction or other acts which might destroy or damage them.
A proven and available means of protecting dune areas against erosion is by preventing indiscriminate trespassing, construction or other acts which might destroy or damage them, and through the aggressive use of native plantings supplemented, when necessary, by sand fencing and other protective devices, or combinations thereof, designed to prevent the erosion of dune areas and to promote the root accumulations, normal contours and other features found in natural dune systems.
The beach area and dune area are dynamic and are not capable of rigid definition or delineation, or of completely firm stabilization. They can and do migrate, so that particular sites, at one time free of dunes may, as the result of natural forces, become a part of the dune area declared to be in the interest of the Borough to protect. Persons owning, using or purchasing such property do so subject to the public interest therein.
It is a purpose of this section to define the areas so affected and to establish regulations to assure their continued effectiveness.
This section does not attempt to define and regulate all parameters of dune delineation, function or management and the Borough Council declares its intent to review and update this section periodically to reflect appropriately new and beneficial knowledge treating of such things as, but not limited to, upper driftline, elevated walkways and buildings setback requirements.
This section is declared to be an exercise of the police power in the interest of safety and welfare for the protection of persons and property.
For the purposes of this section, the following words shall have the meaning given herein.
Beach area shall mean that area between the mean high water line of the Atlantic Ocean, in reference to the 1929 Sea Level Datum as established by the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey and the seaward edge of the dune as hereinafter defined.
Seaward edge of dune shall be the line as identified on the adopted Dune Reference Map of the Borough. The line shall also be the easterly edge of the dune area as indicated on the adopted map.
Upper driftline shall mean that line produced by the winter spring tides (highest tides of the year) which contains oceanic debris (flotsam such as seaweed, etc.) and the seeds, rhizomes, or detached plants which can germinate and/or grow to produce a zone of new dune vegetation.
Landward edge of dune shall be the line as identified on the adopted Dune Reference Map of the Borough. The line shall also be the westerly edge of the dune area as indicated on the adopted map. The landward edge of dune shall also be the adopted 'Dune Reference Line'.
Vegetation line shall mean that line connecting the most seaward naturally occurring perennial plants with other such plants.
Dune area shall mean that area between the seaward edge of the dune and the landward edge of the dune.
Beach area shall be all areas located easterly of the dune area as shown on the adopted Dune Reference Map.
Setback line shall mean that line parallel to the dune reference line and located westwardly therefrom by the setback distances variously specified by Borough ordinance or maps or any subsequent modification thereof.
Natural vegetation shall mean and include the terms "native vegetation" or "indigenous vegetation." Specifically, it shall include such plants as beachgrass (Ammophila breviligulata), dusty miller (Artemisia stelleriana), sea rocket (Cakile edentula), seaside goldenrod (Solidago sempervirens), bayberry (Myrica pensylvanica), beach pea (Lathyrus japonicus), salt spray rose (Rosa rugosa), or seaside spurge (Euphorbia polygonifolia), which normally grow or may be planted on the slopes of dunes or behind them, no distinction being made as to how such plants are introduced into their location. Beach Plum shall be included as an acceptable plant.
Walkway shall mean a constructed means of crossing the dune area in accordance with drawings approved by Borough Council and on file with the Borough Engineer.
Sand fence shall mean and include the term "snow fence" of a barricade type established in a line or a pattern to accumulate sand and aid in the formation of a dune, such as:
Picket type consisting of light wooden fence held together by wire and secured by posts; or
Such other material as may be designed and approved for the purpose.
Dune consultant shall mean an expert on dunes and their care retained by the Borough. In any periods during which no such expert is regularly retained, it shall mean such other person designated by Borough Council. This person shall serve at the pleasure of the mayor and council.
Dune inspector shall mean that person designated by Borough Council and approval by the dune consultant. The dune inspector and dune consultant can be one in the same person or separate individuals as determined by Mayor and Council.
[Amended 9-6-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-21; 2-21-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-03]
The setback line from the Dune Reference Line (Landward edge of dune) is hereby established at ten feet. No construction activity whatsoever shall be permitted in the areas of the Borough east of said line as established on the adopted Dune Reference Map of the Borough of Point Pleasant Beach except as provided in paragraph c herein.
The first floor of any new or rebuilt residence structure built east of Ocean Avenue within the Borough shall be at an elevation at least as great as that specified in the flood damage prevention ordinance or any subsequent modification thereof.
No person shall be in the dune area unless:
Upon an approved pathway, walkway or dune platform; or
In the performance of such activities as may be reasonably and necessarily required to construct or maintain the dune or allowed structures with the permission of the owner; or
For the purposes of enforcement of this section, the following shall apply:
Only one pathway or walkway across the dune area is permitted for each oceanfront residence. It shall run, generally, the shortest practical course between the residents and the seaward edge of the dune, and shall not exceed four feet in width. The walkover shall be fenced on both sides through the use of sand fencing, split rail fencing, or open hand rails. Any grading or excavation associated with the installation of the walkover shall not result in the lowering of the beach or dune design specifications. In the event that any pathway or walkway shall be or become, in the opinion of the Borough Engineer, a substantial detriment to the development and maintenance of the continuous protective dune sought to be achieved by this section, the owner of the premises shall be subject to the provisions of paragraph i. of this subsection.
In addition to the pathway or walkway, each oceanfront lot shall be allowed one dune platform not to exceed 200 square feet, situated within the dune area and specifically located and delineated by the owner of the premises. The dune platform shall, in all events, be maintained in the same fashion and subject to the same regulations as may govern the use of pathways and walkways. Dune platforms shall comply with such specifications as may hereafter be adopted by resolution of the Borough Council governing such structures. Where the Dune Reference Line and Storm Damage Reduction Easement exist on the same property, one dune platform, as defined above, shall be permitted within the Storm Damage Reduction Easement area in addition to that permitted east of the Dune Reference Line.
The removal, cutting, burning, or destruction of natural vegetation, sand fence or such other types of dune protection devices as may be approved by the Borough Council in the dune area is prohibited, except as necessary for construction authorized pursuant to paragraphs a and c.
The removal and grading of sand from the beach area or dune area is prohibited unless an emergency has been declared in writing by virtue of a written memorandum from the dune consultant to the mayor and council consistent with all other governmental regulations governing the same.
During the time of such declared emergencies, grading of sand may take place only as directed and approved by the dune consultant.
Any sand which is transported upon lands by action of wind, tides, storms or any combination thereof shall not be removed from the lot upon which it is deposited by such action if said sand is located east of the landward edge of the dune (Dune Reference Line). To the extent practicable, considering the utilization of the premises, such sand as may be affirmatively relocated by the owner upon the lot shall be moved eastwardly. Sand deposited upon any improved street ends shall be restored into the beach and dune area.
One of the purposes of this section is to achieve the maintenance of sand dunes at the highest practical height. To this end, no dune shall be directly or indirectly lowered or reduced in height by the action or inaction of any owner or his agent. However, if any dune shall be or become lower than the elevation deemed materially significant by the dune consultant, applying recognized criteria, with due regard to the intent of this section and reasonable use of the premises, the owner thereof shall be obliged to install such sand fence and plantings as may be prescribed by the dune consultant. The owner shall have an obligation to maintain and replace, if necessary, these fences and plantings but shall not be obligated to take any other affirmative action, except as may be specified elsewhere in this section. If the dune is lowered or caused to be lowered by the direct or indirect action of any owner, then the dune shall, upon due notice to the owner, be restored its immediately pre-existing elevation by the owner or at his expense. The restored dune shall be planted and sand fenced in accordance with specifications promulgated under this section.
In order to provide for effective protection and/or restoration of the dune area, each owner shall plant or cause to be planted in the dune area adjoining his property suitable vegetation and erect, or cause to be erected, suitable sand fencing all in accordance with such standards as may be recommended by the dune consultant and adopted by resolution of the Borough Council.
The Borough dune inspector, and in his absence, the dune consultant and in all events the Borough Council shall enforce the affirmative duty of each oceanfront owner, as set forth in this section, by service of a written notice, certified mail return receipt requested, upon the record owner at his last known address as set forth in the Borough tax rolls, requesting specific compliance with these obligations concerning dune protection and/or restoration. The notice shall also advise that unless the owner shall take appropriate corrective action and complete the same within 30 days from the day of mailing said notice, the Borough may perform such acts of protection and/or restoration at the expense of the owner. Such expenditures by the Borough, if any, shall be due and payable upon demand. In the event that any such owner shall fail to pay, then the sum together with interest at the highest legal rate thereon shall become a lien upon the property and be collected in the same manner as delinquent real property taxes.
In addition to the action described above, the owner may, at the election of the enforcement officials or the Borough Council, be prosecuted for violation of this section in accordance with Subsection 21-2.4.
For any and every violation of this section, the owner of lands abutting the beach or dune area where such violation has been committed, or the trespasser if the violation is of Subsection 21-2.3 paragraph c, or any violator, shall for each and every violation be subject to a fine of not more than five hundred ($500.00) dollars or 90 days in detention at the discretion of the court. Each and every day that such violation continues shall be considered a separate violation of this section.
[Added 8-4-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-12]
[Amended 6-1-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-26]
A municipal beach is hereby established for the public health, recreation, bathing and entertainment.
[Amended 6-1-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-26]
The area lying to the east of the street ends known as "Maryland Avenue and Delaware Avenue" and being commonly designated as the "plaza" area and having an approximate depth of 110 feet by an ocean frontage of 450 feet.
[Amended 6-1-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-26]
The municipality shall arrange for the acquisition, use, and maintenance of such safeguards, equipment and facilities as the Borough shall deem necessary for the proper establishment and maintenance of said place or resort for public health, recreation, bathing, and entertainment.
[Amended 6-1-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-26]
The Borough shall arrange for lifeguards as the Borough shall deem necessary for the proper maintenance of said municipal beach. The hours of lifeguards shall be as set by resolution of the governing body.
[Amended 6-1-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-26]
In order to provide funds to improve, maintain and police the municipal beach and to protect the same from erosion, encroachment, damage by the sea, or otherwise, and to provide facilities and safeguards for public bathing and recreation, including the employment of lifeguards, reasonable fees shall be charged the person using said lands and bathing facilities for access to the beaches and bathing and recreational facilities from May 1 to October 15. These fees shall be set by resolution of the governing body.