A code regulating the use, operation and maintenance of coin-operated dry cleaning establishments and licensure thereof; authorizing inspection of dry cleaning establishments and operations connected therewith; and fixing penalties for violations thereof is hereby established pursuant to Chapter 188, Laws of 1950. A copy of the code is annexed hereto and made a part hereof without the inclusion of the text herein.
The code established and adopted by this chapter is described and commonly known as the "Coin-Operated Dry Cleaning Establishment Code of New Jersey (1962)".
Three copies of the "Coin-Operated Dry Cleaning Establishment Code of New Jersey (1962)" have been placed on file in the office of the borough clerk and will remain on file in such office for the use and examination of the public.
The code is amended in Section 1.1G to add the following:
"G. Health authority as defined herein, for enforcement purposes, shall also mean and include regular and special patrolmen and superior officers of the police department of the Borough of Point Pleasant Beach, the building official of the borough, the plumbing inspector of the borough, the health officer, the secretary of the board of health or any other official authorized by the board of health to enforce this code and chapter."
If a license fee is paid under the mercantile license ordinance, there shall be no charge for the permit provided in the adopted code. If no license fee is set forth in the mercantile license ordinance, the permit fee and license fee combined for each machine per year shall be twenty-five ($25.00) dollars.