Article VI broadly categorizes potential land uses in the Town of Wescott as permitted or conditional within the zoning districts. Additional district regulations for these land uses are included in §§ 285-25 through 285-29. The Zoning Administrator will be required, in some instances, to provide interpretation of these definitions in order to determine whether a proposed use is allowed in the applicable district. Land uses that are not specifically listed are not necessarily excluded from locating within a given zoning district.
Single-family residence land uses consisting of a new single detached building containing one dwelling unit.
This land use includes manufactured homes as defined in § 285-10 of this chapter subject to meeting the standards in Subsection A(3) below.
This land use does not include mobile homes as defined in § 285-10 of this chapter.
All single-family residences shall meet the following requirements:
At least 24 feet in width.
Minimum first floor area of 960 square feet.
Roof pitch shall not be less than a nominal 3:12 (rise to run).
Roof overhang shall not be less than a nominal six inches excluding any gutter.
Secured to a permanent enclosed foundation that meets all applicable state building codes or full basement, not having more than 12 inches of exposed concrete foundation above the exterior finished grade of the lot. An exception is when the grade of the lot slopes, in which case, only that portion of the foundation which is on the highest point of the lot must meet the requirements of this subsection.
Two-family residence. Land uses consisting of a building containing two dwelling units. This includes dwelling units that are enclosed within a building or attached by a common floor or wall. The use shall meet the following performance standards in addition to the standards in § 285-25A(3):
Where each unit is located on a separate lot (i.e., zero lot line duplex), the entire building shall be constructed at one time.
Where each unit is located on a separate lot, vertical common walls shall be a minimum one-hour fire wall and shall run from the lowest floor level (the basement, if applicable) to the underside of the roof sheathing, except that basements shall be provided across lot lines where necessary for utility services.
The minimum livable area of each unit in the two-family residence shall be not less than 960 square feet, exclusive of attached garages, carports, or open decks.
Matters of mutual concern to the owners due to construction, catastrophe, and maintenance shall be addressed and resolved by deed restrictions, which shall be recorded with the Shawano County Register of Deeds before a zoning permit is issued.
An acceptable sewage treatment and/or disposal system meeting the requirements of all applicable state regulations and the Shawano County Sanitary Ordinances shall be provided.
Multifamily residence. Land uses consisting of a lot with three or more dwelling units. This includes apartment buildings and other dwelling units that are enclosed within a building or attached by a common floor or wall. The use shall meet the following standards:
Each dwelling unit may be owner-occupied or renter-occupied, with the building, lot, and/or unit in fee simple or condominium ownership.
It must be located within a sewer district.
No individual dwelling unit shall be less than 960 square feet in area, exclusive of common areas, hallways and basements.
Residence accessory to a principal business use. Land uses consisting of a residence that is accessory to a principal business (for shopkeeper or employee, for example). This residence may be attached to the business or freestanding on the same lot as the business use.
Residential accessory structure:
Land uses clearly incidental to the primary residential use and includes such uses as garages, carports, storage sheds, and decks.
The structure shall not be used as a dwelling.
In Rural Residential District, a garage can be a permitted accessory use on a vacant lot.
In Waterfront Residential, Residential, and Manufactured Home Districts, a garage can be a permitted accessory use on a vacant parcel. If proposed to be constructed in advance of the principal building (dwelling), the structure shall not exceed 1,008 square feet and shall be sited with relation to appropriate locations for a future dwelling, private well, on-site waste treatment system, and driveway. The Town Plan Commission may consider waiving the maximum 1,008 square feet of size maximum on a case-by-case basis through the conditional use process.
[Amended 3-12-2020]
On structures using steel siding, all steel siding shall be a minimum of 29 gauge thickness and prefinished in an earth-tone color. Metal lap siding may not exceed an exposed width of 12 inches. The lower three feet of any exterior side wall shall be wainscoted with a different exterior surface or architectural pattern. The lower three feet of an exterior front wall shall be wainscoted with architectural masonry, brick, or natural cultured stone. The rear wall finish will be determined by the Zoning Administrator, based on the makeup and layout of the surrounding neighborhood. All steel buildings shall have a concrete floor not less than 4 inches thick and be placed on a vapor retarder with a transmission rate of not less than 0.1 perm or less. The perimeter area of a concrete floating slab shall be at least 8 inches thick for a distance of 12 inches from the outside perimeter and shall be reinforced with reinforcing bar. If a sill plate is used, it shall be from a naturally decay-resistant wood or material, or pressure-treated wood with a sill sealer installed. If no sill plate is used, then the siding starter strip shall employ a sealer to seal out weather and rodents. All fasteners in contact with chemically treated wood shall be approved for use with the specific treating chemical. All trusses or rafters shall be secured to the supporting structural framing with engineered straps or hangars. All roofs shall be vented with vented soffits and a ridge vent and shall be constructed to support a 40-pound per-square-foot roof load. A floor drain is the only plumbing that may be installed. The minimum roof pitch shall be 4:12 and roof eaves shall extend a minimum of 12 inches beyond the vertical wall. Roof eaves shall be boxed and vented. Gambrel and mansard-style roofs are prohibited. Permits shall not be issued unless plans showing compliance with the terms of this section are reviewed and approved by the Town Building Inspector.
[Amended 3-12-2020]
A recreational vehicle is not considered an accessory structure but may be used on the owner's residential parcel and considered as a temporary occupancy, subject to availability of sanitary facilities from the residence and not exceeding the amount of days defined under "temporary occupancy" in § 285-10 of this chapter.
Home occupation, major. A home-based business that is accessory to a principal residential use. The regulations for major home occupations are more flexible than for minor home occupations; as such, major home occupations require the issuance of a conditional use permit. Includes economic activities performed within any dwelling or residential accessory structure that comply with specified requirements listed below. Examples include, but are not limited to, personal and professional services, handicrafts, small beauty salons, and small machine repair. This use shall meet the following performance standards:
When the use is conducted entirely within the confines of the principal structure or accessory structures, it shall occupy no more than 50% of the gross floor area on the floor(s) where the use takes place.
The use shall be clearly incidental and secondary to the use of the property for residential purposes, and the appearance of the structures shall not be altered or the occupation be conducted in a manner that would cause the premises to differ from its residential character either by the use of colors, materials, construction, lighting, signs, or the emission of sounds, or vibrations that carry beyond the premises.
No more than two persons in addition to those members of the family that are permanent residents of the premises shall be employed by the home occupation.
The business of selling stocks of merchandise, supplies, or products other than those produced by the major home occupation to fill orders made by customers shall not be permitted as a major home occupation. That is, the direct retail sale of products out of the residence within which the major home occupation is located is not allowed, but a person may pick up an order they have placed. Wholesale or retail sales from within the residence or accessory structure as the primary activity or function of the major home occupation is prohibited, except for sales conducted entirely via the mail, telephone, or the internet.
The display, storage, or parking of materials, goods, supplies, or equipment outside of the dwelling is permitted in an enclosed accessory building, or in a yard of the subject property, provided the yard area used for such display, storage, or parking is completely screened from view from all public streets and adjacent property through the use of landscaping materials or a combination of landscaping materials and a fence. No storage, display or parking of materials, goods, supplies, or equipment shall be allowed within a minimum required yard.
There shall be sufficient off-street parking to compensate for additional parking generated by the home occupation and employees.
Any home occupation involving the on-site sale, resale, painting, body repair, salvage or wrecking of automobiles, trucks, boats, trailers, recreational vehicles, or other motorized vehicles shall be permitted, subject to conditions imposed by the Town Plan Commission and Town Board.
Repair and maintenance of automobiles, trucks, boats, trailers, recreational vehicles, or other motorized vehicles, not including body repair or painting beyond touchups, shall be permitted. Size of the operation shall be limited to up to two vehicle repair bays and no more than 10 vehicles total on-site at any time, not including property owner vehicles. No unlicensed vehicles shall be permitted at any time.
As part of the process to grant the conditional use permit for a major home occupation, the Town may restrict the number and types of machinery and equipment used on the property, limit hours of operation, or attach other conditions to the approval to meet the standards for granting a conditional use permit in Article VIII of this chapter.
The conditional use permit for a major home occupation shall include a condition stating how often the permit shall be reviewed for compliance with the conditions.
Home occupation, minor. A small home-based business that is accessory to a principal residential use. Includes economic activities performed within any dwelling that comply with the specified requirements listed below. Examples include, but are not limited to, personal and professional services, home offices, handicrafts, and small machine repair. This use shall meet the following performance standards:
The use shall be conducted entirely within the confines of the principal residential structure or accessory residential structure.
The use shall occupy no more than 50% of the gross floor area on the floor(s) where the use takes place.
The use shall be clearly incidental and secondary to the use of the premises for residential purposes, and the appearance of the structure(s) shall not be altered or the occupation within the structures be conducted in a manner that would cause the premises to differ from its residential character either by the use of colors, materials, construction, lighting, signs, or the emission of sounds, odors, dust or vibrations that carry beyond the premises.
No person other than a permanent member of the resident family shall be employed on the premises.
Shall not generate vehicular traffic beyond 15 trips per day, on an average monthly basis, above those generated by the household's use.
The business of selling stocks of merchandise, supplies, or products other than those produced by the minor home occupation to fill orders made by customers shall not be permitted as a minor home occupation. That is, the direct retail sale of products out of the residence within which the minor home occupation is located is not allowed, but a person may pick up an order they have placed. Wholesale or retail sales from within the residence or accessory structure as the primary activity or function of the minor home occupation is prohibited, except for sales conducted entirely via the mail, telephone, or the internet.
The display, storage, or parking of materials, goods, supplies, or equipment outside of the dwelling or an accessory building is prohibited, except for truck equipment.
No use of material or equipment not recognized as being part of the normal practices of owning and maintaining a residence shall be allowed.
Any minor home occupation involving the on-site sale, resale, salvage or wrecking of automobiles, trucks, boats, trailers, recreational vehicles, or other motorized vehicles shall be prohibited.
The minor home occupation shall not involve the use of commercial vehicles for more than the weekly delivery of materials to or from the premises.
Family day-care home. A dwelling unit where supervision and care and/or instruction for not more than eight children under the age of seven is provided for periods of less than 24 hours per day, and which is licensed by the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families.
Manufactured home. A manufactured home that does not meet the requirements of § 285-25A(3) may only be located in the MH Manufactured Home or the MHP Manufactured/Mobile Home Park District. The use is subject to the following standards:
The manufactured home is secured to a permanent enclosed foundation that meets all applicable state building codes or a full basement, not having more than 12 inches of exposed concrete foundation above the exterior finished grade of the lot. An exception is when the grade of the lot slopes, in which case, only that portion of the foundation which is on the highest point of the lot must meet the requirements of this subsection.
Minimum width of 14 feet.
Minimum first floor area of 960 square feet. Attached garages, carports, and open decks shall not be included in the minimum square footage requirement.
The manufactured home shall have a minimum of a 3/12 pitched roof on a minimum of 75% of the structure.
Is installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
Is properly connected to utilities.
All wheels, axles, transportation lights, and other related towing apparatuses shall be removed.
Existing mobile home. An existing mobile home not located in a mobile home park on the effective date of this chapter shall be considered a nonconforming structure and will be permitted to remain in its original location subject to the following condition:
The mobile home may not be extended, enlarged, reconstructed, moved or structurally altered, or replaced with a different mobile home, unless the Town Zoning Administrator determines that such action:
Will be an aesthetic improvement to the mobile home;
Will be in fundamental harmony with surrounding uses; and
Will comply to the extent feasible with requirements for mobile home installation in manufactured/mobile home parks.
Manufactured/mobile home park. The following standards shall apply to the design, construction and maintenance of any existing or new manufactured/mobile home park and enlargement or addition to an existing community or park after the effective date of this chapter. These standards shall be additional to all state statutes, codes and regulations. Although the following standards are mandatory, nothing herein shall be construed to prevent or limit the submission of unique, innovative designs to the Plan Commission.
Minimum size of any manufactured/mobile home park shall be 10 acres.
No manufactured home can be moved into a manufactured/mobile home park if it is older than 10 years.
Lot dimensions and area shall not be less than as follows:
Minimum width: 50 feet.
Minimum depth: 100 feet.
Minimum area: 6,500 square feet.
All lots shall abut on a street within the park for at least 15 feet and shall have unobstructed street access. No lot shall abut on a public street, right-of-way, or property line of the park.
Corner lots located on the inside of any corner shall be of extra width sufficient to maintain front setback requirements on both streets.
No more than one manufactured/mobile home shall be placed on a lot.
No manufactured/mobile home unit shall be parked outside of a designated lot.
The minimum width of each manufactured/mobile home shall be a minimum of 14 feet.
Setbacks applicable to each lot:
Minimum front yard setback: 20 feet. (All yards which abut a street are "front yards.")
Minimum rear yard setback: 10 feet.
Minimum distance between homes: 20 feet.
Each street and parking area shall be paved.
A streetlight shall be placed at each street corner within the park, at each entrance to the park, and at such other places along the street so that the distance between each light does not exceed 225 feet as measured down the center line of the street.
All streets shall be maintained and plowed by the owner.
Each lot shall have two off-street parking spaces having either: a minimum width of 20 feet and a minimum depth of 24 feet; or a minimum width of 12 feet and a minimum depth of 40 feet.
If parking on any street is prohibited within the park, an additional parking area within the park shall be established containing one parking space for every five lots (of fraction thereof) which abut on a street where parking is prohibited.
All parking shall be paved.
No parking shall be permitted on unpaved areas (lawns).
Walkways not less than three feet wide and comprised of a hard surface shall be provided from the parking area of each lot up to and including the steps to the front door of each mobile and manufactured home.
Water, domestic waste disposal, natural gas (where available) and electrical utilities shall be provided to each lot.
All utilities, including telephone and cable TV, shall be placed underground.
Each lot shall be furnished with a minimum 200 amp electrical service.
The owner shall install one large water meter for the entire park contained in a manhole. The design and construction of the park water distribution systems, the water meters, and the manhole shall meet such requirements as may be established.
Open areas.
Each park shall have one or more designated open area which shall be easily accessible to all park residents, which shall not include a street or the park boundary/buffer, and which shall be so located as to be free of traffic hazards.
The total size of such open areas shall be a minimum of 5% of the total land area of the park.
For every 25 lots in the park, there shall be at least one open area in the park having a minimum size of 50 feet by 100 feet.
Each lot shall be planted with at least one tree and one shrub. The tree shall be a deciduous tree.
All lots shall be sodded or planted in grass.
Trees, grass and landscape material shall be properly maintained and replaced to conform to the approved landscape plans and specifications.
Park boundary/buffer.
A thirty-foot-wide buffer zone shall be established around the entire perimeter of the park.
The buffer zone shall not be part of any lot.
A visual screen of compact hedges, decorative fences, coniferous trees and shrubs and other landscape materials recommended by the Plan Commission and approved by the Town Board shall be installed and maintained in the buffer zone, to substantially hide the interior of the park from view from any adjacent street or property.
The buffer zone shall be maintained by the owner free of rubbish, debris and weeds.
Home installation.
Each manufactured/mobile home shall be secured with tie-downs and anchoring equipment.
All manufactured/mobile home units shall have skirts around, or other product which makes the home appear to be built upon a basement or foundation, the entire manufactured/mobile home made of plastic, fiberglass, aluminum, metal or vinyl, and shall be of a permanent color or painted to match the manufactured/mobile home so as to enhance the general appearance thereof.
Accessory buildings.
Only one outbuilding may be placed on each lot.
The following setback requirements apply to each accessory building:
Minimum front yard setback: 20 feet.
Minimum rear yard setback: three feet.
Minimum side yard setback: three feet.
All accessory buildings, except for automobile garages, shall be located in the rear 1/2 of the lot.
No accessory building shall exceed one story in height or 400 square feet in area.
No structure may be attached or added to any manufactured/mobile home (additions), except as follows:
The proposed design and construction standards shall be submitted to the Zoning Administrator before commencement of work on the structure.
The Zoning Administrator shall review and approve the project only if the structure is designed to architecturally blend with the manufactured/mobile home.
Cottages for rent.
An owner of an existing cottage may update or remodel the interior or exterior of an existing cottage, provided the footprint of the cottage does not expand, necessary permits are applied for, and work is inspected.
A conditional use permit is required to enlarge the footprint of an existing cottage, or add more dwelling units by means of new construction or the purchase of existing structures either abutting or not abutting to an existing cottage.
Outdoor wood furnace. An outdoor accessory structure designed to heat air or water through a wood fire and then transmit that heated air or water to the principal building for direct use and/or heating the principal building. This use shall meet the following performance standards:
The outdoor wood furnace shall be set back from all property lines and roads a distance equal to the minimum required yards for principal buildings.
The outdoor wood furnace shall be separated by at least 200 feet from any dwelling unit on an adjacent property.
On parcels less than five acres in area, if the outdoor wood furnace is less than 500 feet from any dwelling unit on an adjacent property, the smokestack shall be required to be raised to the height of the roofline of the dwelling that the furnace serves and a Class A (triple wall) chimney pipe shall be installed to facilitate the dispersion of smoke.
Bed-and-breakfast establishment. Land uses which provide lodging facilities that are operator-occupied residences providing accommodations for a charge to the public with no more than eight guest rooms for rent, provide only breakfast to customers of the place, are clearly residential structures in design, scale, and appearance, and are licensed as a bed-and-breakfast under Wisconsin Statutes. Such land uses may provide indoor recreational facilities and passive outdoor recreation facilities, such as docks and gardens, for the exclusive use of their customers. This use shall meet the following performance standards:
No premises shall be utilized for a bed-and-breakfast unless there are at least two exits to the outdoors from such premises.
The dwelling unit in which the bed-and-breakfast takes place shall be the principal residence of the operator/owner and said operator/owner shall live on the premises when the bed-and-breakfast is active, as required under the Wis. Admin. Code.
The maximum stay for any occupants of a bed-and-breakfast establishment shall be 31 consecutive days.
All such facilities shall be required to obtain a license to serve liquor, if applicable.
If on a private on-site wastewater treatment system, Ch. SPS 383, Wis. Adm. Code, regulations must be met.
Parking and camping restrictions for recreational uses, vehicles and equipment:
Parking and camping restrictions for independent vacant lots and parcels. It shall be unlawful for any person to camp, place, park or permit the camping, placement or parking of any camping unit, camping trailer or motor home on any independent vacant lot or parcel in the Waterfront Residential, Residential, Manufactured Home, Manufactured Home Park, or Rural Residential District under five acres in size unless located in a licensed public or commercial campground or mobile home park.[1]
Editor's Note: Original Subsection O(1), Definitions, which immediately preceded this subsection, was repealed at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
Camping restrictions on dependent vacant lots and parcels and lots and parcels improved with a single-family dwelling. It shall be unlawful for any person to camp or permit camping with any camping unit, camping trailer or motor home for more than 15 calendar days in a calendar year, on any dependent vacant lot or parcel or any parcel improved with a single-family dwelling in any Waterfront Residential, Residential, Manufactured Home, Manufactured Home Park or Rural Residential District under five acres in size unless located in a licensed public or commercial campground or mobile home park.
Parking restrictions on dependent vacant lots and parcels and lots and parcels with a single-family dwelling. It shall be unlawful for any person to park or permit parking of any camping unit, camping trailer or motor home with wheels or any similar transporting device removed, except for ongoing repair, or fixed to the ground in any matter that would prevent or materially impair ready removal on any dependent vacant lot or parcel or any parcel improved with a single-family dwelling in any Waterfront Residential, Manufactured Home, Manufactured Home Park or Rural Residential District under five acres in size unless located in a licensed public or commercial campground or mobile home park.
Agricultural uses. Any of the following activities conducted for the purpose of producing an income or livelihood, or hobby and recreational farming:
Crop or forage production.
Keeping livestock.
Nursery, sod, or Christmas tree production.
Fur farming.
Forest management.
Enrolling land in a federal agricultural commodity payment program or a federal or state agricultural land conservation payment program.
Any other use that DATCP, by rule, identifies as an agricultural use.
Agricultural accessory use. Land uses that include:
A building, structure, or improvement that is an integral part of, or is incidental to, an agricultural use. This includes:
A facility used to store or process raw agricultural commodities, all of which are produced on the farm.
A facility used to keep livestock on the farm.
A facility used to store or process inputs primarily for agricultural uses on the farm.
A facility used to keep or service vehicles or equipment primarily employed in agricultural uses on the farm.
A manure digester, bio-fuel facility, or other facility that produces energy primarily from materials grown or produced on the farm, primarily for use on the farm.
A waste storage or processing facility used to store or process animal waste produced solely from livestock kept on the farm.
An activity or business operation that is an integral part of, or incidental to, an agricultural use.
A residential dwelling occupied by persons involved with the operation of the agricultural uses on the parcel.
A business, activity, or enterprise, whether or not associated with an agricultural use, which meets all of the following requirements:
It is conducted by the owner or operator of a farm.
Employs part-time or full-time workers.
Roadside stand. A structure not permanently fixed to the ground that is readily removable in its entirety covered or uncovered and not wholly enclosed, and used solely for the sale of farm products produced on the premises. It shall conform to setback, sign and other provisions of this chapter. If a roadside stand is determined to constitute a traffic hazard or nuisance, the Zoning Administrator may order its removal. Such removal shall be at the landowners cost if such stand was established after the effective date of this chapter. The Town shall in no way be obligated to pay the cost of removal of such stands.
Processing, packing or manufacture of agricultural products. Canneries, cheese factories, condenseries, creameries, pea viners and such other establishments for the processing, packing or manufacture of the agricultural products of Shawano County as may have a nuisance factor not separable therefrom, such as the emission or effluence of noxious or odorous wastes or by-products.
Transportation, communications, pipeline, electric transmission, utility, or drainage uses. Transportation, utility, communication, or other use that is required under state or federal law to be located in a specific place or that is authorized to be located in a specific place under a state or federal law that preempts the requirement of a license for that use.
Performance standard for animals. Animals are a conditional use for smaller Rural Residential parcels and parcels zoned Waterfront Residential. Animals are a permitted use in Agricultural, Woodlands, and Open Spaces and Rural Residential larger parcels if they meet the following performance standard:
Five-acre minimum parcel with a minimum of three acres of clear land. Clear land excludes heavily wooded, swamp, wetlands, buildings and driveways.
Large animals are 200 pounds or larger and one large animal is allowed per acre of clear land.
Small animals are under 200 pounds and two small animals are allowed per acre of clear land.
Poultry and rabbits are allowed at six per acre of clear land.
[Amended 7-8-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-03]
Or any combination of numbers 2, 3, or 4.
Game farms are a conditional use.
For the Residential and Manufactured Home Districts or those districts listed above that do not comply with the acreage requirement, the keeping of chickens is permissible, provided the following performance standards can be met:
[Added 7-8-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-03]
No property owner can keep a rooster, and no free roaming of chickens are allowed.
Coops shall be elevated off the ground if not placed on a hard surface, such as concrete, patio block or crushed stone.
A signed letter from adjoining neighbors shall be required stating they are aware of the intent to place chickens on the property and that they have no objections.
Should a signed letter not be attained, the property owner shall erect a fence shielding the coop and any outdoor run/exercise area from the adjoining neighbors. Fence height shall be six feet.
No coop can be located in the front yard (roadside) of any property.
Any outdoor run/exercise area shall be fully fenced, including the top portion.
Any stored feed shall be kept in a rodentproof container.
The coop shall be sized to provide each chicken kept with three square feet.
Any outside run/exercise area shall not exceed 60 square feet of area.
All coops shall be set back a minimum of 25 feet from an adjoining dwelling and cannot be located any closer than five feet from a property line.
A land use permit must be obtained from the Town of Wescott in order to keep chickens.
Personal or professional service. Land uses that are exclusively indoor whose primary function is the provision of services directly to an individual on a walk-in or on-appointment basis. Examples of such land uses include, but are not limited to, professional services, insurance services, realty offices, financial services, medical offices and clinics, veterinary clinics, barber shops, beauty shops, and related land uses.
Indoor sales and service. Land uses which conduct or display sales or rental merchandise or equipment, or nonpersonal or nonprofessional services, entirely within an enclosed building. This includes general merchandise stores, grocery stores, bait shops, sporting goods stores, antique stores, gift shops, laundromats, artisan and artist studios, bakeries, and the like. Artisan craft production such as consumer ceramics, custom woodworking, or other production activities directly associated with retail sales are regulated as "light industrial activities as an accessory to retail sales or service."
Long-term outdoor display and sale. Land uses which conduct sales or display merchandise or equipment on a long-term basis outside of an enclosed building as a principal accessory use of the lot. Examples of such land uses would include vehicle and equipment sales and rental, manufactured housing sales, monument sales, and garden centers. Such land uses do not include the storage or display of inoperative vehicles or equipment, or other materials typically associated with a junk or salvage yard or other permanent outdoor land uses specifically defined by the Zoning Ordinance. All storage of equipment shall be at least 100 feet from highways or roads and at least 200 feet from any residential property. If the Plan Commission and Town Board deems the operations will take on characteristics of a junkyard, they may require a hedge planting of sufficient size to screen the area from the public right-of-way or adjoining properties. Not providing acceptable screening may result in the withdrawal of the conditional use permit and discontinuance of the business.
Maintenance service. Land uses which perform maintenance services (including repair) either within or outside an enclosed building. If the Plan Commission and Town Board deem the operations will take on characteristics of a junkyard, they may require a hedge planting of sufficient size to screen the area from the public right-of-way or adjoining properties. Not providing acceptable screening may result in the withdrawal of the conditional use permit and discontinuance of the business.
In-vehicle sales and service. Land uses which perform sales and/or services to persons in vehicles, or to vehicles which may be occupied at the time of such activity. Such land uses often have traffic volumes which exhibit their highest levels concurrent with peak traffic flows on adjacent roads. Examples of such land uses include drive-in, drive-up, and drive-through facilities, vehicular fuel stations, and all forms of car washes.
Resort establishment. Land uses which provide overnight housing in individual rooms, suites of rooms, cabins, or cottages. Such land uses may also provide indoor and outdoor recreational facilities for the exclusive use of their customers. Restaurants, arcades, fitness centers, and other on-site facilities available to nonlodgers are not considered accessory uses and therefore require review as a separate land use. The maximum number of occupancy units in a resort shall not exceed a density of 10 units per acre in any zoning district.
Group day-care center facility. Land uses in which qualified persons provide child care services for nine or more children. Examples of such land uses include day-care centers and nursery schools. Such land uses shall not be located within a residential building. Such land uses may be operated on a for-profit or a not-for-profit basis. Such land uses may be operated in conjunction with another principal land use on the same environs, such as a church, school, business, or civic organization. In such instances, group day-care centers are not considered as accessory uses and therefore require review as a separate land use.
Animal boarding or breeding facility. Land uses where three or more animals six months of age or older are bred by a person providing facilities for breeding and the offspring are sold, or where such animals are received for care, training, and boarding for compensation, not including a small animal hospital, clinic, or pet shop. These uses include exercise yards, fields, training areas, and trails.
Adult-oriented establishments. Land uses that include any facility involving the display of sexually oriented materials such as videos, movies, slides, photos, books, or magazines; or actual persons displaying and/or touching sexually specified areas. This type of activity is a permitted use but is regulated by the Town of Wescott's Adult Oriented Establishments Ordinance.
Personal storage facility. Land uses oriented to the indoor storage of personal items entirely within partitioned buildings having an individual access to each partitioned area. Such storage areas may be available on either a condominium or rental basis. Also known as "mini-warehouses."
Portable storage facility. Land uses that include shipping containers, semi-trailers, portable on demand storage (PODS®), and store and move (SAM) containers that are intended for temporary storage while an individual or business is relocating. Such storage facilities shall need a permit which regulates the length of time a portable storage facility is allowed on the specified premises.
Indoor storage or wholesaling. Any land use primarily oriented to the receiving, holding, and shipping of packaged materials for a single business or a single group of businesses, including mail order and catalog sales. With the exception of loading and parking facilities, such land uses are contained entirely within an enclosed building. This use does not include personal or portable storage facilities. Retail outlets associated with this principal use shall be considered an accessory use.
Vehicle course or track. Any privately operated track, course, circuit, strip, or loop designed for use by motorized vehicles such as automobiles, trucks, ATVs, motorcycles, motocross bikes, dirt bikes, snowmobiles, or go-carts. Such uses occasionally are operated for recreational purposes for family use. This use shall meet the following standards:
Minimum lot size shall be five acres.
If such abuts any residentially zoned or used property, all track facilities shall be located a minimum of 200 feet from such property and such use shall not be permitted to have night lighting nor operate between 8:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m.
Such uses may be subject to enforcement actions under Chapter 210, Nuisances, for noise, dust, or other impacts.
Marinas and docking facilities. Land uses including a dock or basin providing secure moorings for watercraft or the rental of watercraft. This use may also include boat repair, chartering, supply, fueling, boat ramps, and other facilities.
Facilities shall be located at least 500 feet from public bathing beaches and parks.
Facilities shall be designed and constructed as to not interfere with adjacent riparian owner's uses of the water for swimming, fishing or boating; nor interfere or obstruct the public's free navigation.
Fueling pumps and tanks shall be located two feet above the normal water elevation, and no fuel hose shall extend beyond a point necessary to fuel boats as the closest proximity to land.
Marinas shall be equipped with facilities for the disposition of domestic waste from boats.
If holding tanks are utilized, they shall be located above the normal high-water elevation. Holding tanks located on sites subject to flooding shall be floodproofed.
If located within a Floodplain Zone subject to periodic flooding, the provisions of the Shawano County Floodplain Zoning Ordinance and Shawano County Shoreland Zoning Ordinance shall also apply.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Light industrial activity as an accessory to retail sales or service. Land uses that include any light industrial activity conducted exclusively indoors which is clearly incidental to indoor sales or service, on the same site.
Light industrial. Land uses with operations that:
Are conducted entirely within an enclosed building.
Are not potentially associated with nuisances such as odor, noise, heat, vibration, and radiation which are detectable at the property line.
Do not pose a significant safety hazard (such as danger of explosion).
Comply with all of the applicable performance standards.
Contractor shop. Land uses that include businesses engaged in contract services or labor, such as contractors involved with landscaping: building construction or carpentry: and electrical, plumbing, or heating systems. Often involves accessory equipment storage yards and rental of equipment commonly used by contractors. Retail outlets associated with this principal use shall be considered an accessory use.
Filling and grading. The filling, grading, lagooning or dredging of 30 cubic yards or greater of material. Such temporary land use/activity shall be subject to the following performance standards:
No filling, grading, lagooning, or dredging that would result in substantial detriment to navigable waters by reason of erosion, sedimentation, impairment of fish and aquatic life, or which would obstruct flood flows or increase flood stages, shall be permitted.
Where applicable, a State of Wisconsin permit when required by the Wisconsin Statutes or other applicable state or county regulations shall be obtained prior to any filling, grading, lagooning, or dredging activity.
Placement of 30 cubic yards of fill or greater on an annual basis requires a zoning permit; placement of 200 cubic yards of fill or greater also requires a conditional use permit. Fill for building footprint is exempt and placement is calculated on an annual basis.
Placement of fill for the following purposes is exempt from the permit requirement:
Under a slab or inside the confines of a structure as part of a permitted construction project.
Construction or maintenance of residential driveways or parking areas.
Mineral extraction (nonmetallic). Nonmetallic land uses include operations or activities for extraction from the earth, for sale or use by the operator, of mineral aggregates such as stone, sand and gravel, and nonmetallic minerals, related operations or activities such as drilling and blasting, excavations, grading or dredging if the purpose of those operations or activities is the extraction of mineral aggregates and nonmetallic minerals and related processes such as crushing, screening, scalping, dewatering and blending.
The operation complies with Subch. I of Ch. 295, Wis. Stats., and rules promulgated under that subchapter, with applicable provisions of the local ordinance under § 295.13 or 295.14, Wis. Stats., and with any applicable requirements of the Department of Transportation concerning the restoration of nonmetallic mining sites.
The operation is reasonably designed to minimize the conversion of land around the extraction site from agricultural use or open space use.
The operation does not substantially impair or limit the current or future agricultural use of surrounding parcels of land that are zoned for or legally restricted to agricultural use.
Provided mineral extraction operations shall take place for less than four years, the land shall be restored to agricultural production within another two years (unless the Town Board grants a renewal of the license).
An application for a permit shall be submitted by the owner and shall include an adequate description of the operation; a plan of the site showing proposed and existing roads and drives, the sources, quantity and disposition of water to be used, if any; estimated dates for the completion of the extraction and commencement and completion dates for the reclamation; a reclamation plan, and such other information as may be necessary to determine the nature of the operation and the effect on the surrounding area.
Reclamation shall be consistent with the Shawano County "Non-Metallic Reclamation Ordinance" #5-01, adopted by the Shawano County Board on June 27, 2001.
The reclamation plan shall contain adequate provision that all final slopes around the area be flatter than a three to one horizontal slope in a sand and gravel or borrow pit operation, or in a safe angle of repose in a quarrying operation; excavations below the grade of the nearest abutting public street or highway shall be set back from said street or highway a distance not less than that required for buildings and structures under this chapter; all final slopes shall be covered with topsoil and seeded to prevent future erosion; the plan shall require that after completion of the anticipated operation the area shall be cleared of all debris and be left in a clean condition, subject to the approval of the Town Board or its agent. The reclamation plan shall indicate the proposed future use or uses of the site; however, the proposed reuse of the site for a dumping grounds shall have the concurrence of the Town Board.
Application for a permit for mineral extraction operations proposed to be located within 600 feet of a residential district or residential subdivision, or within 300 feet of any building occupied for residential purposes; or for a hot blacktop mix or a ready-mix concrete plant, shall not be granted except on approval of the Town Board given after the public hearing has been held.
The permit shall be for a period of time as stated in the application or as modified by the Plan Commission and Town Board. The Plan Commission and Town Board, where such approval is required, shall consider the effect of the proposed operation and the proposed reclamation upon existing and future conditions, including streets, neighboring land development, land use drainage, water supply, water pollution, air pollution, soil erosion, natural beauty and land value of the locality. The application and/or reclamation plan may be approved, approved conditionally, or rejected.
No permit shall be granted for a period of time exceeding four years, unless approved by the Town Board. A renewal may be granted upon application provided that the applicant has fully complied with the terms of this chapter and the permit issued hereunder. A public hearing will be required prior to renewal.
The fee for filing shall be in an amount as set from time to time by resolution of the Town Board, plus actual Town expenses. Permit fees shall be paid to the Town of Wescott.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Approval from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources may be needed if the operations are located within an area regulated by the Shawano County Shoreland Zoning Ordinance.
All existing mineral extraction operations lawfully operated prior to the adoption date of this chapter shall be considered legal, but nonconforming uses and may be continued provided that they have been worked prior to the date of the adoption of this provision of this chapter.
Public utility or public service corporation building or structures, provided the Plan Commission and Town Board shall find that the proposed location of such buildings or structures is reasonably necessary for the public convenience, safety or welfare.
Salvage or junkyard. Land uses that include any land or structure used for a salvaging operation, including but not limited to the aboveground outdoor storage, collection, recycling, dismantlement, and/or sale of items listed in § 285-28G(1). Licensed recycling facilities involving on-site outdoor storage of salvage materials are not included in this land use.
"Junk" shall include, but is not limited to: old iron, steel, brass, copper, tin, lead, or other base metals; old cordage, ropes, rags, fibers, or fabrics; old rubber; old bottles or other glass; wastepaper and other waste or discarded material which might be prepared to be used again in some form; and any or all of the foregoing; inoperable appliances and machinery; and unlicensed motor vehicles or no longer used as such, to be used for scrap metal or stripping of parts; but "junk" shall not include materials or objects accumulated by a person as by-products, waste, or scraps from the operation of his own business or materials or objects held and used by a manufacturer as an integral part of his own manufacturing process.
The area on the premises where junk is kept (other than indoors) shall be enclosed by a wall or fence except for entrances and exits.
Entrances and exits shall not be wider or more numerous than reasonably necessary for the conduct of the business.
When two or more vehicle dismantling yards, junk and salvage yards, and/or vehicle impounding yards have a common boundary line, a solid wall or solid fence shall not be required on such common boundary line; provided, however, that a solid wall or solid fence shall enclose the entire combined area devoted to such uses.
Fences and walls shall be of uniform heights in relation to the ground upon which they stand. They shall be a minimum of eight feet high or a height sufficient to screen salvage from view and shall not exceed 12 feet in height. They shall be of wood or metal painted one inconspicuous earth-tone color, and shall enclose the entire site.
Junk or salvage materials shall not be piled higher than the height of the fence, not against the fence.
An unobstructed interior firebreak 16 feet in width shall be maintained adjacent to the fence or wall and completely surrounding the junk or salvage yard.
A vegetated buffer area is required to create additional screening and containment of salvage and to soften the appearance of the fence or wall.
The buffer area cannot substitute for a fence or wall and berms cannot substitute for either.
No buildings, structures, outdoor storage areas or other facilities shall be located in any part of a buffer area.
The buffer area must be at least 25 feet wide adjacent to the exterior of the fence or wall.
The buffer area shall be planted and maintained with a continuous stand of mixed trees and shrubs sufficient to extend above the fence or wall and obscure the majority of it from view within five years.
All buildings, structures, outdoor storage areas, other facilities and the required fence or wall shall be set back at least 300 feet from public roadways and 100 feet from rear and side lot lines.
No oil, grease, tires, gasoline, rubber, plastic asphalt or similar material shall be burned at any time, and all other burning shall be in accordance with applicable state and local regulations.
All junk and salvage yards shall be maintained so as to avoid creating a public or private nuisance, including but not limited to any offensive or noxious sounds or odors and breeding or harboring of rats, flies, mosquitoes, or other vectors.
Drainage facilities shall be established to protect surface and groundwater resources.
Noxious weeds shall be controlled.
All materials or wastes which might cause fumes or dust or which constitute a fire hazard or which may be edible or otherwise attractive to rodents or insects may be stored outdoors only if enclosed in containers which are adequate to eliminate such hazards.
No materials or wastes shall be deposited on a site so as to allow their transportation off the site by normal natural causes.
No such facility shall discharge at any point into any public or private sewage disposal system or waterway, or into the ground, any liquid or solid materials except in accordance with the regulations of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and the Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services.
Toxic and hazardous materials including, but not limited to, gasoline, oil, antifreeze, brake fluids, Freon and transmission oil shall be removed from any scrapped engines, vehicles, appliances or containers on the premises and shall be recycled or disposed of in compliance with applicable regulations.
Violation of salvation or junk regulations will be enforced according to § 285-93 and violators may be fined according to § 285-94.
Solid or hazardous waste facility. Land uses that include any area, lot, land, parcel, building, or structure, or part thereof, used for deposit, disposal, processing, or transfer of solid, demolition, or hazardous waste.
Solid or hazardous waste facilities that otherwise would meet the tests of applicability, but that are on the same land where the waste is generated and are conducted as part of the farm or business (other than waste treatment/disposal business) on that land.
Any waste facility to which this chapter applies must have advance approval and the issuance of a conditional use permit by the Town Board of the Town of Wescott before operations may be commenced.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
To approve such a facility, the Town must determine that the facility will not harm the health, safety and welfare of the community and the good order and convenience of the community and the public.
In making approvals, the Town is encouraged to impose reasonable requirements on applications in order to avoid nuisance conditions.
The intent of this chapter is that dumps and waste facilities will be regulated within the process of the Wisconsin Waste Facility Siting Law[1] and that precise application of standards and conditions will be determined within that process.
Editor's Note: See § 289.21 et seq., Wis. Stats..
Governmental, institutional, religious, or nonprofit community uses. This type of use can generally be compatible with residential land uses, such as small churches, small private schools, small clinics, post offices, town hall, fire stations, funeral homes, and recreational or fraternal facilities such as clubs and lodges, meeting halls, and community centers.
Outdoor public recreation - passive. Land uses that include recreational uses located on public or private property which involves passive recreational activities that are open to the public or to customers, patrons, or members.
Passive uses include arboretums, natural areas, wildlife areas, hiking trails, bike trails, ski trails, horse trails, open grassed areas not associated with any particular active recreational land use, picnic areas, picnic shelters, gardens, fishing areas, and similar land uses.
Waterfront recreational uses shall adhere to the following provisions:
The area shall be compatible with adjacent land or water uses.
The provisions of the Shawano County Shoreland Zoning Ordinance shall apply.
Entrances and exits are designed and located as to not interfere with the public's or adjacent landowner's access to public waters.
Any lighting facilities are designed as to minimize reflection or glare on or over the water except navigation aids.
Maintenance and storage buildings, parking lots and sanitary facilities are effectively screened from the water and adjacent properties by vegetative growth.
Outdoor public recreation - active. Land uses that include recreational uses located on public or private property which involves active recreational activities that are open to the public or to customers, patrons, or members.
Active uses include play courts (such as tennis courts and basketball courts), playfields (such as ball diamonds, football fields, and soccer fields), tot lots, outdoor swimming pools, swimming beach areas, fitness courses, golf courses, and similar land uses.
Waterfront recreational uses, including bleachers, spectator stands, motor-driven rides, concession stands and similar uses are effectively screened from adjacent properties by vegetative growth.
Shooting ranges for firearms shall adhere to the following provisions (as determined by the Plan Commission and Town Board):
Potential hazards to adjacent uses.
Topography and ground cover.
The firing of rifled arms and shotgun slugs shall not be permitted directly toward or over navigable waters, public or private roads or drives; toward any building or structure not directly toward any population concentration which is located within 1/2 mile.
An adequate shot fall or bullet impact area.
A defined firing line or firing direction.
Adequate target backstops for the firing of rifled arms.
Campground or camping resort.
A campground is any premises designed, maintained, intended, or used for the purpose of providing campsites for overnight, temporary sleeping accommodations for recreation or travel by persons paying a fee. Campgrounds include sites that accommodate portable camping units. Camping units within campgrounds may not be placed or attached to a permanent foundation or structure at the campsite, except that attachment to an approved sewage disposal system or to an approved water supply system is permitted.
A camping resort is similar to a campground, except that camping resorts include sites that may accommodate a variety of both portable and permanent/semipermanent camping units. Camping units and other structures within camping resorts may be placed or attached to a permanent foundation or structure at the campsite, including attachment to an approved sewage disposal system or to an approved water supply system is permitted.
All new or expanded campgrounds or camping resorts shall include the following information in their application:
A written description of the proposed operation, including proposed months of operation; desired types of camping units; other ancillary uses proposed for the site; and assurances that the campground will be developed and operated in accordance with all approved plans.
A campground or camping resort plan map(s), drawn to scale, and including the proposed layout; location of campsites, roads, parking areas, site boundaries; topography lines; minimum required yards; existing and proposed buildings and other structures; common recreational facilities; water supplies; sanitary waste disposal systems; grading plan and stormwater management system; covered refuse storage areas; existing natural features including waterways, wetlands, floodplains, and shoreland areas; existing and proposed vegetation and recreation areas, and any other information the Zoning Administrator shall deem necessary. Professional engineering assistance is encouraged in such design, especially of access roadways, camping unit siting, site grading and stormwater management, and utility placement.
Campground or camping resort shall meet the following performance standards:
Camping units shall not be occupied by the same party for periods of time longer than six continuous months in any twelve-month period, except as may be further limited by State Statutes or Administrative Rules.
Campground or camping resort shall have direct access to a public road, with no more than two camp road access points to each abutting public road for the first 100 campsites, plus one additional access for each 100 sites thereafter.
Camp sites and access roads shall be located, graded, and maintained so as to provide each site with positive site drainage and be free from flooding and control dust.
Minimum lot size for any campground or camping resort established after February 16, 2012, shall be 10 acres.
Maximum gross density shall be eight individual campsites per acre. No more than 10% of the site used in the calculation of maximum density shall include floodplains or wetlands. Campgrounds that existed prior to February 16, 2012 and that have a gross density greater than eight campsites per acre may expand the number of campsites only if additional, contiguous acreage is added to the campground such that the existing density is not exceeded.
Each individual campsite shall have sufficient area for one camping unit on that site, with at least a fifteen-foot minimum yard between the camping unit and the site access roadway, and 10 feet to any side or rear campsite lot line. In the absence of readily definable lot lines, a ten-foot minimum required yard shall be maintained between the nearest part of the camping unit and any adjacent camping unit. Individual campsites shall have at least 30 feet of width and 40 feet of depth. Such standards shall also apply to allowed tourist rooming houses in approved camping resorts.
Separate areas may be designated as a campground for group camping in tents. Within each group camping area, no more than 20 tents containing no more than 80 persons per acre shall be permitted. The group camping area must be provided with proper sanitary service as required by state statutes.
Each campground or camping resort may have one single-family dwelling for the private use and occupation of the owners or caretakers of the campground.
Each campground or camping resort may, for only those persons camping on site, provide for purchases of sundry supplies, cooked meals, and drinks including alcoholic beverages, if so licensed by the Town of Wescott.
Each campground or camping resort may accommodate common recreational facilities and amenities such as swimming pools, tennis courts, and other similar facilities.
New or expanded campgrounds or camping resorts may be required to provide a landscaped buffer where the use abuts a residential use or a residential zoning district.
Each campground or camping resort established after February 16, 2012, shall provide a minimum of 200 square feet per camping unit or one continuous acre of common recreation open space, whichever is greater. Yard areas within minimum required setbacks around the perimeter of the campground and land within landscaped transitional yards may not be counted towards meeting this requirement. Such standards shall also apply to allowed tourist rooming houses in approved camping resorts.
Each campground or camping resort shall be maintained under a common ownership so that responsibility can be easily placed for cleaning of common facilities such as water supply, sewage disposal station, toilet, laundry, and washrooms, and refuse areas, and for enforcement of campsite cleanliness.
For areas of a camping resort designated for and/or occupied by mobile/manufactured homes, camping cabins, park models, yurts, or other permanent or semipermanent units, including dwellings that meet the definition of a tourist rooming house, there shall be a forty-foot landscaped transitional yard between the exterior boundaries of such areas and adjacent properties or public roads.
Each campground and camping resort shall comply with all state regulations applicable to campgrounds, except as may be permitted through other licenses or approvals from the state.
In addition to any state required license fee, each operator of a campground or camping resort shall provide the Town of Wescott with an annual fee (determined annually and on file at the Town Clerk's office) to enable the Town of Wescott to confirm compliance with the standards of this chapter and fulfill state reporting requirements.
Generator use shall be limited to the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Airport. Any area of land or water which is used, or intended to be used, for the landing and takeoff of aircraft and any appurtenant areas which are used, or intended to be used, for airport buildings or navigation facilities or rights-of-way, together with all airport buildings and facilities thereon.