[Ord. #358; Ord. #765; 1976 Code § 161-1; New; Ord. #1080, § 1]
As used in this Chapter:
Shall mean any vehicle or structure, whether or not used or intended for conveyance upon public streets or highways, so designed or constructed as to permit occupancy or use in connection with administrative or related activities being conducted in conjunction with construction occurring on the premises on which the trailer is located. This shall include, but not be limited to, vehicles that are either capable of being transported under its own power or by attachment to a motor vehicle or through some other means of transportation.
Shall mean a group of persons living together as a single housekeeping unit.
Shall mean any vehicle used or intended for conveyance upon the public streets or highways, so designed or constructed as to permit occupancy of the vehicle as a dwelling or sleeping place for one or more persons or for other occupancy or use and capable of being transported either under its own power or by attachment to a motor vehicle or through other means of transportation.
Shall mean any vehicle or structure, whether or not used or intended for conveyance upon public streets or highways, so designed or constructed as to permit occupancy or use for office or business related purposes in conjunction with the sale or rental of commercial or residential properties. This shall include, but not be limited to, vehicles that are either capable of being transported under their own power or by attachment to a motor vehicle or through some other means of transportation.
Shall mean an individual, firm, partnership, corporation or association of persons.
Shall mean any vehicle or structure, whether or not used or intended for conveyance upon public streets or highways, so designed or constructed as to permit occupancy or use for administrative or other related purposes in conjunction with the servicing and corrective work necessary for residential or commercial construction that is occurring on the premises on which the trailer is located. This shall include, but not be limited to, vehicles that are either capable of being transported under their own power or by attachment to a motor vehicle or through some other means of transportation.
Shall mean any vehicle or structure, whether or not used or intended for conveyance upon public streets or highways, so designed or constructed as to permit the storage of any and all materials upon any property within the Township. This shall include, but not be limited to, vehicles that are either capable of being transported under their own power or by attachment to a motor vehicle or through some other means of transportation.
For the purposes of this Chapter, shall mean a construction trailer, an office trailer, a storage trailer, a service trailer or a house trailer as defined by this section.
Shall mean any site or tract of land occupied or used by two or more house trailers or available for such occupancy or use, with or without charge, including any building or structure intended for use as part of or in connection with such trailer park.
[Ord. #358; Ord. #364A; 1976 Code § 161-2; Ord. #1080, § 2]
No person shall operate or permit to be operated or offer for public use within the Township a trailer park without first obtaining a license therefor from the Township Council.
Application for such license shall be in writing and shall be presented to the Township Clerk and shall state the following:
Name and address of the owner of the premises.
Name and address of applicant.
A description of the premises whereon or wherein it is proposed to conduct the trailer park.
Statement of the sewer, water and toilet facilities to be provided.
The maximum number of house trailers to be accommodated.
A statement from the Health Officer of the Township that all facilities required by the ordinances and regulations of the Board of Health are complied with, and the plan of construction or, with respect to facilities existing at the time of the passage of this Chapter, a certification by the owner that an inspection of each installation has previously been made and found satisfactory.
A statement setting forth the zone in which the property in question is located and attached to that statement shall be all zoning approvals associated with the use of the property.
The Township Council may, at its discretion, make or cause to be made a thorough investigation upon the information contained in the application and other information which the Township Council may obtain, and shall determine whether or not such license shall be granted.
[Ord. #358; Ord. #364A; 1976 Code § 161-3]
The provisions of this Chapter shall be applicable to every trailer park in the Township and to any person, firm or corporation maintaining, operating, conducting or permitting any such trailer park, and shall be applicable to any person living or sleeping in any such trailer park as well as the owner of the premises and other persons, firms or corporations violating or contributing to the violation of any of the provisions of this Chapter.
[Ord. #358; Ord. #364A; Ord. #771; Ord. #775; 1976 Code § 161-4; Ord. #1017, § I; Ord. #1080, § 3]
There shall be charged and collected for the trailer park license an annual fee of $250. The license shall expire on December 31 of each year and the fee is expressly declared as imposed for administrative costs and expenses.
There shall be charged and collected a fee of $250 to obtain a permit whenever any trailer, other than a residential trailer, is to be located within the Township. The permit fees for any trailers are to be paid prior to the trailer being located within the Township. A separate permit is required for each location or relocation of any trailer within the Township. In the event a building has been destroyed on property used for residential or commercial purposes and the owner of the property needs a trailer either to live on the property or conduct its business, the owner of the property shall apply for a trailer permit pursuant to this subsection and the Township Council may, in its discretion, waive the fee for such a permit if it finds the imposition of the fee is an undue hardship on the applicant.
A construction, service, office or storage trailer shall be charged a separate annual fee of $250 per location on which is due and payable for the calender year commencing on the date that the trailer becomes located on premises within the Township. This fee shall not be subject to pro rata adjustment for any period that the trailer is not located within the town during the calendar year for which the fee is assessed.
Each licensee shall maintain a camp registry and on the first of each year submit to the Township Tax Assessor three verified copies of the same so far as it pertains to the preceding year, setting forth the owner's name and the lot number for each occupied trailer.
Any changes in ownership of any house trailer subsequent to the annual filing of the camp registry shall be reported to the Tax Assessor in writing within 30 days of the transfer of title. The report of transfer shall state the complete name of the purchaser and the consideration paid.
In addition to the annual license fee of $250 established by paragraph a of this subsection, the licensesee shall pay to the Township the sum of $1.75 per calendar week per trailer. All such payments shall be made by the 15th day of January in each calendar year. All payments received after that date shall be subject to an interest payment at an interest rate to be established by the Township Council for delinquent payments pursuant to a resolution adopted by the Township Council.
All applications made for trailer permits shall be accompanied with a fee of $250. In the event the permit is denied, $200 shall be returned to the applicant and $50 shall be deemed administrative fees to be kept by the Township. If the permit is approved, $250 shall be applied to the permit fee required under this subsection.
[Ord. #358; Ord. #364A; 1976 Code § 161-5]
It shall be unlawful for any person owning, operating or using any such house trailer in a trailer park to permanently affix same to the ground in a manner that would prevent the ready removal of the house trailer without having first obtained a permit from the Construction Official. Any such alterations to any house trailer shall be construed as subjecting the same to the requirements of the Building Code of the Township.
[Ord. #358; Ord. #364A; 1976 Code § 161-6]
Any license granted hereunder shall be subject to revocation or suspension by the Township Council in the following manner:
A notice shall be served on the person holding such license, specifying wherein he has failed to comply with this Chapter, and a reasonable time period of not more than 30 days shall be specified for the correction of the violation.
In the event that the licensee shall not be able to correct same within the time specified, then and in that event the licensee may apply in writing to the Township Council for additional time to correct the conditions, and the Township Council may, at its discretion, extend the time within which the violation may be corrected.
In the event such violation is not corrected within the specified time or within the time extended, then a notice shall be served upon such person requiring such licensee to appear before the Township Council at the time and place therein specified, not less than five days after service of such notice, and requiring such licensee to show cause at the time and place why the license should not be revoked or suspended.
At the time and place mentioned in the notice, the licensee shall have the right to appear in person or by counsel and introduce such evidence as he may desire, and the Township Council shall confront the licensee with the charges against him and produce proof thereof, subject to cross-examination, and after the hearing the Township Council may, in its discretion, dismiss the charges or revoke or suspend the license.
[Ord. #358; 1976 Code § 161-7]
It shall be unlawful to park any house trailer upon any public street in the Township except for the time customarily needed for shopping or to pay any necessary calls for business or other proper purposes.
It shall be unlawful to park any house trailer in any public street or thoroughfare in a place at which such parking would cause congestion or impede the normal flow of traffic or public use of the thoroughfare.
It shall be unlawful to make use of any of the toilet facilities in any house trailer while on any street within the limits of the Township, and each such house trailer while on any street within the limits of the Township shall have completely sealed its toilet facilities, lavatories, basins and any other contrivance from which any liquid or excreta may flow.
[Ord. #358; 1976 Code § 161-8]
It shall be unlawful to park, keep, house or maintain any house trailer in or upon any street or in or upon any site, place or location in the Township unless in a licensed trailer park, except that parking for a brief time for shopping and other appropriate purposes may be permitted pursuant to the provisions of subsection 11-3.1, paragraph a.
[Ord. #358; 1976 Code § 161-9]
No more than two persons shall be permitted to reside in each trailer unless all such persons are related by blood or marriage, it being the intent of this Chapter to prevent multiple occupancy of trailers.
[Ord. #358; 1976 Code § 161-10]
The maximum number of trailers allowed within a trailer park under this Chapter shall be 150.
[Ord. #358; 1976 Code § 161-11]
Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the terms and provisions of this Chapter shall, upon conviction thereof, be subject to the penalty as stated in Chapter 1, Section 1-5.
[Ord. #358; Ord. #765; 1976 Code § 161-12; Ord. #1080, § 4; Ord. #1246, § I; Ord. #1310, §§ I, II; Ord. #1634, § I]
No person shall attach any construction, office, service or storage trailers upon any premises in the Township unless the owner of the trailer or the owner of the premises has previously obtained a trailer permit and construction permit from the Township Construction Official.
Applications for such construction, office, service or storage trailers shall be in writing and shall be presented to the Construction Official and state the following:
Name and address of the owner of the property.
Name and address of the applicant.
Description of the trailer including:
Location drawn to scale on a site plan;
Use and supports;
A statement setting forth the zone in which the property in question is located and attached to that statement shall be all zoning approvals associated with the use of the property.
The trailer must be located at least 25 feet from all property lines.
The application shall be reviewed by the Construction Official who shall approve or deny the application within 10 business days of receipt of same. In the event the Construction Official denies the request, the application shall be forwarded to the Township Planning Board by the Construction Official with a recommendation of denial, modification or deferral along with any and all applicable documents. The Township Planning Board shall approve, deny, modify or defer the application within 30 days of receipt of the Construction Official's recommendation.
Construction, office, service or storage trailers shall be permitted only in conjunction with construction activity on the premises. All construction, office, service or storage trailer permits shall expire 12 months from the date of issuance or the date the trailer is moved on the site, whichever occurs first, unless renewed upon application to the Township Planning Board.
Any relocation of a construction, office, service or storage trailer on a construction site will require resubmittal to the Township Planning Board for review and approval prior to the relocation of the trailer in accordance with the procedures as contained in this subsection.
All construction, office, service or storage trailers shall have affixed to their exterior standard signs and/or symbols indicating any hazardous, toxic or flammable materials contained within the trailers.
[Ord. #358; Ord. #765; 1976 Code § 161-13; Ord. #1080, § 5]
All construction, office and storage trailers used in conjunction with residential construction shall be removed from the premises upon completion of the residential structure if the premises consists of one lot or upon completion of the first residential structure if the premises consists of more than one lot. All service trailers located upon premises on which residential structures are being constructed shall be removed within six months of the date that the final certificate of occupancy is issued for the residential structure on the premises.
All construction, office, service and storage trailers used in conjunction with commercial construction shall be removed from the premises upon the issuance of the certificate of occupancy for the first structure completed on the premises.
If the construction activity on the premises is suspended or halted for a period of six months, the construction office, service and storage trailer permits shall become void automatically and the trailers shall be immediately removed from the premises.
Construction, office, service and storage trailers which, in the opinion of the Construction Official, are not maintained in good repair or which become unsafe or hazardous must be repaired or removed from the premises within seven days after written notice is mailed to the applicant by the Construction Official.
[Ord. #1598]
No person shall place upon their property or upon any premises in the Township a temporary storage unit unless the owner of the premises has previously obtained a temporary storage unit permit from the Township Administrative Officer.
Application for such temporary storage units shall be in writing and shall be presented to the Administrative Officer and state the following:
Name and address of the owner of the property.
Name and address of the applicant.
Description of the temporary storage unit:
Statement setting forth the zone in which the temporary storage unit is to be located.
An executed statement indicating that the applicant understands and agrees that this storage unit is temporary in nature and the applicant understands and has read the ordinance regulating same.
The cost for such temporary storage unit permit shall be $10 and submitted to the Administrative Officer with the application.
The temporary storage unit shall be placed in a location as directed by the Administrative Officer.
The application shall be reviewed by the Administrative Officer who shall review the application for completeness and issue said permit within seven days of filing.
The temporary storage unit shall be temporary in nature and unless approved by the Planning Board, no temporary storage unit shall be placed or remain on the same premises more than 90 days, cumulatively, within a twelve-month period. The start date of the time period shall be the date of delivery, as shown on the delivery ticket, which must be supplied to the Administrative Officer upon request.
The temporary storage unit permit shall not be granted for more than 30 days, however, two thirty-day extensions of the permit may be granted, but in no case shall more than two extensions be granted unless otherwise approved by the Planning Board. After the expiration of the initial time period, as well as the two extensions, if additional time is required, the applicant may submit an application to the Planning Board.
No more than one temporary storage unit shall be placed upon any single lot at one time, and the temporary storage unit is not to exceed 16 feet in length.
[Ord. #358; Ord. #765; 1976 Code § 161-14; Ord. #1310, § III]
The Township Approving Authority shall at all times have the right, by resolution, to waive any one or more of the provisions contained in this Chapter when it is satisfied that waiving of such provision shall not adversely affect the Township or substantially impair the intent and purpose of this Chapter.
In the event that the Township Approving Authority waives any provision of this Chapter it reserves the right to impose further and additional conditions and restrictions as it may deem necessary and proper to further the purposes of this Chapter. Additional conditions can only be afforded at a public hearing before the Township Approving Authority.