[BH Ord. #26; 1976 Code § 209-1]
As used in this chapter:
Shall mean yard trimmings, rags, waste wood or cardboard and other combustible waste solids of a nonvolatile or nonexplosive nature.
Shall mean animal and/or vegetable waste solids resulting from the handling, preparation, cooking and/or consumption of foods.
Shall mean all solid waste material which does not burn.
Shall mean garbage, combustible and/or noncombustible waste solids.
[BH Ord. #26; 1976 § 209-2]
The owner, agent, lessee, tenant or occupant of every dwelling or other premises where refuse accumulates shall provide and keep on such premises sufficient and suitable covered receptacles, with tight-fitting covers, for receiving and holding the aforesaid refuse.
"Sufficient" is defined for the purpose of this section to be at least one (1) receptacle for each family unit or other occupant of premises and at least two (2) such receptacles for each restaurant, market, store or similar business establishment where the aforesaid refuse shall accumulate.
"Suitable" is defined for the purpose of this section to be a watertight metal or plastic receptacle with a tight-fitting cover, so constructed as to prevent spilling or leakage of its contents. Each receptacle for use at a single residence shall have a capacity of not more than thirty (30) gallons and be equipped with a pull handle or handles.
Receptacles for refuse from multi-dwelling units or industrial premises may have a greater capacity than that prescribed in paragraph a1 hereof, provided they are:
Constructed of metal or plastic.
Equipped for handling by motorized equipment.
Cleaned and sanitized as needed after emptying.
Replaced by the same type of receptacle if removed for emptying.
Receptacles that are badly broken or otherwise fail to meet the requirements of this section may be classed as refuse and collected and disposed of as such by person or agency responsible for the collection of refuse.
Receptacles of refuse shall not be set out for collection except during hours of the day or days scheduled for collection of refuse or the evening before.
Receptacles shall be conveniently located on premises for storage of refuse and maintained in such manner as to prevent creation of a nuisance or menace to public health.
[BH Ord. #26; 1976 Code § 209-3]
Garbage shall be thoroughly and completely drained of all liquids, wrapped securely in paper and placed in a receptacle as described in Section BH12-2 hereof.
Noncombustible waste shall not be mixed with other refuse when prepared for disposal by incineration.
Paper shall be securely and properly tied into bundles or other packages in a manner to prevent any scattering while waiting or during collection. The bundles or packages shall be of a size and weight to permit ease of handling by one (1) man.
Combustible waste shall be stored and held in receptacles separate and apart from noncombustible waste when prepared for disposal by incineration.
Combustible or noncombustible waste of such a nature that it cannot be deposited in a receptacle shall be securely and properly tied into bundles or packages to prevent spilling or scattering. The bundles or packages shall be of a size and weight to permit ease of handling by one (1) man.
Refuse prepared for collection should be packaged or otherwise assembled in quantities weighing not more than fifty (50) pounds.
[BH Ord. #26; 1976 Code § 209-4]
The owner, agent, lessee, tenant or occupant of any premises whereon a business or industry is conducted shall arrange for the removal of refuse from such business or industry each day unless sufficient and suitable facilities are provided and used for storage of such refuse until removal of the refuse from the premises.
[BH Ord. #26; 1976 Code § 209-5]
Every proprietor of a restaurant, hotel, motel, boardinghouse, store, market or other wholesale or retail establishment where food for human or animal consumption is manufactured, prepared, handled, sold or served shall daily cause to be removed from the premises all garbage and refuse which may accumulate thereon. All garbage and refuse shall, while on the premises, be stored in such manner as not to create a nuisance.
[BH Ord. #26; 1976 Code § 209-6]
The owner, lessor or agent of any tenement house or multidwelling shall cause to be removed from the premises at least daily all garbage and refuse.
The owner, tenant or occupant of any dwelling unit, other than a dwelling unit in a tenement house or multidwelling, shall cause to be removed from the premises at least twice weekly all garbage and refuse.
[BH Ord. #26; 1976 Code § 209-7]
Refuse shall be disposed of only through use of sanitary landfills established, conducted, operated and maintained in accordance with standards established by the Department of Environmental Protection and/or incinerators constructed, operated and maintained in accordance with established standards and codes or regulations of the Department of Environmental Protection and its agencies or other methods of disposal as may be permitted by code or regulation of the agencies.
[BH Ord. #26; BH Ord. #30; 1976 Code § 209-8]
No person shall gather, collect, remove or in any way interfere with gathering, collecting or removing garbage and refuse matter from any dwelling house, tenement, store, other building or place, or engage in the business or occupation of gathering, collecting or removing garbage and refuse matter within the Township, or use the streets of the Township for the purpose of transporting the same, unless he is duly authorized and licensed as a scavenger by the Public Utilities Commission.
No owner, lessee, agent or occupant of a building or residence within the Township shall cause garbage and refuse to be removed from that building or residence other than by the services of a duly authorized scavenger licensed by the Public Utilities Commission.
[BH Ord. #26; 1976 Code § 209-9]
The licensee shall collect and transport all garbage and refuse matter by such means and in such manner so that, first, none of any such material shall escape or drop upon the ground, and second, all reasonably a-voidable noise incident to the collection and transportation of such material shall be prevented.
All trucks and other vehicles used for collection shall be maintained in good working order and in clean sanitary condition. Such trucks and vehicles must be liquid-proof and completely metal-enclosed during the transportation of collected material from the place of collection to the place of disposal.
Any collected material which drops from collection containers or from the trucks or other vehicles during loading or transporting must be gathered and cleaned up immediately. Failure to do so will be deemed a violation of this Chapter.
All garbage and refuse matter which the licensee undertakes to collect shall be collected with all reasonable speed and efficiency and shall be transported and disposed of by the licensee at the dumping place in the same truck or other vehicle into which the collected material was placed. Such transportation and disposal shall be performed on the same day as the material was collected.
Licensees or their agents shall not place receptacles containing collected material along the curb to await arrival of the collection trucks. The collected material shall be carried directly from the premises where collected to the truck and dumped into the truck. The empty receptacles shall be immediately returned to their proper places.
[BH Ord. #26; 1976 Code § 209-10]
All licensees shall be subject to the reasonable supervision of the Board of Health or its authorized agent in order to ensure compliance with the provisions of this Chapter and the rules and regulations adopted pursuant to this Chapter. Rules and regulations adopted pursuant to this Chapter shall be adopted by resolution of the Board of Health.
[BH Ord. #26; 1976 Code § 209-11; New]
Any person who violates any provisions of this Chapter shall, upon conviction thereof, be liable to the penalty as stated in Chapter BH1, Section BH1-2.
[BH Ord. #26; 1976 Code § 209-12]
The storage, collection or disposal of refuse in violation of any provisions of Sections BH12-2 through BH12-7 and Section BH12-9 is hereby declared to be a nuisance and detrimental to the public health.