[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Lancaster 10-6-1958 (Ch. 32 of the 1966 Codification). Amendments noted where applicable.]
No person, firm, corporation or association shall operate, maintain or conduct a public information bureau or service in the Town of Lancaster, Eric County, New York, unless a license permitting such operation has been previously issued to such person, firm, corporation or association upon application therefor in writing, filed with the Town Clerk of the Town of Lancaster, and the Town Clerk is hereby authorized to issue such license.
The fee for such license is hereby fixed at the sum of $350 per annum, or any part thereof during which the said license is in effect, and such license shall expire upon the first day of January following the date of issuance thereof.
No person shall engage in soliciting business for such public information bureau or service nor shall any person operate as a guide therefrom or work as an employee therein unless such person shall previously obtain a solicitor's license to be issued upon written application therefor by the Town Clerk of the Town of Lancaster. The license fee for such solicitor's license shall be $50 per annum or any part thereof, during which time said license is in effect and all such licenses shall expire on the first day of January next succeeding. Each applicant for a solicitor's license shall furnish two recent photographs with his application, one of which shall be attached to the license by the Town Clerk.
No license shall be issued to any person to operate or conduct a public information bureau or information service or to act as a guide or solicitor in connection therewith unless such person is a citizen or resident alien of the United States and has not been previously convicted of a crime.
No public information bureau or service shall be conducted in the Town of Lancaster except from and within a building erected upon premises within a "business'' district, as defined by the Zoning Ordinance[1] of the Town of Lancaster, which building shall be at least 20 feet wide by 20 feet long by 10 feet high and in no event shall be nearer than 20 feet from the right-of-way or the established setback line.
See Ch. 400, Zoning.
No person, shall, while engaged as a guide, solicitor or employee of any such public information bureau or service, represent himself as an employee of the Town of Lancaster or of any other Town or municipality, nor shall he wear any uniform, badge or insignia so as to indicate that he is a constable, police officer, employee or official of the Town of Lancaster or of any village, Town, county, state or municipality.
No solicitor, guide or employee of such public information bureau or service shall solicit business or engage in the occupation of furnishing information to the public at any point or place within 20 feet of the paved portion of the right-of-way.
In the event there is a nonconforming use in the Town of Lancaster, such nonconforming use shall be declared null and void and the persons enjoying the same shall forfeit such privilege in the event that the business or establishment is not operated for a period of six months.
No sign other than such sign as is permitted by the Ordinance of the Town of Lancaster, except such signs as are attached to a building, other ordinances of the Town notwithstanding, shall be erected or maintained by the licensee of any public information bureau or information service.
No person to whom a license shall have been issued as herein provided shall in any way give any information which may be construed, interpreted or considered to be false, misleading or misrepresenting information concerning travel routes, business establishments, tourist homes, hotels, tourist cabins or other tourist accommodations, or as to their rates, facilities or service.
Any license issued under the terms and conditions of this chapter shall not be transferable and shall be valid only so long as the licensee shall comply with all of the provisions of this chapter. All licenses shall be revocable at any time by the Town Board of the Town of Lancaster after violation of any of the terms and conditions herein set forth.
A violation of any of the foregoing provisions of this chapter shall be construed and is hereby declared to be a misdemeanor and shall be punishable by imprisonment for not more than six months, or by a fine of not more than $250, or both, for each offense or violation.
The declaration of any portion of this chapter by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid shall not invalidate that portion of this chapter not so declared to be invalid, and the remainder of this chapter shall remain in full force and effect.
This chapter is to be a part of the general ordinances of the Town of Lancaster, Erie County, New York, and shall take effect immediately.