[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Lancaster as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 6-5-1995 by L.L. No. 2-1995 (Ch. 9 of the 1966 Codification)]
This article shall be known as the "Town of Lancaster Code of Ethics," and shall be identified as Local Law No. 2 of the Year 1995, further designated as Chapter 8 of the Code of the Town of Lancaster.
This code is enacted pursuant to Article 18 of the General Municipal Law and in recognition of the policy of the State of New York and the Town of Lancaster to maintain the highest standards of integrity and public service.
This code is intended to afford Town officers and employees guidance in conforming to ethical standards; to promote public confidence in the integrity of Town government; to require public disclosure of financial interests that may influence or be perceived as influencing actions of Town officers and employees; and to minimize unwarranted suspicion and to provide for the fair and effective administration of this code.
This code shall be in addition to any other restriction, standard and/or provisions pertaining to the conduct of Town officers and employees.
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any office, board, body, advisory board, council, commission, agency, department, district, administration, division, bureau or committee of the Town of Lancaster, and shall include, but not be limited to, the Zoning Board of Appeals, Planning Board, Library Board of Trustees, Youth Bureau, Drug Abuse Prevention Council, Assessment Review Board, Town of Lancaster Industrial Development Agency, Senior Citizens Director, Ethics Board and any government review or advisory board appointed by the Town Board.
Communicating in whatever form, whether personally or through another person.
Having or providing any contract, service or work with a municipality; buying, selling, renting, leasing or otherwise acquiring from or dispensing to a municipality any goods, services or property; or applying for, petitioning, requesting or obtaining any approval, grant, loan, license, permit or other privilege from the municipality.
Any action involving the exercise of judgment or discretion by a municipal officer or employee, either individually or as a member of any agency, and includes, but is not limited to, negotiation, approval, denial, advice, recommendation, authorization or audit.
A spouse, child, stepchild, brother, sister, parent or dependent of a municipal officer or employee.
The Town Board of the Town of Lancaster.
An action performed in a prescribed manner without the exercise of judgment or discretion as to the propriety of the act.
Any Town officer, employee or official who receives a salary from the Town or who is compensated by the Town on a per diem or hourly basis, but does not include a Town officer, employee or official who is solely reimbursed by the Town for expenses incurred in the course of his or her duties.
Any business dealing with the Town, or any application therefore, or any case, proceeding, determination, investigation, charge, accusation or arrest or any other matter involving a discretionary act of a Town officer or employee, but does not include the proposal, consideration or enactment of local laws, ordinances or regulations of general application.
An individual, corporation, partnership, unincorporated association and all other entities.
A husband or wife from whom the Town officer or employee is not legally separated.
The Town of Lancaster, and includes all agencies, officers, employees and officials thereof.
The duly elected Town Clerk of the Town of Lancaster.
Any officer or employee of the Town of Lancaster, whether paid or unpaid, including public officials and all other members of any agency in the Town of Lancaster, but does not include the Town Justices, officers or employees of the Unified Court System. Volunteer firemen and civil defense volunteers shall not be deemed to be "Town officers or employees."
Any Town officer or employee who has the authority either alone or as a member of an agency to perform discretionary acts on behalf of the Town with respect to any business dealing. "Town official" shall not include Town Justice and any Town officer or employee who performs only ministerial acts and duties.
No Town officer or employee shall:
Act as attorney, agent, broker, employee, consultant or representative of or for any person in connection with any business dealing that person has with the Town.
Directly or indirectly solicit any gift or accept or receive any gift or series of gifts having a value not in conformance with the amount permitted by New York State General Municipal Law § 805-a, whether in the form of money, service, loan, travel, entertainment, hospitality, thing or promise, or in any other form, under circumstances in which it could reasonably be inferred that the gift was intended to influence him or her in the performance of his or her official duties or was intended as a reward for any official action on his or her part. The foregoing limitation shall not apply to campaign contributions not otherwise prohibited by law.
[Amended 3-19-2018 by L.L. No. 2-2018]
Take or refrain from taking any action or agree to take or refrain from taking any action or induce or attempt to induce any other Town officer or employee to take or refrain from taking any action on any matter before the Town in order to obtain a pecuniary or material benefit for:
Himself or herself;
A family member;
Any partnership or unincorporated association of which the Town officer or employee is a member or employee or in which he or she has a proprietary interest;
Any corporation of which the Town officer or employee is an officer or director or of which he or she legally or beneficially owns or controls more than 5% of the outstanding stock;
Any person with whom the Town officer or employee or his or her family member has an employment, professional, business or financial relationship; or
Any person from whom the Town officer or employee or his or her spouse has received, within any twelve-month period during the previous 24 months, a pecuniary or material benefit having an aggregate value greater than $1,000, unless said individuals make up less than 5% of a class of individuals benefited.
Appear before the agency serviced by or which employs such Town officer or employee except on behalf of the Town or on his or her own behalf.
Appear before the Town except on behalf of the Town or on his or her own behalf. This subsection shall only apply to officers and employees who are elected or who are paid by the Town.
Appear as attorney or counsel against any interest of the Town in any matter in which the Town is a party or a complainant.
Solicit any nonelected officer or employee of the Town to participate in an election campaign. This subsection shall not prohibit an elected officer from soliciting such participation from officers and employees who are appointed by, and directly subordinate to, such elected officer and whose service in positions which are in the exempt classification or the unclassified service under the Civil Service Law.
Directly or through a person, campaign committee or other organization authorized to act on his or her behalf solicit any nonelected Town officer or employee of the Town to pay or promise to pay any assessment, subscription or contribution to a political party, political party organization or election campaign. This subsection shall not prohibit a general solicitation of a class of person.
Directly or through a person or campaign committee or other organization authorized to act on his or her behalf solicit participation in an election campaign or payment or promise of payment of any assessment, subscription or contribution to a political party, political party organization or election campaign from any person who, to the knowledge of the Town officer or employee, has or within the previous 12 months has had any business dealing with the Town. This subsection shall not prohibit a general solicitation of a class of persons.
Except where such disclosure is authorized by law, disclose any confidential information acquired in the course of his or her official duties or use any such information to advance the financial or other private interest of himself or herself or any other person.
After termination of his or her term of office or employment with the Town, appear before the Town or receive compensation for any services rendered on behalf of any person other than the Town in relation to any particular matter upon which he or she took any discretionary act during his or her term of office of employment with the Town.
No partnership or unincorporated association of which a Town official is a member or employee or in which he or she has a proprietary interest, nor any corporation of which he or she is an officer or director or legally or beneficially owns or controls more than 5% of the outstanding stock shall appear before the agency served by such Town official on behalf of any person other than the Town or itself.
No partnership or unincorporated association of which a Town official who is elected or paid by the Town is a member or employee or in which he or she is an officer or director or of which he or she legally or beneficially owns or controls more than 5% of the outstanding stock shall appear before the Town on behalf of any person other than the Town or itself.
Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit a Town officer or employee or any other person from receiving a municipal service or benefit or using a municipal facility which is generally available to residents or a class of residents in the Town.
Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit any Town officer or employee listed in § 11 of the Domestic Relations Law from accepting any gift or benefit having a value as permitted by New York State General Municipal Law § 805-b for the solemnization of a marriage by that Town officer or employee at a place other than the Town officer's or employee's normal place of business or at a time other than the officer's or employee's normal hours of business and except as may be otherwise restricted by law.
[Amended 3-19-2018 by L.L. No. 2-2018]
Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit a Town officer or employee from performing any ministerial act.
A person who knowingly violates any provision of this section may, in addition to any penalty contained in any other provisions of law, be dismissed, suspended or removed from office or employment in the manner provided by law.
Whenever a Town officer or employee is requested or required to take any action on a matter before the Town and, to his or her knowledge, either the performance or nonperformance of that action would provide a pecuniary or material benefit to himself or herself or to any related person different from that which would be derived from the action by reason of its general application to a broad class of persons deriving such benefit, the Town officer or employee shall not participate in that matter unless the Town officer's or employee's recusal prohibits Town action; then said Town officer or employee shall participate after full disclosure. Additionally, the Town officer or employee, prior to any final action being taken, shall file promptly with his or her immediate superior, if any, and with the Town Clerk a signed statement disclosing the nature and extent of that interest.
For purposes of this section, "related person" means:
A family member.
Any corporation of which the Town officer or employee is an officer or director or of which he or she legally or beneficially owns or controls more than 5% of the outstanding stock.
Any person with whom the Town officer or employee or his or her family member has an employment, business or financial relationship.
Any person from whom the Town officer or employee or his or her spouse has received, within any twelve-month period during the previous 24 months, a pecuniary or material benefit having an aggregate value greater than $1,000.
Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit a Town officer or employee from performing any ministerial act.
All Town officials who are elected and all members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, Planning Board, Library Board of Trustees, Youth Bureau, Drug Abuse Prevention Council, Assessment Review Board, Town of Lancaster Industrial Development Agency, Ethics Board, Senior Citizens Director, Town Building Inspector, Town Engineer, Director of Parks and Recreation and any government review or advisory board appointed by the Town Board shall file with the Town Clerk, who, for the purpose of this section, shall also be deemed the Secretary of the Board of Ethics as hereinafter set forth, a signed annual disclosure statement within 120 days of the effective date of this code; within 30 days of taking office; no later than April 30 of each year thereafter. Within 30 days of any change in the information contained in his or her most recently filed statement, the public official shall file a signed amendment to the statement indicating the change.
Matters to be disclosed by all elected, paid or appointed Town officials shall be in the following form:
For calendar year
a. Title of position:
b. Department, agency or other governmental agency or entity:
Address and SBL No. of all real property within the Town of Lancaster in which you or your spouse or other family member of your household has an ownership or other financial interest.
S.B.L. Number
List the name and address of any partnership, unincorporated association or business of which you or your spouse is a member, officer or employee or in which you or your spouse has a proprietary interest, giving your position and/or your spouse's position, if any, with the partnership association or business.
Address of Organization
List the name and address of any corporation or limited partnership of which you or your spouse is an officer, director or employee or of which you or your spouse legally or beneficially owns or controls more than 5% of the issued and outstanding stock or other ownership rights, listing your position and/or your spouse's position, if any, with the corporation or limited partnership.
Name of Corporation or Limited Partnership
State the self-employment and the general nature thereof from which you or your spouse has derived, during the previous calendar year, gross income in excess of $2,000.00.
If you are unable after reasonable effort to obtain some or all of the information required herein, so state and give reasons therefor.
Signature of reporting individual
(month, day, year)
A reporting individual who knowingly and willfully with intent to deceive makes a false statement or gives information which such individual knows or should have known to be false on such statement of financial disclosure filed pursuant to this section shall be assessed a civil penalty in an amount not to exceed $10,000. Assessment of a civil penalty hereunder shall be made by the Town of Lancaster Board of Ethics.
For a violation of this subsection the Town of Lancaster Board of Ethics may, in lieu of a civil penalty, refer a violation to the District Attorney, and upon such conviction, but only after such referral, such violation shall be punishable as a Class A misdemeanor.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, no other penalty, civil or criminal, may be imposed for failure to file or for false filing of such statement, except that the appointing authority may impose disciplinary action as otherwise provided by law.
The Town of Lancaster Board of Ethics shall adopt rules governing the conduct of adjudicatory proceedings and appeals relating to the assessment of civil penalties herein authorized. Such rules shall provide for due process procedural mechanisms substantially similar to those set forth in Article III of the State Administrative Procedures Act, but such mechanisms may not be identical in terms or scope.
Assessment of a civil penalty shall be final unless modified, suspended or vacated within 30 days of imposition and upon becoming final shall be subject to review at the instance of the affected reporting individual in a proceeding commenced against the Town of Lancaster Board of Ethics, pursuant to Article 78 of the Civil Practice Law and Rules.
Transitional disclosure statements and annual disclosure statements shall be a matter of public record and shall be filed and indexed with the Town Clerk. The Town Clerk shall retain such disclosure statements for a period of not less than seven years from the calendar year covered by the filing.
On or before the 1st day of April of each year the Town Clerk shall, after consultation with the Town Attorney, notify all persons required to file annual disclosures by forwarding to them an Annual Statement of Financial Disclosure.
On or before the 15th day of May of each and every year the Board of Ethics shall ascertain and verify that every required individual has filed the required disclosure statement.
Failure of the Town Clerk to notify any or all individuals required shall not relieve Town officials of their duty to file the disclosure statements.
A Board of Ethics is established and shall be known as the Town of Lancaster Board of Ethics.
Members and terms.
The Board of Ethics shall consist of five members who shall initially serve a one- to five-year term. Thereafter, members shall be appointed for a five-year term.
If the Supervisor shall fail to appoint the members within 30 days after the establishment of the Board of Ethics or within 30 days after a vacancy occurs on the Board of Ethics, the Town Board shall appoint such member or members as the case may be. Only one member of the Board shall be an officer or employee of the Town of Lancaster.
In the event that a vacancy occurs prior to the expiration of the five-year term, such vacancy shall be filled for the balance of such term in the same manner as members are appointed to full terms. All members shall reside within the Town of Lancaster.
All members shall serve without compensation, except that any member who is a Town of Lancaster officer or employee shall be entitled to his usual compensation when attending upon the business of the Board during normal working hours.
Political parties.
No more than two members of the Board may be affiliated with the same political party. No member of the Board of Ethics may hold an officer's position in any political party, except such person may be a member of a county committee of a political party.
For purposes of this section, "political party" shall mean any political party which appears on the ballot in the last biennial Town election. The members shall elect a Chairman from among themselves and such other officers as may be deemed necessary from time to time.
A Board of Ethics member may be removed by the Town Supervisor with the approving consent of not less than five members of the Town Board after a finding of substantial neglect of duty, gross misconduct in office, inability to discharge the powers or duties of the office or violation of this act after written notice of the charges and an opportunity to reply.
The Town Clerk shall be the Clerk of the Board of Ethics and all documents filed with the Town Clerk shall be deemed, for the purposes of this article, to be filed with the Board of Ethics.
The Board of Ethics shall have all the powers and duties as prescribed by Article 18 of the General Municipal Law. The Board of Ethics may adopt and amend such rules or procedures as are appropriate.
Every Town officer or employee shall report to the Erie County District Attorney or the Town Attorney any action which may reasonably be interpreted as an improper attempt to influence him in the conduct of his office.
This article shall take effect after mailing, filing and publication as required by law.