[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Lancaster 2-3-1964 (Ch. 16 of the 1966 Codification). Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Amended 5-7-2001]
Inspection required; duties of inspectors.
Electrical inspection shall be required on all building permits issued by the Town of Lancaster Building Inspection office and shall be performed only by inspectors who are certified for residential, commercial and industrial inspection by the International Association of Electrical Inspectors, and have applied to the office of the Town Building Inspector to obtain designation and complied with the requirements for such designation set forth herein.
All designated inspectors are authorized and deputized as agents of the Town of Lancaster to make inspections and reinspections of all electrical installations heretofore and hereafter described, and to approve or disapprove the same. In no event, however, will the cost or expense of such inspections and reinspections be a charge against the Town of Lancaster.
A party seeking designation by the Town Board as an approved electrical inspection service shall submit the following information to the Building Inspector:
The name, street address and telephone number of the applicant.
Whether the applicant is an individual, partnership or corporation.
Whether the applicant is doing business in another name, and if so, said name(s).
The name, address, qualification and training of all individuals who will be performing electrical inspection services on behalf of the applicant.
A schedule of fees.
A statement whether the applicant intends to utilize independent contractors; if so, all independent contractor(s) shall be identified by name, street address and telephone number.
The applicant shall affirm the following either individually or, if a corporation, by a duly authorized officer:
All electrical inspecting services shall be performed by person(s) who have documented and current credentials of passing the International Association of Electrical Inspectors test or the Board of Construction Association test for the type of inspections being performed.
If any information submitted at the time of application shall become incomplete or outdated, the applicant will notify the Building Inspector of all changes in writing within 48 hours.
No person performing electrical inspections within the Town of Lancaster shall engage in electrical work for compensation or have any financial interest in any person, partnership or corporation engaged in performing electrical work within the Town of Lancaster.
Electrical inspections shall be performed during normal Town business hours, unless prior written consent is obtained from the Building Inspector.
Inspections will be made within two business days after an application for inspection has been filed with the Building Inspector.
The report of an inspection shall be filed with the Building Inspector within five business days of application for inspection. Said report shall certify whether the electrical work inspected is in compliance with the National Electric Code.
The electrical inspection service shall provide to the Building Inspector a telephone number for which the use thereof will not impose long-distance charges upon the Town of Lancaster. Calls made by the Building Inspector to such number shall be returned within 24 hours.
The electrical inspection service will provide complementary inspections in response to the reasonable request(s) of the Building Inspector.
The electrical inspection service will provide complementary inspections in response to the reasonable request(s) of the Town of Lancaster department heads as to electrical work performed by the Town of Lancaster.
Fees charged for inspections will not be fully or partially contingent upon approval by the electrical inspection service of the electrical work inspected.
The electrical inspection service has received approval to perform inspections by New York State Electric & Gas.
The electrical inspection service shall not inspect electrical work which another approved electrical inspection service determined to be noncompliant with the National Electric Code.
The electrical inspection service agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Town of Lancaster with respect to all claims of whatever nature arising against the Town of Lancaster or any official or employee thereof with respect to the work performed by the electrical inspection service.
If said electrical inspection service intends to utilize independent contractor(s), the electrical inspection service agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Town of Lancaster with respect to all claims of whatever nature arising against the Town of Lancaster or any official or employee thereof with respect to the work performed by said independent contractor.
The party seeking to be designated by the Lancaster Town Board as an approved electrical inspection service shall submit the following:
Proof of liability insurance in the amount of at least $1,000,000 single limit for personal injury and property damage.
If said electrical inspection service intends to utilize one or more independent contractor(s), proof of liability insurance in the amount of at least $1,000,000 single limit for personal injury and property damage identifying as an additional insured each and every independent contractor to be utilized.
Policies of liability insurance referenced above shall name as an additional insured the Town of Lancaster. Said policies shall contain the following clause: "In the event of any material alteration, non-renewal, or cancellation of this policy, at least 30 days notice thereof shall be given to the Town of Lancaster, Town Clerk, 21 Central Avenue, Lancaster, New York 14086."
A remittance of $1,000 payable to the Town of Lancaster to include a nonrefundable application fee in the amount of $250 as the reasonable expense to the Town in the administration of the application process and the amount of $750 as the reasonable expense to the Town over the balance of five years in supervising and administrating the electrical inspection service. The remittance of $750 shall not be refunded once an applicant is designated as an authorized electrical inspection service.
Proof of workers' compensation and New York State disability insurance must be provided as follows: Coverage provided for New York State domiciled employees require Forms C 105.2 for workers' compensation and DB 120.1 for NYS DBL.
[Added 9-20-2021 by L.L. No. 3-2021]
Workers' compensation:
Part 1: workers' compensation, statutory.
Part 2: employer's liability, $ 1,000,000.
Note: If New York State domiciled employees are used, coverage to be New York statutory for both Parts 1 and 2.
New York disability benefits liability: statutory coverage if New York State domiciled employees are used.
Affidavit of exemption, Form CE-200: proof that the business listed is exempt from providing workers' compensation and/or disability coverage in New York State.
It shall be the duty of the Inspector to report in writing to the Chief Building Inspector, whose duty it shall be to enforce all provisions of this code, all violations or deviations from or omissions of the electrical provisions of the Building Code applicable to the Town of Lancaster, and of all local laws, ordinances and the Building Code as referred to in this chapter insofar as any of the same apply to electrical wiring. The Inspector shall make inspections and reinspections of electrical installations in and on properties in the Town of Lancaster upon the written request of an authorized official of the Town of Lancaster or as herein provided. The Inspector is authorized to make inspections and reinspections of electrical wiring installations, devices, appliances and equipment, in or on properties within the Town of Lancaster, where he deems it necessary for the protection of life and property. In the event of an emergency it is the duty of the Inspector to make electrical inspections upon the oral request of an official or officer of the Town of Lancaster.
It shall be the duty of the Inspector to furnish written reports to the proper officials of the Town of Lancaster and owners and/or lessees of property where defective electrical installations and equipment are found upon inspection. He shall authorize the issuing of a certificate of compliance when electrical installations and equipment are in conformity with this chapter. He shall direct that a copy of the certificate of compliance be sent to the Town of Lancaster to the attention of the Building Inspector.
It shall be a violation of this chapter for any person, firm or corporation to install or cause to be installed, or to alter electrical wiring for light, heat or power in or on properties of the Town of Lancaster until an application for inspection has been filed with the New York Board of Fire Underwriters. It shall be a violation of this chapter for a person, firm or corporation to connect or cause to be connected electrical wiring in or on properties, for light, heat or power, to any source of electrical energy supply, prior to the issuance of a temporary certificate or a certificate of compliance by the New York Board of Fire Underwriters.
Pursuant to § 268 of Article 16 of the Town Law, a violation of this chapter is hereby declared to be an offense, punishable by a fine not exceeding $50 or imprisonment for a period of not to exceed six months, or both.
A person shall be subject to the penalties imposed by this section and § 268 of Article 16 of the Town Law in any case where an order to remove any violation of any of the provisions of this chapter has been served by the Building Inspector or his agent upon the owner, general agent, lessee or tenant of the building, other structure or any part thereof, or upon the architect, builder, contractor or anyone who commits or assists in any such violation and such person shall fail to comply with such order within 10 days after the service thereof. Each week's continued violation shall constitute a separate additional violation and shall be punishable hereunder.
This chapter shall become effective 10 days after the first publication and posting thereof, or after personal service as provided for in § 133 of the Town Law.