In order to assist Code users in the transition to the new Code's organization, the Derivation Table indicates where chapters and articles of the 1966 Codification have been included in the 2021 Code, or the reason for exclusion.
Not Code material (legislation is not general or permanent in nature).
Not included in Code but saved from repeal.
Chapter/Title From 1966 Codification
Location in 2021 Code
Ch. 1, Acquisition of Open Spaces and Areas
Ch. 235
Ch. 2, Alcoholic Beverages
Art. I, Open Containers
Ch. 74, Art. I
Ch. 3, Fireworks and Explosives
Ch. 178
Ch. 4, Salvage Yards
Ch. 275
Ch. 5, Alarm Systems
Ch. 70
Ch. 6, Procurement
Art. I, Best Value Contracts
Ch. 43
Ch. 7, Bingo
Ch. 93
Ch. 8, Building Code Administration
Ch. 140, Art. II
Ch. 9, Code of Ethics
Ch. 8, Art. I
Ch. 10, Condominium Conversion
Ch. 126
Ch. 11, Improvements, Public and Private
Ch. 206
Ch. 12, Sidewalks and Streets
Ch. 310, Art. II
Ch. 13, Dogs
Ch. 82, Art. I
Ch. 14, Defects, Notification of
Ch. 225
Ch. 15, Drive -In Theaters
Ch. 148
Ch. 16, Electrical Inspection
Ch. 158
Ch. 17, Entertainment
Art. I, Amusement Arcades or Game Rooms
Ch. 78
Ch. 18, Excavations
Art. I, Street Excavations
Ch. 310, Art. I
Art. II, Filling in Excavations
Ch. 163, Art. I
Art. III, Pit Excavations and Topsoil Removal
Ch. 163, Art. II
Art. IV, Sandbanks, Gravel Pits, Stone Quarries
Ch. 163, Art. III
Ch. 19, Farming
Art. I, Right to Farm
Ch. 173, Art. I
Ch. 20, Fire Prevention and Building Code
Ch. 140, Art. I
Ch. 21, Floodplain
Ch. 182
Ch. 21A, Games of Chance
Ch. 193
Ch. 22, Sanitary Landfills and Dumping
Ch. 287, Art. I
Ch. 23, Gas Wells
Ch. 198
Ch. 24, Hawking and Peddling
Ch. 253, Art. I
Ch. 25, Garbage, Rubbish and Refuse
Art. I, Refuse and Garbage Collection Impact Fee
Ch. 287, Art. II
Art. II, Refuse, Garbage and Recycling: Hours of Collection
Ch. 287, Art. III
Art. III, Refuse and Recycling
Ch. 287, Art. IV
Ch. 26, Local Laws, Adoption of
Ch. 23, Art. I
Ch. 27, Ordinances, Summary Publication of
Ch. 23, Art. II
Ch. 28, Personnel Retirement Incentive
Ch. 38
Ch. 29, Parks
Ch. 249
Ch. 30, Permit and Application Fees
Art. I, General Fees
Ch. 258, Art. I
Art. II, Planning and Development Fees
Ch. 258, Art. II
Ch. 31, Buildings, Numbering of
Ch. 110
Ch. 32, Public Information Bureaus
Ch. 266
Ch. 33, Picketing, Residential
Ch. 262
Ch. 35, Regulation of Off-Street Parking Areas
Ch. 245
Ch. 36, Sewer Rents
Ch. 279, Art. I
Ch. 37, Sewer Use
Ch. 279, Art. II
Ch. 38, Noise
Ch. 221, Art. I
Ch. 39, Sex Offender Residency
Ch. 283
Ch. 40, Taxation
Art. I, Veterans Tax Exemption
Ch. 320, Art. II
Art. II, Business Investment Exemption
Ch. 320, Art. I
Art. III, Veterans Disability Compensation
Ch. 320, Art. IV
Art. IV, Real Property Tax Law Exemption for Disabled
Ch. 320, Art. V
Art. V, Distribution of Revenues from County-Imposed Taxes
Ch. 320, Art. III
Art. VI, Cold War Veterans Exemption
Ch. 320, Art. VI
Ch. 41, Residency Requirements
Ch. 53
Ch. 42, Stormwater Management and Erosion and Sediment Control
Ch. 300
Ch. 43, Storm Sewers
Art. I, Illicit Discharges, Activities and Connections
Ch. 291, Art. I
Ch. 44, Unsafe Buildings and Collapsed Structures
Ch. 115
Ch. 45, Transit Road Access Management
Repealed by L.L. No. 1-2020; see Ch. 400
Ch. 46, Vehicle and Traffic
Ch. 350
Ch. 47, Vehicles, Abandoned
Ch. 355
Ch. 49, Yard Sales
Ch. 364
Ch. 50, Zoning
Repealed by L.L. No. 1-2020; see Ch. 400