Editor's Note: Ord. No. 2014-12, adopted October 14, 2014, repealed Chapter 23 and replaced it in entirety. Prior ordinances that adopted and/or amended the prior personnel regulations include 1991 Code Chapter 77; 1996 Code §§ 23-123-6.5; Ordinance Nos. 95-25, 95-26, 98-28, 99-14, 99-25, 2000-04, 2000-21, 2002-24, 2002-28, 2003-07, 2003-08, 2003-15, 2008-8, 2008-18, 2008-25, 2009-26.
[Ord. No. 2014-12 § 23-1.1]
Employment in the Township shall be based on merit and fitness, free of personal and political considerations.
Appointments, promotions and other personnel actions shall be on a merit basis.
Qualified Township personnel shall be given first consideration for vacancies and promotions.
[Ord. No. 2014-12 § 23-1.2; amended 5-17-2016 by Ord. No. 2016-08]
All employees, officers and department heads of the Township shall be appointed and promoted according to the procedure set out in Ch. 2, Article II, § 2-12.5f of the Revised General Ordinances of the Township of Springfield.
Original appointments to fill vacancies or for new positions shall be limited to qualified persons who have been interviewed or tested concerning such factors as education, experience, aptitude, knowledge, character and physical and mental fitness.
Within 60 days of employment by the Township, any new employee shall be subject to both a criminal background check and a fingerprint check.
[Ord. No. 2014-12 § 23-1.3]
Applicants for Township employment shall apply on forms provided by the Township Clerk and which have been designed to obtain pertinent information concerning the applicant's education, training, experience, character and other factors necessary to determine his/her fitness and qualifications for service to the Township. All applications shall be filed with the Township Clerk.
[Ord. No. 2014-12 § 23-1.4]
Administration shall be charged with processing all applications for appointment to vacancies or new positions and reporting thereon to the Township Committee. Where it appears that an applicant is otherwise qualified for Township employment, the Township may require that the applicant be examined by a physician selected by the Township, at the Township's expense, indicating that the applicant is physically fit for the position for which he/she seeks employment.
[Ord. No. 2014-12 § 23-1.5; amended 5-17-2016 by Ord. No. 2016-08]
An applicant for Township employment may be rejected if the applicant:
Is not qualified by training, skill and experience for appointment to the position for which the person has applied, or another applicant for the same position is considered to be more qualified;
Is not physically, psychologically or emotionally fit to perform the duties of the position for which the person has applied;
Is addicted to the habitual or excessive use of drugs or intoxicants;
Has been convicted of any crime or offense involving moral turpitude, including disorderly person offenses;
Has been dismissed from previous employment for delinquency, insubordination or misconduct;
Has practiced or attempted to practice any deception or fraud in the application or in furnishing other evidence of eligibility for appointment; or
Is not within the age limits that have been established for the position for which the person seeks appointment (e.g., public works employees must possess a commercial driver's license; accordingly, the applicant should be denied as a public works employee if he/she has not attained the age to possess a commercial driver's license).
[Ord. No. 2014-12 § 23-1.6]
Every person appointed to a new position shall be deemed to be on probation in the position to which such person shall have been appointed for a period of not less than six months nor more than one year, at the discretion of the Township Committee. Prior to the completion of the probationary period, such employee or officer shall be evaluated by the Township Department Head with recommendations to the Township Administrator as to his or her permanent or seasonal or part-time status. The Township Administrator shall require a written report and recommendation from the immediate superiors and department heads for this purpose. The Township Committee will make the final determination in granting or denying the permanent appointment based upon the written report and recommendations.
[Ord. No. 2014-12 § 23-1.7]
The Township Clerk shall initiate a personnel file for each new employee of the Township, and all records of such employees concerning qualifications, permanent status, work history, accumulated vacation and sick leave, leave time and the like shall be maintained for such employee in such file. The Township Clerk shall make such files available for inspection by the employee on a reasonable basis.
[Ord. No. 2014-12 § 23-1.8]
The following official holidays with pay shall be observed by the Township on the dates each year designated by the appropriate Federal authority:
New Year's Day
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
President's Day
Good Friday
Memorial Day
Fourth of July
Labor Day
Columbus Day
General Election Day
Veterans Day
Thanksgiving Day
Day after Thanksgiving
Christmas Day
One Floater Holiday in place of Lincoln's Birthday (must be used in current year)
Full-time non-seasonal hourly wage personnel shall be paid for the above holidays at their current rate per hour times their usual hours of employment.
All salaried full-time employees shall not be paid extra for the above holidays since their annual salary will incorporate all the above holidays.
Full-time police officers who have obtained a rank exceeding that rank of a lieutenant shall not be paid extra for the above listed holidays since their annual salary will incorporate all of the above holidays.
Full-time firefighters who have obtained a rank exceeding that rank of a captain shall not be paid extra for foregoing holidays since their annual salary will incorporate all of the above holidays.
If a holiday falls on a weekend, then the Township shall follow the protocol of the State of New Jersey.
Part-time employees not covered by a collective negotiations agreement, full-time seasonal employees and temporary employees are not entitled to holiday pay.
Part-time employees covered by a collective negotiations agreement shall be paid in accordance with the terms of their agreement.
[Ord. No. 2014-12 § 23-1.9]
Only full-time, non-seasonal, non-temporary, non-bargaining unit personnel shall be entitled to paid vacation time in accordance with the following schedule:
Full-time, non-seasonal, personnel whose length of continuous service is less than 12 full months shall be:
Entitled to paid vacation computed at the rate of a half day per month of vacation for every full month of employment.
Full-time, non-seasonal, personnel whose length of continuous service exceeds 12 full months but less than 120 months shall be entitled to paid vacation for 12 days annually (computed at the rate of one day of paid vacation for every full month of employment).
Any and all monies paid to the full-time, non-seasonal employee labeled as vacation and not earned shall be considered an advance and be reduced from his/her last paycheck in cases of early separation for any reason.
Full-time, non-seasonal, personnel whose length of continuous service exceeds 120 months but less than 180 months shall be entitled to 15 paid vacation days annually (computed at the rate of 1.25 days of paid vacation for every full month of employment).
Any and all monies paid to the full-time, non-seasonal employee labeled as vacation and not earned shall be considered an advance and be reduced from his/her paycheck in cases of early separation for any reason.
Full-time, non-seasonal, personnel whose length of continuous service exceeds 180 months but less than 240 months shall be entitled 20 paid vacation days annually (computed at the rate of 1.6666 days of paid vacation for every full month of employment).
Any and all monies paid to the full-time, non-seasonal employee labeled as vacation and not earned shall be considered an advance and be reduced from his/her paycheck in cases of early separation for any reason.
Full-time, non-seasonal, personnel who have completed more than 240 months of continuous service, shall be entitled to 25 paid vacation days annually (computed at the rate of 2.0822 days of paid vacation for every month of employment).
Any and all monies paid to the full-time, non-seasonal employee labeled as vacation and not earned shall be considered an advance and be reduced from his/her paycheck in cases of early separation for any reason.
Full-time, non-seasonal, non-bargaining unit employees with at least three years of continuous service may accumulate and carry over up to 10 vacation days to be taken by March 31 of the following year an additional extension to no later than December 31 may be granted with written consent of the Administrator.
Full-time, non-seasonal, non-bargaining unit employees, at age 60, may accumulate five days per year, not to exceed a twenty-five-day maximum, to be paid out upon retirement as long as the employee is in good standing with written consent from the Administrator.
All part-time employees, not covered by a collective negotiations agreement will not earn vacation time.
Full-time, non-seasonal, non-department heads who are not members of a collective negotiations agreement and who were employed prior to November 1, 2014 shall retain vacation benefits the same as those of a department head.
[Ord. No. 2014-12 § 23-1.10]
Paid Sick Leave.
Unless otherwise afforded by a collective bargaining agreement, paid sick leave shall only be afforded to full-time non-seasonal employees including Department Heads of the Township (Part-time employees, and full-time temporary and seasonal employees are not eligible for paid sick leave as defined by ordinance). Sick leave may be used by full-time non-seasonal, non-bargaining unit employees who are unable to work because of:
Personal illness or injury; or
Exposure to contagious disease; or
Care for a reasonable period of time, of a seriously ill member of the employee's immediate family.
Employees absent on sick leave for three or more consecutive working days must submit a licensed physician verification of illness or injury for the employee and/or immediate family member. After the 12th day of absence of sick leave in one calendar year, licensed physician verification must be submitted for all sick leave absences, regardless of duration. Prior to the return to work, the Township may require an employee to be examined by a physician designated by the Township to verify fitness for duty. An employee will not be permitted to return to work until the verification is received. If an employee's pattern of sick time use suggests an abuse of this benefit, the Township Administrator reserves the right to require a doctor's note for absences of any duration or to send the employee for examination by the Township's physician, in its discretion.
All full-time, non-seasonal, non-bargaining unit employees of the Township will receive a sick leave credit of not less than one working day for each completed month of service. Any time used but not earned prior to an employee leaving the employ of the Township shall be reimbursed by the employee.
The maximum amount of sick time earned in any twelve-month period shall not exceed 12 days or 84 hours.
All accrued sick time not to exceed 240 days, earned but not paid by December 31st may be carried forward to the ensuing year subject to the following:
Written verification by the Administrator, Department Head, Clerk and employee. Written verification shall include but not be limited to transfers, adjustments, and paid amounts.
Upon retirement from the Township of Springfield in good standing, all full-time, non-seasonal, non-bargaining unit employees shall be paid for his/her accumulated unused sick time in an amount not to exceed $8,000. Eligible sick time payout shall be calculated based on the following formula:
Sick time expressed in days multiplied by $100 per day shall be multiplied by 1/3 the result of which shall be compensation owed to the employee not to exceed $8,000 or an amount pursuant to State law.
All full-time, non-seasonal, non-bargaining unit employees terminated from employment for cause from the Township shall not be afforded any sick-time payout. Moreover, full-time, non-seasonal, non-bargaining unit employees who resign or retire from the Township of Springfield with less than 10 years of service with the Township shall not be afforded any sick-time payout.
Verification for Carryover Time.
Not later than January 31st of the ensuing year, the amount of sick time in hours/days must be verified in writing. The employee shall be provided written verification by February 15th of the ensuing year. The verification shall include approval from: (1) Township Administrator; (2) Department Head; (3) Employee; and (4) Clerk's Office.
Donated Sick Leave Program.
A permanent, full-time, non-seasonal, non-bargaining unit employee (excluding all employees within a collective negotiations agreement) is eligible to receive donated sick leave if the employee:
Has completed at least one year of continuous employment in good standing with the Township; and
Has exhausted all accrued sick, vacation and personal leave, all sick leave injury benefits, if any, and all compensatory time off; and
Has not, in the two-year period immediately preceding the employee's need for donated sick leave, been disciplined for chronic or excessive absenteeism, chronic or excessive lateness or abuse of leave; and
Either (i) suffers from a catastrophic health condition or injury; or (ii) is needed to provide care to a member of the employee's immediate family who is suffering from a catastrophic health condition or injury; or (iii) requires absence from work due to the donation of an organ (which shall include, for example, the donation of bone marrow).
As used herein, a "catastrophic health condition or injury" means:
With respect to an employee, (i) a life-threatening condition or combination of such conditions; or (ii) a period of disability required by his or her mental or physical health and necessitating the care of a physician who provides a medical verification of the need for the employee's absence from work for 45 or more calendar days.
With respect to an employee's immediate family member, (i) a life-threatening condition or combination of such conditions; or (ii) a period of disability required by his or her mental or physical health and necessitating the care of a physician who provides a medical verification of the need for the family member's care by the employee for 45 or more calendar days.
An employee must receive the final consent and approval of his or her participation in the program as a leave recipient or leave donor from the Township Administrator.
The employee requesting acceptance as a sick leave recipient shall submit to the Township Administrator medical verification from a physician or other licensed health care provider concerning the nature and anticipated duration of the disability resulting from either the catastrophic health condition or injury, or the donation of an organ, as the case may be.
When the Township Administrator has approved an employee as a leave recipient, the Township, with the employee's consent, will post the employee's name along with those of other eligible employees on bulletin boards within the workplace to encourage the donation of leave time, and will provide a copy of the employee's list to the Township's employees. If the employee is unable to consent to this posting, the employee's family may consent on his or her behalf.
A leave recipient must receive at least five sick, vacation or personal days or a combination thereof from one or more leave donors to participate in the donated leave program. A leave recipient shall receive no more than 180 days during the entire length of employment with the Township, and shall not receive any such days on a retroactive basis.
A leave donor shall donate only whole sick days, whole vacation days or whole personal days and may not donate more than 10 such days to any one recipient per calendar year. A leave donor must have remaining, after the donation, at least 20 days of accrued sick leave if donating sick leave and at least 10 days of accrued vacation leave if donating vacation leave. A leave donor may not revoke the leave donation. Employees desiring to donate leave shall complete a donated leave form satisfactory to the Township. (All union employees are excluded from donating sick leave.)
If any employee donates time of any sort to another employee, the following rules shall govern:
The hours donated must be documented and verified by the Clerk's office and approved by the Township Administrator.
The hours donated will be subtracted from the donor's employee card and added to the donee's employee card.
Any unused, donated leave shall be returned to the leave donors on a prorated basis upon the leave recipient's return to work, except that if the proration of leave days results in less than one day per donor to be returned, that leave time shall not be returned. No donated leave shall be converted upon retirement into additional compensation.
Employees are prohibited from threatening or coercing or attempting to threaten or coerce another employee for the purpose of interfering with rights involving donating, receiving or using donated leave time. Such prohibited acts shall include, but not be limited to, promising to confer or conferring a benefit such as an appointment or promotion or making a threat to engage in, or engaging in, an act of retaliation against an employee.
The Township reserves the right to suspend or terminate the donated leave program at any time upon 30 days' written notice of such suspension or termination to affected employees.
Donated leave used by a recipient will count against any leave entitlement to which the recipient is eligible under the Federal Family and Medical Leave Act and, when taken to care for a member of the employee's immediate family, that Act and the New Jersey Family Medical Leave Law.
All sworn police, firefighters and any other union employee are not eligible for sick leave and/or the donated sick leave program except those employees not covered by a collective negotiations agreement.
Periods of Leave without Pay.
Employees shall not accrue sick, vacation, or personal leave during any period of leave without pay excluding any period of time designated as FMLA/NJFLA. Moreover, employees shall not be paid for holidays during any periods of unpaid leave.
Prolonged Illness/Injury Benefit.
Only full-time, non-seasonal employees who are in good standing and have been employed for at least 366 consecutive calendar days shall be entitled to this Prolonged Illness/Injury Benefit ("PIIB"). This PIIB benefit may not pertain to workers' compensation injuries or any injury sustained while working. The Township shall provide a PIIB benefit to any full-time, non-seasonal employee, in good standing who was injured or has sustained an illness for a period greater than three consecutive days. Employees on PIIB may shall not be employed by any other employer or self-employed other than the Township of Springfield while on PIIB.
The illness or injury must be documented by a licensed physician. Only upon written confirmation of the illness/injury and after the three consecutive days of illness/injury, the employee's compensation shall be computed at a rate not to exceed 40% of pensionable base salary during the period of illness.
The Township shall purchase insurance, with short term disability or salary continuation insurance at a rate not to exceed 60% of pensionable base for a period from the 31st day of documented illness/injury to the 365th day of documented illness/injury to which the employee shall be entitled from the insurance carrier. The salary continuation plan is contingent upon the final approval of the insurance carrier and may not be appealed nor grieved.
In no event shall the Township be liable to continue paying the employee compensation at 40% of pensionable base for a period greater than 365 calendar days. The PIIB benefit shall never exceed 365 calendar days for the entire length of employment.
Employees are required to use all types of accumulated leave from the date of injury/illness to the 31st day when insurance coverage will commence. During the period of prolonged illness/injury, the employee shall not earn or accrue any sick, personal or vacation days excluding any time counted as FMLA/NJFLA.
[Ord. No. 2014-12 § 23-1.12]
Salaries and compensation for all employees shall be paid biweekly. All attorneys who work for the Township of Springfield shall not be considered employees unless they meet the mandates of the State Comptroller's Office.
Employees covered by a collective negotiations agreement shall be paid in accordance with the terms and conditions of the respective agreement to which the employee is a member. The overtime rate unless specified in the agreement shall be paid at a rate of 1 1/2 times the employee's base rate and using a base of 2,080 annual hours if not specified.
Employees not covered by a collective negotiations agreement shall be paid at a rate set by ordinance or resolution. Overtime shall be computed based upon the excess of hours worked in one calendar week over a forty-hour calendar week. Except as required by law, Management and Department Heads shall not be paid overtime except the Foreman and Administrative Assistant in the Department of Public Works shall be entitled to overtime computed at 1.5 times their hourly base rate using a base of 2,080 annual hours.
Longevity shall only be earned by full-time non-seasonal employees who were hired prior to January 1, 2004. Longevity shall be computed as follows: A percentage of base pay (pensionable base exclusive of stipends and college stipends) based upon the date of hire and continued retention.
Full-time non-seasonal employees hired before January 1, 1999 shall be paid longevity rates based upon the following:
Years of Service
Percentage of Longevity
Full-time non-seasonal employees hired after January 1, 1999 but before January 1, 2004 shall be paid longevity rates based upon the following:
Years of Service
Percentage of Longevity
All employees hired before January 1, 1977 shall be paid longevity at the rate of 15%.
Unless the date of hire was post July 1st, all longevity rates shall be computed as of January 1st of the year in which the employee completed the above years of service. For all dates of hire which were after June 30th, the longevity rates shall be computed as of January 1st of the subsequent year.
Sworn police officers are permitted to earn additional compensation defined as outside overtime or outside employment. The payment to the police officer is contingent upon the receipt of funds from a vendor. The police officer should not be engaged to perform the duties until receipt of funds from the vendor has been acknowledged by the Chief of Police. The Chief of Police is permitted three exceptions to the above rule: (1) emergency situations, (2) services performed for the Motor Vehicle Commission and (3) certain grant applications. The rates for the vendors are set by mutual agreement between the Township and the Union.
Stipend. Unless defined elsewhere in a collective negotiations agreement, the term stipend shall be defined as a fixed sum of money awarded by resolution and/or contract to an employee. A stipend shall not be considered part of pensionable base for an employee except for the following:
College Stipends for Police and Firefighters; and
EMT Fire Stipend; and
First Responder Stipend; and
Fire Inspector Stipend; and
Any additional stipends considered pensionable as determined by the New Jersey Division of Pensions and Benefits.
A stipend shall not be increased by cost of living increases awarded to employees unless specifically stated in the resolution and/or collective negotiations agreement.
Rates of Pay.
Certain non-bargaining unit employees might be compensated based upon the terms of a grant. Under no circumstances shall a non-bargaining unit employee be compensated at a rate which exceeds the pay rate defined in the grant.
Non-bargaining unit employees shall be paid overtime rates based upon 1.5 times their base rate using a base of 2,080 annual hours.
[Ord. No. 2014-12 § 23-1.15; amended 5-23-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-14]
Department Heads are defined as described in Township of Springfield Ordinance No. 2012-34. (See Subsection 2-11.2)
Fringe benefits for all full-time Department Heads ("DH") not covered by bargaining units shall be as follows:
Sick leave - See Subsection 23-1.10.
Five personal days required to be used by December 31st of current year.
Personal time, sick time and vacation time do not accrue or are not earned during periods of unpaid/non-FMLA prolonged illnesses or injury. Prolonged illnesses or injury is defined as any unpaid/non-FMLA absence from work in excess of 29 calendar days confirmed by written documentation from a licensed physician. Prolonged illness is considered a break in service.
Coverage of all medical benefits in accordance with the Federal and State Laws.
For all full-time Department Heads the Township shall pay the premium for certain health care coverages: a vision plan, a dental plan and major medical (including prescription) plan. These plans shall be approved and authorized by the Township Committee via resolutions at the reorganization meeting each year.
The full-time Department Heads may elect coverages based upon their legal status such as single, couple (spouse and/or civil union partner), parent and child, or family. The Department Heads are required to contribute to the cost of these various medical coverages based upon formulas determined by State law or Federal law or resolutions authorized by the Township Committee.
The Township always reserves the right to change insurance carriers and types of insurance coverage.
Vacation based upon years of service as follows:
Department Heads whose length of service is less than 48 months of continuous service but greater than one year, shall earn 1.33 days of paid vacation for every full month of employment.
Department Heads whose length of service is less than 168 months of continuous service but greater than 60 months shall earn 2.083 days of paid vacation for every full month of employment.
Department Heads whose length of service exceeds 168 months of continuous service shall earn 2.666 days of paid vacation for every full month of employment.
Full-time, non-seasonal, non-bargaining unit employees, at age 60, may accumulate five days per year, not to exceed a twenty-five-day maximum, to be paid out upon retirement as long as the employee is in good standing with written consent from the Administrator.
In determining length of continuous service, all months of employment with Springfield shall be considered, regardless of the status of Department Head or Non-Department Head.
Personal time, sick time and vacation time do not accrue or are not earned during periods of unpaid/non-FMLA prolonged illnesses or injury. Prolonged illnesses or injury is defined as any absence from work in excess of 29 calendar days confirmed by written documentation from a licensed physician. Prolonged illness is considered a break in service.
Personnel who were hired prior to January 1, 2010 and were classified as Department Heads by the Township Committee shall retain all benefits described in this section.
Department Heads are entitled to bank vacation days based upon the terms and conditions listed in non-Department Heads section. Department Heads are entitled to carry over 10 vacation days to be taken by March 31 of the following year, an additional extension to no later than December 31 may be granted with written consent of Administrator.
The following paid holidays:
New Year's Day.
Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday.
President's Day.
Good Friday.
Memorial Day.
Fourth of July.
Labor Day.
Columbus Day.
Veterans Day.
November Election Day (only).
Thanksgiving Day and day after.
Christmas Day.
Floating Holiday.
No additional compensation shall be paid to Department Heads caused by the holidays listed above because Department Heads' annual base pay incorporates the paid time off.
All full-time Department Heads who have completed at least 25 years of continuous service with the Township of Springfield shall be entitled to terminal leave. Terminal leave shall be calculated as follows: Four biweekly payments of their most recent compensation including longevity. Excluding all collective bargaining units. (Exclusive of Military Service)
Longevity Increments.
All full-time, non-seasonal Department Heads hired prior to January 1, 1999, shall be entitled to longevity based on the following schedule:
Years of Service
Any full-time, non-seasonal employee covered by this section who as of December 31, 1998 had longevity greater than 12% shall retain that longevity increment during continued employment.
All full-time, non-seasonal Department Heads covered by this section first hired by the Township on or after January 1, 1999 shall be paid in addition to the rates of pay set forth, a longevity increment based upon years of service within the Township in accordance with the following schedule:
Years of Service
All periods of employment shall be computed from January 1 of the year of taking office, appointment or employment, unless the date of hire was subsequent to June 30, in which case the calculation shall be computed from January 1 of the year following. In the event of retirement or death, the employee or his/her estate shall receive his/her earned longevity pay.
All employees hired after December 31, 2003 shall not be entitled to longevity payments.
For All Full-Time Non-Seasonal Department Heads.
Upon retirement of an employee hired on or before June 1, 2023, who is single and in good standing and who has successfully completed 25 years of continuous service without a break in service, with the Township of Springfield, the Department Head shall be afforded medical coverage for his and/or her life from the Township. The Township shall pay the cost of the premiums based upon single status only for medical coverage limited to: major medical (including prescription), vision care and dental coverage. The medical coverage shall consist of: vision care, dental care and major medical (including prescription) care. Any and all plans are subject to limitations such as deductibles, co-pays, reasonable and customary charges for a specific region. The Township of Springfield's liability to any retiree shall never exceed the premiums paid to the carrier for providing the coverage. No employee who is hired after June 1, 2023, and who is not a member of a collective bargaining unit, shall be entitled to lifetime health benefits. The Township of Springfield reserves the right to change insurance carriers and types of insurance coverage at any time for the retirees.
If the retiree, who was hired on or before June 1, 2023, and who has successfully completed 25 years of continuous service with the Township of Springfield, is married and/or civil unioned at time of retirement, the Township of Springfield shall pay the premium for his or her spouse/civil union partner for the same levels of coverage mentioned above. The Township of Springfield reserves the right to change insurance carriers and types of insurance coverage at any time for the retirees and their respective spouses and/or civil union partners. If the retiree marries or enters into a civil union after retirement, the Township does not afford the retiree any additional medical coverage other than single coverage. The Township of Springfield's liability to any retiree's spouse shall never exceed the premium paid to the carrier for providing the coverage.
If the retiree, who was hired on or before June 1, 2023, and who has successfully completed 25 years of continuous service with the Township of Springfield, has children, adopted and/or natural, at the time of retirement, and if the children are deemed to be eligible dependents of retiree, as defined by the retiree's insurance carrier, then the Township of Springfield will pay the premiums for the retiree's children at the same levels of coverage's mentioned above. The Township of Springfield reserves the right to change insurance carriers and types of insurance coverage at any time for the retirees and their eligible dependents. The Township of Springfield's liability to any retiree's eligible dependents shall never exceed the premium paid to the carrier for providing the coverage.
Retired participants shall join Medicare or its equivalent upon reaching the age of 65. Any and all current or future stipulations or limitations required by the then insurance carrier providing coverage to the retiree and/or spouse and/or children must be adhered to. If lack of compliance with the limitations or stipulations causes a decrease in coverage, then the Township of Springfield shall be held harmless.
The Township of Springfield will reimburse the retiree for his/her share of Medicare Part B premiums which is required by Medicare or its equivalent.
The retiree shall be afforded the same level of medical coverage as the active employees.
Certificate of Retirement. All full-time, non-seasonal Department Heads who have successfully completed 25 years of continuous service with the Township of Springfield shall be supplied by the Township a Certificate of Retirement not later than their last day of employment. A sample Certificate of Retirement shall be as follows:
Whereas, (Employee Name) has successfully completed () years of continual service with the Township of Springfield or () years of continual service with the Township of Springfield Police Department and now desires to retire.
Whereas, (Employee Name), has requested that the Township of Springfield provide medical coverage for (Employee Name), and (Employee Spouse Name), and (Employee Dependent Name).
Now be it resolved that the Township of Springfield awards a certificate of medical coverage to: (Employee Name), and (Employee Spouse Name), and (Employee Dependent Name).
This certificate and all of its limitations are included in the "Certificate of Medical Coverage".
The benefits of the prolong illness or injury rule as defined in Subsection 23-1.10f are incorporated in this Subsection [Benefits for Department Heads] by reference.
[Added 5-17-2016 by Ord. No. 2016-08; amended 5-23-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-14]
Special circumstances regarding all full-time nonseasonal employees not covered by a collective bargaining agreement.
Any full-time nonseasonal employee hired on or before June 1, 2023, and not covered by a collective bargaining agreement, having successfully completed at least 22 years of continuous service, without a break in service, with the Township of Springfield and reaching 65 years of age may make application to the Township Committee to be awarded lifetime medical benefits as if he/she had completed 25 years of continuous service without a break in service. A determination of award shall be made by the Township Committee on a case-by-case basis in its sole discretion based on exceptional service to the Township.
[Ord. No. 2014-12 § 23-1.17]
Employees including Township officials must conduct business according to the highest ethical standards of public service. Employees are expected to devote their best efforts to the interests of the Township. The Township recognizes the right of employees to engage in outside activities that are private nature and unrelated to Township business. However, business dealings that appear to create a conflict between the employee and the Township's interests are unlawful under the New Jersey Local Government Ethics Act. Under the Act, certain employees and officials are required to annually file with the Township Clerk a state mandated disclosure form. The Township Clerk will notify employees and Township officials subject to the filing requirements of the Act.
A potential or actual conflict of interest occurs whenever an employee including a Township official is in a position to influence a Township decision that may result in a personal gain for the employee or an immediate relative including a spouse or significant other, child, parent, stepchild, sibling, grandparents, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, grandchildren, niece, nephew, uncle, aunt, or any person related by blood or marriage residing in an employee's household. Employees are required to disclose possible conflicts so that the Township may assess and prevent potential conflicts. If there are any questions whether an action or proposed course of conduct would create a conflict of interest, immediately contact the Township Administrator to obtain clarification.
Employees are allowed to hold outside employment as long as it does not interfere with their Township responsibilities. Employees are prohibited from engaging in outside employment activities while on the job or using Township time, supplies or equipment in the outside employment activities. The Township Administrator may request employees to restrict outside employment if the quality of Township work diminishes. Any employee who holds an interest in, or is employed by, any business doing business with the Township must submit a written notice of these outside interests to the Township Administrator.
Employees may not accept donations, gratuities, contributions or gifts that could be interpreted to affect their Township duties. Under no circumstances accept donations, gratuities, contributions or gifts from a vendor doing business with or seeking to do business with the Township or any person or firm seeking to influence Township decisions. Meals and other entertainment valued in excess of $5 are also prohibited. Employees are required to report to the Township Administrator any offer of a donation, gratuity, contribution or gift including meals and entertainment that is in violation of this policy.
[Ord. No. 2014-12 § 23-1.18]
No employee shall be assigned, transferred or otherwise directed, to work outside the direct, day to day supervision and authority of the Township of Springfield, unless authorized to do so by the Township Committee upon the prior request of the employee's department head, which request shall include all pertinent information concerning same. In no event shall the term of employment which causes the employee to be relocated outside the borders of the Township of Springfield exceed 366 days without the expressed written consent of the Township Committee. The Township of Springfield and the entity which has agreed to utilize the employee must have a written agreement defining all terms and conditions of employment including but not limited to overtime, regular pay, regular hours, progress reports, workers compensation, liability insurance, risk facts, etc.
[Ord. No. 2014-12 § 23-1.19]
Compensatory time can only be earned by full-time non-seasonal employees and any employee whose collective negotiations agreement provides for compensatory time.
Pursuant to the Fair Labor Standards Act, under certain prescribed conditions, employees who are afforded compensatory time in lieu of overtime pursuant to a collective negotiations agreement or written Township policy may receive compensatory time off, at a rate not to exceed 1 1/2 hours for each overtime hour worked, instead of cash overtime pay. Law enforcement, fire protection, and emergency response personnel and employees engaged in seasonal activities may accrue up to 480 hours of compensatory time; all other local government employees may accrue up to 240 hours. However, the Township reserves its right to pay out employees for their unused compensatory time at any time. An employee must be permitted to use compensatory time on the date requested unless doing so would "unduly disrupt" the operations of the Department or Township. Compensatory time shall be defined as time earned by an employee for additional time in excess of the employee's work day incurred by the employee and not compensated within the same pay period.
Non-Bargaining Unit Employees.
The Court Administrator and/or Administrator and/or Municipal Clerk may permit and award compensatory time to an employee for his/her working additional hours in one pay period but paid in a subsequent pay period. This compensatory time shall never exceed 240 hours in any calendar year. By way of example only, the clerk may award compensatory time to an employee for his or her working additional time for elections. All compensatory time shall not cause an employee to be paid at overtime rates but to be compensated as paid time off.
All compensatory time must be documented and approved by the Administrator and communicated to the Chief Financial Officer by the Department Head as soon as it is earned.
Compensatory time shall be paid upon retirement as the rate which the employee is currently earning. The hourly rate is computed as follows: pensionable base divided by 2,080 hours. All compensatory hours must be calculated, approved and in writing by December 31st annually by the Administrator and Department Head.
All overtime must be approved in advance.
[Ord. No. 2014-12 § 23-1.20]
Full-time, non-seasonal employee shall be considered to be: any employee who works at least 35 hours per week for a continuous period of 52 weeks within a calendar year, exclusive of vacation, sick, or personal time.
Full-time, seasonal employee shall be considered to be: any employee who works at least 35 hours per week for a period of time less than 52 weeks within a calendar year.
Part-Time: The definitions of part-time employees are:
Tier 1: An employee who works an average of more than 10 hours but less than 25 hours per week and 52 weeks per year and the position is covered by a collective negotiations agreement, examples include but not limited to: Accounts Payable; Assistant to Registrar (Clerks Office); Assistant to Fire Chief; Assistant to Fire Prevention; Assistant to Tax Assessor.
Tier 2: An employee who works an average or more than 10 hours but less than 25 hours per week but not 52 weeks per year and whose position is not covered by a collective negotiations agreement, examples include but not limited to: Crossing Guards.
Tier 3: An employee who works an average of less than 20 hours per week and 52 weeks per year and not covered by a collective negotiations agreement, examples include but not limit to: Public Works; Building Grounds or Sewer.
Tier 4: An employee who works an average of less than twenty (20) hours per week and for 52 weeks per year and not covered by a collective negotiations agreement, examples include but not limited to: Jitney Driver; Senior Citizens Bus Driver.
Tier 5: An employee who works an average of less than 40 hours per week but greater than 35 hours per week and an average period of 12 weeks to 16 weeks per calendar year and not covered by a collective negotiations agreement, examples include but not limited to: Pool Laborers; Pool Lifeguard; Personnel in Day Camp or Recreation.
Tier 6: An employee who works an average of less than 10 hours per week less than 52 weeks per year and not covered by a collective negotiations agreement, examples include but not limited to: Plumbing Inspectors; Sub Code Officials; Personnel in Recreation (Teen Center).
[Ord. No. 2014-12 § 23-1.21; amended 5-23-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-14]
Retiree Medical Coverage shall be defined as follows:
For all full-time, non-seasonal employees hired on or before June 1, 2023, excluding members of a collective bargaining unit:
Upon retirement of a full-time, non-seasonal employee in good standing, who was hired on or before June 1, 2023, and who has successfully completed 25 years of continuous service with the Township of Springfield, the employee shall be afforded medical coverage for his and/or her life by the Township paying the cost of the premiums for medical coverage limited to: major medical (including prescription), vision care and dental coverage. The medical coverage shall consist of: vision care, dental care and major medical care (including prescription). Any and all plans are subject to limitations such as deductibles, co-pays, reasonable and customary charges for a specific region. The Township of Springfield's liability to any retiree shall never exceed the premium paid to the carrier for providing the coverage. No employee who is hired after June 1, 2023, and who is not a member of a collective bargaining unit, shall be entitled to lifetime health benefits. The Township of Springfield reserves the right to change insurance carriers and types of insurance coverage at any time for the retirees.
If the retiree is married and/or civil unioned at time of retirement, the Township of Springfield shall pay the premium for his or her spouse/civil union partner for the same levels of coverage mentioned above. The Township of Springfield reserves the right to change insurance carriers and types of insurance coverage at any time for the retirees and their respective spouses and/or civil union partners. If the retiree marries or enters into a civil union after retirement, the Township does not afford the retiree any additional medical coverage other than single coverage. The Township of Springfield's liability to any retiree's spouse shall never exceed the premium paid to the carrier for providing the coverage.
If the retiree has children, adopted and/or natural, at the time of retirement, and if the children are deemed to be eligible dependents of retiree, as defined by the retiree's insurance carrier, then the Township of Springfield will pay the premiums for the retiree's children at the same levels of coverage mentioned above. The Township of Springfield reserves the right to change insurance carriers and types of insurance coverage at any time for the retirees and their eligible dependents. The Township of Springfield's liability to any retiree's eligible dependents shall never exceed the premium paid to the carrier for providing the coverage. In no event, will coverage be afforded to eligible dependents beyond the age of 26. Any individual who is dependent of an employee and has been determined by Federal government or State or insurance carrier to be a person with special needs shall remain a dependent of the employee, regardless of age.
Retired participants shall join Medicare or its equivalent upon reaching the age of 65. Any and all current or future stipulations or limitations required by the then Insurance Carrier providing coverage to the retiree and/or spouse and/or children must be adhered to. If lack of compliance with the limitations or stipulations causes a decrease in coverage, then the Township of Springfield shall be held harmless.
The Township of Springfield will reimburse the retiree for his/her share of Medicare Part B premiums which is required by Medicare or its equivalent.
For all full-time, non-seasonal employees who are members of a collective bargaining unit:
Upon retirement of a full-time, non-seasonal employee who is a member of a collective negotiations agreement, and who has successfully completed the required years of service with the Township pursuant to their collective negotiations agreement, the employee shall be afforded health benefit coverage in accordance with the terms and conditions as listed in the respective collective negotiations agreement.
[Ord. No. 2014-12 § 23-1.22]
An employee required to render jury service shall be entitled to be absent from work during that service and will be paid the difference between any payment received for jury duty and the employee's regular salary.
[Ord. No. 2014-12 § 23-1.23]
All employees shall be governed by the Personnel Ordinances unless the employee is a member of a collective negotiations unit. The terms of the collective negotiations agreement shall take precedent over the terms of the personnel ordinances in matters of conflict.
[Ord. No. 2014-12 § 23-2.2]
All continuous full-time, non-seasonal employees of the Township of Springfield who are not members of bargaining units organized pursuant to N.J.S.A. 34:13A-1 et seq. after 25 years or more of full-time service to the Township of Springfield, shall be entitled, upon regular retirement in good standing, to a termination benefit of four biweekly pays of their most recent compensation including longevity upon retirement.
[Ord. No. 2014-12 § 23-2.3]
Unless mandated by a collective negotiations agreement or pursuant to an individual employment contract, no employee shall be entitled to any pay increase which is enacted subsequent to their last day of actual employment, regardless of effective date.
[Ord. No. 2014-12 § 23-3.1]
Pursuant to administrative rules enacted by the Federal Highway Administration, effective January 1, 1996, all employers having 49 or less drivers who are required to have a commercial driver's license (CDL), including local governments, must implement mandatory alcohol and controlled substance testing for such driver. The purpose of this section is to comply with that requirement.
[Ord. No. 2014-12 § 23-3.2]
Unless otherwise set forth in this section, the definitions set forth in the Federal Highway Administration regulations (49 CFR Park 382, § 382.107) shall apply herein.
[Ord. No. 2014-12 § 23-3.3]
The provisions of this section shall apply to all current employees, as well as all persons hereafter applying for or hired for employment by the Township, whose job requires the holding of a commercial driver's license (hereinafter "Driver").
[Ord. No. 2014-12 § 23-3.4]
No CDL driver shall:
Report for duty or remain on duty requiring the performance of safety-sensitive functions while having an alcohol concentration of 0.02 or greater; or
Be on duty or operate any Township motor vehicle while the driver possesses alcohol, unless the alcohol is manifested and transported as part of a shipment; or
Use alcohol while performing safety-sensitive functions; or
Perform safety-sensitive functions within four hours after using alcohol; or
Use alcohol for eight hours following any accident requiring a post-accident alcohol test, or until the driver undergoes a post-accident alcohol test, whichever occurs first; or
Refuse to submit to any required test; or
Report for duty or remain on duty requiring the performance of safety-sensitive functions when the driver uses any controlled substance, except when the use is pursuant to the instructions of a physician who has advised the driver that the substance does not adversely affect the driver's ability to safely operate a commercial motor vehicle; or
Refuse to inform the driver's supervisor of any therapeutic drug use, if requested to do so; or
Report for duty, remain on duty or perform a safety-sensitive function, if the driver tests positive for controlled substances.
[Ord. No. 2014-12 § 23-3.5]
Prior to the first time a newly-employed driver performs safety-sensitive functions, the driver shall undergo testing for controlled substances, unless otherwise excepted.
As soon as practicable following an accident involving a commercial motor vehicle, as a result of which there is either the loss of human life, or the driver receives a summons for a moving traffic violation, the driver shall undergo testing for alcohol and controlled substances.
All drivers shall be subject to yearly random testing, which actual testing to be of 25% of all drivers for alcohol and 50% of all drivers for controlled substances or as established by Federal regulation.
Any driver concerning whom the driver's supervisor has a reasonable suspicion to believe that the driver violated any of the prohibitions set forth in Subsection 23-3.4a, c, d or e, shall undergo an alcohol test.
Any driver concerning whom the driver's supervisor has a reasonable suspicion to believe that the driver has violated any of the prohibitions set forth in Subsection 23-3.4g or i, shall undergo a controlled substance test.
Any driver relieved of duty under the procedures set forth hereunder, shall undergo an appropriate alcohol or controlled substance test prior to returning to duty.
Any driver determined to be in need of assistance in resolving problems associated with the use of alcohol or a controlled substance shall be subject to unannounced follow-up testing as directed by a substance abuse professional.
[Ord. No. 2014-12 § 23-3.6]
The Township Administrator, or designee, shall be responsible for compliance with the provisions concerning retention of records concerning the programs and testing hereunder. All such records shall be maintained in a single, secure location with controlled access. The Township Administrator, or designee, shall be responsible for collection and submission of all results required to be reported.
[Ord. No. 2014-12 § 23-3.7]
No driver tested hereunder who is found to have an alcohol concentration of 0.02 or greater but less than 0.04 shall perform or continue to perform safety-sensitive functions until the start of the driver's next regularly scheduled duty period, but not less than 24 hours following administration of the test.
[Ord. No. 2014-12 § 23-3.8]
There shall be established by the Township Committee, as approved by resolution, a formal policy for the Township of Springfield, to effectuate the terms of this section and the administrative rules enacted by the Federal Highway Administration.
Copies of the formal policy shall be distributed to each currently employed driver prior to the start of any testing as well as to each driver subsequently hired or transferred into a position subject to testing.
The formal policy and notification shall include at minimum the information set forth in the Federal Highway Administration regulations (49 CFR Part 382, § 382.601(b)).
Each driver shall sign a statement certifying to the receipt of a copy of the formal policy, which original shall be retained by the Township with a copy provided to the driver.
[Ord. No. 2014-12 § 23-3.9]
All persons designated to determine whether reasonable suspicion exists to require a driver to undergo testing shall be required to take at least 60 minutes of training on alcohol misuse and take at least an additional 60 minutes of training on controlled substance use, as designated by the Township Administrator.
[Ord. No. 2014-12 § 23-3.10]
Any driver who has engaged in conduct prohibited by this section shall be advised of the resources available to the driver in evaluating and resolving problems associated with the misuse of alcohol and use of controlled substances, shall be required to be evaluated by a substance abuse professional who shall determine what assistance, if any, the driver needs to resolve such problems, and shall fulfill any rehabilitation program determined thereby.
[Ord. No. 2014-12 § 23-4.1]
As used in this section:
Shall mean all current members of the Governing Body.
Shall mean spouse, child, parent, sibling, grandparent, grandchild, aunt, uncle, niece and nephew, as well as all in-laws of the same degree of kinship.
Shall mean any employee having either direct or indirect supervisory duties as concerns another position, including the authority to supervise, appoint, remove, discipline or evaluate the performance of the other.
[Ord. No. 2014-12 § 23-4.2]
This section shall apply only to employee positions and shall not apply to appointments to various boards, commissions, committees and authorities within the Township.
[Ord. No. 2014-12 § 23-4.3]
No person shall be eligible for employment or be hired, promoted or transferred to an employment position with the Township when such action would result in one relative being in a supervisory capacity as concerns another relative. This prohibition shall not apply in the case of seasonal part-time employment whose length of employment is less than 90 days.
No person who is a relative of an elected official of the Township or of the Township Administrator shall be hired for employment with the Township. This provision shall not apply to any person who is employed by the Township prior to the elected official being sworn into office. This prohibition shall not apply in the case of seasonal part-time employment whose length of employment is less than 90 days.
No elected official or supervisor shall participate in any way in the hiring or promotion process as concerns any relative of such person.
[Ord. No. 2014-12 § 23-4.5]
This policy is solely intended to eliminate the potential for preferential treatment of the relatives of governmental personnel.
[Ord. No. 2014-12 § 23-6.1]
Whereas the State of New Jersey adopted Chapter 92 of the Laws of 2007 (N.J.S.A. 43:15C-I et seq.) creating the Defined Contribution Retirement Program, to provide retirement benefits to various County and municipal officers; and
Whereas, N.J.S.A. 43:15C-2 required the Governing Body of each County, municipality, and other local entity to adopt, as appropriate, either a resolution or ordinance to determine the positions that are substantially similar in nature to the advice and consent of the Senate for appointments by the Governor of the State, pursuant to guidelines and policy established by the Local Finance Board in the Department of Community Affairs, and for which officials appointed to such positions shall be eligible for and shall participate in the Defined Contribution Retirement Program subject to the provisions of law.
Therefore, having considered the guidelines issued by the Local Finance Board, the Township Committee of the Township of Springfield does hereby enact this section with the purpose of complying therewith.
[Ord. No. 2014-12 § 23-6.2]
Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 43:15C-2, the following positions are deemed to be eligible for and shall participate in the Defined Contribution Program:
Township Administrator.
Department Heads.
The exemption shall only exist if the position is performed by a full-time employee.
[Ord. No. 2014-12 § 23-6.3]
The following positions are exempt from the Defined Contribution Retirement Program, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 43:1-15C-2:
Tax Collector;
Chief Financial Officer;
Construction Code Official;
Tax Assessor;
Registered Municipal Clerk;
Licensed Uniform Subcode Inspector;
Superintendent of Public Works.
[Ord. No. 2014-12 § 23-6.4]
This section shall not apply to any position eligible for membership in the Police and Fire Retirement System or public employment retirement system.
This section shall not apply to any person with service commencing prior to July 1, 2007.
This section designates positions which are subject to DCRP and does not deter the eligibility for enrollment of any individual for future employment. Upon future appointment of an individual to be an eligible position, it will be determined on a case-by-case basis if such individual shall be enrolled in PERS, DCRP or is exempt from enrollment.
[Ord. No. 2014-12 § 23-6.5]
The Springfield Local Pension Certifying Officer shall be the duly appointed Chief Financial Officer, or a designee.
[Ord. No. 2014-12 § 23-7]
In the event of a death in the immediate family (mother, mother-in-law, father, father-in-law, stepchild, grandparent, brother or sister, son-in-law or daughter-in-law or brother-in-law or sister-in-law) of an employee such employee shall be granted leave with pay from the date of death up to and including the day of the funeral, not to exceed five business days. In the event of a death of a spouse or child/children, 10 business days shall be granted.