[Ord. No. BOH 2-2005 § VI; Ord. No. BOH 02-2009 § VI]
This chapter shall be known and designated as the "Sanitary Code of the Board of Health of the Township of Springfield, Revision of 2005."
[Ord. No. BOH 2-2005 § VI; Ord. No. BOH 02-2009 § VI]
For the purposes of this chapter, the following words and terms shall have the meanings herein given to them:
Shall mean the authorized agent or authorized agents of the Board of Health of the Township of Springfield.
Shall mean the Board of Health of the Township of Springfield, or its official representative, except where otherwise specified, when the Board is not in session.
Shall mean a written authorization which may be granted at its discretion by the Board or its agent, upon payment of the required fee, permitting the conduct of a designated business or the performance of specified acts for the period stipulated and in strict accordance with the provisions of this chapter and the Sanitary Code and laws of the State of New Jersey.
Shall mean a temporary authorization to do a single act or acts of short duration, but in all other respects shall be the same as a license.
Shall mean any person or persons, corporation or association of persons; and "he," "his," or "him" shall include those of the female sex.
Shall mean the Township of Springfield, New Jersey.
[Ord. No. BOH 2-2005 § VI; Ord. No. BOH 02-2009 § VI]
Any member of this Board or any of its agent(s) of the Board of Health shall make inspections and examinations required to be enforced by the Board, for any provision of this chapter, or any ordinance, regulation, resolution, or order of this Board upon exhibiting official identification. In making said inspection and examination, it shall be lawful for said person to enter in or upon any premises, public or private, for the purpose of health protection to the extent permitted by N.J.S.A. 26:3-45 et seq.
Any person who shall prevent, obstruct or resist any member agent(s) of this Board, acting under and by the authority of this Board in the performance of his duty shall be subject to a fine of not more than $2,000 and not less than $50 in the discretion of the Court, upon conviction thereof. In the event a property owner or occupant fails to abate any nuisance as directed by the Board, the Board may in a summary manner abate such nuisance and may recover the expenses relative to same through a civil action. Further, the Board may institute an action for injunctive relief in the Superior Court and may recover costs attendant to the same.
Every notice or order required to be served by this Board may be served personally by any member of this Board or any of its agent(s) or by any member of the Police Department of the Township. Notice may be served by mail, addressed to the last known place of residence, or by posting it in a conspicuous place on the premises.
[Ord. No. BOH 2-2005 § VI; Ord. No. BOH 02-2009 § VI]
Where no other penalty is established by law, any person who shall violate or fail to comply with the provisions of any section of this chapter, or any part thereof, or with any order of this Board or of its agents made in pursuance thereof shall be subject, unless otherwise specifically provided, to a fine for each offense of not more than $2,000 and not less than $50 in the discretion of the Court, upon conviction thereof in the Municipal Court of the Township.
In addition to the penalty above set forth, each day that such violation of this chapter, or refusal or neglect to comply with a written order of this Board or of its agents made in pursuance thereof, shall continue may be considered a separate offense with a like penalty therefor.