The general power to adopt local police ordinances of all kinds is contained in the Charter, R.S. 40:69A-29, 30. The power to adopt the New Jersey State Swimming Pool code by reference is contained in R.S. 40:69A-181.
The construction, maintenance, and operation of all general public, club, camp, and commercial pools in the Township of Ocean shall be in accordance with Sections 3 to 15, inclusive, of the Swimming Pool Code of New Jersey - 1970 and said sections are hereby adopted. A copy of said sections is annexed hereto and made a part thereof without inclusion of the text thereof. Three copies of the said Swimming Pool Code of New Jersey - 1970 have been placed on file in the office of the Clerk of the Township of Ocean and the office of the department of community development of the Township of Ocean and will remain on file in said offices for the use and examination of the public.
For the purpose of this chapter, the following words and their derivations shall have the meaning given herein:
All material used shall be durable, waterproof and easily cleaned. The bottom and sides of pools shall be either white or a light color, except that aluminum paint shall not be used as a finish. Pool sides and bottoms shall be smooth and free from cracks or open joints. Walkways around pools shall be of light color, easily cleaned and slip-proof. Sand or earth bottoms shall not be permitted.
Shall mean a blueprint or drawing prepared by a licensed land surveyor or engineer of the State of New Jersey, or a plan or sketch approved by the building inspector of the Township of Ocean, showing the proposed location of the swimming pool, relative to property and building lines, the sanitary disposal field or fields, the materials used in construction and the plumbing and safety features. Details of the proposed swimming pool and other specific locations must be indicated by line drawings, and written details in foot and inch measurements.
Shall mean facilities for filling and emptying the pool.
Property lines shall mean surveyed legal boundaries of the premises as to which application is made. The building lines shall mean the plain outline of the shape of any building, on such premises, the outlines of the pool and their placement in relation to the property lines; also, if appropriate, the building line established by ordinances.
Shall mean and include fill and draw, flow through and recirculation pools, outdoor and indoor, which are artificially constructed to provide recreational facilities for swimming, bathing, and wading, and all buildings, equipment and appurtenances thereto. Private swimming pools are those established or maintained upon any premises by any individual for his own or his family's use or guests of his household.
Shall mean a lot upon which there is no dwelling or on which the premises are not occupied.
An application for approval, as provided by the building inspector, must be submitted in writing to the building inspector, together with a plan or sketch and must be accompanied by a filing fee of $5 plus a fee of $2 for each $1,000 of construction costs. Said plan or sketch must contain the following:
The size of the pool.
The position of the pool showing clearly and accurately its relation to property lines and building lines.
The material to be used in construction.
Plumbing features.
Safety features; lifeguards, etc.
Type of Pool (general public, club, private, etc.).
Waste disposal facilities.
Pool water treatment facilities and capacities.
Specifications showing all detailed plans
The fees for the construction of a swimming pool shall be calculated as a renovation in accordance with the Revised General Ordinances, subsection 6-1.3a.1(b).
No swimming pool shall be constructed within the Township of Ocean unless the owner, or the person in possession of the lands on which said swimming pool is to be constructed, shall first obtain from the building inspector of the Township of Ocean, prior to the commencement of construction, a building permit therefor.
The building inspector, upon receipt of a proper application and after examination thereof and inspection of the proposed location, if satisfied that all requirements under this chapter will be satisfactorily met, shall issue a building permit for such pool.
No license fee shall be paid for private swimming pools. All other swimming pools shall have a license fee of $125 annually, which license shall expire on December 31st of each year and application for renewal thereof shall be submitted together with the required fee prior to January 1st of each year.
All private swimming pools in the Township of Ocean shall be so constructed, installed and maintained as to provide for chlorination, disinfection, filtering standards and such other specifications as may be promulgated by the health officer of the Township.
No swimming pool shall be constructed or installed nearer than 10 feet to any property line nor nearer to the street line or lines upon which said property fronts than the main front wall of the dwelling erected thereon, and if no dwelling is erected thereon, no nearer said street line or lines than the building line established for such premises.
All private swimming pools shall be provided with not over one two inch (diameter) galvanized iron pipe or approved equal drain, extending from said pool to either a lake, brook, storm sewer or sanitary sewer. No pool drain shall be connected to the sanitary sewer system if a lake, a storm drain or brook is reasonably accessible to the premises upon which the pool is to be located. Where, however, only the sanitary sewer system is available for the discharge of pool water, such discharge will be permitted into the sanitary sewer system. Where such drainage is permitted into the sanitary sewer system, the pool shall not be drained more than once in each calendar year, and only then, upon a permit from the superintendent of sewers in charge of said sewer system, and at the time designated by said superintendent of sewers. In the event disposal cannot be made to a lake, brook storm sewer, or sanitary sewer system, application shall be made to the health officer of the Township of Ocean or his designated agent for method of disposal.
Any outdoor illumination which is used in connection with the pool shall be directed and shielded so as to avoid annoyance to persons on contiguous property or streets. Such lighting units shall be of no greater intensity and of no greater number than necessary for safety purposes.
No sound or amplifying system shall be used in connection with said pool, and in connection with the use of any such pool there shall be created no loud noises which are abnormal to the surrounding neighborhood.
All areas surrounding the pool shall be made and kept neat and attractive so as to be in conformity with surrounding property, and there shall be no rubbish, debris or litter of any kind at any time.
Each pool shall be surrounded by a fence of five feet in height of a type to be approved by the building inspector. Any pool on any unattended premises shall be drained before freezing weather.
The regulations of this section concerning private swimming pools shall be applicable to public swimming pools as well, to the extent that such regulations are not in conflict with the Swimming Pool Code. Such provisions shall be construed as additional and supplementary to the regulations of the Swimming Pool Code.
The construction code official, building inspector, designated health officer of the Township, superintendent of sewers, and members of the police department shall have the power to inspect and reinspect the premises upon which any swimming pool exists, and to advise and make complaints for any violation hereunder.
The construction provisions of this chapter shall not apply to swimming pools constructed prior to May 5, 1958, except that any alteration of any portion or any unit or units of such swimming pools shall be made in accordance with the applicable provisions of this chapter.
In addition to any other penalties imposed for violation of any provision of this chapter, as provided in the general penalty clause of Chapter 3 of this Revision, upon a conviction subsequent to a first conviction for said violation, the owner or person in control of the premises where a swimming pool exists as to which the violation was committed, may be ordered by the magistrate, within 60 days, to remove and dismantle such swimming pool, and to order any hole caused thereby to be filled in and the ground leveled over said filling.
There shall be created and established rules and regulations for the use and operation of the Township of Ocean municipal swim pool complex.
Use of the swimming facilities and appurtenances thereof shall be subject to such rules and regulations as may be promulgated by the Township Council by ordinance or by the facility management to promote the safety and well-being of patrons.
[Amended 10-25-2018 by Ord. No. 2309]
As used in this section, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
A person who is 22 years of age or older.
The individual's age on May 15 of each season.
The designated area of the swimming pool facility at which the diving boards shall be located and normally devoted to diving purposes only.
The Department of Human Services and its authorized personnel shall be responsible for the use and operation of the Township municipal swim pool complex.
The entire fenced area surrounding the swimming pool facility including parking and recreation area.
The area of concrete immediately surrounding the swimming pools.
Saturday of Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day.
A person who dwells permanently or continuously in or pays municipal taxes to the Township of Ocean.
[Ord. 873, § 3; Ord. 959; 989; 905; Ord. 1089, §§ 1 — 3; Ord. 1097, §§ 1 — 3; Ord. 1117, §§ 2 — 4; Ord. 1122, § 1; Ord. 1130, § 1; Ord. 1157, §§ II, III; Ord. 1188, § II; Ord. 1219, § I; Ord. 1386, § I; Ord. 1418, § I; Ord. 1529, § I; Ord. 1583, § XIV; Ord. 1635, § I; Ord. 1699, § I; Ord. 1826, § I; Ord. 1869, § I; Ord. 1914; Ord. 2060, § I; Ord. 2112; Ord. 2128; Ord. 2142; Ord. 2177a; Ord. 2193; Ord. No. 2016-2259; amended 10-25-2018 by Ord. No. 2309]
Membership shall be limited to residents of the Township except as hereinafter provided and to a maximum of 1,000 memberships. Memberships shall not be transferable and applicants in excess of membership capacity shall be placed upon a waiting list and their applications numbered in sequence of receipt. Residents and members of the previous season will be given priority on the waiting list.
Types of membership are as follows:
Family membership shall include two adults and all natural or adopted children, under age 22, unmarried and living at home. All persons must permanently occupy the same residence.
Military membership (active duty and veterans with DD-214) shall include all active-duty military personnel, their spouses and all natural or adopted children. All persons must permanently occupy the same residence.
Individual membership shall be available to any individual age 12 or over.
Senior citizen membership shall be available to any person 62 years or older. Two persons age 62 or older occupying the same residence are eligible for senior citizen couple rate. Married couples in which one spouse is 62 years or older are eligible for the senior citizen couple rate.
A guest shall be any nonmember who shall be admitted with a member to the Township swim pool complex. The pool manager may curtail or eliminate guest privileges when, in the manager's opinion, such action is necessary to accommodate regular members and to avoid overcrowding of the pool facilities.
Resident nonmembers may show acceptable identification, as indicated on the facility registration form, and pay established daily rate to gain access to the facility.
Membership fees are as follows:
[Amended 12-30-2021 by Ord. No. 2374; 1-26-2023 by Ord. No. 2410]
Two persons
Family, three and four persons
Family, five or six persons
Each additional child (natural or adopted)
Senior Citizen - individual
Senior Citizen - couple
Grandchild (natural or adopted) added to Senior Citizen Membership (Age 2-11)
Active-duty military and veterans
No fee
Only available to residents
Other Fees.
Daily fees for the Township of Ocean residents, guests of members and guests of Township of Ocean resident nonmembers:
Children (birth through 23 months)
Children (2 years through 11 years)
Age 12-61
Senior residents (62 years and over)
I.D. badge replacement
Guests: Holders of facility memberships may purchase guest pass tickets having five guest passes per ticket at a rate of $40 per ticket. These tickets may be purchased any time during the season. Guest passes may be used only during the season of issue. The Township Manager or his/her designee is authorized to provide guest passes upon occasion to promote membership at the facility.
Group Picnics: Groups of 30 persons or more may utilize the pool facilities during operating hours by completing appropriate reservation procedures and paying the established daily fees.
Parties, bus trips and other special events may be scheduled by the Director of Human Services or designee. Determination of cost is to take into account actual cost of the event in addition to an approximate 10% administrative charge.
Nonmembers participating in the women's tennis team affiliated with the Jersey Shore Tennis League shall pay an $80 fee to the Township of Ocean plus the established coaching fee. This participation fee shall entitle holders to court use during home matches, court use for team practice not to exceed three hours on one weekday evening per week, and up to one hour per season for private lessons with the coach. No other facility privileges will be permitted other than access to rest rooms and snack bar area during the times noted.
To insure membership for the following season at the preceding year's rates, a member shall be required to file an application and make a nonrefundable $50 deposit by September 30 of the preceding year. The balance must be paid by January 31 to obtain one free guest card.
Pre-season (April 15 to Saturday of Memorial Day weekend) and post-season (day after Labor Day to October 15) use of lighting for tennis courts is available for residents upon scheduling with the Department of Human Services and paying the established daily rate. Post-season use of lights may be extended at the discretion of the Department of Human Services.
Refund Policy.
No refunds will be granted for daily admissions.
Written requests for refunds received prior to the start of the season (Saturday of Memorial Day weekend) will be granted less the nonrefundable deposit of $50.
No refunds of membership fees will be granted as of the start of the season (Saturday of Memorial Day weekend) regardless of membership purchase date. However, refunds may be issued if justifiable reason is submitted in writing. Justifiable reasons include:
Economic hardship resulting from an unforeseen condition.
Moving out of the area to a location greater than 20 miles from the Township of Ocean.
Serious illness or death. Documentation of any such condition may be required prior to consideration of a refund.
Refunds granted after opening of the pool season will be according to the following schedule, less the nonrefundable deposit of $50.
During the first week of the pool season or the first week of membership, whichever comes first: 75% refund.
During the second week of the pool season or the second week of membership, whichever comes first: 50% refund.
During the third week of the pool season or the third week of membership, whichever comes first: 25% refund.
During the fourth week of the pool season or the fourth week of membership, or thereafter: No refund.
[Ord. 873, § 4; Ord. 1368, § III; Ord. 1529, § I; Ord. 1869, § I; Ord. 1914; Ord. 2060, § I; Ord. 2128; Ord. 2177a; Ord. No. 2016-2259]
All members shall be entered into the computerized identification system, and shall be issued an identification badge. The badge must be presented for admission to the pool area.
Resident nonmembers may show acceptable identification, as indicated on the facility registration form, and pay the established daily rate to gain access to the facility.
The giving of false information shall constitute grounds for revocation or suspension of membership and forfeiture of membership fees.
[Ord. 873, § 5; Ord. 1157, § IV; Ord. 1529, § I; Ord. 1869, § I; Ord. 1914; Ord. 1914; Ord. 2060, § I; Ord. 2128; Ord. No. 2016-2259]
Hours of operation will be established by the Department of Human Services on an annual basis in consideration of the Township of Ocean School District schedule, weather and time of sunset. Hours of operation will be posted on the Township of Ocean website, at the pool and will be available at the Department of Human Services.
[Ord. 873, § 6; Ord. 1157, § V; Ord. 1529, § 1; Ord. 1914; Ord. 2060, § I; Ord. 2128; Ord. 2177a; Ord. 2193; Ord. No. 2016-2259; Ord. No. 2016-2261]
No one person shall be allowed in the water unless a lifeguard is present.
All persons shall shower prior to entering the pools.
All bathers, including babies, shall wear bathing suits in the swimming pool and wading pool. All children in diapers must wear plastic pants with snug fitting elastic waist and leg bands.
Any person having a communicable disease, open wound, blisters, sores or cuts, eye, ear, nose or mouth infection, excessive sunburn or skin disease, shall be excluded from the pools. No person wearing any type of bandage or cast shall be permitted in the pools.
No inflatable water paraphernalia or toys shall be allowed in the pools, except by permit of the pool manager. Masks and other swimming aids shall be permitted only by special permit of the pool manager.
Diving shall be permitted only in the diving area. Only one person at a time shall be permitted on the diving board. Divers shall swim directly to the proper ladder. Divers shall not dive until the previous diver has cleared the area. Diving shall not be permitted from the side of the board.
No hanging onto the buoy lines in the pool shall be permitted.
The wading pool is designed for children five years of age and under. Parents and guardians shall be responsible for supervision of their children using this facility.
Dressing and undressing shall be done in the locker room only.
No smoking, spitting or unnecessary spouting of water shall be permitted in the pool or on the pool deck.
No person shall smoke, chew or possess lighted cigarettes, pipes, cigars, electronic cigarettes or any other type of tobacco product within the fenced grounds of the Ocean Township Community Pool and Tennis Facility. A designated smoking area will be made available outside of the fenced grounds.
[Ord. 873, § 7; Ord. 1097, § 4; Ord. 1529, § I; Ord. 1914; Ord. 2060, § I; Ord. 2128]
Compliance with the established Code of Conduct is required.
All litter, paper and debris shall be placed in trash receptacles.
Food and beverages shall not be brought into any area except those designated for eating.
No glass or glass containers shall be allowed in the facility.
No pets or animals shall be allowed in the swimming pool area.
No person shall consume or be in possession of alcoholic beverages at the Township of Ocean Community Pool and Tennis Facility during operating hours.
Persons under the influence of alcohol or other substances or appearing to be under the influence may be refused admission to the facility or may be ejected.
Lounges and chairs shall not be permitted within the designated limits around the pool.
Members shall abide by all parking and driving regulations.
No person under 12 years of age shall be admitted without a responsible individual at least 18 years of age who shall remain with the child while they shall be in the facility.
Bicycles shall be placed in designated areas only.
No roughness, rowdyism, profanity or other conduct affecting the safety and comfort of others shall be allowed.
Destruction of property or vandalism or failure to abide by swimming pool regulations shall justify immediate expulsion from the swimming pool facility and constitute grounds for suspension or revocation of membership, without refund.
Members and parents shall be responsible for the conduct of their guests.
Lifeguards shall be required to enforce all rules and regulations. In case of an emergency, notify the nearest lifeguard.
Lifeguard stations shall be limited to lifeguards and authorized personnel.
Tennis courts operated by and available to the swim pool membership shall be subject to rules and regulations to be established by the pool management.
The Township municipal pool shall not be responsible for valuables brought into any area of the pool property.
All persons using the Township municipal pool facility do so at their own risk and sole responsibility. Neither the Township, the Township Council, employees of the Township municipal swim pool nor other Township employees shall assume any responsibility or shall have any personal liability for any act, accident or injury in connection with the use of the facilities.
All matters not determined by the rules and regulations may be determined by rules and regulations subsequently adopted. All rules and regulations shall be subject to amendment, from time to time, by ordinance adopted by the Township Council.
Regulations shall be posted at the pool and strictly enforced.
The pool manager or designee, in his/her absence, may close or limit swimming facilities or establish such additional rules and regulations whenever, in their judgment, such actions be deemed necessary or desirable for the protection, health or safety of such persons entitled to use such facilities.
Any violation of the rules and regulations of the Township of Ocean Community Pool and Tennis Facility, or the laws of the Township of Ocean or the State of New Jersey shall be enforced by appropriate Township personnel and violators will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
[Ord. 873, § 12; Ord. 1529, § I; Ord. 2060, § I; Ord. 2128; Ord. No. 2014-2217]
Any person who shall violate these rules and regulations shall be subject to immediate ejection from the pool area by the pool manager, or in his/her absence by their designee and their membership shall be subject to revocation or suspension.
The municipal court judge shall have the jurisdiction in actions for violation of any rules and regulations set forth in this diction. The rules and regulations shall be enforced by the same proceedings and processes, and the practice for the enforcement thereof shall be the same as that provided by law for the enforcement of other ordinances in the Township, N.J.S.A. 40:61-22.28.
The penalty for violation of any rule and regulation shall not be less than $200 nor more than $2,000 in the discretion of the Municipal Court Judge.