The power to regulate cemeteries is contained in R.S. 8:3-2.
No person shall operate a cemetery within the Township of Ocean without obtaining a permit therefor from the township council.
The township council shall conduct a hearing on each application for a permit to operate a cemetery, after having been furnished satisfactory proof that notice of said application has been given personally to all property owners residing within 200 feet of the boundary line within which the said cemetery is to be operated. Property owners who reside outside the Township of Ocean whose property is within the aforesaid 200-foot boundary line shall be notified by registered mail.
If in the judgment of the township council the granting of said permit and the operation of said cemetery shall not be detrimental to the health, safety, and general welfare of the community and is reasonably necessary for the convenience and welfare of the community, said township council shall order the township clerk to issue a permit to the applicant for the maintenance and operation of said cemetery.