The general power to license and prescribe license fees is contained in R.S. 40:52-1, et seq. Licensing is also part of the general police power granted by R.S. 40:69 A-29, 30. Taxicabs must also comply with the requirements of R.S. 48:16-1, et seq.
As used in this chapter, the following words shall have the meanings indicated:
Is the practice of driving about the roads or highways of the township with a taxicab so as to solicit passengers or to bring the presence of the taxicab to the attention of prospective passengers. A taxicab driving along the roads or highways of this township for any purpose other than while transporting a passenger, going to a definite destination by the most direct route in response to a call for a taxicab by a prospective passenger, or returning by the most direct route to the taxicab's home terminus after discharging a passenger or going to or from the terminus, to the driver's home by the most direct route shall be prima facie evidence of cruising.
Of a taxicab consists of transporting in a taxicab one or more persons for hire. Accepting a passenger to be transported for hire from a point of departure within the township to a destination within or without the township shall be considered operation of a taxicab within the township. The operation of a taxicab by one other than the owner shall be deemed operation by the owner as well as by the person actually driving the taxi. The transportation of any person other than the owner or driver in any motor vehicle bearing a sign using the words "taxi", "taxicab", "cab" or "hack" shall be prima facie evidence of operation.
Shall mean any person in whose name title to any taxicab is registered with the New Jersey Division of Motor Vehicles, or who appears in the Division's records to be a conditional vendee or lessee or has any other proprietory interest in a taxicab.
Shall mean a motor vehicle used to transport passengers for hire which does not operate over a fixed route and is not hired by the day or hour.
No person shall operate a taxicab within the township unless both the owner and driver of the taxicab are licensed under this chapter.
The holder of a taxicab driver's license shall be entitled to operate within the township any taxicab whose owner has been licensed under this chapter.
The holder of a taxicab owner's license shall be entitled to operate a taxicab owned by him within the township provided that the person driving the cab holds a valid taxicab driver's license.
Application for a taxicab owner's license shall be made to the chief of police on forms provided by him. The forms and the information required thereon shall be established by the township manager.
Applications shall be verified by oath or affirmation. Applications by a partnership shall give the information required for each partner, and shall be verified by all partners. Applications by a corporation shall give the information required for and be verified by all officers and directors and all persons holding more than 10% of the corporation's common stock, as well as the corporation itself.
The chief of police shall advise the township council of the filing of an application. The township council shall set a date for a hearing on the application and shall notify the applicant. The date set shall be within a reasonable time after the filing of an application.
The chief of police or a police officer designated by him shall investigate the application. A report containing the results of the investigation shall be forwarded to the township council at least three days before the date set for the hearing. A copy of the report shall also be sent to the applicant.
At the hearing any person who is a resident or taxpayer of the township may appear in person and make a brief statement or submit a written statement in support of or opposition to the granting of a license. In addition, the applicant and any other person who will be affected by the granting or denial of the license other than as a township resident or taxpayer shall have the right to be represented by an attorney, to testify himself or to present witnesses in support of his position, to cross-examine opposing witnesses and, at his own expense, to have a stenographic record made of the proceeding.
In determining whether to grant or deny the license, the township council shall take into consideration the following factors:
The character, business and financial responsibility and experience of the applicant, and the probability that if granted a license, the applicant will operate his taxicab in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
Any other factors directly related to the granting or denial of the license which would substantially affect the public safety or convenience.
The township council shall, by resolution, grant or deny the license. If the application is approved, the clerk shall issue the license upon forms established by the township manager.
A taxicab owner's license shall expire on December 31 of the year in which it was issued. The license fee shall be $200 per vehicle per year payable upon the filing of the initial application for the issuance of the license.
A taxicab owner's license may be renewed by the township council without a hearing upon the licensee's filing with the township clerk a sworn statement that there have been no changes in the information contained in the initial application. The license fee for renewal of a taxicab owner's license shall be $150 per existing vehicle and/or $200 per vehicle for new or substituted vehicles.
Applications for a taxicab driver's license shall be made to the chief of police upon forms provided by him. The forms and the information required thereon shall be established by the township manager.
The chief of police or a police officer designated by him shall investigate the application and shall report the results to the township council within a reasonable time.
Upon approval of the application by the township council, the building inspector shall immediately issue the applicant a taxicab driver's license. The license shall contain the licensee's name and address, physical descriptions, signature and photograph. The license shall be displayed in the taxi in full view of any passengers.
An initial license to drive a taxicab shall expire on December 31 of the year in which it was issued. The initial fee shall be $200 per driver.
A taxicab driver's license may be renewed annually, unless it has been revoked or suspended, upon the payment of a fee of $150.
Before any vehicle is issued as a taxicab within the township, it shall be inspected by the chief of police or a police officer designated by him to ascertain that it is in a safe, clean and sanitary condition and contains all safety devices required by law.
All taxicabs shall be reinspected annually or more often if the township council so requires by resolution. In addition, any police officer may inspect any taxicab at any reasonable time to determine if it is clean, sanitary and in a safe and proper operating condition.
Any taxicab which fails to pass inspection shall be immediately taken out of service and shall not be operated again within the township until the defects which led to its rejection are corrected. In the case of minor defects which do not constitute an immediate danger to the health or safety of the public the taxicab may continue to operate for a period of one week, at the end of which time it shall be reinspected. If the defect has not by then been corrected, the vehicle shall immediately be taken out of service and shall remain out of service until the defect is corrected.
Each taxicab operated in the township shall have a sign painted on each rear door. The sign shall contain the owner's name and the words "Taxicab" or "Taxi" in letters which shall not be less than four nor more than eight inches in height.
The fare that may be charged by the driver or owner of a taxicab for a trip wholly within the limits of the township shall not exceed the rates approved by the township council by resolution. A schedule of the approved rates shall be displayed in the taxicab in a manner so as to be easily read by all passengers.
The driver of a taxicab upon request shall give the passenger a receipt for the amount charged. The receipt shall show the name of the owner, the license number of the taxicab, the amount of the fare, and the date of the transaction.
No person after hiring a taxicab shall refuse to pay the legal fare, nor shall any person hire a taxicab with the intent not to pay the legal fare.
All disputes as to the rate of fare shall upon request of the driver or passenger, be determined by the police officer in charge of the township police station. Failure to comply with the officer's determination shall be a violation of this chapter.
No taxicab shall be licensed until an insurance policy or certificate in lieu thereof, and power of attorney, executed, shall have been filed with the township clerk as provided for taxicabs and autocabs pursuant to the provisions of R.S. 48:16-1 to 48:16-22 inclusive, together with any amendments or supplements adopted or hereafter adopted relative thereto except, that such insurance policy shall be in an amount not less than $300,000 to satisfy all claims for damages by reason of bodily injuries to or the death of any one person resulting from an accident, and a sum of not less than $500,000 to satisfy all claims for damages by reason of the bodily injuries to or the death of all persons on account of any such accident by reason of ownership, operation, maintenance or use of such taxicab upon any public street; and conditioned for the payment of a sum of not less than $25,000 to satisfy all claims for damages to property of all persons on account of any such accident by reason of ownership, operation, maintenance, or use of such taxicab upon any public street.
The owner of each taxicab so licensed shall keep or require to be kept a written record of each trip made by the taxicab showing the number of daily trips, the date and the time when the trip begins and ends. Such records shall not be destroyed for one year from the date of the trip and shall be kept within the township in readily accessible form and shall be accessible at all reasonable hours for inspection by the township council or by local, state, federal or military law enforcement agencies.
No person shall cruise on the roads or highways of the township with any taxicab at any time for the purpose of soliciting passengers.
The township council may establish, by resolution, rules and regulations relating to the operating of taxicabs and the conduct of licensees. A copy of the rules and regulations shall be furnished to each licensee.
In addition to the causes for revocation of a license set forth in section 24-7, any license issued under this chapter may be revoked or suspended, or any application for the issuance or renewal of a license denied, for any of the following reasons:
Failure to render reasonable, prompt, safe and adequate taxicab service.
The existence of a judgment unsatisfied of record against the licensee or applicant in any suit arising over the operation of a motor vehicle.
Permitting any taxicab owned or driven by the licensee to become unsafe, unsanitary or dirty.
Failure to comply with all applicable laws of the State of New Jersey, the ordinances of the township or the rules and regulations adopted in accordance with this chapter.
If the licensee is a driver, his license may also be revoked or suspended for the following reasons:
Revocation or suspension of his New Jersey motor vehicle operator's license.
Contraction by the licensee of a communicable or contagious disease.
Operating a taxicab in a reckless or grossly negligent manner, or habitually operating a taxicab in a negligent manner.