Definitions. All such words as defined in the Municipal Land Use
Law, if not contained below, are hereby incorporated herein and declared
to be part of this chapter. The following words, terms and phrases
used in this chapter shall have the meanings hereinafter indicated.
Shall mean the use, structure or building which is subordinate
to and serves as principal building or a principal use; is subordinate
in area, extent and purposes to the principal structure or principal
building or use served; contributes primarily to the comfort, convenience
or the necessity of the occupants, business or industry of the principal
structure or business use served; and is located on the same parcel
as the principal structure or principal use served except as may otherwise
be expressly authorized within this chapter. In the case of an Accessory
structure or building, it shall be detached from the principal building.
[Ord. No. 2018-966]
Shall mean any business function in which there is not regular
contact with the general public and where no materials, products,
goods or prepared foods are stored except for office consumption.
Shall mean any product of plants or animals useful to man,
including but not limited to: forages or sod crops, grains and feed
corn, dairy animals and dairy products, poultry and poultry products,
livestock, including the beef cattle, sheep, swine, horses, ponies,
mules or goats, and including the breeding and grazing of any or all
such animals; bees and dairy products; fur; animals; trees and forest
products; fruits of all kinds, including grapes, nuts and berries;
vegetables; nursery, floral, ornamental and greenhouse products; or
any land devoted to and meeting the requirements and qualifications
for payments or their compensation pursuant to a soil conservation
program under any agency of the federal government.
Shall mean a minor way or roadway dedicated or open to public
use which is less than 20 feet in width.
Shall mean and include, but not be limited to, the following:
All incidental changes or replacements in nonstructural parts
of building or other structure.
Minor changes or replacement in the structural parts of a building
or other structure, limited to the following examples and others of
similar character or extent:
Alteration of interior partitions to residential buildings provided
that no additional dwelling units are created thereby.
Alteration of interior partitions in all other types of buildings
or other structures.
Making windows or doors in exterior walls.
Strengthening the load-bearing capacity in not more than 10%
of the total floor area to permit the accommodation of a specialized
unit of machinery or equipment.
Any change in the supporting members of a building such as bearing
walls, columns, beams or girders; or in the utility system or mechanical
equipment of a structure, which change materially alters its usability
or capacity of a function.
Shall mean the Planning Board of the municipality unless
a different agency is designated by ordinance when acting pursuant
to the authority of N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1 et seq.
Shall mean any building accessory to a primary residence
used for the housing, storage or preparation for marketing of plants
or animals, provided that a "barn" is permitted only where the use
of the plants or animals to be housed, stored or prepared for marketing
is an otherwise permitted use under this chapter.
Shall mean a barn which utilizes telephone poles or similar
type poles as the support for the roof. The sides of the pole barn
may or may not be closed.
Shall mean a story having a portion of its height below grade
and the finished floor level directly above the basement with more
than 1/2 the height of the basement above average ground level around
the building. A "basement" is counted as a story if the ceiling is
more than six feet above the average grade or is subdivided and used
for dwelling purposes, other than for a janitor employed on the premises.
Shall mean the area of a horizontal section of a building.
Shall mean the vertical distance measured from the main elevation
of the finished grade along the front of the building to the highest
point of the roof, flat roofs, to the main height level, between the
eaves and the ridge, for gable and hipped roofs and to the deck line
for mansard roofs.
Shall mean the term used to describe the size of the buildings
or other structures and their relationship to each other, to open
areas such as yards and to lot lines includes the size, height and
floor area of building or other structures.
Shall mean any place, area, lot or tract of land so designed
and intended that persons could sleep, reside or dwell thereon, in
or under any type of shelter other than in a permanent type of structure
which conforms in all respects to the provisions of the Building Ordinance
of the Borough of Pine Hill.
Shall mean all parts of the plant Genus Cannabis L., whether
growing or not, the seeds thereof, and every compound, manufacture,
salt, derivative, mixture, or preparation of the plant or its seeds.
“Cannabis” does not include: Cannabis dispensed and consumed
for medical purposes pursuant to any law enacted by the Legislature;
hemp or hemp products subject to regulation under the “New Jersey
Hemp Farming Act,” P.L. 2019, c.238 (C. 4:28-6, et al), or any
successor enactment thereto; or unregulated cannabis, referred to
as marijuana, and products created from or which include marijuana.
[Added 7-19-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-1002]
Shall mean any structure or group of structures on one lot
or group of structures on contiguous lots commonly owned which is
occupied by six or more cats.
Shall mean land used or intended to be used for the burial
of the deceased, including columbariums, crematories, mausoleums and
mortuaries, when operated in conjunction with the cemetery within
the boundaries.
Shall mean a certificate issued by the Construction Official
upon completion of construction or alteration of any building or structure.
Said certificate shall acknowledge compliance with all requirements
of this chapter, such adjustment thereto as granted by the Zoning
Board of Adjustment, and/or any other applicable requirements.
Shall mean a building used for public worship by a congregation,
excluding buildings used exclusively for residential, educational,
burial, recreational or other uses not normally associated with worship.
Shall mean systems, structures and physical improvements
for the movement of people, goods, water, air and sewer or power by
such means as streets, highways, railways, waterways, towers, airways,
pipes and conduits, and the handling of people by such means as terminals,
stations, warehouses and other storage buildings or transshipment
Shall mean actual construction on a parcel of land in accordance
with a permit issued by the applicable jurisdiction.
Shall mean land or water or a combination, together with
improvements, within or related to a site designed as a development,
and designated and intended for ownership, use and responsibility
by the residents and owners of the development.
Shall mean land which is connected or adjacent to other land
so as to permit the land to be used as a functional unit; provided
that separation by lot, line, streams, roads, rights-of-way and easements
shall not affect the contiguity of land.
Shall mean a club operated for profits, which may include
a golf course containing not less than 60 acres for each nine holes
of golf and/or associated recreational facilities.
Shall mean the County of Camden, State of New Jersey.
Shall mean a street with access closed at one end and with
a vehicular turn around at the closed end.
Shall mean calendar days.
Shall mean the number of dwelling units per adjusted gross acre. The adjusted gross acre means the total number of buildable acres on a tract or parcel proposed for development which are calculated excluding land located within the one-hundred-year floodplains, wetlands and wetland buffer areas as determined by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, N.J. DEP Office of Freshwater Wetlands, the Borough of Pine Hill or any other entity having jurisdiction. The maximum number of units which may be proposed for development on a tract or parcel of land are calculated by multiplying the number of buildable acres by the maximum number of units per acre permitted in the zone where the land is located, as set forth in Article
VII, Subsection
23-7.1. If the resulting number is a fraction of a partial unit of 0.5 or more, the maximum number of units may be rounded off to the next highest number.
Shall mean a zoning ordinance, subdivision ordinance, site
plan ordinance, Official Map ordinance or other municipal regulation
of the use and development of land or amendment thereto.
Shall mean the lands required for the installation and/or maintenance of storm sewers or drainage ditches, or required along a natural stream or watercourse for preserving the channel and providing for the flow of water therein to safeguard the public against flood damage in accordance with Chapter
1 of Title 58 of the New Jersey Revised Statutes.
Shall mean the vehicular entrance and exit for a land use.
Shall mean a room or series of connected rooms containing
cooking, sleeping, sanitary and general living facilities for one
housekeeping unit.
Shall mean a building containing two dwelling units side
by side or wholly or partly one or the other, on one or more lot(s).
Shall mean a building containing two dwelling units side
by side on adjoining lots and having a common or party wall and having
separate individual sewerage and water facilities and connections.
Shall mean a building containing three or more attached dwelling
units erected in a row on adjoining lots, each unit separate from
the adjoining unit, but attached by a common or party wall and each
unit having separate individual outside access and individual public
water and sewerage facilities and connections.
Whenever the word "employees" or the expression "number of
employees" is herein referred to, it shall mean the greatest number
of persons to be employed in the building in question during any season
of the year and any time of the day or night.
Shall mean an addition to the floor area of an existing building,
an increase in size of another structure or an increase in that portion
of a tract of land occupied by an existing use.
Shall mean a municipal advisory body created pursuant to
P.I. 1968, c. 245 (c. 40:56A-1 et seq.).
Shall mean any building for storing agricultural equipment
or farm produce, housing livestock or poultry or processing dairy
products. The term "farm building" shall not include a dwelling.
Shall mean an artificially constructed barrier of wood, masonry,
stone, wire, metal or any other manufactured material or combination
of materials erected for the enclosure of yard areas or other open
Shall mean that portion of a building used solely for the
housing of fire-fighting auxiliary equipment and related space.
Shall mean the sum of the habitable gross area of the several
floors of a building or buildings.
Shall mean the flood hazard areas of delineated streams and area inundated by the one-hundred-year flood in nondelineated areas as shown on the Borough Floodplain Map described in Article
VII, Subsection
Shall mean an ordinance delineating and regulating encroachments,
such as but not limited to buildings.
Shall mean the channel of a river or other watercourse and
the adjacent land areas required to carry and discharge a flood.
Shall mean a figure which, when multiplied by the lot area,
will determine the amount of permitted floor area. This figure is
determined by dividing the gross floor area of all buildings on a
lot by the area of that lot.
Shall mean an enclosed building used or designed for housing
or storing of self-propelled vehicles or units, or portions thereof
designed for public highways.
Shall mean a garage intended and used for the storage of
motor vehicles of the owner or resident upon the premises.
Shall mean a group of multifamily dwellings architecturally
designed with some of the units placed on top of other units, up to
three stories in height, designed for rental or sale of the individual
housekeeping units, having common open spaces and designed in accordance
with the special requirements for such dwellings as set forth in this
Shall mean a story under a gable, hip or gambrel roof, the
roof, the wall plates of which on at least two opposite exterior walls
are not more than two feet nor less than one foot above the finished
floor of such story.
Shall mean the distance between any vehicular entrance or
exit to a street and the next adjoining vehicular entrance or exit
in the same street.
Shall mean an activity for gain customarily carried on in
a dwelling or in a building accessory to a dwelling, clearly incidental
and secondary to the use of the dwelling for residential purposes.
Shall mean an organization in a development under recorded
agreements through which each lot owner shall be a member and each
dwelling unit is subject to a charge for a proportionate share of
the expenses for the organization's activities and maintenance including
maintenance costs levied against the association by the Borough of
Pine Hill in accordance with N.J.S.A. 49:55D-43.
Shall mean a public institution providing public health services
primarily for inpatient medical or surgical care of the sick or injured
and including related facilities, such as laboratories, outpatient
department, training facilities, central service facilities and staff
office which are an integral part of the facility.
Shall mean a structure designed or converted for the care
and treatment of sick or wounded domestic animals.
Shall mean a building having six or more rental rooms, without
individual cooking facilities, for transient guests.
Shall mean one or more persons living as a single nonprofit
household, as distinguished from individuals or groups occupying a
hotel, club, fraternity or sorority house. The housekeeping unit shall
be deemed to include housekeeping facilities and services.
Shall mean those persons related by blood or legal relationship
in the following manner: grandparents, grandchildren, parent, son,
daughter, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, and first cousins.
Shall mean a measure of the intensity of land use as measured
by dividing the total area of all impervious surfaces within the site
by the site area.
Shall mean any type of structure, excavation or paved section,
excluding a driveway or curb.
Shall mean any land owned by the Borough of Pine Hill and
land used for the following public or private purposes: educational
facilities, including universities, colleges, elementary, secondary
and vocational schools, kindergartens and nurseries, churches and
their accessory uses, cultural facilities such as libraries, galleries,
museums, concert halls, theaters and the like; hospitals, including
such educational, clinical, research and convalescent facilities as
are integral to the operation of the hospital; medical and health
service facilities, including nursing homes, supervised residential
institutions, rehabilitation therapy centers and public health facilities,
law enforcement facilities; military facilities and other similar
Shall mean the use of any lot for the storage, keeping or
abandonment of junk, including wrecked or disabled vehicles, parts
of vehicles, scrap metals or other scrap material or building material,
or for the dismantling, demolition or abandonment of structures, automobiles
or other vehicles, equipment and used machinery or parts thereof;
provided, however, that this definition shall not be deemed to include
any of the foregoing uses which are accessory and incidental to any
lawful agricultural, commercial or industrial use permitted in any
zone. The term "junkyard" as herein defined included automobile wrecking
yards and yards or lots used for the accumulation of used building
materials. The outdoor storage, parking, keeping or deposit on any
lot of two or more vehicles without lawful license plates and current
Motor Vehicle Inspection stickers, which vehicles are not accessory
and incidental to a lawful agricultural, commercial or industrial
use permitted in any zone shall be deemed to be a "junkyard."
Shall mean sites, including open dumps, where solid waste,
liquid and dry sewage sludges, and liquid and dry chemical waste are
disposed of by land application with or without the use of management
practices or soil covering.
Shall mean the legal or beneficial owner or owners of land,
including the holder of an option or contract to purchase (whether
or not such option or contract is subject to any condition), a lessee,
if he is authorized under the lease to exercise the rights of the
"landowners" or other persons having proprietary interest in land.
Shall mean the installation of plant material or seed as
a part of development.
Shall mean the horizontal distance between the side lot lines
measured along the street line. The minimum "lot frontage" shall be
the same as lot width, except that on curved alignments with an outside
radius of less than 500 feet, the minimum distance between the side
lot lines measured at the street line shall not be less than 75% of
the required minimum lot width. In the case of a corner lot, either
side may be considered the "lot frontage", provided that the minimum
frontage is met for the zone in which the lot is located.
Shall mean an off-set berth on the same lot with a building
or group of buildings for temporary parking of a vehicle while loading
or unloading.
Shall mean the total horizontal area included within lot
lines. Where the front lot line is the center line of a street or
lies in part or in whole in the street area, the lot shall include
that part of the lot in use or to be used as a street.
Shall mean the area of a lot covered by any impervious surface
but not including swimming pools, service walks and driveways not
in excess of 24 feet wide on residential lots.
Shall mean the shortest horizontal distance between the front
line, or the boundary of the street right-of-way if the front lot
line lies within an area used or to be used as a street, and the rear
lot line. In case of a triangular lot having no rear line, the distance
shall be measured to a parallel to the front line which shall not
be less than 10 feet in length measured between its intersection with
the side lot lines.
Shall mean the line separating the lot from the street line.
Shall mean any lot, except a front lot line, which is parallel
to or within 45° of being parallel to, and does not intersect
any street line. In the case of a corner lot, the owner or developer
may show a different designation. See definition of "corner lot" for
more requirements.
Shall mean any lot which is not a front lot line or a rear
lot line. In the case of a corner lot, the owner or developer may
make a different designation. See definition of "corner lot" for requirements.
Shall mean the horizontal distance between side lot lines
measured at setback points on each side lot line an equal distance
back from the street line. The minimum "lot width" shall be measured
at the required building setback line.
Shall mean a lot at the junction to two or more intersecting
streets where the interior angle of the intersection does not exceed
Shall mean a lot, the side lines of which do not abut the
Shall mean an interior lot having frontage on two streets
or one street and an alley.
Shall mean any security other than cash which may be accepted
by the Borough of Pine Hill for the maintenance of improvements required
by this chapter pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1, et seq.
Shall have the meaning given in Section 2 f the “New
Jersey Controlled Dangerous Substance Act”, P.L. 1970, c.226
(C24:21-2) or any successor enactment thereto.
[Added 7-19-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-1002]
Shall mean a composite of the mapped and written proposals
recommending the physical development of the municipality which shall
have been duly adopted by the Planning Board.
Shall mean a building constructed as a professional building
for the offices of three or more medical practitioners.
Shall mean a development plan of one or more lots which (i)
proposes new development within the scope of development specifically
permitted by this chapter as a minor site plan; (ii) does not involve
planned development, any new street or extension of any off-tract
improvement which is to be prorated pursuant to Section 30 of the
Municipal Land Use Law, N.J.S.A. 40:55D-42; and (iii) contains the
information reasonably required in order to make an informed determination
as to whether the requirements established by the chapter for approval
of a minor site plan have been met.
Shall mean a subdivision for the creation of not more than
three lots provided that such subdivision does not involve a new street
or the extension of any off-tract improvement, the cost of which is
prorated pursuant to Section 30 of the Municipal Land Use Law.
Shall mean occupancy of a building or land for more than
one use.
Shall mean a building or a group of buildings having units
containing sleeping accommodations which are for a temporary rental
occupancy by transients and providing sufficient off-street parking
facilities adjacent or convenient thereto. A tourist home containing
provisions or facilities for accommodation of more than two transient
occupants not normally quartered on the premises shall be considered
a "motel-hotel" facility under the provisions of this chapter.
Shall mean the Municipal Planning Board or Board of Adjustment,
or a governing body of the Borough of Pine Hill when acting pursuant
to the Municipal Land Use Law and any agency which is acting pursuant
to the Municipal Land Use Law.
Shall mean a lot, the area, dimension or location of which
was lawful prior to the adoption, revision or amendment of the Zoning
Ordinance, but fails to conform to the requirements of the zoning
district in which it is located by reason of such adoption, revision
or amendment.
Shall mean a structure, the size, dimension or location of
which was lawful prior to the adoption, revision or amendment of the
Zoning Ordinance, but which fails to conform to the requirements of
the zoning district in which it is located by reason of such adoption,
revision or amendment.
Shall mean a use or activity which was lawful prior to the
adoption, revision or amendment of the Zoning Ordinance, but which
fails to conform to the requirements of the zoning district in which
it is located by reason of such adoption, revision or amendment.
Shall mean any building in which more than one room or an
area exceeding 400 square feet is used for the accommodation, reception
or treatment of the aged or the sick who are residents therein, excluding
members of the resident's family.
Shall mean located outside the lot lines of the lot in question
but within the property (of which the lot is part) which is the subject
of a development application or contiguous portion of a street or
Shall mean located off the property which is the subject
of the development application or off a contiguous portion of a street
or right-of-way.
Shall mean a place for the transaction of business where
reports are prepared, records kept and services rendered, but where
no retail sales, except in connection with professional services,
are offered and where no manufacturing, assembly or fabricating takes
Shall mean the map, with changes and additions thereto, adopted
and established, from time to time, by resolution of the Board of
Chosen Freeholders of the county pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:27-5.
Shall mean located on the lot in question.
Shall mean located on the property which is the subject of
a development application or on a contiguous portion of a street or
Shall mean any parcel or area of land or water essentially
unimproved and set aside, dedicated, designed or reserved for public
or private use for enjoyment or for the use and enjoyment of owners
and occupants of land adjoining or neighboring such open space; provided
that such areas may be improved with only those buildings, structures,
streets and off-street parking and other improvements that are designated
to be incidental to the natural openness of the land.
Shall mean any individual, firm, association, syndicate,
copartnership or corporation, trust or other legal entity having sufficient
proprietary interest in the land sought to be divided to commence
and maintain proceedings to subdivide the same under this chapter.
Shall mean any quantity of land capable of being described
with such definiteness that its location and boundaries may be established,
and which is designated by its owner as land to be used as a unit.
Shall mean an open space, off-street land area, including
parking spaces and access and egress drives or aisles, used or required
by this chapter for parking, or automobiles or other vehicles exclusively,
and in which no gasoline or automobile accessories are sold and no
other business conducted.
Shall mean that area required for the parking or storage
of one automobile, including necessary aisle or driveway space providing
access thereto. For the purpose of this chapter, the minimum gross
area per automobile parking space shall not be less than 200 square
feet, which shall be deemed to include not less than 100 square feet
for the necessary aisle or driveway space accessory thereto.
Shall mean a right-of-way easement provided for the purpose
of pedestrian access and passage.
Shall mean an individual, corporation, public agency, business,
trust, partnership, association, two or more persons having a joint
or common interest, or any other legal entity.
Shall mean the duly approved and recorded final map of all
or a portion of the subdivision as presented to the approving authority
for final approval.
Shall mean the map indicating the proposed layout of the subdivision which is submitted to the Secretary for Planning Board consideration and tentative approval and which meets the requirements of Article
VIII, Subsection
Shall mean a plan of sufficient accuracy and detailed, used
for the purpose of discussion and clarification of a subdivision as
provided for in this chapter.
Shall mean a roofed open structure projection from the front,
side or rear wall of a building. A porch may be screened or glass
Shall mean the government of the United States of America;
the State of New Jersey, or any other state; their political subdivisions,
agencies or instrumentalities; and interstate and regional agencies
exercising sovereign powers of government.
Shall mean intensive recreation including facilities for
physical activities, games, team sports and generally any recreation
that is not passive or low intensive.
Shall mean recreation with insignificant impact on surrounding
areas or on the environmental integrity of the area, such as hiking,
hunting, trapping, fishing, canoeing, nature study and bicycling.
Shall mean a private or public space, including essential
buildings and structures used for play and recreation space for individuals.
Shall mean the dredging, digging, extracting, mining and
quarrying of sand, gravel, or minerals for commercial purposes not
including, however, the private or agricultural extraction and use
of extracted material by a landowner.
Shall mean an establishment in which food and drink is to
be consumed while seated at a table, counter, or booth within a building
on the premises.
Shall mean any sale of goods and services to the general
public as distinguished from wholesale sales.
Shall mean the Secretary of the Planning Board, Borough of
Pine Hill.
Shall mean lands and buildings where fuel, lubricants, miscellaneous
accessories and minor repair services for motor vehicles are dispensed,
but where no vehicular painting and/or bodywork is done and where
no junked or unregistered motor vehicles are kept or stored.
Shall mean a line within any lot, usually marking the limits
or required yard space, parallel to any street line between which
line and street line no building or portion thereof may be erected,
except as provided in this chapter.
Shall mean one or more buildings or parts thereof, designed
as a unit to be occupied by one or more business enterprises for the
conduct of business or conducted as an integrated and cohesively planned
Shall mean any outdoor advertising sign or outdoor advertising
BILLBOARD OR COMMERCIAL ADVERTISING SIGNShall mean an advertising sign, structure or symbol erected and maintained by an individual or corporation engaged in the sale or rental of space thereon to a clientele of manufacturing, service or commercial enterprises, upon which space there is displayed, by means of painting, posting or other means, advertising copy describing a wide variety of products or services which are not made, produced, assembled or sold from the lot or premises upon which advertisement is displayed.
ENTERPRISE IDENTIFICATION SIGNShall mean any sign, symbol, trademark, structure or similar device used to identify the product or the activity being pursued by any industry, business service or commercial enterprise, which sign is displayed upon the lot or premises occupied by such an enterprise of the purpose of apprising the passersby of the location of said enterprise and type of activity in which it is engaged.
TEMPORARY SIGNShall mean a sign which offers premises for sale, rent or development or which advertises the services of professionals or building trades during construction or alteration of the premises upon which the sign is located.
Shall mean an application or development which is exempt from site plan review and approval under the provisions of Subsection
23-8.1 of Article
VIII of this chapter.
Shall mean a development plan of one or more lots which: (i) proposes a new development or alterations to structures, not otherwise exempt from site plan review and approval, involving grading, clearing or disturbance of less than 5,000 square feet of land; (ii) does not involve planned development, any new street extension or off-tract improvement which is prorated pursuant to Section 30 of the Municipal Land Use Law (N.J.S.A. 40:55D-42; and (iii) contains the information required in Article
VIII, Subsection
Shall mean a triangle area abutting two intersecting streets
where vision is unobstructed. The site triangle is formed by the intersection
street sidelines and a line connecting a point on each sideline a
set distance from the intersection.
Shall mean both surface (topsoil) and subsoil, and shall
include dirt, stone, gravel, sand, humus, clay, loam, rock and mixtures
of any of these.
Shall mean an ordinance of the Borough of Pine Hill regulating the removal of soil for sale or for use other than on the premises from which the soil shall be taken, known as Chapter
21, Soil Removal and Sale, of the Code of the Borough of Pine Hill.
Shall mean the State of New Jersey or any of its agencies.
Shall mean that portion of a building included between the
surface of any floor and the surface of the floor next above it, or
if there is no floor above it, then the space between the floor and
the ceiling next above it. No story shall be deemed to be a first
story if its floor level is more than six feet above the level from
which the height of the building is measured. A mezzanine floor shall
be counted as a story if it covers over 1/3 of the area of the floor
next below it. For the purpose of this chapter, a split-level dwelling
shall be considered a one story structure.
Shall mean the edge of the existing or future street right-of-way,
whichever would result in the widest right-of-way, as shown on the
Official Map or as required by this chapter, forming the dividing
line between the street and lot.
Shall mean a combination of materials to form a construction
for occupancy, use or combination having a fixed location on, above
or below the surface of the land.
Shall mean any individual, firm, association, syndicate,
copartnership, corporation, trust or any other legal entity commencing
proceedings under this chapter to effect a subdivision of land hereunder
for himself or for another.
Shall mean three members of the Planning Board appointed
by the Chairman; with the approval of the Planning Board who are empowered
to classify and approve minor subdivisions by unanimous affirmative
vote. The Subdivision Committee shall assume any additional duties
relating to land subdivision which may be conferred upon this Committee
by the Planning Board.
Shall mean a division of lands wherein both parcels are actually
used for agricultural purposes, where the only buildings to be erected
thereon, if any, are for agricultural purposes exclusively, are not
included residential uses and where both parcels are three acres or
larger in size; said subdivision being exempt from the subdivision
requirements if no new streets or roads are involved.
Shall mean all subdivisions not classified as agricultural
or minor subdivisions.
Shall mean facilities constructed above or below ground having
a depth of more than two feet and/or a water surface of 100 square
feet or more and designed and maintained for swimming purposes.
Shall mean and include water towers, antennae and similar
structures. In no event shall the height of any tower or similar structure
exceed the distance from the nearest property lot line to the base
of the tower structure.
Shall mean a parcel or portion or other division of land
which is in whole or in part proposed for development, composed of
a portion of one lot; or one or more contiguous lots in the same ownership.
Lots separated by easements, streets or other public rights-of-way
shall be considered contiguous for the purpose of this chapter.
Shall mean a concentration of masses, trees and shrubbery
not less than 10 feet wide, placed parallel to the property line for
the purpose of screening dust, noise or disparate uses. Such strip
shall be composed of evergreen plants and trees with specimens having
an initial height of not less than five feet and planted at intervals
of not more than 10 feet on center. The low-level screen shall consist
of evergreen shrubs planted in height of not more than five feet on
center. The low level screen shall be placed in alternating rows to
produce a more effective barrier.
Shall mean a licensed mortician concerned with the arrangement
of cremation or burial of the dead and the overseeing of burials.
Shall mean any activity, occupancy, business or operation
carried on or intended to be carried on, in a building or on a tract
of land.
Shall mean the main or primary purpose or purposes for which
land or a structure, building and/or sign or use thereafter is designed,
arranged or intended for which they may be occupied or maintained
under the Zoning Ordinance. All other structures, buildings, signs
or uses on the same lot and incidental or supplementary thereto and
permitted under the Zoning Ordinance shall be considered accessory
Shall mean those services customarily rendered by corporation
or the municipality under the review of the public utilities commission
for public service such as electricity, gas, telephone, water and
sewerage including the appurtenances used in connection with the supplying
of such services.
Shall mean any plant material including grasses, shrubs and
Shall mean those lands which are inundated or saturated by
water at a magnitude, duration and frequency sufficient to support
the growth of hydrophytes. Wetlands include lands which are poorly
drained soils as designated by the National Cooperative Soils Survey
of the Soils Conservation Service of the United States Department
of Agriculture and as designated by the National Wetlands Inventory;
United States Department of the Interior.
Shall mean an open space extending between the closest point
of any building and lot line or street line.
Shall mean the yard extending along the full length of the
front line, and being the minimum horizontal distance between the
front lot line (or street line) and the front yard line or building
or any projection thereof, other than steps.
Shall mean an open space extending the full width of the
lot and lying between the rear lot line and closest point of any building
or structure on the lot except for swimming pools and similar open
Shall mean an open space extending from the front yard to
the rear yard and lying between each side or the line and closest
point of any building or structure on the lot except for swimming
pools and similar open structures.