[Ord. No. 95-588 Art. IV]
The Borough Council, Planning Board and Zoning Board of Adjustment
may, from time to time, adopt, revise, or amend rules and regulations
for the administration of their functions, powers and/or duties, not
inconsistent with the Land Use Law of the State of New Jersey (N.J.S.A.
40:55D-1 et seq.) or this chapter. Copies of all such rules and regulations
shall be maintained in the office of the Borough Clerk and shall be
available to any person upon request, subject to the charge of a reasonable
fee as established by law.
[Ord. No. 95-588 Art. IV]
Regular meetings of the Planning Board and Zoning Board of Adjustment
shall be scheduled no less than once a month. All regular meetings
shall be open to the public. Scheduled meetings may be cancelled for
lack of applications or other business to process.
A special meeting may be provided for at the call of the Chairman
or at the request of two Board members, for which notice must be provided
for to all Board members and the public as required by the Laws of
the State of New Jersey.
Executive session meetings may be called to discuss and study
matters to come before the Board. Such meetings shall be noticed to
the public, but shall be without public participation unless permitted
by the Chairman of the Board. No decisions will be rendered at an
executive session meeting.
A quorum is necessary to conduct business or act on any pending
application. All action requires a majority vote of the members present
at the meeting, except as may be otherwise required by any provision
of the Land Use Law of the State of New Jersey.
A Board member absent from one or more meetings at which a hearing
was held, shall be eligible to vote, only upon certification by such
Board member that he has reviewed the transcript or recordings of
all the meetings from which he was absent.
[Ord. No. 95-588 Art. IV]
Minutes, by recording, of every regular and special session
meeting shall be kept and shall include the names of all members present,
the names and addresses of all persons appearing before the Board,
and a report of all action taken by the Board. The recording shall
be available to any interested party for review at the office of the
Board or Borough Clerk.
[Ord. No. 95-588 Art. IV]
A public hearing is required on each application, development,
variance and adoption, revision or amendment to the Master Plan and
as may be required by the Land Use Law of the State of New Jersey.
All maps, surveys or other documents which make up a part of
the application shall be on file and available for public inspection
not less than 10 days prior to the date set for the hearing. The applicant
may produce other documents, records and testimony at the hearing
to substantiate, support, clarify and supplement previously filed
Testimony at the hearing shall be taken under oath or affirmation,
and the right of cross examination shall be permitted to all interested
parties through their attorney at law, if represented or if not represented
then direct but subject to the discretion of the presiding officer
and to reasonable limitations as to time and number of witnesses.
The Chairman of the Board, or other officer presiding over the
hearing, or the Board Attorney, shall have the power to administer
the oaths and issue subpoenas to compel attendance at the hearing.
Each Municipal Board may adopt rules and regulations governing
the conduct of the public hearing, as such rules and regulations are
not in conflict with the provisions of the Land Use Law of the State
of New Jersey and this chapter.
Technical rules of evidence shall not be applicable at the hearing,
but the Board may exclude irrelevant, immaterial or unduly repetitious
evidence or testimony.
The Board shall provide for the verbatim recording of the hearing
either by stenographer or by mechanical or electronic means. A transcript
or duplicate recording thereof shall be provided to any interested
party at his/her expense.
[Ord. No. 95-588 Art. IV]
Whenever a public hearing is required, the applicant shall comply
with the provisions of the Land Use Law of the State of New Jersey,
and the applicant shall give public notice at least 10 days prior
to the date set for the hearing, and the applicant shall file with
the Board an affidavit of proof of service.
[Ord. No. 95-588 Art. IV]
As a condition for Board approval, the applicant must submit
proof that no taxes or assessments for local improvements are due
or delinquent on the property for which any subdivision, site plan,
or planned development application is made.
[Ord. No. 95-588 Art. IV]
The fees set forth in this chapter are nonrefundable and are
to cover the cost incurred by the Borough in processing the application.
Escrows are to pay for the cost of professional review by the
Borough Engineer, Planning Consultant, Attorney and other professionals
employed by the Board to review and make recommendations on the application.
At the time of the submission of the application, the applicant shall
be required to sign an escrow agreement to cover the cost of professional
review. The amount to be specified in the escrow agreement is an estimate,
which is required to be paid prior to certification of completion
of application. If from time to time, additional escrow is needed,
the applicant shall be required to pay the additional escrow prior
to being permitted to take the next step in the process, or obtain
occupancy permits.
In the event that the posted escrow exceeds the amount required,
the excess will be refunded to the applicant within 14 days of the
issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the project.
[Ord. No. 95-588 Art. IV;
amended 11-1-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-1011]
a. Minor Subdivision:
2. Engineer Review: $2,000 plus $75 per additional lot over one.
3. Legal Review/Costs: $1,800.
b. Major Subdivision (preliminary plot):
2. Engineer Review: $4,000 plus $75 per lot created.
3. Legal Review/Costs: $3,000.
4. Planning Review:
Residential: Included in above.
Nonresidential: Included in above.
c. Final Major Subdivision:
2. Engineer Review: $2,500 plus $75 per each lot created.
3. Legal Review/Costs: $2,000.
4. Planning Review:
Residential: Included in above.
Nonresidential: Included in above.
d. Planned Unit Development:
2. Engineer Review: $4,000 plus $40 each unit.
3. Legal Review/Costs: $3,000.
4. Planning Review: $2,000 plus $40 each unit.
e. Regional Shopping Center:
2. Engineer Review: $20,000.
4. Planning Review: $2,000 plus $40 per 100 square feet of floor area.
[Ord. No. 95-588 Art. IV;
amended 11-1-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-1011]
a. Site Plan — Minor:
2. Engineering Review: $2,500.
4. Planning Review:
Residential: Included in above.
Nonresidential: Included in above.
b. Site Plan — Preliminary:
2. Engineering Review:
Residential: $3,500 plus $100 per dwelling unit.
Nonresidential: $4,000 plus $200 per additional acre.
4. Planning: Included in above.
c. Site Plan — Final:
2. Engineering Review.
Residential: $1,000 plus $50 per dwelling unit.
Nonresidential: $2,000 plus $100 per additional acre.
4. Planning: Included in above.
d. Miscellaneous Other Fees:
1. Amended Plans: $200 plus $50 original.
2. Property Owner's List: $10.
3. Conditional Use (Without Site Plan): $500.
[Ord. No. 95-588 Art. IV;
amended 11-1-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-1011]
a. Prior to the construction of any improvements required by the Planning
Board and/or Zoning Board of Adjustment and prior to final approval
of major subdivision, minor subdivision, apartment project, shopping
center or other site plan, the applicant shall deposit and maintain
with the Borough a fund of not less than 5% of the estimated costs
of the required on- and off-site improvements as determined by the
Municipal Engineer, to cover costs of inspection of improvements;
provided, however, that the minimum escrow deposit shall be $200 and
the maximum escrow deposit shall be $10,000.
b. If any time during the inspection of the construction of the said
improvements it becomes evident that the escrow deposit is or will
be insufficient to cover the costs thereof, the applicant shall make
such additional deposits in amounts to be determined by the Municipal
Engineer based upon the estimated remaining costs required to properly
review and inspect the on- and off-site improvements.
[Ord. No. 95-588 Art.
IV; amended 11-1-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-1011]
a. Use Variance (applications made under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70d):
Use Variance
Engineer Review (if applicable)
Legal Review
Planning Review (if in conjunction with subdivision)
See fees per Subsection 23-4.8
b. Bulk Variance (applications made under N.J.S.A. 40:55-70(c):
Bulk Variance
Engineer Review (if applicable)
Legal Review
Publication Fees
c. Appeals (applications made under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70(a):
Engineer Review (if applicable)
Legal Review
Publication Fees
d. Interpretations (applications made under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70(b):
Engineer Review (if applicable)
Legal Review
Publication Fees
e. Miscellaneous:
Planning Review (if applicable) not in conjunction with a subdivision)
See fees per Subsection 23-4.9
[Ord. No. 96-619; amended 11-1-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-1011]
[Ord. No. 2006-789 Art.
a. Purpose. It is the purpose of this subsection to impose upon developers
the costs incurred by Pine Hill Borough in updating the municipal
Tax Map/GIS database as a result of the approval of various subdivisions
or the creation of any new lots within Pine Hill Borough. Said costs
are directly related to the development procedure, and thereby Pine
Hill Borough determines that they should be borne by the developer/applicant
for all said subdivisions.
1. Tax Map/GIS Database Update Fees. Each applicant and/or developer
for any approval which results in the creation of any new lots, revision
of any existing lots, and/or other alterations to the Tax Map/GIS
database, shall be responsible for paying all reasonable charges incurred
by the Engineer in updating said Tax Map/GIS database. These costs
shall include, but not be limited to, update to the GIS database,
revisions to existing Tax Map plates, creation/addition of new Tax
Map plates, appropriate revisions to the Key Map(s), reprographic
services for applicable City, County and State submission copies,
as well as any reasonable shipping and handling fees involved.
2. Electronic File Submission Standards.
Required Data. In addition to any/all hardcopy submissions already
required of all map and plan materials currently being submitted to
the Borough of Pine Hill, a digital graphics file containing the data
outlined in paragraph b shall also be submitted with each project.
All files must be submitted in a .dwg or .dxf file format.
All electronic files must be created in NEW JERSEY State Plane
Coordinate System North American Datum 1983 (NAD 83), in US Survey
All linework shall connect at line end points Overlaps, gaps
or dangles are not acceptable. Polygon objects, such as parcels or
other boundaries, shall be created from line segments, connecting
to adjacent linework at intersections. Single, closed polygons are
not to be used where coincidental boundaries may occur. All text shall
be clearly legible and not obscured by polygon boundaries/linework.
b. Submission Time frame. All digital files for proposed property upgrades/changes/improvements
shall be submitted to the Borough of Pine Hill within 15 days of recordation
of the Final Plat or Parcel Map. Upon acceptance of the improvements
by the Planning/Zoning Board the digital files for all public, private
and site development, upgrades, changes and/or improvements shall
be submitted by the originating party. These digital files shall contain
all information as shown on the approved, hardcopy plans, as well
as any approved changes or revision, and any/all "As-Built" information.
Any proposed deviation from these guidelines shall be considered by
the Planning/Zoning Board on a case by case basis only.
c. Minimum Content Requirements. The following minimum information must
be provided as outlined for each type of project referenced:
1. SIGNALIZATION DATA: Striping, traffic signs, traffic signals, legend.
2. CONTOUR DATA: Contour lines and contour elevations.
3. GRADING DATA: Street grade, top of curb elevations.
4. ROAD DATA: Right-of-way lines, street name(s), sign locations, center
line locations, median island locations, sidewalk locations, retaining
wall locations, sound barrier locations, driveway/gutter line locations,
curblines, handicap ramp locations, traffic light locations, tree/shrub
locations, legend.
5. SURFACE DATA: Water body locations, stream/drainage ditch locations,
park locations, railroad locations, bike path/trail locations, well
locations, aboveground storage tank locations, legend.
6. SURVEY DATA: Boundary line locations, monument locations, center
line locations, lot/parcel boundaries, easement locations, control
lines, legend.
7. UTILITIES DATA: Transmission line locations, pole locations, transformer
locations, lateral locations, meter locations, valve locations, cleanout
locations, manhole locations, catch basin locations, hydrant locations,
culvert/culvert fencing locations, water line locations, sanitary
sewer line locations, stormwater drainage facility locations, legend.
d. Fees. Fees to be escrowed by developer for mapping are as follows:
Electronic Mapping Major Subdivision
Manual Mapping Major Subdivision
$45 per lot
$55 per lot
Electronic Mapping Tax Map
Manual Mapping Tax Map
$45 per lot
$55 per lot