[Ord. 2/24/72, § 1; Ord. 10/15/98, § 1; Ord. No. 08-016G, § 1; Ord. No. 18-015G § 4]
As used in this chapter:
BUILDING - Shall mean a structure enclosed with roof, exterior walls or fire walls, built, erected and framed of component structural parts, designed for the housing, shelter, enclosure and support of individuals, animals or property of any kind.
SEWER - Shall mean any sewer or main designed or used for collection or disposal of sanitary sewage within the Borough.
SANITARY SEWAGE - Shall mean the water-carried wastes resulting from the discharge of toilets, laundry tubs, washing machines, sinks, dishwashers, or any other sources of water-carried waste of human origin or containing putrescible material. "Sanitary sewage" does not include the drainage of storm or rain waters or such natural surface or subsurface waters as may accumulate in cellars, basements or low ground areas.
CONNECTION DATE - Shall mean the 90th day following the service of a notice from the Borough that a sewer is available to serve a building except that in the case of a building completed subsequent to the availability of a sewer to the premises on which a building is located, "connection date" shall mean the date of the initial occupancy of the building or the date of the issuance of a certificate of occupancy therefor, whichever of the dates shall be the earlier.
For the purpose of this section, a PROPERTY - Shall be deemed to front on a sewer if any of its boundaries abut a street or easement at a point opposite a sewer in such street or easement which is part of a sewer of the Borough or where a building is located upon a street or easement in which a sewer is now or hereafter constructed.
DRAIN WATER - Shall mean drainage from or of ground, storm or rain water or such natural surface or subsurface water as may accumulate in cellars, basements or low ground areas or which has been collected from structures, yards, pools, ponds or driveways, such as but not limited to roof areas, downspouts, yard drains or driveway drains.
[Ord. 2/24/72, § 2; Ord. 10/15/98, § 1]
Every connection required by this section shall be made in a manner to discharge into the sewer all waste and sanitary sewage originating in the building in accordance with and subject to the rules and regulations heretofore or hereafter adopted by the Borough or by the Board of Health of the Borough which connection shall be subject to the right of inspection and approval by the Board of Health. All connection charges, service charges and inspection fees imposed by the Borough and by the Board of Health of the Borough shall be paid promptly when due.
[Ord. 2/24/72, § 3; Ord. 10/15/98, § 1]
The owner of each building located on property which now or hereafter fronts upon a sewer or is located upon any street in the Borough in which a sewer is now or hereafter constructed shall connect such building and property with the sewer prior to the connection date for the purpose of delivering sewage from each building into the sewer.
[Ord. 2/24/72, § 3; Ord. 10/15/98, § 1]
The connection shall be subject to and in conformity with the rules and regulations and sewer system standards heretofore or hereafter adopted by the Board of Health regulating and providing for the construction of such connections and providing for the improvement, maintenance and repair of such connections and prescribing the kind of materials to be used in the original connection and in improving and repairing the same and the method of doing the same. Unless a toilet is already installed therein, every owner of such building shall install at least one toilet therein and connect such building and every toilet therein with the sewer. Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsections 9-1.2 and 9-1.3, in the event and to the extent that the provisions thereof or of any other section of this section are inconsistent with or impose less restrictive standards than any other ordinance of the Borough presently in effect or hereafter adopted, the provisions of such other ordinance or ordinances shall prevail. The Board of Health shall have the right to inspect such connections as well as the sanitary sewerage facilities which are used in discharging through such connections into the mains of the Borough.
[Ord. 2/24/72, § 4; Ord. 10/15/98, § 1]
The executive officer of the Board of Health shall mail a notice to connect to every owner of a building and property located within the area in the Borough in which a sewer shall have been installed and is ready to receive sewage.
[Ord. 2/24/72, § 5; Ord. 10/15/98, § 1]
If the owner of any property affected by this section shall neglect, after notice is given as provided in R.S. 40:63-52 to 40:63-64, inclusive, to make any such sewer connection or installation of toilet, the Borough may cause such connection or installation to be made under its direction and supervision or award one or more contracts for the making of such improvement, and such sewer connection or installation charge shall bear interest and be a first and paramount lien against the respective property or properties so connected with the sewer to the same extent as assessments for local improvements, and shall be collected and enforced in the same manner, all as provided in R.S. 40:63-54.
[Ord. 8/13/64; Ord. 10/15/98, § 1; Ord. No. 08-016G, § 1; Ord. No. 18-015G § 4]
No owner, occupant, or tenant of residential, educational, religious, commercial, or industrial properties situated in the Borough of Rumson, or any plumbing contractor hired by same, shall connect or maintain the connection or permit to be connected or permit the maintenance of the connection of drain water, sump pumps, roof leaders, roof drains, swimming pools, ornamental ponds, water cooled refrigeration, air conditioning units, fire sprinkler systems, and any other similar devices with the Borough of Rumson's and/or the Two Rivers Water Reclamation Authority's sanitary sewer system.
[Ord. 10/15/98, § 1]
All existing connections, direct or indirect, to the sanitary sewer system as stated in subsection 9-1.7 shall be disconnected and physically cut off no later than 120 days from the adoption of this subsection.
[Ord. 10/15/98, § 1; Ord. No. 08-016G, § 1; Ord. No. 16-001G § 5; Ord. No. 16-006G § 7; Ord. No. 18-015G § 4]
Existing Units. All existing units will be inspected by the Superintendent of Wastewater Management or his authorized designee in order to ensure compliance with this chapter.
New Units. A Certificate of Occupancy will not be issued for new units until the Superintendent of Wastewater Management or his authorized designee has completed his inspection pursuant to this chapter.
Commercial Sewer Line Grease Traps. The Borough shall inspect all grease traps of a commercial operation a minimum of twice a year or on an as needed basis to confirm grease trap is operating properly.
Certified Inspections and Reports.
When a development permit is required per subsection 22-3.4 for new residential construction or lifting an existing residential structure within a special flood hazard area, a closed-circuit televised video inspection of the sanitary sewer lateral pipe servicing the structure shall be completed, unless waived by the Administrative Officer (Zoning Officer).
The inspection shall capture the full length of the sewer lateral from the dwelling to its connection into the Borough's sanitary sewer main.
A report which identifies offset joints, breaks, obstructions, back-pitched pipe, heavy debris, standing water, inflow and infiltration, heavy staining, and other structural deficiencies shall be supplied to the Borough.
The report shall identify each deficiency with a footage from a distinctive starting location. The report shall also include a copy of the video inspection. The inspection and report shall be dated and signed by the agent responsible for conducting the inspection.
The property owner is responsible to correct all deficiencies between the dwelling and curb or edge of pavement as identified in the report or as required by the Borough. The methods utilized to correct the deficiencies shall be approved by the Borough. A building permit is required in accordance with the applicable Uniform Construction Code or Chapter 8 of the Borough Ordinance. Inspections will be conducted by the Borough to ensure the necessary repairs are completed.
Any deficiencies noted between the curb or edge of pavement and the Borough's sanitary sewer main may be addressed by the Borough at the discretion of the Borough.
Drain water inspections are required prior to Certificate of Occupancy being issued. Inspection shall include the location of all discharges and roof leaders, roof drains, structures, yards, pools, ponds or driveways, such as but not limited to roof areas, downspouts, yard drains or driveway drains. If the connection is found at the time of the inspection, a violation shall be issued.
[Ord. 10/15/98, § 1; Ord. No. 08-016G, § 1; Ord. No. 18-015G § 4]
Any person(s), firm(s) or corporation(s) who violates or neglects to comply with any provisions of this section or any rule or regulation promulgated pursuant thereto, shall be subject to the penalty as stated in Chapter 3, § 3-1. In the case of an illicit connection or an illicit connection of drain water, a $2000.00 fine will be issued per violation.
The owner of every property connected to the municipal sewers of the Borough or to whose property such sewers are available shall pay service charges and other charges in accordance with the following schedule:
[Ord. 2/24/72; Ord. 5/23/85; Ord. 12/23/86; Ord. No. 08-016G, § 1]
Type of Service
No. of Unit Charges
a. Single family dwelling
b. Multi-family dwelling (Apartment house, duplex, garden apartments, rooming house, boarding house, hotel, motel, trailer park, school dormitories)
1. For each housekeeping unit
2. For each apartment
3. For each room designed for not more than two people with separate sanitary facilities
4. For each room without separate sanitary facilities
c. Commercial establishments (including stores, offices, shopping centers) (See Note C)
1. Up to four persons working or employed therein
2. For each additional person over four working or employed therein, per person
d. Industrial establishments
(See Note C)
e. Schools
1. Per 100 students and personnel or fraction thereof
2. Additional for showers per 100 students and personnel
3. Additional for cafeterias with kitchen facilities per 100 students and personnel
f. Churches, public buildings (other than schools), libraries, fire houses
g. Service stations and/or garages (without automatic or semi-automatic car washing facilities)
h. Theaters, for each 100 person capacity or fraction thereof
i. Restaurants, luncheonettes, diners, taverns, catering establishments, social or commercial dining facilities, laundries, hospitals, post offices, automatic and semi-automatic car washing facilities, and other major waste producing facilities which consume up to and in excess of 100,000 gallons annually.
j. Unimproved lots where connection stubs have been installed (See Note E).
A. Charges will be separately established by negotiation for types of users not described above.
B. Minimum charge per connection will be one unit.
C. Charges shall be established for approved industrial wastes, based on the quantity and concentration of wastes compared with that of domestic wastes. Charges shall be established on the basis of costs of the Borough for treatment or handling of particular wastes. Such charges shall be additional to the stipulated charges for commercial establishments.
D. Part-time employees shall be counted as one-half person each in the previous schedule.
E. Unimproved lots, where connection stubs have been installed at municipal expense, shall pay one unit charge per year for a period of three years or until such time as the lot has been improved, whichever occurs the sooner, provided, however, that upon completion of an improvement upon such lot, the owner shall thereafter pay the charges hereinabove provided for an improvement of the type completed.
F. Borough Fire Department and First Aid Squad buildings are exempt from charges.
[Ord. 2/24/72]
Charges for manholes, stubs, additional wyes, risers, new manholes, and similar installations, will be made at actual cost to the Borough, plus an administrative charge of twenty-five (25%) percent.
Special charges will be made for garbage grinders in excess of 1/2 horsepower.
[Ord. 2/24/72; Ord. 2/14/80; Ord. 2/23/84; Ord. 3/13/86, § 1; Ord. 2/26/86, § 1; Ord. 2/27/92, § 1; Ord. 1/28/93, § 1; Ord. 3/21/02, § 1; Ord. 4/28/05, § 1; Ord. No. 08-002G, § 1]
A unit charge shall be $400 per year, effective January 1, 2008.
[Ord. 2/24/72; Ord. 1/28/93, § 2; Ord. 3/21/02, § 1; Ord. 4/28/05, § 2; Ord. No. 08-002G, § 2]
The sewer charge shall be due and payable by semi-annual installments of $200 each per unit, due on April 1 and October 1 with a 10 day grace period for each.
[Ord. 2/24/72; Ord. 1/28/93, § 3; Ord. No. 08-016G, § 1]
All unpaid sewer charges will be assessed interest in accordance with the Borough Council's resolution authorizing interest to be charged on delinquent taxes.
[Ord. 12/19/02, § 1; Ord. 11/20/03, § 1; Ord. 4/28/05, § 3; Ord. No. 08-016G, § 1; Ord. No. 13-009G; Ord. No. 17-010G § 4; amended 8-8-2023 by Ord. No. 23-002G]
The following fees and guarantees shall be paid prior to any inspection and issuance of any permit by the Borough:
1. Disconnect fee
2. Reconnect fee
3. Existing tap connection fee
4. New construction connection
5. Performance guarantee prior to any approval
6. One year maintenance guarantee
Before the Borough inspects a connection, a disconnection or a reconnection, the appropriate party requesting the same shall obtain and file an application with the Borough. The expense of the connection, disconnection, or reconnection is the responsibility of the owner or the other appropriate party.
Before a demolition permit is issued for either a partial or complete demolition of a structure containing plumbing facilities, it shall be required by the property owner to first cap the sanitary sewer connection so no debris can enter the sewer system. The only exception to this is in the case of a residence, if the home is going to be occupied during construction, a waiver may be granted by the Plumbing Inspector and Sewer Superintendent after acceptable precautionary measures have been demonstrated.
[Ord. 4/13/72, § 1; Ord. No. 08-016G, § 1]
No person other than Borough personnel, fire company personnel, unless authorized by the duly franchised water company for the area of the Borough in which such fire hydrant is located, is permitted to operate or take water from any public or private fire hydrant for street sprinkling, flushing sewers, stormwater drains or for building construction or for any purposes other than the fire protection purposes.
[Ord. 4/13/72, § 1; Ord. No. 08-016G, § 1]
Unusual use of fire hydrants may be permitted for other purposes when special permission is obtained from the water company in writing. Permits to use hydrants will not be issued during cold weather, more particularly the period from December 1 to April 1, but not limited thereto. The water company will permit such special use permit to its own regulations.
[Ord. 4/13/72, § 1; Ord. No. 08-016G, § 1]
No wrenches of any sort, other than the one supplied with the permit, shall be used for opening or closing hydrants. The water company will supply the Borough Public Works Department, the Borough Police Department and the Borough Fire Companies with the necessary wrenches to be retained permanently for their respective use. Anyone using a hydrant shall display his permit forthwith if requested. No attachment of any sort shall be left connected to a hydrant except when it is in actual use. No hydrant shall be left unattended while attachments are connected during the time it is in use. The hydrant must be shut, attachments removed, caps replaced and the hydrant left in readiness for instant use when unattached.
[Added 12-17-2019 by Ord. No. 19-007G]
As used in this section, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
A freestanding toilet that is not connected to a home or sewer system or below-ground septic system. The unit has an internal tank to hold human waste.
Multiple portable toilets in one unit or in one trailered unit.
Zones 1, 2, 3 portable toilet or portable toilet systems shall be placed a minimum of 15 feet from the side or rear property line and 20 feet from the curbline or edge of roadway.
Zones 4, 5, 6 portable toilet or portable toilet systems shall be placed a minimum of five feet from the side or rear property line and 10 feet from the curbline or edge of roadway.
All portable toilet or portable toilet system doors shall face the opposite of the street front property line.
Any person(s), firms or corporation(s) who violates or neglects to comply with any provisions in this section, or any rule or regulation pursuant thereto, shall be subject to the penalty as stated in Chapter 3, § 3-1.