[Ord. 4/28/60, § I]
As used in this chapter:
SWIMMING POOL - Shall mean and include either outdoor or indoor, public or private pools which are artificially constructed to provide recreational facilities for swimming, bathing or wading.
WADING POOL - Shall mean and include artificially constructed pools not designated or used for swimming with a maximum area not exceeding 120 square feet and a maximum water depth not exceeding 12 inches.
[Ord. 4/28/60, § II]
It shall be unlawful to establish or construct a swimming pool without first obtaining a permit therefor in the manner hereinafter prescribed. No permit shall be required for a wading pool.
[Ord. 4/28/60, § III; Ord. 7/8/82; Ord. No. 08-016G, § 1]
Applications for a permit to construct a swimming pool accompanied by a) two sets of plans, b) three copies of the proposed grading plan to be submitted and approved by the Borough Engineer, and c) Zoning information must be submitted on a survey showing location of the pool, "noting" setback requirements for the Zone, existing and proposed lot coverage, location of pool equipment and location and type of fencing to be installed. The Building Subcode Official shall not pass upon the structural features or durability of the pool except, insofar as may be necessary, to assure safe and sound construction in accordance with the New Jersey State Uniform Construction Code and for the purpose of insuring compliance with the terms of this chapter.
Construction of a public pool is subject to all requirements above and review and approval from the Health Officer.
[Ord. 4/28/60, § V; Ord. No. 08-016G, § 1]
There shall be no physical connection between a potable public or private water supply system and such pools at a point below the maximum flow line of the pool or to a recirculating or heating system of a pool unless the physical connection is so installed and operated that no pool water can be discharged or siphoned into a potable water supply system.
[Ord. 4/28/60, § VI; Ord. No. 08-016G, § 1]
All swimming pools hereafter constructed shall be provided with not over one two- (2) inch diameter galvanized iron pipe or approved equal drain extending from the pool to a storm sewer, provided however, that if such drain should be connected to a storm sewer, the permit for the construction of the pool shall not be issued without the written approval of the Borough. If such connection to the storm drain is permitted, it shall be made under the supervision of and in accordance with specifications approved by the Borough.
In the event that it is not practicable to drain a proposed swimming pool into a storm sewer as hereinabove provided, facilities may be constructed so that such pool may be emptied or drained by spraying the water therefrom upon the lawn of the owner, provided, however, that if such facilities and method of drainage are to be employed, no permit for such pool shall be issued until the application therefor has been approved by the Borough. Such method of drainage and facilities to be provided therefor are practicable, that the owner's lawn is capable of absorbing the water at the rate at which it is proposed to discharge and the same thereon and that such discharge of water thereon will not adversely affect any abutting property, public or private. The pool shall be situated that normal surface water shall drain away from the pool.
[Ord. 4/28/60, § VII; Ord. No. 08-016G, § 1]
All swimming pools shall be so constructed, installed and maintained as to provide necessary equipment for chlorination and/or other disinfection and filtering to comply with approved bacteriological standards as may be promulgated by regulations issued by the State of New Jersey.
[Ord. 4/28/60, § VIII; Ord. No. 08-016G, § 1]
Refer to Development Regulations, Chapter 22, Section 22-5, ZONING DISTRICT REGULATIONS.
[Ord. 4/28/60, § IX; Ord. No. 08-016G, § 1]
No artificial lighting shall be maintained or operated in connection with the pool in such a manner as to be a nuisance to or an annoyance to neighboring properties.
[Ord. 4/28/60, §§ X & XI; Ord. 3/26/81, § 1; Ord. No. 08-016G, 1]
All outdoor swimming pools shall be enclosed by a substantial fence in accordance with the New Jersey State Uniform Construction Code.