[1976 Code § 52-1; Ord. No. 4-79]
The Township Committee makes the following findings and determinations:
The topographic maps of the Township prepared by Midlantic Aerial Surveyors, Inc., constitute valuable and irreplaceable property of the Township.
These maps constitute a valuable and irreplaceable record of the physical condition of the surface of the land in the Township at the time of the flight photograph.
Careful supervision of the use and custody of the foregoing is necessary to prevent the loss of or damage to the foregoing maps which have been prepared in reproducible form on Mylar.
The use of these maps to make copies by tracing on tracing paper and the unsupervised handling of these maps will accelerate the physical deterioration of the same and will expose the same to an unreasonable risk of damage, deterioration and destruction.
The Township has, in the office of the Township Engineer, facilities to make prompt accurate copies, prints and sepias of these maps by reproduction methods which, if done by supervised personnel, will not expose these maps at any unreasonable risk of loss, damage, deterioration or destruction.
The cost of the preparation of the topographical maps has been paid out of general taxation, and the cost of supervision of the care and custody of the same and the cost of making prints and reproducible copies such as sepias thereof will be paid out of general taxation. Accordingly it is right and proper that fees for such prints and copies shall be established to recover these past and future costs, in advance, with the value of the information and data that such copies have been based on an acreage basis.
[1976 Code § 52-2; Ord. No. 4-79]
The Township Engineer is hereby charged with the custody, safekeeping, care, control and use of the hereinabove-specified maps.
[1976 Code § 52-3; Ord. No. 4-79]
The following regulations are established to govern the storage and use of the maps and shall be enforced by the Township Engineer:
The maps shall be kept in locked fireproof files.
No one shall take any map out of the office of the Township Engineer.
No one shall make any tracing or other hand copy by tracing methods of any such map.
During normal office hours, on request, the Township Engineer or his/her designee may expose to view in the office of the Township Engineer any single sheet of the aforesaid maps without releasing or surrendering physical possession of the same without charge or other fee.
During normal business hours, on written request and on receipt of proof that the proper fees, herein established, have been paid to the Chief Financial Officer, the Township Engineer or his/her designee shall reproduce and deliver the requested copies (which may be either prints or reproducible copies such as sepias) of any of the foregoing maps and demand and receive a receipt therefor which shall contain over the recipient's signature the following statement: "The undersigned, for and in consideration of the above-specified reproducible copies of topographic maps, at a scale of one inch equals 100 feet, property of the Township of Holmdel, in the County of Monmouth, agrees that he/she will not produce, sell, assign or transfer copies thereof, that he/she will not sell, transfer or assign the above-specified reproducible copy and that he/she will not permit, suffer or allow the sale, assignment or transfer of the above-specified reproducible copy nor the sale, assignment or transfer of copies thereof during the next 10 years, except that he/she may transfer or assign to a subsequent purchaser a copy of any portion of a map which he has purchased or legally received, which depicts property he/she owns and has contracted to sell to such person(s)."
In addition the Township Engineer shall require that each print or sepia delivered as aforesaid shall bear the recipient's signature under the following statement: "The undersigned, for and in consideration of the receipt of this copy of a topographic map of a part of the Township of Holmdel agrees that the undersigned will not sell, assign or transfer this copy, will not sell, assign or transfer a reproduction of this copy and will not suffer, allow or permit the sale, assignment or transfer thereof of any copy or reproduction thereof, except that he/she may transfer or assign to a subsequent purchaser a copy of any portion of a map which he/she has purchased or legally received, which depicts property he/she owns and has contracted to sell to such person(s)."
In addition, each print or sepia delivered as aforesaid shall bear or be clearly stamped with the following: "The sale, assignment or transfer of this map or of any portion of this map and the sale, assignment or transfer of any copy or reproduction of any portions of this map is prohibited; and any such action will, upon conviction in the Holmdel Township Municipal Court, subject the individual to the penalties established by law, except that he/she may transfer or assign to a subsequent purchaser a copy of any portion of a map which he/she has purchased or legally received, which depicts property he/she owns and has contracted to sell to such person(s)."
[1976 Code § 52-4; Ord. No. 4-79]
No person who obtains a print or sepia or other form of reproducible copy of any sheet or portion of a sheet of the aforesaid topographic map, to a scale of one inch equals 100 feet, shall sell, assign or transfer or permit, suffer or allow the sale, assignment or transfer of such reproduction or copy thereof or the sale, assignment or transfer of any portion thereof or the sale, assignment or transfer of any reproduction or copy of a portion thereof.
[1976 Code § 52-5; Ord. No. 4-79]
All applications for copies of the aforesaid maps shall be made to the Township Engineer, on application forms to be prepared by the Township Engineer, agreeable to the terms of this section.
[1976 Code § 52-6; Ord. No. 4-79]
All fees herein established shall, after computation by the Township Engineer or his/her designee, be paid to the office of the Chief Financial Officer and the office of the Chief Financial Officer is authorized to accept and deposit the same and to issue receipts therefor on such forms as shall be acceptable for presentation to the Township Engineer prior to the delivery of the requested prints or copies of such maps or of any portion thereof.
The following fees are established for prints, sepias or other similar reproducible copies of the aforesaid topographic maps; and such fees, computed by the Township Engineer or his/her designee in accordance with the schedule of rates below, shall be charged, paid and collected before delivery of any such copy. When the fee schedule bases the rate on the acreage, the acreage shall be determined by the Township Engineer or his/her designee and noted on the application form and on the print or sepia. The acreage shall be rounded to the nearest whole acre. When the determination of the fee involves the application of more than one rate per acre, the rates per acre shall be applied in the order hereinbelow set forth. When successive applications are made by the same applicant, each application shall be treated as a new application for the purpose of computing the fee. All fees shall be computed in accordance with the following schedule of rates:
Schedule of Rates. Topographic maps to a scale of one inch equals 100 feet with a contour interval of 2.0 feet meeting National Map Standards.
Rate per acre.
$7 per acre for the first 50 acres [$350].
$6 per acre for the second 50 acres [$300].
$5 per acre for each additional acre.
There shall be a minimum charge of $100 for each map or portion thereof and a charge of $720 per sheet.
[1976 Code § 52-7; Ord. No. 4-79]
It is in the public interest and permissible to lend, without charge, copies of the maps to agencies of the Federal, State or County governments whenever there will be a direct benefit to the Township of Holmdel. The following procedures shall govern the free loan of the maps to other public agencies:
A written application shall be made on a form to be prepared by the Township Engineer. The application shall be filed with the Township Engineer, who shall forward the same to the Township Committee, together with his/her recommendations with respect thereto.
The Township Committee shall review each application and the recommendation of the Township Engineer and will, by resolution, authorize the Township Engineer to issue the requested maps.
[1976 Code § 52-6; Ord. No. 4-79]
The Township does not certify the accuracy of the topographical mapping prepared from the aerial photographs taken and does not ensure the accuracy of same nor the acceptance of same by the Township or any of its authorities or agencies.
In addition to a duly executed application form, the Township Engineer shall require each applicant to execute a statement indicating his/her acknowledgement of the necessity of a field check to determine the accuracy of the mapping.
In addition, each print or sepia delivered as aforesaid shall bear or be clearly stamped with the following: "accuracy of this map subject to field check by recipient."
[1976 Code § 52-9]
Any person who knowingly violates any part of this section shall, upon conviction, be liable to the penalty stated in Chapter 1, Section 1-5.