[Adopted 7-20-1953 (Ch. 15 of the 1966 Code); amended in its entirety 7-16-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-10]
Title. This article shall be known as the "Nonresidential Property Code."
Policy. It is hereby found and declared that there exist in the Borough of Raritan structures used for nonresidential use which are or may become in the future substandard with respect to structure or maintenance, and further that such conditions, including but not limited to structural deterioration and lack of maintenance, constitute a menace to health, safety, welfare and reasonable comfort of the residents of the Borough of Raritan. It is further found and declared that, by reason of lack of maintenance and progressive deterioration, certain properties have the further effect of creating blighting conditions, and that if the same are not curtailed and removed, the aforesaid conditions will grow and spread and will necessitate in time the expenditure of large amounts of public funds to correct and eliminate the same, and that by reason of timely regulations and restrictions as herein contained, the growth of blight might be prevented and the neighborhood and property values thereby maintained, the desirability and amenities of nonresidential use and neighborhood enhanced, and the public health, safety and welfare protected and fostered.
Purpose. The purpose of this article is to protect the public health, safety and welfare by establishing minimum standards governing the maintenance, appearance and condition of nonresidential property; to fix certain responsibilities and duties upon owners, operators and occupants; to authorize and establish procedures for the inspection of nonresidential property; to establish procedures for implementing the requirements of this article; and to fix penalties for the violations of this article.
Every nonresidential building and the property on which it is situated shall comply with the provisions of this article, whether or not such building shall have been constructed, altered or repaired before or after enactment of this article.
Every nonresidential or mixed occupancy building and the premises on which it is situated, used or intended to be used for dwelling, commercial, business or industrial occupancy, shall comply with the provisions of this Code, whether or not such building shall have been constructed, altered or repaired before or after the enactment of this Code, and irrespective of any permits or licenses which shall have been issued for the use or occupancy of the building or premises, for the construction or repair of the building, or for the installation or repair of equipment or facilities prior to the effective date of this Code.
As used in this article, unless a different meaning is evident, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
The condition of a building or part thereof, characterized by holes, breaks, rot, crumbling, cracking, peeling, rusting or other evidence of physical decay, neglect, lack of maintenance or excessive wear.
Any room or any part thereof located within a building and forming a single habitable unit with facilities which are used, or designed to be used for living, sleeping, cooking and eating.
Any premises, or part thereof, which may be lawfully viewed by the public, or any member thereof, from a sidewalk, street, alleyway, parking lot or from any adjoining or neighborhood premises.
Any part of the premises not occupied by any building thereof; any open space on the outside of any building; or any part of any building which is exposed to the elements.
The control and elimination of insects, rodents, bats, birds, pigeons, and vermin by eliminating their harborage places; or by removing or making inaccessible material that may serve as their food; or by poisoning, spraying, fumigating, trapping or any other approved means of pest elimination.
All putrescible and nonputrescible wastes, including but not limited to garbage, rubbish, refuse, ashes, street cleaning material, dead animals, abandoned automobiles, and industrial waste.
A rented room or group of rooms, containing no cooking facilities, used for living purposes by a separate family or group of person living together or by a person living alone, within a building.
Any building containing one or more dwelling units or lodging units and also having a portion thereof devoted to nonresidential uses.
Nonresidential in whole or part.
Any person or persons, including the owner, in actual possession of, and using an entire building or any occupancy unit in a building.
Any person who has charge, care or control of nonresidential property or any possessory interest by way of lease or otherwise, including but not limited to an agent of the owner; a fiduciary of any kind of an estate; and a mortgagee in possession, regardless of how such possession was obtained. Any person who has any interest in property by sublease or assignment shall be deemed to be a co-operator with the lessee and shall have joint responsibility over the portion of the property sublet or assigned.
The holder or holders of the title to premises in fee simple.
The same as defined in N.J.S.A. 1:1-2.
The person or persons designated by the Borough Council to enforce this article.
Property or any part thereof, or a building or any part thereof, which may be lawfully viewed by the public or any member thereof.
Combustible or noncombustible wastes such as paper, wrappings, cigarettes, cardboard, cans, yard clippings, leaves, wood, glass, bedding, crockery and similar materials. See also "garbage."
Duties of owners and operators. Owners and operators shall have the duties and responsibilities prescribed herein, and no owner shall be relieved from such duties or responsibilities nor entitled to defend against any charge of violation threat by reason of the fact that the other of them or the occupant is also responsible therefor and in violation thereof.
Duties of occupants. Occupants shall have the duties and responsibilities prescribed by §§ 262-8.1, 262-8.2 and 262-8.3 hereof and occupants shall not be relieved of any such duties or responsibilities nor be entitled to defend against any charge of violation threat by reason of the fact that the owner or operator or both is or are also responsible therefor and in violation thereof.
The exterior of the premises shall be kept free of litter (including without limiting the generality of the foregoing, discarded, windblown, deposited, dropped or strewn paper, wrappings, cardboard, bottles, cans, and boxed) and all nuisances and hazards to the safety of tenants, occupants, pedestrians and other persons having access to the premises, and free of unsanitary conditions. Any of the foregoing shall be promptly removed and abated. The words "hazards" shall include but is not limited to the following:
Refuse: Brush, weeds, broken glass, stumps, roots, obnoxious growths, filth, garbage, trash, rubbish, refuse and debris of any description.
Natural growth: Dead and dying trees and other natural growth which, by reason of rotting or deteriorating conditions or storm damage, are or may be dangerous to persons in the vicinity thereof. Trees shall be kept pruned and trimmed to prevent such conditions.
Overhangs: Loose, overhanging and projecting objects or accumulations of ice and snow which by reason of location above ground level constitute dangers to persons in the vicinity thereof.
Ground, surface and unsanitary conditions: Holes, excavations, breaks, projections, obstructions and excretion of pets or other animals on paths, sidewalks, walks, driveways, parking lots and parking areas, and other parts of the exterior of the premises which are accessible to and used by persons having access to such premises.
Recurring accumulation of stormwater: Adequate run-off drains shall be provided and maintained in accordance with Borough ordinances to eliminate any such recurrent or excessive accumulation of stormwater. Leaders and gutters shall be maintained in good condition and capable of performing their functions.
Sources of infestation.
Foundation walls which are not structurally sound, free from defects and damage, or capable of bearing imposed loads safely.
Chimneys, flues and vent attachments thereto which are not structurally sound, free from defects and so maintained as to capably perform at all times the functions for which they were designed and constructed. Chimneys, flues, gas vents and other draft producing equipment shall provide sufficient draft to develop the rated outputs of the connected equipment, shall be structurally safe, durable, smoke tight, and capable of withstanding the action of the flue gases.
Exterior porches, landings, balconies, stairs and fire escapes which are not provided with properly designed and structurally sound bannisters or, railings or which are not kept in good repair, well painted or otherwise provided with a protective treatment to prevent deterioration, and free from defects.
The exterior of the premises shall be maintained so that the appearance thereof shall reflect a level of maintenance in keeping with the standards of the neighborhood or such higher standards as may be adopted by the Borough of Raritan and such that the appearance thereof shall not constitute a blighting effect upon neighboring properties nor an element leading to progressive deterioration and downgrading of neighboring properties with an accompanying diminution of property values including the following:
Landscaping: Where exposed to public view the landscaping of premises shall be maintained in an orderly state with lawns and bushes trimmed and free from becoming overgrown, littered and unsightly where such would constitute a blighting effect, depreciating adjoining and near property. Open areas shall be graded evenly to eliminate holes, depressions, gullies, mounds, accumulations of debris, excavated material or other unsightly or unsafe condition.
Signs and billboards. All permanent signs and billboards exposed to public view shall be maintained in good repair. Any sign or billboard which has weathered excessively or peeled or cracked shall, with the supporting members, be removed forthwith or put into a state of good repair. All nonoperative or broken electrical signs shall be repaired or shall, with their supporting members, be removed forthwith.
Windows and window display areas. All windows exposed to public view shall be kept clean and free of marks and foreign substances. Except when necessary in the course of changing displays, no storage of materials, stock or inventory shall be permitted in window display areas ordinarily exposed to public view unless such areas are first screened by drapes, venetian blinds, or other means of making the windows nontransparent. All screening of interiors shall be maintained in a clean and attractive manner and in good state of repair.
Repair and painting of exteriors of buildings: All storefronts and the exteriors of all buildings shall be kept in good repair, painted where required or otherwise provided with protective treatment sufficient to prevent deterioration and shall not constitute a safety hazard or nuisance. In the event repairs to the storefront become necessary, such repairs shall be made in harmony with the original design with the same materials or materials of appearance similar to those used in the construction of the storefront in such a manner as to permanently repair the damages area or areas.
Signs or advertisements; removal: Except for "for rent" signs, any temporary sign or other advertising material glued or otherwise attached to a window or otherwise exposed to public view shall be removed at the expiration of the event or sale for which it was erected or posted; or within 60 days after it was erected or posted, whichever shall have occurred sooner.
Except during the course of repairs or alterations, not more than 33 1/3% of the square footage of any single window or single window display area shall be devoted to temporary signs or other advertising material attached thereto or otherwise exposed to public view.
Awnings and marquees: Any awning or marquee and its accompanying structural members, which extend over any street, sidewalk or other portion of the premises shall be maintained in good repair and shall be so maintained as to not constitute a nuisance or a safety hazard. In the event any such awning or marquee is not properly maintained in accordance with the foregoing, it shall, together with its supporting members, be removed forthwith. In the event any such awning or marquee is made of cloth, plastic or of similar materials, the materials, where exposed to public view, shall be maintained in good condition and shall not show evidence of excessive weathering, discoloration, ripping, tearing, or other deterioration. Nothing herein shall be construed to authorize any encroachment of an awning, marquee or its accompanying structural members on streets, sidewalks, or other parts of the public domain.
Scaffolding: No temporary painting or scaffold or other temporary equipment used for construction, repair or maintenance shall be permitted to remain in place beyond a period of 90 days after erection or replacement thereof without permission of the Code Enforcement Officer.
The roof of every building shall be maintained water-tight and the exterior of every building, including gutters and leaders, shall be maintained in good repair, and all exterior surfaces thereof shall be kept painted or otherwise provided with a protective treatment where necessary for purposes of preservation and appearance. All exterior surfaces thereof shall be maintained free from broken glass, loose shingles or siding, crumbling masonry, excessively peeling paint or other condition reflective of deterioration or inadequate maintenance to the end that the building itself may be preserved, safety and fire hazards eliminated, and adjoining properties and the neighborhood protected from blighting influences.
Owners and operators shall have all the duties and responsibilities as prescribed in this article. No owner or operator shall be relieved from any such duty or responsibility because an occupant is also responsible therefor.
Occupants shall have all the duties and responsibilities as prescribed in this article. No occupant shall be relieved from any such duty or responsibility because an owner or operator is also responsible therefor.
The respective obligations and responsibilities of owners and operators and occupants as prescribed in this article shall not be affected by any agreement or contract by and between them or with other parties.
The provisions of this code shall be enforced by the Property Maintenance Officer.
Inspection of property. All nonresidential property shall be subject to inspection by the Zoning Officer or the Property Maintenance Officer. Those officials are hereby authorized to enter, examine and survey all nonresidential property. Owners, operators and occupants shall give those officials free access to nonresidential property for the purpose of such inspection when requested.
Whenever the Zoning Officer or Property Maintenance Officer determines that there are reasonable grounds to believe that there has been a violation of any provision of this Article, or of any rule or regulation adopted pursuant thereto, it shall give notice of such alleged violation to the person or persons responsible therefor as hereinafter provided. Such notice shall be put in writing; include a statement of the reasons why it is being issued; allow a minimum of five days for correction of the violation, thereafter, if the violation has not been corrected, the Zoning Officer or Property Maintenance Officer is authorized, at its option, to go to the Municipal Court for compliance or send a second notice, if the violation is not corrected at the end of the second notice time period, the Zoning Officer or Property Maintenance Officer may go to the Municipal Court for compliance, unless weather conditions will not allow for compliance.
A violation that is recurring justifies imposition of an immediate fine without the necessity for additional notice or interval in which correction can be made. A violation shall be deemed to be a recurring violation not requiring written notice or additional time for abatement if a violation occurs within two years from the date that a previous notice was served and the violation, premises and responsible party are substantially the same.
Any person affected by any notice which has been issued in connection with the enforcement of any provision of this article, or of any rule or regulation adopted pursuant thereto may seek relief therefrom in any Court of competent jurisdiction, as provided by the laws of this state.
The Board of Health and its agents shall continue to have enforcement authority over any violations of applicable laws, Codes, rules or regulations, either independently of the Office of Code Administration or in cooperation with it.
Any person who violates any of the provisions of this article shall, upon conviction thereof, be penalized by one or more of the following: a fine of not less than $100 and not more than $2,000; imprisonment in the county jail for not more than 90 days; community service for not more than 90 days.
Each twenty-four-hour period during which a violation exists shall constitute a separate and distinct offense.
Any person who is convicted of violating the provisions of this article within one year of the date of a previous violation shall be sentenced by a court to an additional fine as a repeat offender. The additional fine for a repeated offense shall not be less than $100 and not more than $2,000, but shall be calculated separately from the fine imposed for the new violation.
In any case where the provisions of this article impose a more restrictive standard than that set forth in any other ordinance or law, then the standards as set forth herein shall prevail, but if the provisions of this article impose a less restrictive standard than any other ordinance or law, then the more restrictive standard contained in such other ordinance or law shall prevail.