[1967 Code § 7-1.1]
Toilets shall be installed in any building occupied or used by human beings, and the building shall be and remain connected with the municipal sewage system.
[1967 Code § 7-1.2]
All buildings hereafter constructed for human habitation or use shall be provided with toilets and connected with the municipal sewage system prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy.
[1967 Code § 7-2.1; Ord. No. 7-2004; Ord. No. 13-2006; Ord. No. 5-2012; Ord. No. 4-2013 § 1]
The rate to be charged for the use of the municipal sewage system shall be based upon the total metered water consumption for the immediately preceding quarterly period and shall be at the rate of $6.57 per thousand gallons, with a minimum quarterly bill for $56.
The minimum allowance is based upon 8,000 gallons of water consumption. Water consumption in excess of 8,000 gallons per quarter will result in the imposition of an additional charge of $6.57 per thousand gallons of water consumed per quarter over said 8,000 gallons minimum.
[1967 Code § 7-2.2]
In cases where properties using the Borough sanitary sewer system are supplied in whole or in part by water from a source other than the water supply of the Borough, which is discharged into the Borough's sanitary sewer system, the measured flow shall be computed at the current rates for water supplied by the Borough to determine the sewer rental charge. The owner of each such property shall install, without cost to the Borough, an approved meter to measure the quantity of water received from sources other than the Borough's water supply system and discharged into the Borough's sanitary sewer system and shall permit employees of the Borough to have access thereto at reasonable times for the purpose of inspecting and reading the meter.
[1967 Code § 7-2.3]
Whenever a property upon which a sewer rental is imposed uses water from the Borough's water supply which is not discharged into the Borough's sanitary sewer system, the quantity of water not discharged shall be excluded in determining the sewer rental of that property, provided that there is installed, without cost to the Borough, a meter approved by the Borough to measure the quantity of water not discharged.
[1967 Code § 7-2.4; Ord. No. 5-2012; Ord. No. 4-2013 § 1]
The amount of the initial bill for sanitary sewer service shall be $56 per three months' minimum charge. Any portion of a month shall be computed as a whole month. All excess water consumption shall be computed in accordance with the meter readings of water to the nearest date of said quarterly billing.
Sump pump rate shall be billed at $15 per quarter. Garbage disposal rate shall be billed at $3.50 per quarter.
[1967 Code § 7-2.5]
When any premises discharges sewage which imposes an additional burden upon the sewage system or sewage treatment of the Borough beyond that imposed by the average sewage entering the sewage system or sewage treatment facilities, the resulting additional cost shall be an additional charge imposed upon the owner of the premises above the rate set forth in subsection 21-2.1. The average strength of raw sewage shall be determined by analysis of the sewage treatment inflow, and the adjustment for strength of the sewage shall be as follows:
One percent rate increase for each five parts per million that the five-day biochemical oxygen demand exceeds the normal biochemical oxygen demand of the average raw sewage.
One percent rate increase for each five parts per million that the suspended solids exceed the normal suspended solids of the average raw sewage.
One percent rate increase for each 50 parts per million that the total solids exceed the average total solids of the raw sewage.
One percent rate increase for each 25 parts per million that the acidity exceeds the normal acidity of the raw sewage as determined hereinbefore.
One percent rate increase for each 25 parts per million that the alkalinity exceeds the normal alkalinity of the raw sewage as determined hereinbefore.
One percent rate increase for each five parts per million that the chlorine demand exceeds the normal demand of the raw sewage as determined hereinbefore.
[1967 Code § 7-2.6]
When any premises discharges sewage with a concentration of any toxic substance exceeding the following:
Toxic Substance
Concentration (parts per million)
Phenol as C6H60
Cyanide as Cn
Copper as Cu
Chromium as Cr
Zinc as Zn
There shall be imposed upon the owner of the premises, in addition to the basic rate set forth in subsection 21-2.1, an additional charge as follows:
One percent rate increase for each one part per million of phenol in excess of one-tenth (.1) part per million.
One percent rate increase for each one part per million of cyanide in excess of two parts per million.
One percent rate increase for each one part per million of copper in excess of six parts per million.
One percent rate increase for each one part per million of chromium in excess of 15 parts per million.
One percent rate increase for each one part per million of zinc in excess of 10 parts per million.
[1967 Code § 7-2.7]
The Borough may compel the owner of premises discharging sewage of such character that it imposes an unreasonable burden on the sewage system or sewage treatment facilities to treat such sewage in a manner prescribed by the Borough before discharging it into the sewage system.
The officers, agents and employees of the Borough shall have the right to enter any premises connected directly or indirectly to the Borough sewage system at all reasonable times for the purpose of analyzing and testing the quantity and quality of the sewage discharging from the premises into the sewage system.
The Borough shall have the right to refuse any person the right to connect directly or indirectly with the sewage system if, in the opinion of the Division of Water and Sewer, the sewage or water discharged into the Borough sewage system or sewage treatment facilities is likely to be detrimental to the health, safety or welfare of the citizens of the Borough of Pitman.
All tests and analyses of sewage referred to in this section shall be performed in accordance with the edition of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Waste Water published by the American Public Health Association.
The cost of the installation of the sewer line from the sewer main to the property owner's line shall be charged to the respective property owners. This work shall be completed by the Borough, and actual cost, in addition to sewer fees, shall be paid by the property owner so benefited by that connection.
[1967 Code § 7-2.8; Ord. No. 5-2012; amended 1-22-2024 by Ord. No. 2-2024]
Applications to connect properties with the Borough sewage system shall be made in triplicate to the Clerk/Administrator of the Borough or, if established, with the Clerk of the Water and Sewer Department, who shall forward one copy to the Plumbing Inspector and one copy to the Superintendent of Public Works. One copy shall be retained by the Borough Water and Sewer Clerk. All applications shall be accompanied by the appropriate connection fee based upon the following schedule:
Schedule for Connection Permits
Four-inch sewer lateral permit
$850 - $1,500
Six-inch sewer lateral permit
$1,500 - $2,500
Eight-inch sewer lateral permit
$3,000 - $5,000
All other sewer connections made through the Borough sewage system not in accordance with the schedule shall be charged in accordance with the cost computed and verified by the Superintendent of Public Works.
Upon approval of the application, the connection permit shall be issued by the Municipal Clerk or the Clerk of the Water and Sewer Department to the applicant upon payment of the fees established herein.
[1967 Code § 7-2.9]
All connections must be made by a registered master plumber at a point designated by the Superintendent of Public Works and in a manner satisfactory to the Construction Official. All work shall be inspected and approved by the Construction Official or Plumbing Subcode Official prior to the excavation being backfilled.
[1967 Code § 7-2.10]
All rates and charges shall be payable on a quarterly basis in advance on January 15, July 15 and October 15 to the Clerk of the Division of Water and Sewer of the Borough of Pitman and shall be subject to interest at the rate of 8% per annum if not paid within one month from the date due. All rates and charges, until paid, shall be a lien upon the premises served, the same as all other taxes and municipal charges upon real estate, and the Borough of Pitman shall have the same rights for the collection of rentals and charges with interest and costs as the Borough has for the collection of taxes and other municipal liens upon real estate. Billing for both water and sewer will be based upon the previously scheduled billing dates, with all meters read to the nearest date thereto.
[1967 Code § 7-2.11]
The costs of all street openings made on any County, State or Borough street shall be borne by the customer according to the rates as may be established in Chapter 18; Street and Sidewalks. Any opening and closing of any street or roadway shall be subject to any County or State requirements, rules and regulations, in addition to the applicable local requirements. Street opening permits, in triplicate, along with the accompanying fee, must be turned in to the Borough Clerk when applications are made.
[1967 Code § 7-2.12]
It shall be the responsibility of the homeowner/service user to install, maintain, repair and/or replace sewer lines from the residential house and/or service user to the main located in the street area solely at the customer's expense. All costs relating to repair and/or replacement, including street openings, shall be the direct responsibility of the sewer customer. Where work shall be required of the Borough in conjunction with that of the service use, an application shall be filed, with the appropriate fees paid, pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, prior to the performance of any work to be performed.
[1967 Code § 7-3]
Every person having a device which discharges ground garbage into the Borough sewage system shall pay a quarterly fee of $2.50 for each such device, which shall be billed by the Borough on a quarterly basis.
The failure to report such garbage grinder will subject the violator, who shall be the owner of the premises as registered on the Tax Map of the Borough of Pitman, to a fine not in excess of $100 upon conviction thereof.
[Ord. No. 10-2011]
Time for Connection. The owners of all houses, buildings or properties used for human occupancy, employment, recreation or other purpose, situated within the Borough and abutting on any street, alley or right-of-way in which there is now located, or may in the future be located, a public water supply, are hereby required at their expense to connect directly with the public water supply in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, within 180 days after the date of official notice to do so.
Use of Well Water After Connection to Municipal System. After said connection, the utilization of any private well, pump or other means for the furnishing of water to the connected premises shall be discontinued, except if such private water supply is allowed for the purpose of irrigation, aesthetics or other non-potable use, so long as:
The well must be a separate water system, not connected in any way to the public water supply serving the premises;
The well water must not contain any primary health contaminant as defined by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP); and
A letter must be provided by the owner to the Borough's Clerk that the private well has been disconnected to the premises, and such well has been either abandoned, or is utilized for purposes other than non-potable use.
[1967 Code § 7-4.1; Ord. No. 11-2004; Ord. No. 13-2006; Ord. No. 5-2012; Ord. No. 4-2013 § 2; amended 1-22-2024 by Ord. No. 2-2024]
The following rates are established for the supply of water from the municipal water system of the Borough of Pitman:
Metered Water Rates Per Three-Month Period
Usage (gallons)
First 8,000 or less, minimum
Over 8,000 and up to 25,000, per thousand gallons
Over 25,000 and up to 50,000, per thousand gallons
Over 50,000, per thousand gallons
Minimum Water Rates, Payable in Advance, Per Three-Month Period
Meter Size
Minimum Charge
3/4 and 1
1 1/4, 1 1/2 and 2
Water for Construction Purposes, First Rate Payable in Advance
Dwellings, frame
8 rooms or fewer
9 to 12 rooms
Each additional room
Dwellings, brick, stone, block, concrete, stucco, formed stone or other types of masonry walls
8 rooms or fewer
Each additional room
Dwellings, part frame and part masonry
8 rooms or fewer
Each additional room
Private garages
Single car
Each additional car
For halls, churches, apartments and commercial and industrial buildings, special consideration will be given to each application, and a charge commensurate with the above schedule and based upon probable amount of water to be used will be determined and fixed.
Connection Charge for Installing Service Line in Trench Provided by Applicant
Three fourths inch service line
$850 for 3/4 inch lateral to curb and five-eighths (5/8) inch meter
One inch service line
$950 for one inch lateral to curb and 3/4 inch meter; $1,000 for one inch lateral to curb and one inch meter
Service line greater than one inch:
Property owner must apply for permit, purchase meter as directed, install and service in accordance with the Borough' s Plumbing Code and/ or the National Standard Plumbing Code.
Should it be necessary for the Borough to excavate or trench any portion thereof in order to make such installation, the applicant shall be charged for such additional work at cost. When such additional work is anticipated, the applicant shall deposit, in advance, the estimated cost for any excavation, trench or any portion thereof for work to be performed by the Borough.
Turn on charges
During regular business hours
During non-business hours and holidays
Turn-on charge
Turn-off charge
In the event that it is necessary to discontinue service to any property for nonpayment of any charges or fees for water service on more than one occasion within one year of the date of a prior discontinuance of service for the same reasons, then the following charges shall apply:
Turn-on charge on second occasion
Turn-off charge on second occasion
Turn-on charge for more than two occasions
Turn-off charge for more than two occasions
Fire Service Connection, Flat Rate Per Six Month Period, Payable in Advance
Meter Size (inches)
Fee for Testing Meter at Request of Customer
Five-eighths (5/8) inch meter
Larger meter
Actual cost, as shall be computed and verified by the Superintendent of Public Works
Where a water line is installed at the expense of the Borough of Pitman to provide fire protection for commercial/industrial buildings, the cost of such installation shall be paid by the property owner. Should more than one commercial/industrial property be connected to the water line, the cost of installation shall be divided equally among the commercial/industrial property owners connected.
[1967 Code § 7-4.2; amended 1-22-2024 by Ord. No. 2-2024]
Any person desiring introduction or connection of a service line not greater than one inch in diameter from the Borough's water main to their premises shall make a written application to the Clerk of the Division of Water and Sewer on the form furnished by the Borough. Introduction or connection to the Borough's water main includes every application for premises or property which has never previously been connected to the Borough's water utility system. The Borough will not accept applications for lines greater than one inch in diameter. Application shall be made at least one week before service is required and shall state the exact time when the trench will be ready for making the connection. The application must be signed by the person desiring service or his duly authorized agent, and be accompanied by the connection fee required by Schedule D of subsection 21-4.1.
[1967 Code § 7-4.3; Ord. No. 10-9 § 2; amended 1-22-2024 by Ord. No. 2-2024]
Upon approval of the application of person applying for service for lines not greater than three quarters inch in diameter, the Borough will tap the main, insert corporation cock, install service line to curb and curb stop and curb box, if not already existing, all of which shall be and remain the property of the Borough and be maintained by it. The applicant shall be assessed those fees required by Schedule D of subsection 21-4.1 for each connection. A separate service line shall be required for each premises, however, a premises may contain facilities for more than one occupant or family. For all lines greater in diameter than one inch, the property owner must install and connect in accordance with the regulations and specifications as set forth in the Borough's plumbing code and/ or the National Standard Plumbing Code. Property owners must purchase and install meters for all fire suppression equipment.
[1967 Code § 7-4.4; Ord. No. 10-9 § 3]
The service line beyond the curb stop shall be installed by and at the expense of the property owner, at a location approved by the Borough, and in accordance with the regulations and specifications as set forth in the Borough's plumbing code and/or the National Standard Plumbing Code. The service line shall not be covered until inspected and approved by the Borough Plumbing Subcode Official and if any defects in workmanship or material are found, or if service line has not been installed in accordance with the Borough's plumbing code and/or the National Standard Plumbing Code, water service will not be turned on until the defects have been remedied. The service line from curb to premises shall be kept in good condition and repair by and at the expense of the person receiving service under penalty of discontinuance of service.
[1967 Code § 7-4.5]
Any person desiring a supply of water through a service line already installed shall make written application to the Clerk of the Division of Water and Sewer on a form furnished by the Borough before service is desired. No charge will be made for turning on the water at an existing connection.
[1967 Code § 7-4.6; Ord. No. 7-2012]
The Borough will furnish, install and maintain one meter on each connection, except for a connection used for fire service only which may be installed without a meter. The Borough will determine the size and location of the meter and the customer will provide suitable housing facilities for the meter by providing a space at least two feet square and an unobstructed area for the proper reading, replacement and repair of the meter. The customer shall be responsible for the protection of the meter. Repairs to or replacement of meters damaged by the negligence of the customer shall be at the expense of the customer. An additional meter may be installed at the customer's expense as long as the additional meter is the identical type and manufacturer of the Borough-installed meter, and is installed in the service line after the Borough-installed meter.
The cost of any meter larger than five-eighths (5/8) inch shall be borne by the customer, but the meter will remain under ownership of and be maintained by the Borough.
Duly authorized employees or agents of the Division of Water and Sewer displaying proper identification shall have access to private premises at all reasonable hours for the purpose of reading, inspecting, testing and repairing meters.
[1967 Code § 7-4.7]
The Borough reserves the right to remove and test any meter and to substitute another meter of the same size in its place, either permanently or temporarily, at its discretion. At the written request of a customer, the Borough will make a test of the accuracy of the meter supplying his/her premises, and if so desired, in his/her presence or that of his/her authorized representative. Each request for test must be accompanied by a deposit in the amount set forth in Schedule G of subsection 21-4.1. If the meter so tested is accurate within 3%, the deposit shall be retained by the Borough as compensation for such test. If an error in registration in excess of 3% is found, the deposit shall be refunded and the account adjusted accordingly.
[1967 Code § 7-4.8; Ord. No. 7-2012; amended 1-22-2024 by Ord. No. 2-2024]
Service may be discontinued by the Borough after due notice for any of the following causes:
For the use of water for any property or purpose other than that described in the application.
For willful waste of water through improper or imperfect pipes, fixtures or otherwise.
For failure to protect the water meter and connections from injury or damage, or failure to properly maintain the service line and fixtures owned by the applicant.
In case of vacancy of the premises.
For nonpayment of any charges of fees for water service, except that water service shall not be discontinued for this reason during the period beginning on November 15 and ending on March 15 in any given year.
For refusal of reasonable access to property for the purpose of reading, inspecting, maintaining or removing the meter.
For installing, or failing to remove a meter which is not the identical type and manufacturer as the Borough-installed meter, and/or is installed in the service line before the Borough-installed meter.
Water service will be turned off from any premises upon written request of owner on account of temporary vacancy, without in any way affecting the existing application.
[1967 Code § 7-4.9]
When water service to any premises has been discontinued because of a violation of subsection 21-4.8, or at the request of owner, a turn-on charge as specified in Schedule E of subsection 21-4.1 shall be payable before water is again turned on.
[1967 Code § 7-4.10]
The Borough shall have the right to restrict the use of water in case of scarcity or whenever public welfare may require it, or temporarily cut off the water supply without notice in case of breakdown, emergency or other unavoidable cause, or for the purpose of making necessary repairs, connections, alterations, or other changes. Reasonable notice will be given where practicable. The Borough shall not be liable for loss or damage by reason of deficiency or failure in the supply of water due to shutting off water to make repairs or connection, or failure for any causes beyond its control.
[1967 Code § 7-4.11]
Such private fire protection service as may be afforded to a meter consumer through his general service line will not be the subject of private fire protection service charges. However, where a private fire service is desired for the sole purpose of extinguishing fires by a sprinkling system, fire hydrants or any other means within the property of the applicant, written application and complete plans for such installation shall be submitted to the Clerk of the Division of Water and Sewer. Upon approval by the Borough, a separate unmetered water service line solely for such purpose shall be installed by the Borough from main to curb, subject to connection charges as set forth in Schedule D and flat rate service charges as set forth in Schedule F of subsection 21-4.1.
Pipes installed for fire protection must not be cross-connected with any other supply or used for any purpose other than the actual extinguishing of fires or, upon application to the Borough, for testing sprinkler systems, fire hydrants and apparatus. If used for any other purpose, an estimated consumption charge in accordance with metered rates shall be imposed.
[1967 Code § 7-4.12]
No person other than an authorized employee of the Borough or a member of the Fire Department, in case of fire or fire drill, shall open or use water from any public hydrant. Anyone damaging a hydrant shall be liable for the cost of repairing or replacing the hydrant and all costs and expenses incurred by reason of such damage, which charge shall be in addition to any penalty imposed for a violation of this subsection.
[1967 Code § 7-4.14]
Bills will be rendered quarterly and shall include the minimum rate in advance and all charges for water used in excess of the minimum allowance for the previous three month period. Bills are due and payable when presented and if payment is not made within 30 days, interest will be added thereon at the rate of 6% per annum until paid.
Bills for metered service shall be determined by meter registration in every case unless the meter fails to register properly or the meter reader has been unable to obtain access to the premises, in which cases a bill will be rendered based on the previous average consumption.
All charges for water service shall be, until paid, a lien upon the premises served the same as all other taxes and municipal charges upon real estate, and the Borough shall have the same remedy for the collection of the charges with interest and costs as the Borough has for the collection of taxes and other municipal liens upon real estate. Failure to receive notice by mail will not exempt consumer from payment of bill or interest charges.
[1967 Code § 7-4.15]
Owners of property beyond the corporate limits of the Borough of Pitman, but abutting a street in which a Borough water main is laid, may secure water service from the Borough under the same rates, rules and regulations as set forth herein, provided the following additional requirements are met:
Application for water service connection shall be accompanied by:
A benefit payment to the Borough of $5 for each front foot of land to be served abutting the water main. Large tracts of land may be subdivided when practicable into smaller units for the purpose of such service agreements: however, such units shall be no smaller than the minimum frontage allowed under the Borough's zoning regulations for lots on the side of the street within the Borough limits.
A deposit in an amount equal to the estimated gross bill for any single billing period, plus one month, with a minimum of $25 as a guarantee for the payment of all water charges when due. Upon termination of such service, the Borough will refund the deposit, without interest, after payment is received in full for all service rendered.
[1967 Code § 7-4.16; Ord. No. 10-9]
In the event it shall be necessary for the Borough to excavate, trench, dig or perform work or services in connection with any new water installation in order to complete such installation, applicant shall be charged for such additional work incurred by the Borough.
[1967 Code § 7-4.17; New]
No person other than a duly authorized employee or agent of the Department of Water and Sewer shall interfere with, alter, remove, replace or otherwise molest or tamper with any service pipe, meter, meter seal, curb stop or any other appliance of the borough. The penalty for violation of this section, upon conviction, shall be a fine of no less than $200 nor more than the penalty stated in Chapter 1, Section 1-5. In addition to such penalty as be imposed by court, the Borough shall have the right to discontinue water service to any dwelling or other structure where the violation has occurred.
[1967 Code § 7-4.18; New]
In the event that water use restrictions are imposed pursuant to subsection 21-4.10, persons who fail to comply with the water use restrictions as promulgated will be given a written warning. After a first offense and warning in accordance with this subsection, any person who shall thereafter violate the provisions of the water restriction requirements shall be subject, upon conviction, to the penalty stated in Chapter 1, Section 1-5.
[Added 1-22-2024 by Ord. No. 2-2024]
The Borough is not responsible for maintenance or repairs of any water service line greater than one inch.
[Added 7-24-2023 by Ord. No. 5-2023]
[Added 7-24-2023 by Ord. No. 5-2023; amended 3-25-2024 by Ord. No. 4-2024]
The Borough of Pitman CFO shall establish a dedicated capital account within the Water Utility to receive and disperse the surcharge funds.
The surcharge funds shall:
Be used only for water utility upgrades and emergency repairs as approved by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Pitman.
Not be used to supplement utility operational expenses such as salaries, wages benefits, insurance, routine maintenance, etc.
Not be used to supplement, or combine with, the utility's surplus.
Not be borrowed against or transferred into other accounts.
[Added 7-24-2023 by Ord. No. 5-2023; amended 3-25-2024 by Ord. No. 4-2024]
Borough of Pitman water surcharge for infrastructure, to raise capital for replacing water mains through:
Schedule A - Properties with meters 5/8 inch to one inch.
Properties with meters 5/8 inch to 1 inch
1st Quarter
(amount in $)
2nd Quarter
(amount in $)
3rd Quarter
(amount in $)
4th Quarter
(amount in $)
Annual Surcharge
(amount in $)
Year one surcharges
Year two surcharges
Year three surcharges
Year four surcharges
Year five surcharges
Schedule B - Properties with meters 1 1/4 inch to two inches.
Properties with meters 1 1/4 inch to 2 inches
1st Quarter
(amount in $)
2nd Quarter
(amount in $)
3rd Quarter
(amount in $)
4th Quarter
(amount in $)
Annual Surcharge
(amount in $)
Year one surcharges
Year two surcharges
Year three surcharges
Year four surcharges
Year five surcharges
Schedule C - Properties with meters three inches to four inches.
Properties with meters 3 inches to 4 inches
1st Quarter
(amount in $)
2nd Quarter
(amount in $)
3rd Quarter
(amount in $)
4th Quarter
(amount in $)
Annual Surcharge
(amount in $)
Year one surcharges
Year two surcharges
Year three surcharges
Year four surcharges
Year five surcharges
[Added 7-24-2023 by Ord. No. 5-2023; amended 3-25-2024 by Ord. No. 4-2024]
The funds raised through the surcharge are dedicated to the replacement and repair of Borough Water Main infrastructure.
[Added 7-24-2023 by Ord. No. 5-2023; amended 3-25-2024 by Ord. No. 4-2024]
Absent a resolution adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Pitman to extend this section the Water Utility Revitalization Funding Plan will expire on March 31, 2029.
[1967 Code § 7-7.1]
As used in this section:
Shall mean rain or floodwaters collected upon any roof or upon the surface of any lands.
Shall mean any of the waste products, whether solid or liquid, from the bodies of human beings and garbage disposal waste.
Shall mean an artificial conduit or channel through which sewage passes.
Shall mean the process or system of methodically collecting and removing sewage by means of sewers.
[1967 Code § 7-7.2]
The provisions of this section are intended to augment and be in addition to the provisions of other ordinances which may regulate the use of sewerage systems located within the confines of the Borough only. Where this present section may impose a greater restriction upon persons, premises, businesses or practices than is imposed by other sewer or sewerage ordinances, then this section shall control.
[1967 Code § 7-7.3]
Any sump pump or cellar-basement drainage pumpage system used for the purpose of removing water and water seepage from the basement, crawl space or other lower areas of any residence, business or other buildings in the Borough, shall be licensed with the water and sewer department of the Borough as hereinafter set forth.
The quarterly fee relating to the use of any sump pump or system as may be herein described, shall be $10 per quarter for each such device and shall be billed with the quarterly sewerage bill as issued by the Borough.
It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to knowingly cause such sump pumpage or water drainage system to be operated into the sewerage system of the Borough, without first having obtained a license therefor from the Water and Sewer Department of the Borough.
It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to allow any discharge or any sump pumpage or water basement drainage into any street, roadway, alleyway or upon another's property or caused to drain onto any street, roadway, alleyway or upon another's property.
All sump pump-water drainage systems for basements, water collection systems and pumping systems shall be licensed with the Borough by first obtaining an application from the Borough Clerk. Any person operating such systems as are herein defined, shall be deemed to be in violation of this section.
It shall be unlawful for any person to knowingly cause any roof water collection or surface water collection to be discharged into the sewerage system of the Borough. No license shall be obtainable for the discharge of this kind of water collection into the system of the Borough.
[1967 Code § 7-7.4]
In certain instances because of the position of specific street, storm sewer, street inlets which are connected to adequate storm sewers, it may be deemed in the best interest of the Borough to have the discharge of a specific sump pump or cellar-basement drainage pumpage system to be placed in the street gutter as opposed to the sewerage system. An exception may be granted upon proper application to the Director of Public Works upon satisfaction of the following requirements:
Where there is an adequate storm drainage system available in the immediate area where there is no likelihood of such storm drainage system causing flooding or backing up of water to create a hazard or danger in any street, alleyway, gutter or roadway.
Where there is no danger of any freezing or hazard upon any street, road or alleyway as a result of any discharge of sump pumpage into such roadway, alleyway or street.
The exception from the licensed subsection of this section or penalty section shall be granted only through the written consent of the Director of Public Works upon the affirmative recommendation of the Borough engineer and the Director of Public Safety where it appears that the requirements of this subsection had been properly met.
[1967 Code § 7-7.5]
An emergency license to pump or drain a cellar or other area of flood in a manner contrary to provisions of this section may be granted by the Director of Public Safety only upon the following conditions:
When an emergency has been declared in the Borough by the Borough Council.
Upon proper application to the Director of Public Safety.
When such emergency ceases to exist, the special permit shall also terminate.
No fee shall be charged for any special emergency license in the Borough.
[1967 Code § 7-7.6]
Any person violating any of the terms and provisions of this section shall, upon conviction in the Municipal Court of the Borough, be punished for each offense by a fine not to exceed the sum of $200, or by imprisonment for any term not exceeding 90 days in the County jail or in any place provided by the Borough for the detention of prisoners, or both.
Any failure to report such sump pumps will subject the violator, who shall be the owner of the premises as registered on the tax map of the Borough of Pitman, to a fine not in excess of $100 upon conviction thereof.