[Ord. No. 08-23 § 1]
The purpose of this section is to permit certain outdoor eating facilities adjacent to existing restaurants and businesses selling prepared food in order to encourage the viability of restaurants and food-service establishments and to enhance the vitality of the Borough of Pitman.
[Ord. No. 08-23 § 2]
The provisions of this section apply only to outdoor eating facilities on public property and/or within the public right-of-way. Outdoor eating facilities proposed for private property must be approved under the site plan and other applicable zoning regulations set forth in Chapter 34 and Chapter 35, respectively, of the Code of the Borough of Pitman.
Outdoor eating facilities regulated by this section shall only be operated by, and adjacent to, existing, approved, indoor restaurants and/or retail stores which sell food or drink that is ready to consume.
[Ord. No. 08-23 § 3]
All outdoor eating facilities permitted by this section must comply with the following:
A safe, continuous, and level path on the public right-of-way (sidewalk) shall be maintained for pedestrian traffic to pass in front of the property operating the outdoor eating facility. Such path must be not less than four feet in width between the most forward edge of any furniture or other items and any existing proposed features, such as trees, tree wells, planters, benches, trash cans, signs, hydrants, utility poles, curblines, and similar publicly installed fixtures or other item in the right-of-way.
No outside furniture or other item may be located within three feet of the curbline.
All outside furniture or other items shall be removed from the public right-of-way (sidewalk) at the end of business each day and secured.
[Amended 5-9-2022 by Ord. No. 2-2022]
Logos, words, signs or symbols may not be visible on any furniture or other outdoor items.
All trash and litter must be contained, cleaned up and/or removed for appropriate storage so that there is no blowing paper or other trash on or coming from the site.
Disposable items including, but not limited to dishes, cutlery, cups, table covers, and napkins:
Shall not be used as part of any outdoor eating facilities where employees of the business serve patrons.
May be used by patrons using outdoor furniture where food and drinks are obtained inside the business premises and there is a satisfactory plan to insure that these disposable items do not become litter. Businesses meeting this requirement must include appropriately located trash receptacles in their plan along with regular monitoring and cleanup by employees of the business.
Pedestrian traffic shall not be impaired due to the operations of serving food and drinks or during set up or removal of the outdoor furniture and items.
There must be a satisfactory operating plan that covers the following:
Serving of food and drinks;
Cleaning any accumulation of trash, garbage and/or litter;
Ensuring that pedestrian traffic will not be impaired; and
Removing all tables, chairs, storage items, and other items from the right-of-way when the operations cease each day.
[Ord. No. 08-23 § 4]
It shall be unlawful to place furniture and other items on the outside of any property to be used in connection with a proposed or existing outdoor eating facility in the Borough of Pitman without first making application for and obtaining an outdoor eating facility permit. Outdoor eating facilities must also meet any and all requirements imposed by any other applicable statutes, regulations and ordinances.
[Ord. No. 08-23 § 5; Ord. No. 12-2015]
All businesses desiring to operate an outdoor eating facility shall obtain permission therefor annually on a calendar-year basis from the Borough of Pitman by submitting a written application to the Zoning Officer. All applications for outdoor eating facility permits shall be submitted on such forms and in such quantity and with such attachments as may be required by the Borough of Pitman. The application will contain a hold-harmless provision, as approved by the Borough Solicitor, that the applicant must consent to as part of the application.
The fee for an initial outdoor eating facility permit application shall be $25. The fee for a renewal application for substantially the same arrangement shall be $15 each year thereafter. For an application to be considered as a renewal application, it must include substantially the same information as was on the initial application.
Once an application for an outdoor eating facility permit is submitted, the Zoning Officer shall review it within 10 days in order to determine whether it is complete.
A complete application for an outdoor eating facility permit shall consist of the following items:
A scale drawing of:
The entire right-of-way from the building facade to the curbline in front of the building (or other proposed outdoor location) where approval for an outdoor eating facility is desired.
The location of all existing and proposed features such as trees, tree wells, planters, sidewalk materials and conditions, sidewalk width, benches, trash cans, signs, hydrants, utility poles and similar publicly installed fixtures.
The location, size, layout, etc., of proposed tables, chairs, umbrellas, storage items, etc.
Drawings, photographs, or catalog cuts of the proposed tables, chairs, umbrellas, storage items, including colors, fabrics, materials, etc.
Details of the operational plan for serving of food and drinks, for cleaning any accumulation of trash, garbage and/or litter; for ensuring that pedestrian traffic will not be impaired; and for removing all tables, chairs, storage items, and other items which must be removed when the operations cease each day.
A certificate of insurance or written commitment from the applicant's insurer that a certificate of insurance will be issued upon approval of the permit, providing for a minimum of one million ($1,000,000.00) dollars of general liability coverage applicable to the outdoor eating facility and including a written provision including the Borough of Pitman as an "additional named insured" to cover any claims related to the outdoor eating facility, in order to safeguard and protect the public, and the Borough.
Signature of the applicant or the owner of the proposed outdoor eating facility (who is presumed to be the applicant).
Signature of the owner, or designated representative, of the real property for which the application is made.
[Ord. No. 08-23 § 6]
Once the Zoning Officer deems the application complete, such Officer shall review the application to determine if it conforms to the appropriate sections of these regulations. The Zoning Officer shall then issue a written decision indicating whether the proposed outdoor eating facility is in conformance and what aspects, if any, of the proposed facility are not in conformance.
The Zoning Officer shall decide on the appropriateness of the outdoor furniture and items using the following factors:
Compatibility with the architecture, colors and design of the building they are adjacent to.
Compatibility with the surrounding streetscape.
Conformance to general regulations of this chapter.
Any other factors deemed to be relevant.
The Zoning Officer shall have the authority to approve, approve with conditions, or deny such application. The decision shall be made available to the applicant in writing, within 10 days of the date the complete application is transmitted to the Zoning Officer.
The Zoning Officer shall not have the authority to approve any sign application that does not conform to the provisions of the Borough's Zoning regulations, Chapter 34. In the event that an outdoor eating facility permit for which application has been made does not comply with the provisions of this section, that application can only be granted the way of an application to the Combined Zoning/Planning Board for a variance, as provided by law.
All outdoor eating facilities permitted by this section in the public right-of-way must ultimately be authorized annually by resolution of the Council of the Borough of Pitman.
The Zoning Officer shall transmit a request for approval to the Borough Council for review and approval at their next meeting when all aspects of the application are determined to be in conformance with this section, or with any variances approved by the Combined Zoning/Planning Board.
The Borough Council has the discretion to approve or deny the application, as submitted, but may not change the terms or conditions.
The Borough Council may deny the application or revoke an existing permit previously approved, if there is a verified record that the applicant has violated prior approvals for an outdoor eating facility, operated an outdoor eating facility without prior approval, or has any violation of any provision of Chapter 34, Site Plan Review, and Chapter 35, Zoning, of the Code of the Borough of Pitman for which they have been properly notified.
[Ord. No. 08-23 § 7]
All outdoor eating facilities shall be maintained and operated by the permit holder according to the approved permit. This maintenance shall include keeping the furniture and other items clean and in good repair, as necessary.
If the Zoning Officer determines that any outdoor eating facility is in a state of disrepair, unclean or not in compliance with the operating plan, layout and approval items per the permit, the Zoning Officer shall give written notice to the permit holder of the unsatisfactory condition of the facility and/or the violation of the terms of the permit.
The permit holder shall thereafter have five days to correct the unsatisfactory condition or permit violation. If the unsatisfactory condition or violation is not so corrected within the five-day period, the Zoning Officer may thereafter suspend the permit, and the outdoor eating facility must cease operation. No furniture or other items may be placed in the right-of-way until the Zoning Officer agrees that the violation is corrected.
The Zoning Officer shall also report the violation to the Borough Council who may, at its discretion, revoke the permit, continue the suspension or lift the suspension, pursuant to the provisions of this section.
The Zoning Officer may, in addition to suspending the permit or, as an alternative, file a Municipal Court complaint against the permit holder.
The Zoning Officer may file a complaint in Municipal Court against any individual or entity that places furniture or other items in the right-of-way for the purpose of operating an outdoor eating facility as provided for as in this chapter, without obtaining a permit pursuant to this section.
[Ord. No. 08-23 § 8]
In addition to revocation of the permit, any person violating or failing to comply with any of the provisions of this section shall, upon conviction thereof, be punishable by a fine in an amount not less than $25 nor more than $75; upon a second violation, a fine in an amount not less than $75 nor more than $150; and upon a third or subsequent violation, a fine in an amount not less than $150 nor more than $300; and/or a period of community service not to exceed 10 days. Whenever such person shall have been officially notified or by service of a summons in a prosecution, or in any other official manner, that said person is committing a violation, each day's continuance of such violation after such notification shall constitute a separate offense, punishable by a like fine or penalty.
[Ord. No. 6-2013]
The Pitman Police Department shall be the enforcing agency for this section.
The Borough's Zoning Officer and Code Enforcement Official shall be the enforcement and permitting agency for any and all permits in conjunction with this section.
[Ord. No. 6-2013]
The purpose of this section shall be to allow the consumption of alcoholic beverages, specifically beer and wine, while dining at outdoor tables and chairs at restaurants and eateries located within the Borough of Pitman.
[Ord. No. 6-2013]
The provisions of this section apply only to outdoor eating facilities on public property and/or within the public right-of-way. Outdoor eating facilities proposed for private property must be approved under the site plan and other applicable zoning regulations set forth in Chapter 34 and Chapter 35, respectively, of the Code of the Borough of Pitman.
Outdoor eating facilities regulated by this section shall only be operated by, and adjacent to, existing, approved restaurants.
[Ord. No. 6-2013]
The application for authorization of outdoor consumption of BYO beer and wine shall be an addendum to the existing application on file with the Zoning Officer entitled "Outdoor Eating Facilities Application". All existing application requirements and guidelines for outdoor seating shall remain in place. The review and approval process shall be the same as for the Outdoor Eating Facility Application.
[Ord. No. 6-2013]
Compliance. Established eating facilities with outdoor tables and chairs must be in compliance with Ordinance No. O-08-23, Outdoor Eating Facilities, which may be found in Section 23-1.
Definitions. Alcoholic beverages, as referred to in this section, are identified as bottled beer and wine. No "boxed" wines and/or "coolers" are allowed at the outdoor tables. The restaurant is responsible for providing any requirements for ice and cooling buckets. Such devices shall not impede onto the sidewalk as to disrupt the public right-of-way, or size requirements as defined by this section.
Editor's Note: Former Subsection C, Number of Allowable Tables, was repealed 5-9-2022 by Ord. No. 2-2022.
Patron(s). Only patrons that are seated and ordering/consuming an entire dinner entrée from the permitted restaurant are authorized by this section to have BYO beer and wine at the outdoor tables and chairs. Each patron at the table, enjoying outdoor BYO beer and wine, must be a paying patron of the authorized restaurant.
[Amended 5-9-2022 by Ord. No. 2-2022]
Hours. No outdoor consumption of BYO beer and wine is permitted at the outdoor tables and chairs after the hour of 10:00 p.m.
Size. No sidewalk tables and/or chairs shall be permitted to project onto the sidewalk or public right-of-way more than half the width of the sidewalk, or eight feet, whichever is less. In no case shall it extend so far as to leave less than four feet from any improvement (i.e., lamp post, traffic signage, junction box, etc.). No outside tables and/or chairs where BYO alcoholic beverages are consumed shall exceed the width of the building frontage where the restaurant is located.
Accessory Items. Signs, hostess desks, service stations, and other things associated with the sidewalk tables and chairs shall not be permitted on the sidewalk outside of the designated eating area.
Windblown Objects. It is the restaurant owner's responsibility to securely anchor all equipment and materials, including but not limited to: tables, chairs, linens, tableware, and paper products associated with outside dining. At no time shall any item be permanently attached nor anchored to the sidewalk or public property within, or adjoining, the public right-of-way. Loose materials that are blown into the street or sidewalk are the responsibility of the restaurant/property owner and must be properly retrieved and removed.
Spills. It is the sole responsibility of the restaurant owner to immediately clean any spill on the sidewalk. Any subsequent staining of the sidewalk resulting from a spill is the responsibility of the restaurant owner. Any repair to the sidewalk and or brick paver required as a result of staining is the responsibility of the restaurant owner. The repair and/or removal of stain(s) shall be completed in a timely manner, as deemed by the Zoning Officer, to ensure uniformity to the existing pavers.
Unattended Items. No container, bottle, carafe, or glass which contains, or at one time contained, alcoholic beverages permitted by this section shall be left unattended at an outside table authorized by this section.
[Ord. No. 6-2013; amended 5-9-2022 by Ord. No. 2-2022]
Except at outdoor eating facilities which have complied with all of the requirements of Chapter 23-2, no consumption of BYO beer and wine is permitted during the following scheduled events sponsored or approved by the Borough of Pitman: the craft fairs, the bicycle and foot races, the music festivals, and the parades. The Governing Body of the Borough of Pitman reserves the right to add any event authorized by Mayor and Council to the list described above.
[Ord. No. 6-2013]
Any person obtaining a license for outside consumption of Bring Your Own (BYO) alcohol, as allowed by this section, shall submit for the protection of the Borough of Pitman and its representative, as well as the general public, a comprehensive policy of liability insurance protecting the property owner and the Borough of Pitman against any liability whatsoever occasioned by accident on or about the licensed property, or any appurtenances thereto. This policy shall be written by a good and solvent insurance company, or companies, authorized to do business in the State of New Jersey, and the limits of liability shall not be less than the amount of one million ($1,000,000.00) dollars in respect of any one person and in the amount of one million ($1,000,000.00) dollars in the respect of any one accident or occurrence.
Prior to the time such insurance is first required to be carried by the restaurant permit holder, and thereafter, at least 15 days prior to the expiration of any such policy, the licensee agrees to deliver to the Borough Administrator a certified, true copy of the aforesaid comprehensive liability policy naming the Borough of Pitman as Additional Insured. Said policy should also include an endorsement that such insurance policy may not be modified or canceled except upon 30 days written notice to the Borough of Pitman; the licensee shall also deliver to the Borough Administrator evidence of payment for the policy. The licensee shall promptly provide, at the request of the Borough of Pitman, from time to time, certification, or other proof acceptable to the Borough, that the insurance policy is in good standing and in full force and effect.
Failure of the permit holder to obtain and maintain insurance pursuant to the requirements of this subsection shall result in the immediate termination of the permit held by the restaurant.
Be it further understood that the applicant for BYO beer and wine agrees that the Borough of Pitman and its entities shall not be held liable financially or otherwise for any and all events that occur outside the approved restaurant. This includes, but is not limited to, any injury, property damage, and violation of any Federal, State, or local laws/ordinance(s).
[Ord. No. 6-2013]
Each property/restaurant owner is responsible for keeping clean the area described in the permit application, in accordance with local health ordinances. The areas must be cleaned at the end of each business day, and also at the beginning of each business day. Cleaning shall include a thorough washing to remove all food, spills, and debris.
[Ord. No. 6-2013]
An applicant who is denied permission for outside consumption of BYO alcohol by the Zoning Officer may appeal the decision of the Zoning Officer to the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Pitman. Said appeal must be received, in writing, by the Borough Administrator within seven days of the denial of the application by the Zoning Officer. The Mayor and Council may then consider the appeal, taking into consideration the findings of the Zoning Officer, the issues taken into consideration by the Zoning Officer, and any other relevant information. The Mayor and Council may affirm or overrule the Zoning Officer's decision, in their unlimited discretion, as they deem appropriate.