[Adopted as Title 1, Ch. 15, §§ 1-15-1 through 1-15-4, of the 1978 Code]
The President, or any other person designated by the President and Board of Trustees, may sign on behalf of the Village any contract authorized by the President and Board of Trustees. No contract may be entered into without the authority of the President and Board of Trustees.
All bills payable by the Village, other than for the payment of salaries established by the President and Board of Trustees, shall be submitted to the President and Board of Trustees for approval before payment.
The Treasurer shall pay out money in payment of all bills, or for salaries, or for any other purpose other than retirement of principal or interest on bonds or tax anticipation warrants only upon warrant signed by the President and Administrative Clerk as provided by statute. Such warrants shall designate the items to be paid and the funds from which they are to be paid.
[Amended 6-7-2021 by Ord. No. 764]
As soon as practicable at the close of each fiscal year, and no later than 180 days thereafter, there shall be an audit of all accounts of the Village made by a competent person authorized to act as an auditor under the laws of Illinois, to be designated by the Board of Trustees. Copies of such audit report shall be filed with the Village Administrative Clerk and with the State Comptroller and in such other places as may be required by law.