[Adopted as Title 7, Ch. 4, of the 1978 Code]
No person shall move any building on, through or over any street, alley, sidewalk or other public place in the Village without having obtained a permit therefor from the Board of Trustees. Applications for such permits shall be made in writing to the Administrative Clerk and shall state thereon the proposed route and the number of days it is intended that the building shall occupy any portion of any street, alley, sidewalk or other public place.
[Amended 6-7-2021 by Ord. No. 764]
Upon approval of the intended route by the Board, a fee as set from time to time by the Village Board for each day or fraction thereof that it is intended that the building shall occupy any such portion of any public place shall be paid to the Administrative Clerk and the permit issued. An additional payment as set from time to time by the Village Board for time over and above the time stated on the permit during or on which any building shall occupy such public place shall be paid.
[Amended 6-7-2021 by Ord. No. 764]
Each person securing a permit under the provisions of this article shall file with the Village Administrative Clerk a bond in a sum set from time to time by the Village Board, with sureties to be approved by the President and Board of Trustees conditioned to indemnify the Village for any loss, damage or expense occasioned by it; by any act or failure to act of the licensee, or by any failure to the permittee to comply with the regulations of the Village relating to the business of house moving or moving houses.
[Added 6-7-2021 by Ord. No. 764]
In addition to compliance with the foregoing, no permit shall be issued for moving a building unless the mover deposits $1,000 in cash with the Administrative Clerk, to cover the cost of repairing any damage to Village property in connection with any such moving, and shows evidence of being covered by a public liability insurance policy in an amount of not less than $500,000.
Whenever a street or alley is blocked by a house or structure which is being moved, warnings to that effect shall be placed by the Police Department so as to warn vehicles and persons from entering that portion of the street so blocked. The person moving any building through the streets shall keep warning signs and lanterns or lights at night on the building so as to guard against any person or vehicle from colliding with it.
Whenever it shall be necessary to interfere with wires or cables of a public utility in moving a building, the terms of any special or franchise ordinance governing shall apply and the bond therein specified shall be given. If no such terms apply, then the President shall estimate the expense of fixing the wires and the bond to cover the expense.
No building shall be moved to any location in the Village unless its erection at such location would be in compliance with the Village zoning provisions and other provisions applicable thereto. A permit for the location of a building moved from any place to another site shall be secured as in the case of the erection of a new building on such site. The fee for such permit shall be based on the cost of locating the building on such site.