This Urban Residential Zone is established to provide medium-
to low-density developments in areas where community water and sewer
utilities or their equivalent are readily available. (Authorized density:
two units to three units per acre depending on site conditions.)
This VR-2 Zone shall specifically permit single-family dwellings
served with both community water and community sewer or an acceptable
on-site substitute as determined by EPA standards (not septics). In
addition to single-family dwellings, this VR-2 Zone will allow the
same uses as the VR-1 Zone.
The following uses may be permitted in the VR-2 Zone as special
uses after a public hearing and a finding by the Board that such uses
are necessary and desirable in a particular location: same as VR-1
The following are conditions where special restrictions shall
apply to the uses allowed in this VR-2 Zone: same as VR-1 Zone.