[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Meeting of the Town of Ashford 3-15-2010. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The Agriculture Commission shall be an advisory board with the following charges and duties:
To foster sustainable agriculture in Ashford.
To serve as a conduit between local farmers and nonprofit agencies, civic organizations, municipal boards and commissions, elected officials, and non-farm residents.
To advocate for agriculture before land use commissions.
To act as a resource for agricultural information.
Education and outreach.
To increase awareness of agricultural enterprises in the community.
To provide information to Town government about agricultural laws and legal issues.
To promote the value of agriculture viability in the areas of employment, property taxes, environment and open space preservation.
To provide information and guidance on agriculture-related issues, such as zoning, inland wetland, public works and others, to Town departments and other boards and commissions as necessary.
To support young farmers by supporting local, regional, and state vocational agricultural education programs.
To recognize and support new farming operations and farms.
To serve in an advisory capacity to residents, established Town committees/commissions and departments related to agricultural issues.
Economic opportunities.
To identify opportunities for expanding agriculture in Ashford.
To promote opportunities for residents and local businesses to support farming.
To provide information regarding available financial support related to agricultural viability.
To foster a climate that supports agricultural viability in Ashford.
The Agriculture Commission will consist of five members and three alternates appointed by the Board of Selectmen in accordance with Connecticut General Statutes. Insofar as practical, members appointed shall be representative of all groups interested in the management, protection and regulation of agriculture as defined by Connecticut General Statutes § 1-1(q), particularly those directly involved in agriculture, including a member of Future Farmers of America (FFA). The failure of a voting member to attend four consecutive meetings of the Commission may constitute cause for the Board of Selectmen to remove the member and fill the position thus vacated. A Chairperson, Vice Chairperson and a Secretary will be elected and will serve for a term of one year.
[Amended 6-7-2021]
Members of the Agriculture Commission shall serve staggered three-year terms, with initial appointments to be three members for three years and two members for two years; one alternate shall be appointed for three years and two alternates for two years. Members of the Commission shall serve without pay.